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Fact-finding programs for history studying in  Zhenjiang

For acquaintance of students and pupils with history and culture the Zhenjiang Historical museum has prepared a number of the fact-finding programs assuming visits to the museums, historical sites, meetings with outstanding residents. The studying youth takes active part in events, getting acquainted with historical and cultural heritage of Zhenjiang.

Laboratory on industrial testing of robots

In the city of Changzhou the first industrial robot test laboratory has received certificates of state standards. Testing is made on 14 key technical indicators. Considering that one of the main directions of the city industry Changzhou is the knowledge-intensive production, work of laboratory will contribute to the further development of this branch and production of more high-quality equipment. 


Market of agricultural products in Des Moines

During the period from August 6 to August 12 the Market of agricultural products organized by the Farmers Market Coalition will take place in Des Moines. Food products of more than 300 producers will be presented at the fair: vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy and bakery products. It is supposed that on the weekend the market will be attended by more than 25 thousand people who will be able not only to buy food, but also to participate in various entertaining actions.

 The  third festival "Yerevan TARAZFEST"

On August 5, 2017 the third year within the program of three-months actions "The Yerevan summer of 2017" a festival of the Armenian national clothes "Yerevan TARAZFEST" will take place in Yerevan. Every year the action attracts a lot of tourists to the capital. This year in the festival participation of national and cultural communities and also accredited in Armenia diplomatic missions is supposed. The festival consists of presentation of collections of designers and sales exhibition of clothes.

Opening of the plant on production of automobile spare parts

On August 1 in the city of Pazardzhik the new plant of the “Kostal” holding on production of automobile spare parts was opened, which provided 1300 new jobs. It was already the third “Kostal” plant in Bulgaria, investments into which construction had made 32 million Euros. Representatives of the company expressed gratitude to  Pazardzhik city municipality.

Victory in the Swimming World Cup

The hope of the French sport, the native of Bezier Osean Kassinyol became the world champion in swimming as a member of the national team of France. The World Cup was held in Hungary on the Balaton Lake. The women's team of France won mixed freestyle relay on 5 km. This results were was extremely significant for sports life of Bezier.


Sudomodelny sport World Cup

The sudomodelny sport World Cup for high-speed models takes place in the city of Pazardzhik C 22 till July 30. Athletes from Bulgaria, Russia, France, England, Germany, Ukraine, Armenia and др participate in the championship. On the artificial water area of the city park the best sudomodelist of Europe fight for awards in classes high-speed the kordovykh of the models gathering speed to 280 kilometers per hour. Now representatives of the Russian Federation dostiglt of great success. Farid Ishmetov has set up a world record, his model with the electric motor has reached phenomenal speed - 273.556 km/h and. Among juniors up to 18 years the sportswoman Alice Dolgikh has won first place.

Resumption of work of Nine locks Fonseran in Bezier

In the twin-city of Bezie Nine locks Fonseran open after reconstruction. They the vkhodyakh in the system of the Southern canal which is built in the 17th century on the project of the native Bezier of Pierre Paul Rick and is included in the list of objects of world historical heritage of UNESCO. Nine locks Fonseran have also been announced in 1996 by historical property and are one of symbolical places for residents of Bezier. They reflect greatness of a technical thought of an era of the king Louis XIV. As a result of reconstruction more than 400 parking spaces for citizens and city visitors are created, points of public catering, booths for sale of promotional products are constructed, a pedestrian planked footway is equipped and allows to estimate beautiful views of water flows during the work of locks and also the movement of pleasure crafts is organized.

Actions for businessmen in the twin-city of Des Moines

The network action devoted to development of business will take place at the beginning of September of this year in the twin-city of Des Moines. Heads of the local and national companies, investors and also representatives of the public are invited to participate in a meeting. The presentation about subjects of the real sector of economy, representation of successful examples of attraction of the capital and also an opportunity for establishment of business contacts are planned during the action for the beginning businessmen.

Implementation of the project on repair of houses

The implementation of the municipal project for the renovation of residential houses is nearing completion in the twin city of Zhenjiang. More than 1,500 low-income families participate in the project and need to restore their homes. Soon repair work 15 more buildings will be made. During the work, the facades and the roof of the buildings will be reconstructed. Total area of works covers 160,000 m2.

The celebration of Vardavar holiday in Yerevan 

The citywide event devoted to one of the most favorite holidays in honor of the Transfiguration (Vardavar) took place on 23 of July, a Holiday known for its tradition of mutual dousing with water. The parade of trucks, concerts, water games, and various treats were organized for residents and guests at various venues in the capital of Armenia. Events were held in all administrative districts the tourists acquainted with the history of the holiday.

Receiving the delegation of Maine (USA) in Changzhou 

Receiving the delegation of the Center for Chinese language and culture of Maine (USA) was organized in the city of Changzhou in development cooperation. During the meeting with representatives of the Department of foreign Affairs sister city members of the delegation got acquainted with the socio-economic situation of the city, the experience of the implementation of international exchanges. The us side submitted a letter of intent about establishing friendly relations between the city Bangaram and Changzhou, as well as handed over the symbolic key to the city. In the framework of the visit of representatives of Maine visited the main objects of the social sphere of the city.


The record of the natives of the sister city Pazardzhik

It became known that a young hairdresser - a native of the sister city of Pazardzhik Vanya Ivanova set a new Guinness record. On December 4, 2016 in the hall. Vasila Levski of Pazardzhik a young girl made 330 hairstyles in 8 hours, thus outstripping the past record holder with a result of 315 hairstyles in 12 hours.

Award in the field of food industry-city of Béziers

The Alaryk brewery opened in May, 2016 by the native Bezier received one of the most honorary awards in the world in the field of brewing – "Fourquet d’or". The creator and the head of brewery Sebastian Alyari demonstrates that beer of his production is already on sale in France. Export of production to China and the United States of America will be organized in the near future. Commodity turnover of brewery is planned to be tripled by November. It is supposed that drink will be produced completely from local raw materials by 2018.

The new project "Search Engine of Containers" in Des Moines

The new project under the name "Search Engine of Containers" started in the sister-city of Des Moines for development of business and implementation of effective commodity turnover. It allows to the companies of the State of Iowa to simplify process of transportation of goods. A main objective of the program is tracking of the empty containers left in the capital of the state after delivery for the subsequent use by customers with application of more economic tariffs of transportation. As a result of the company senders cut transportation costs, primary consignors increase the income and receive containers back, and the final user receives the low cost of delivery of goods.

The rating of the best enterprises of 2016 year

The committee on economy and information technologies of the Province of Jiangsu presented the rating of the best enterprises of 2016 year with a turn more than 10 billion yuans. Seven companies of the city of Zhenjiang were included into the list. Also four private firms of the sister-city were included in the List of 100 best private enterprises of the province on indicators of efficiency of activity.

International Film Festival "Gold Apricot"

The XIV International Film Festival "Gold Apricot" takes place in the sister-city during the period from July 09 to July, 2017. The representatives of 96 countries who have submitted more than 1000 requests participate in competitive and out-of-competition programs of a film festival. 47 movies will lay claim to the best in the following nominations: international game, international documentary and "The Armenian panorama". Film screenings under the open sky and also concert programs with participation of various jazz bands are organized within the highly topical program of actions for inhabitants and city visitors on city platforms.

Implementation of projects of the Bosch company on the territory of China

According to Federal statistical office of Germany in 2016 trade volumes with China reached 170 billion Euros, thereby having ahead of the main partners – the USA and France. The great demand of the Chinese representatives on products in the field of shipbuilding, the industrial roboequipment and other hi-tech goods promoted growth of trade interaction. For the purpose of further development of cooperation the German company "Bosch" plans implementation of several projects in China: the enterprise in Chongqing on creation of control systems of gasoline engines, the plant of automobile electronics to Changzhou and the plant of electric tools in Chengdu. In the last year the Bosch company invested 4,9 billion yuans in China.


Seminar in the sister-city of Pazardzhik 

The seminar has taken place "Recreation centers and their role in preservation of cultural heritage of the Bulgarian nation" in the Regional historical museum of the city of Pazardzhik on June 30, 2017. The Bulgarian information center "Recreation centres", department of cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Regional historical museum of the sister-city were organizers of the event. Mayors of communities and settlements, secretaries of Recreation centers of the area Pazardzhik, specialists of the museums, representatives of public organizations participated in the meeting. During the seminar they considered issues of preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Bulgaria, have noted their special importance and relevance.

Victory of the team of the sister-city of Bezier in the Championship of France

The team of the sister-city of Bezier "ASB Gym" has won in the rhythmic gymnastics Championship of France. Persistent daily trenirovok of team became result of a great achievement for sports community of the city. Girls from 12 to 22 years join the team. The speech of gymnasts lasting 150 seconds has at once subdued judges. Earlier Bezier's team also won regional and zone competitions.

Annual city award 

Association of business "Greater Des Moines Partnership" collects applications for participation in the annual "Business and economy Impact  ". The event is aimed at promoting business with the aim for public recognition of their role in the urban community. The results on the best practices of companies in various fields, such as: participation in social activities, creating a favourable working environment, including the creation of new jobs, as well as the use of various innovations in the conduct of business, will be announced in November.

Competition of business projects among student's youth

The results of the competition "Businessman of Year" on the best project among student's youth for opening of business will be summed up in the middle of July in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. Winners of a competition will receive a grant on development of own business. Now 248 projects are presented to the fields of introduction of new information technologies, artificial intelligence, energy saving, environmental protection, biomedicine, agriculture, tourism and culture.

Reception of the Polish delegation in the twin-city of Yerevan 

The mayor of the sister-city of Yerevan Taron Margaryan met members of the delegation headed by the mayor Bialystok (Poland) Tadeusz Truskolaski. During the visit members of delegation got acquainted with the main directions of the strategy of development for the capital of Armenia and programs of cooperation with the international organizations promoting updating and development of infrastructures in various spheres of municipal economy, to considerable improvement of quality of services and exchange of experience. Representatives of business community of the Polish city studied programs and the offer in the field of investments, and also the main directions of tourism in the sister-city of Yerevan.

The world conference in Chandzhou

The world conference on innovative application of a decanter took place for effective international exchange, and also development of technological process on July 06-07 in the sister-city of Chandzhou. More than 500 representatives of business, the power and educational institutions of various countries of the world participated in an action. Grafen - revolutionary material of 21 centuries, the strongest, easy and electroconductive option of carbon connection. During the action the exhibition of products and a technological seminar were organized. It should be noted that the first research institute of a decanter was created in September, 2011 in Changzhou. The scientific and Technological industrial park of Chandzhou on production of a decanter reached a gross product of 2 billion yuans in 2016.


II festival of folk art 

The II festival of folk art was held during the period from June 29 to June 30, 2017 in the resort area "St. Konstantin" of the Pazardzhik region. More than eighty on-stage performance groups participated in the following directions: choreography, vocal, tool folklore. Competent jury – experts and the famous performers in the field of the Bulgarian folklore defined winners.

City holiday

The city holiday devoted to the 150 anniversary of the Plateau of poets will take place on July 01, 2017 in Bezier's city. The oldest city park is created on the project of brothers Byuler. The Plateau of poets was open for visit of public in the 19th century which is called "Golden Age" of Bezier. In 2017 infrastructure of the park has been completely updated. Recitation, the dramatized processions, performances of music bands, fireworks will plan in the program of a holiday.

Work of the food market "City of Farmers"

The festive actions dated for the Independence Day of the USA start in the sister-city of Des Moines. The seasonal market under the name "City of Farmers" is located in the downtown and occupies the space in several quarters. The market will begin to work for inhabitants and city visitors on July 01 of this year. Besides a wide choice of the food products presented by more than 300 producers of the State of Iowa for visitors entertaining and charitable actions, work of attractions, and also rendering of services of nutritionists will be organized.

Socially focused actions in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

Last decade of June the government of the sister-city of Zhenjiang organized a number of socially oriented actions. Competitions in a vocal, sports meets, and also a show of talents have been held within a youth carnival. The dancing competition has attracted particular interest - more than 200 people participated in a carnival. Most of participants are pensioners, for them dances not only a hobby, but also an opportunity to communicate with each other.

Results of the international competition "I Draw St. Petersburg"

On June 22 of this year the Yerevan school students who were won the international competition "I Draw St. Petersburg" met the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. In a competition more than one thousand school students from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Moldova participated. 38 school students, 14 of which pupils of the Yerevan municipal centers of culture won a competition. During the meeting young artists noted the importance of holding the action which allowed to learn more about the Northern Capital of the Russian Federation, and also to make friends with peers from other countries. Mementoes have been handed to school students within the visit, and also the extensive cultural program was organized. 

Visit of representatives of youth of Slovenia to the twin-city of Chandzhou

Opening of the international student's cultural camp "Slovenia-Jiangsu 2017" took place on June 22 in the special administrative region People's Republic of China Makao. More than 80 teachers from universities of two countries promote development of effective cross-cultural dialogue. Participants of the camp visited the modern media center and the museum of the twin-city of Chandzhou, examined process of creation of cinema, and also centuries-old history of the Chinese city. It should be noted that now between Chandzhou and Slovenia social and economic and humanitarian and cultural cooperation dynamically develops, especially exchanges of groups of youth.


The national fair-exhibition of museum souvenirs

The 1st National Fair-exhibition of museum souvenirs took place in the architectural and ethnographic complex "Etyr" of the Republic of Bulgaria in the period from 16 to 18 June this year. The organizers of the event are the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, as well as the Association "Bulgarian Museums". At the exhibition, which has had a great success among residents and guests of Bulgaria, the exhibition of the Regional Historical Museum of the sister city Pazardzhik was also shown.

Participation in European Cheerleading Championship

Representatives of cheerleading ensemble «Mystery» of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the 12th European Cheerleading Championships in Crikvenica (the Republic of Croatia), which was held in the period from June 17 to 18, 2017. A successful performance allows the collective to take part in the International Cheerleading Championships in August this year. More than 700 cheerleaders from seven countries of the world also took part in the championship.

Performance of Bezier brass band

The brass band of the sister city "Bezier Lyre" has presentably  performed at the European festival of brass bands which was held in the city the Condom (France). The 3rd place in the general competition was won,  "A gold pipe" award (the 1 place in the competition "Music Value") and "Bandas et Penas" prizes were received  . The oldest music band of  Herault department "Lira Bezier" has been founded in 1867. In due time the great composer Kamil Saint-Saens was one of its leaders. Since the beginning of the 80th years of the last century the brass band of the city of Bezier is for the first time marked out by awards of so eminent competition.

Implementation of the Youth Leadership Program

The third year in the State of Iowa the Youth Leadership Program has been implemented. Partners of the program are Association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership", district Des Moines and municipal college of the city of Des Moines. The program purpose is to  integrate  refugees and immigrants arriving in the USA, and also help to them at employment. Now more than 40 young people interested in development of leadership and professional skills take part in the program.

Visit of the European delegation to Zhenjiang

The delegation of the political and public leaders representing 26 countries of Europe organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China visited Zhenjiang with a fact-finding visit. Within several days members of delegation visited the large companies and organizations, got acquainted with city sights. During conversations agreements on further cooperation in various areas are reached.

The opening of "Soft Construct" company office in the city of Yerevan

The opening of "Soft Construct" company office, working in the field of information technology, in particular, multi-profile programming was held on  June 17, 2017 in the city of Yerevan. The company "Soft Construct", founded in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, currently has offices in 14 countries and more than 500 partners. The President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan participated in the official opening ceremony. During the event the President of the Republic got acquainted with the implemented investment projects, development programs of the company, the created workplaces and offered services.

The best industrial companies on the results of 2016

The commission on economy and information technologies of the Province of Jiangsu published the list of the best industrial companies with a turn more than 10 billion RMB following the results of 2016. There are 14 Changzhou companies among 125 enterprises. By results of this rating the city took the fourth place on the level of industrial development following Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing.


The Forum of sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria

The Forum of sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria was held in the city of Varna (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 8 to 9 June this year. The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Bulgaria, the director of the Association «Union of Bulgarian Communities», representatives of the sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria. Representatives of the sister city of Pazardzhik were also among the participants. The prospects of further development of sister cities relations were discussed during the meeting, exchange of experience of local self-government bodies took place. Agreements on establishment friendly sister relations between the cities of Russia and Bulgaria have been signed. At the end of the Forum a concert of the Russian group "Lube" took place.

The International Folklore Festival

The International Folklore Festival will be held in Pazardzhik in the period from June 23 to 25, 2017. Representatives of Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Nepal, Algeria, Ghana, India, Egypt, Georgia will take part in the event. The festival will begin with a demonstration of creative teams along the central street of the sister city. Concert performances will be held in parks and on various venues. The participants of the festival will be awarded with sculptures making by the sculptor of Pazardzhik prof. Stefan Lutakov.

The paintings’ restoration

The restoration of two paintings dating from the 17th century was organized with the assistance of Beziers City Hall. 28,000 Euros were spent on two-year restoration works of paintings. Experts believe that the authorship of these works belongs to the painter Jacques Stella (1596 - 1657), a close friend of the famous artist Nicolas Poussin. Pictures reproducing the stories of ancient myths are called "Triumph of Bacchus" and "Dream of Silenus". Picturesque paintings will be presented in the museums of Beziers.

Program for development of agricultural enterprises in Des Moines

For effective development of agricultural branch in the sister city of Des Moines special programs for the beginning businessmen will be organized in the regional organization Iowa AgriTech Accelerator  during the period from July 10 to October 20, 2017. During training the participants will have an opportunity to cooperate with mentors, investors and leaders of branch from all the country. Support of $40 000 will be provided to the most perspective companies for initial financing, maintenance at all stages of development, assistance in the organization of interaction with investors, information and propaganda activity, etc.

Bridge of Lianyugang Zhenjiang Railway construction across the Grand Canal

Construction of the first railway bridge in the sister city of Zhenjiang across the Grand Canal has entered the last stage. The end of this large-scale project is planned for October of this year. The bridge will become the important transport artery connecting the South and North Jiangsu Province.

Celebration of the 45 anniversary from the date of foundation of the Museum of Modern Art of Yerevan

The municipal Museum of Modern Art of the sister city of Yerevan noted the 45 anniversary from the date of establishment. Within the event the exhibition and the presentation of the album book published in Russian and English and prepared many years ago by the founder of the museum Heinrich Igityan were organized. It is already the second book in its way giving an opportunity to get acquainted with the modern art of the Armenian artists and sculptors of the 80th years.

Day of culture and natural heritage

On June 10 of this year the Day of culture and natural heritage initiated by the Ministry of Culture was carried out in China. The action devoted to issues of inheritance of non-material cultural legacy is demonstration of achievements on conservation in this area. Over all country more than 1700 events were held, including the opening of the museum "Grand Canal" which is the only object of the World heritage of UNESCO in Changzhou. The museum occupies more than 900 square meters and is divided into five sections devoted to history.


Festival competition a mazhoretok in Pazardzhik 

During the period from June 09 to June 10, 2017 in the sister-city of Pazardzhik the VII festival competition a mazhoretok "Solar Besapara" will be held. More than 500 mazhoretok of all age categories from fourteen cities of the Republic of Bulgaria will participate in a festival. The city of Pazardzhik will be presented by 94 mazhoretka of Mystery ensemble. The participants who have taken prizes and also winners in the nominations "The Most Charming Mazhoretka" and "Original Choreography" will be awarded by diplomas and mementoes. The first prize – a cup "Solar Besapara".

Mobile museum  

Now the mobile museum of universal tauromachy shows the expositions in Bezier city. In the expositions "A legendary travel to sources of culture of the Mediterranean" the 84 panels reflecting communication of the person and a bull since rock paintings (the 23rd millennium B.C.), up to our days are presented. The exposition allows to get acquainted with features of tauromachy - the most ancient and durable culture on the earth. The exhibition purpose is to open history of this culture in the countries of the Mediterranean, to show her modifications: hunting for a bull, pagan rituals and games, bullfights, and also the bullfight which is one of the most popular shows in the south of France and, in particular, in the city the sworn brother Bezier.

Public hearings in the city of Des Moines

The Des Moines city administration together with institute of city lands carried out public hearings concerning possible implementation of town-planning and transport projects. During the meetings representatives of local governments, the public and professionals in the field of construction considered plans of modernization of the downtown and adjacent territories for creation of safer, comfortable and convenient urban environment for full activity of citizens. The submitted analysis was developed together with experts in various areas of city life with the opinion of inhabitants.

Entrance examinations in the colleges of the sister-city

Over 10 thousand senior high schools students of Zhenjiang finished their education in this year, 1thousand less than last year. In the period from 7 to 9 June this year entrance examinations take place in the colleges of Zhenjiang. To provide examinees a quiet environment, the local government asked the construction plants near the exam sites to suspend work for 3 days.

Festival of the Armenian dishes

On June 10 of this year within the Yerevan Summer of 2017 program an annual festival of the Armenian dishes "Yerevan with taste and a smell" will take place. The action purpose is to unite the leading experts representing culinary skills and also to acquaint erevanets and guests of the capital with ethnic Armenian cuisine. The festival will be followed by the concert program, the interactive presentations from history of the ethnic cuisine. For the first time within the action the Yerevan dish of year will be defined from the presented culinary masterpieces. It should be noted that event tourism is one of the strategic directions of the city hall of Yerevan.

Results of the international rating

According to data of the report of the international organization "We Will Save Children" which is engaged in protection of the rights of children worldwide China wins first place among the Asian countries of the  most comfortable for children. When summarizing indicators were taken into account: providing appropriate care for infants, development of systems of education, health and security.  A number of the laws and regulations promoting improvement of quality of life of children is adopted in China for the last decade. According to the National Bureau of statistics the number of child welfare institutions increased from 335 in 2010 to 478 in 2015, the infant mortality rate in China declined over the period from 1.31% to 0.81%.


Opening of a festival of arts in the city of Pazardzhik 

During the period from June 02 to June 08, 2017 in the city of Pazardzhik will take place the VI annual festival of arts "The art idea – the art avenue". The organizer of the event is the Pazardzhik city hall. During the festival concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances will be held, display of movies will be organize.

Holding "Meetings of disabled people"

On May 30 of this year the city administration of Bezier with the assistance of associations of the city has held a city annual event of "A meeting of disabled people". The mayor Bezier, members of City council, champions of France and the world in different types of sport, paralympic athletes, cultural figures health workers and many others participated in actions for the subject "Talents and Disability". The conference, "round tables" concerning assistance of successful self-realization of physically disabled people have taken place.

The training actions for small and medium business 

Association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership" declared start of the program for small and medium business "Five tactics on attraction of talents". The program provides presentations on the issues of promoting entrepreneurship and addressing pressing issues, as well as lectures and workshops in the field of providing legal, informational, marketing, accounting and other services. Interactive actions during which will be considered in practice of business strategy of the large companies in the conditions of small enterprise will be carried out.

Dragon of boats festival

In the sister-city of Zhenjiang the actions devoted to Duanyu's holiday or "the double five" as it falls on the fifth day of the fifth month according to a lunar calendar took place. Duanyu - is one of three major national celebrations and the dragon of boats is usually translated as a holiday. Competitions in rowing by the boats representing dragons is the most widespread ceremonial and entertaining scenario.

International Children's Day

The sports and cultural holiday "Healthy Yerevan" in the children's park of the sister-city was started. Within an action holiday, devoted to the International Children's Day and included in the program of three-months actions "The Yerevan summer of 2017" were carried out. The kids who were born on June 1 received the first gifts. In the central parks of areas, cultural and educational institutions concert programs with participation of heroes of fairy tales and animated films, display of the Armenian short animated films were organized.

Visit of the Austrian delegation to the city of Chandzhou 

On May 18 of this year the vice-mayor Chandzhou has accepted official delegation of the city of Wyndham (the State of Victoria, Australia). This city differs in well developed chemical, metallurgical and food industry, and also the power, most widespread in the country, – solar. The State of Victoria and the Province of Jiangsu are sworn brothers for 38 years. In 2016 in the territory of Chandzhou's sister-city more the 190th Australian the enterprises has been registered with a total amount of foreign investments of of $806 million. Within cooperation and for development of friendly communications of the party we intend to promote interaction in the sphere of economy, science, education, culture and health care.


Celebration of the City Day Pazardzhik and Days of Slavic writing and culture

The celebration of the City Day Pazardzhik and Days of Slavic writing and culture was in the sister-city during the period from May 21 to May 24, 2017. Inhabitants and city visitors participated in a solemn divine service of Saints Konstantin and Elena. Then within a cultural part of the program festive events on the central city square were held, a concert in which participated the school student of Stavropol gymnasium No. 25 took place. Flowers were laid at St. Kirill and Mefodiy's monument – founders of the Slavic alphabet. Celebrations have come to the end with a festive salute.

Carnival in the city of Pazardzhik

On June 01, 2017 in the city of Pazardzhik the children's literary carnival which organizers are the city hall of the sister-city, department of education of the area Pazardzhik and Regional library of N. Furnadzhiyev will take place. The children aged from three up to ten years dressed in suits of favorite literary heroes will take part in the carnival. Owners of the most original suits will be awarded by diplomas and mementoes.

“Les Caritats” festival

On May 25, 2017 in Bezier's the festival "Les Caritats" during which citizens and city visitors got acquainted with traditions and customs of the Middle Ages was held. Within the program of an action the spectacular show with participation of bird trainers of prey was held. Reconstruction of knightly tournaments, competitions in archery were organized. Also actors, musicians, storytellers of national fairy tales of Languedoc addressed participants. Master classes in production of potter's, metal products, calligraphies, to drawing up a herbarium of herbs took place.

Summer training in the city of Des Moines

Association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership" will organize the program of a summer training "Occupy the city" during the period from May 31 to August 02. The program intended for the young working specialists, interns and students of the city of Des Moines. Representatives of business, public figures and many other persons who will present various resources for possible professional development of young employees in a number of areas are involved in holding the planned meetings.

The forum "Ecology Tour" in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

On May 21 the delegation of high-ranking officials – participants of the summit "Development of the Province of Jiangsu" visited the sister-city of Zhenjiang and participated in the forum "Ecology Tour". Within work of an action members of delegation discussed the prospects of development of the city and issues of environmental protection. Readiness to promote progress in the sphere of economy, tourism and culture was expressed.

Cooperation in the sphere of investment programs implementation 

On May 24 of this year the meeting of representatives of Yerevan city hall and “Initiatives of Armenia Development” fund took place. During its issues of activization and development of the investment environment in the capital of Armenia were discussed. Packages of investment offers of Yerevan city hall, and also investment programs developed by fund aimed at the tourism development were considered: construction of the new ropeway in Yerevan, reconstruction of the Akhtanak park, and also restoration of historical and archaeological memorial estate "Erebuni". Participants of a meeting agreed about development of interaction at implementation of investment projects.

Construction of automobile plant 

In the city of Minsk (Republic of Belarus) the Chinese auto maker of "Geely" construction of automobile plant approaches end. This project is of great importance for development of Belarus economy and Europe in general, and also for the Chinese initiative "One belt and one way" uniting the "Economic Belt of the Silk Way" and "Sea Silk Way of the 21st Century" projects. 400 employees of the plant from whom 30% Chinese (an indispensable condition of the contract), including 100 people – professionals in the field from the sister-city of Chandzhou take part in implementation of the project.


The stock "Night of the Museums" in the city of Pazardzhik

In the night of May 21, 2017 the Republic of Bulgaria will participate in the European stock "Night of the Museums". It is one of the main cultural events of year around the world. Evening of a young talents meeting will take place in Pazardzhik’ art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky of during whom pupils of schools will submit the creative program. The necessary stock will be provided for drawing for all comers in gallery halls.

The stock "Night of the Museums" in Bezier's twin-city

The international cultural event "Night of the museums" will take place on May 20 of this year in Bezier's city. Citizens will be able to visit Bezier's museum, and also two museums of Fine Arts located in Fabrega and Fayette's estates. Within the action of a lecture of scientists-historians and an excursion accompanied by skilled guides will be organized. Besides the interactive dramatized representations, concerts of on-stage performance groups and soloists will be carried out. Pieces of music will be performed as on ancient, and modern tools, and also tasting of local wines will be organized.

The results of the national rating

According to research by the prestigious national Internet portal "Growella" city of des Moines took first place in the rating "the Best city in the Midwest for life "millennial" a" and fourth "Best city in the USA for life "millennial"". When assessing cities of more than 70 public resources and indicators were taken into account: the number and quality of jobs, time in commuting, public transportation, quality of organization of free time of citizens and the living wage.

The establishment of twinning 

In the period from 15 to 17 may, an official delegation led by the mayor of Vaasa (Finland), visited the sister city of Zhenjiang. The agreement on establishing friendly relations was signed during the visit, a joint Chinese-Finnish conference on the development of innovative materials using the latest technology was held. It is the first city in Northern Europe with which Zhenjiang hopes to establish friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.

International Museum day in the city of Yerevan

A number of cultural and educational events organized in the twin city Yerevan on 18 may this year in the framework of the International day of museums. At the initiative of the International Council of museums in this year's festival was held under the motto "Museums and controversial history: talking about the complicated". Residents and guests of the Armenian capital free visited the municipal offices, attended exhibitions, graphic works of art, documentaries, and discussed books about historical events. In addition, at the initiative of Yerevan municipality mobile app in three languages was developed for the implementation of the virtual excursions to the city museums.

Chinese-German cooperation 

The industrial innovative platform has opened on May 12, 2017 in the territory of the Chinese-German innovative park started in 2013 in the twin-city of Chandzhou. This platform is base for development cross-border scientific техниченского fund, exchange of experience in area of technological innovations and modernization of the industry. Highly qualified personnel from Germany will be attracted for participation in implementation of joint innovative projects.


Initiative "Night of literature" in the sister-city

On May 10 of this year the city of Pazardzhik participated in a national initiative "Night of literature". This day from 18 to 22 o'clock the famous residents read fragments of various literary works in the city hall, Art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky, and also in various art cafes and reader's clubs of the sister-city. Organizers of an annual action are city administration of Pazardzhik, Council of youth policy and the Czech center of culture. Such cities as Sofia, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv, It is big Tjrnovo and others participated in an initiative besides Pazzhardzhik.

Creation of establishment for elderly people in Bezier's sister-city 

Work with elderly people is one of priority activities of the city hall of Bezier. In this regard "The office of elderly people" was opened in the city. It is supposed that the organization will become the place of reception and interaction of people of the third age. Among main objectives there are creations of Office – prophylaxis of loneliness, ensuring availability of leaving, respect for the civil rights. Besides, establishment has powers to confer various privileges for elderly people, and also has "a uniform window" of the general information and a workarrangement for these persons, their families and trustees.
A victory of the organization of the sister-city of Des Moines in a national award

Victory of association of a business community of "Greater Des Moines Partnership" in a national award

On May 9 of this year association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership" became the winner of the national award "TOP-10 the Organizations in the field of Economic Development" which is carried out by authoritative American magazine. The organization has gained most of all points in the following categories: the number of projects – 36, the total amount of investments – $569 million, number of the provided jobs within the realized projects – more than 1800 places. Since 1999, association has given help to more than 500 projects, including regional that is the proof of effective collaboration of authorities of various level and business of the sister-city.

About implementation of the Gold Roof project in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

The socially oriented energy efficient project "Gold Roof" is implemented in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. The project is subsidized with the government of the country and local authorities. The last years the photovoltaic roofs transforming energy of the sun to electricity are determined in houses of needy families. Participants of the program can sell the energy of the state electronetwork corporation of China received in surplus for the sum about 3000 yuans.

Updating of complete sets in municipal authorities

 Events for updating of material and technical resources are held in institutions of the social sphere of the twin-city of Yerevan. So, for creation of comfortable conditions for visitors of city libraries the city administration of Yerevan has filled up book fund. 16 000 volumes 400 of names of new literature are presented to libraries, and also special literature for music schools has been acquired. Also municipal sports schools were replenished with new modern stock: new bicycles, exercise machines and the special face equipment with limited opportunities, and also other necessary objects have been acquired.

XII International festival of culture and art of "Croisements"

It became known, the XII International festival of culture and art of "Croisements" will be held in 29 cities of France and China, including Chandzhou in May. Annually for 12 years during the festival symbolizing firm friendship of both countries, joint projects in the sphere of culture and art are implemented. More than 4 million people became audience of a festival in 2016.


Meeting with cultural figures and arts of the sister-city of Pazardzhik

Within the project “Famous People of the City of Pazardzhik” realized for 1.5 years in Pazardzhik’ Regional library of N. Furnadzhiyev meetings with representatives of the public, culture and art are held. Next meeting will be held on 9 may a meeting with the Director, actor, owner of a large number of national and international awards – Alexandra by Bratoeva. It should be noted that the artist pays great attention to the development of theatrical art among the youth, being the artistic Director of the youth theatre "Friends" of the youth House of Pazardzhik. 

The festival competition “Let always will be the sun” 
In the city of Velingrad of the area Pazardzhik the regional stage of a national festival competition of the Russian dance, a song and poetry "Let always will be the sun". Organizers of the event are the Velingrad city administration and "Russophiles of Bulgaria". More than 200 educational organizations pupils of the Pazardzhik region participated the festival. The final of a competition and its results will be summed up in September of this year.

Implementation projects on lighting of ancient buildings of the sister-city of Bezier

In order to increase the interest of citizens and tourists to the architectural heritage of the city on the initiative of mayor in Beziers, a project for the artistic lighting of historic buildings is implemented. So, recently the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the city of Bezier has found the new "night" esthetic shape. Also special attention is paid to promoting of a municipal coat of Bezier arms which has appeared in antique times. Images of the coat of arms decorate a pavement in three places of the central part of the city and are brightly highlighted days in the evening.

The Labor Day in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

On May 1 of this year inhabitants and guests of the sister-city of Zhenjiang celebrated the Labor Day. On the eve of a holiday the municipal national government organized free providing medical services. Within the stock everyone had an opportunity to receive references on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and also prophylaxis of many diseases.

Days of St. Petersburg in Yerevan

During the period from May 4 to May 5 in the sister-city of Yerevan there were held Days of St. Petersburg. Within realization of a cultural event the meetings with participation of representatives of both parties concerning development of multidimensional cooperation, master classes and consultations of the St. Petersburg experts of health care took place. During the held meetings exchange of experience in the field of tourism, education, museum business were carried out, exhibitions and other cultural events were organized. Signing of the cooperation agreement between schools of Yerevan and St. Petersburg took place. On completion of the action on the area of Severny Avenue a concert of the St. Petersburg jazz group "Billy's Band" was organized.

Forum in the city of Chandzhou

In the sister-city of Chandzhou the forum "Development and Innovations in the field of Production of the Province of Jiangsu — 2017" took place. In an action of regional level, organized University Nianjing and the partner organizations, more than 300 authorities and business participated. Within work of sections participants of a forum discussed issues of integration of intellectual technologies into production, corporate methods of management of finance, and also mechanisms of introduction of innovations. The ceremonial opening of office of Association of directors of the enterprises of the Province of Jiangsu in the city of Chandzhou was held.


"Geographical festival" in Pazardzhik 

During the period from April 21 to April 23 of this year in the sister-city of Pazardzhik the "Geographical festival" is held. Its organized by the city hall of the municipality together with the Bulgarian geographical society and the national magazine. During the action the seminars, lectures, photo exhibitions and specialized literature on geography, etc. is planned. The national competition in five nominations including an assessment presented by pupils, students, teachers and fans of geography video topics and photos will take place.

Week of the Russian culture in Bezier 

During the period from April 24 to April 29, 2017 in Bezier's city the Week of the Russian culture organized by "Russian-language Alliance in Bezier" association will take place. Within the program of this action the conferences devoted to Russian Nobel Prize laureates, art exhibitions of the Russian artists, books of the Russian authors will be organized. The performance of the popular Russian A-Dessa group will take place. Also during a Week holding a festival of the Russian ethnic cuisine is provided. In the closing ceremony of Week of the Russian culture participation of the Consul general of the Russian Federation in the city of Marseille is supposed.

Program implementation of bicycle rental in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

The cycling gains the increasing popularity in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. Now in the municipality the program for granting bicycles for rent on the special automated parking is implemented. All points are united by the general electronic system tracing usage time and the amount of payment. This program is popular among inhabitants as many use bicycles to reach for work, and also for walks around the city.

Submission of the new program in the Yerevan history museum

On April 18 of this year in the Yerevan history museum the presentation of the new program under the name "Cultural Heritage and Steady Tourism" devoted to the International day of monuments and historical places has taken place. Within the project, by means of an interactive excursion, a number of the ceremonies accepted in life of erevanets at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century is represented to visitors. Feature of the program is production dialogue with illumination of the exhibits entering a rich collection of the museum. The program is directed to increase in attendance of the museum and submitted in three languages: Armenian, Russian and English.

Organization of a job fair for university and colleges graduates of the city of Chandzhou 

Recently in the city of Chandzhou the job fair Jiangsu – 2016" has taken place/ More than 300 enterprises and the organizations have taken part in it. More than 6000 jobs at the enterprises of the country in the following fields of activity were offered to graduates of 65 higher education institutions and colleges: intellectual production of the equipment, information technologies, marketing, new energy and new materials, management, petrochemical and biological medicine, textile and clothing industry, mass media, etc.


Meeting of youth councils and parliaments of the Republic of Bulgaria in the town of Pazardzhik

XVII national meeting of youth councils and parliaments of the Republic of Bulgaria "Skills. Development. Success" will be held in Sofia from 7 to 9 April . The mayor and Council of youth policy of the city are the organizers of the event. Representatives of youth structures of more than 20 Bulgarian cities will participate and will deliver a report on the work done in 2016. It is worth noting that a similar event is held for the second time in sister city.
Contest "The Queen Of Beziers"

The mayor of beziers, announced the acceptance of applications for participation in the citywide contest "Queen of Beziers". French women aged 18 to 24 years are invited to participate in this contest. A prerequisite for contestants it's great to know the history of beziers and reside in its territory. Girl by results of competition will be awarded the title of "Queen of Beziers" for two years, will officially represent the city at both the regional and national levels.

Organization of Program youth initiatives

Program youth initiatives will work for student sister city des Moines in the period from may to August. The goal of the Program is to uncover the leadership potential, motivation for achieving success in public life, encouraging activists, youth engagement in urban governance. Lectures on the socio-economic development of urban agglomerations will also be organized for the participants.

Holiday net light

In China, the national holiday of pure light or Day has long been celebrated on April 4. Residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang on this day put in order the graves of their ancestors and national heroes and lay flowers as a sign of respect to the memory of the dead. Currently, the country is usually a spring outing, outdoor games and picnics with family and friends organized. In this connection the festival has another name — the Day of the first walk on the grass.

Interim results of the implementation of social support programs for Armenian families from Syria

City hall-city of Yerevan podvedena intermediate results in the implementation of social support programs for Armenian families from Syria living in the capital of Armenia, for the period from January to March of 2017. Support was provided to 235 families in need, and another 26 families included in various social programs, about 500 children from Syria enrolled in schools of the capital, more than 100 children of preschool age attends for free municipal kindergartens. The children of Armenian families from Syria are also active in various cultural events.

A record number of planned projects

According to the Commission on development and reform of city County Sintang the sister city of Changzhou in 2017 on the territory of the County 250 projects with a total investment of 122,83 billion yuan will be implemented, 27 of which with an investment of 1 billion yuan. This year is a record number of projects, investment and growth of the industrial sector in the County Sintang. The implementation is planned in the sphere of production (91%), provision of services and agriculture.


Sporting achievements of the town of Pazardzhik

The mayor of the municipality of Pazardzhik Todor Paper thanked and awarded gold medals volleyball sports club "Gebyr" sister city, won first place in the high volleyball League Bulgaria. The following year, the city team will participate in the super League Bulgaria volleyball. It should be noted that in connection with the revival the interest in the city for this sport, victory sports club is very important for the Pazardzhik. 

Development of a new concept of nutrition of schoolchildren

In order to improve the quality of food in educational institutions of the municipality of Beziers, in cooperation with the Association of restaurateurs "Occitane de restauration" developing a new concept of menu students. This concept will be based on the principles of forming in children the habit of balanced nutrition, taking into account their tastes and wishes. The test will be conducted in school canteens, which will be attended by the main chef Beziers, Pierre Age. The audit professionals will provide recommendations for improving the quality of the dishes offered in the educational institutions.

Farmer market

The annual farmer market will work during the period from May 6 to October 28, 2017 in the twin-city of Des Moines. The market covers nine city quarters and in it various trade production more than 300 farmers, producers and handicraftsmen from 58 districts of the State of Iowa will be presented. Besides, for visitors work of nutritionists, point of medical examination, attractions and entertainment programs will be organized. For the first time the seasonal market has opened in 1976 with participation of only 15 suppliers. Today the market is recognized at the national level and has support of investors, the city hall and noncommercial associations.

Conference of the managerial personnel

The conference of the managerial personnel has taken place in the municipal government of the twin-city of Zhenjiang. Topical organizational issues have been considered, and also the announcement of personnel shifts and appointment of the new secretary general of committee of the Communist Party Zhenjiang has taken place.

The opening of the exhibition of paintings 

The opening ceremony of the photo exhibition and presentation of the eponymous book "Restart: Achievements of Armenian immigrants from Syria in entrepreneurship" took place in Yerevan history Museum. The event was organized with the assistance of the German society for international cooperation in the Republic of Armenia and Yerevan municipality. Representatives of the municipality-city, the extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Germany in Armenia, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in Armenia and other dignitaries participated in the event.

The fair "5.18"

In preparation for the fair, "5.18. Chinese exhibition of achievements in the field of high technologies Changzhou" "round table" on development of cooperation between universities and colleges was organized on 16th March by the city hall of the city. Representatives of some 70 educational institutions across the country participated in the event at the national level. It is known that the main sectors of the economy, investment presentations, seminars and more will be presented in the program of the fair, "5.18".


Organization of exhibitions in Pazardzhik

On March 20, exhibitions of drawings and poetry by Konstantin Atanasov and Eli Damyanov in the city's Art Gallery named after Georgy Mashev opened in Pazardzhik. In addition, the first independent exhibition of the photographer, musician and host Alexander Angelov "Nostalgia" was opened. It featured forty works in the genre of portrait, landscape and astrophotography.

Cultural event in Pazardzhik 

Lessons of folk dances called "Bulgarian dances" will be organized in the stores "BILLA Bulgaria" in the period from 25 March to 30 April 2017. This national campaign is held in 25 cities of the country in the framework of the campaign "We love Bulgaria". The purpose of the event, organized in conjunction with the dance schools of the cities, is preservation and popularization of Bulgarian folklore to future generations.

The creation of an alternative private school in Beziers

 Opening an alternative private school "Cours Gustave Fayet", is scheduled for the beginning of the school year 2017-2018 in Beziers. This institution was created in order to provide a more comfortable learning in a public school for students. The ability to completely change the atmosphere and environment will be provided at the new school students experiencing difficulties in "regular" school, or having for objective reasons, a number of outstanding subjects. Individual approach and support for learning will be provided to students and is especially valuable for children who are not successful in the educational process.

The event for entrepreneurs in the sister city of Des Moines

A networking event will be held on 9 April in the sister city des Moines. It is dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship in the field of logistics. Leaders of local and national companies, investors, and members of the public are invited to participate in the meeting. Presentations on the subjects of the real sector of the economy, successful examples of companies using mobile technologies to improve the quality of services as well as search for partners and personnel issues scheduled during the event.

Greening the city of Zhenjiang

Public action aimed at the greening of urban areas took place in the sister city in Zhenjiang. Employees of companies, public institutions, pupils, and also residents took part in planting more than 1,200 trees in parks and on the streets.

The conduct of tourist events in Yerevan

A number of cultural events to encourage seasonal tourism is held in the sister city Yerevan In the period from 20 to 30 March. The event is aimed at attracting tourists from Iran. This is due to the celebration of Novruz - the new year holiday according to astronomical solar calendar from Iranian and Turkic peoples. Thus, in the framework of special guided tours in Persian language for tourists are held in the Yerevan history Museum an exhibition dedicated to the cultural heritage of Iran under the name "Dialogue of cultures" will be opened. Also city maps and brochures about the capital's attractions in English and Persian languages will be provided to tourists on sites of Yerevan, which are of tourist interest.

A branch of Bosch

Bosch will build a new manufacturing facilities in China, including in the city of Changzhou. This is due to a steadily growing demand for high-tech products and services. In 2016, the investment of Bosch in China amounted to about 5.4 billion yuan, including the creation of two research centers, and the sale of products increased by 3.5% and amounted to 73,1 billion Euro. Currently, the investment project for the production of automotive electrical appliances is being developed. Implementation of projects in the areas of mobile telephony and smart technologies are planned in the long term.


Conducting a national competition of books

Electronic voting is held for residents of the sister city in the period from March 13 to 19, 2017. The winner of the national contest "My Favorite Book - 2016" will be determined by the results of the voting. The national center of the book of the Republic of Bulgaria is the organizer of the event. 335 books were presented in the first stage of the competition, first published in 2016. According to the results of the qualifying vote, 21 books of the final reached, half of which were written by Bulgarian authors in the genres of poetry, contemporary fiction, the female novel, thriller and crime, historical novel, fiction, non-fiction.

Improvement of the architectural appearance of Beziers

The City Hall of Beziers has launched a project to carry out facade works designed for a two-year period. The aim of the project is to create the city of Beziers with a worthy architectural look, which contributes to the development of tourist and economic attractiveness. A complete renovation and restoration of the facades of buildings is planned, located in the central part of Beziers. This project will be implemented in partnership with the owners of buildings. The municipality of Beziers compensates each participant of the project with 20% of the cost of renovating the facades.

Creation of a business incubator in the city of Des Moines

The business incubator has earned in the sister city of De Moin and is focused on the development of start-ups in the agricultural area. A distinctive feature of this mechanism is the support of entrepreneurial activities in addition to the provision of consulting services at the stage of the idea's appearance, the protection of intellectual property, is to stimulate the creation and promotion of innovations in the field of agricultural technology. The possibility of establishing direct contacts with representatives of the business community is provided for participants of the business incubator in order to develop a mutually beneficial partnership.

Rewarding of the companies and entrepreneurs 

The annual awards ceremony for achievements in the sphere of economy of "Zhenjiang Annual Economic Grand Ceremony" took place on March 12 in the city of Zhenjiang. Representatives of local business community and the large companies participated in an action. They discussed questions of further development of the entities, and also possibilities of stimulation of growth of economy. During the ceremony the best entrepreneurs and leaders of the companies were awarded following the results of 2016.

The development of international cooperation of sister cities

In the development of inter-municipal cooperation the reception of the official delegation of the commune of Draguignan (France) held on 16 March in the sister city Yerevan. In 2012 there was signed a Memorandum on cooperation. During the meeting the issues of development of cooperation in various spheres of urban economy, in particular in the sphere of tourism were discussed. Examples of successful cooperation with the cities of France presented by the Armenian side, the high level of Armenian-French relations have been marked. In order to implement new joint projects, the parties agreed to intensify bilateral visits.

Measures to attract international investment 

In order to attract investment and the development of comprehensive international cooperation the mayor of the sister city of Changzhou organized an international exhibition-fair of production of producers in Germany, Portugal and Italy. During the events forum for economic, trade and cultural cooperation was organized, as well as suggestions for further optimization of the investment climate and business projects for investment and information on socio-economic development of Changzhou was considered. Representatives of the Sino-German economic and cultural Association "Bavaria", the German Association of small and medium business and investors, sister cities participated in the fair.


The training sessions in the city of Pazardzhik

In the period from March 10 to 12, 2017 the educational lectures for young people on the theme "Organize! Plan it! Advertise!» will be held in the city of Pazardzhik.
The organizers of the event are the municipality of the Pazardjik Community in cooperation with the Council of youth policy of the sister city and the National Youth Forum of Bulgaria. The purpose of the training is the development of organizational skills in carrying out events and actions. The youth asset of the city will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the ways of resource and partners search, identify target audiences as well as methods of advertising impact. 

The development of mobile applications in Beziers

The mobile app will be introduced in the sister city in order to improve the quality of service provision. Information about shops, retail outlets, restaurants and cafes included in the app. Map e-guides, through which the residents and guests of the Bezier will be able to order food, to buy the necessary goods, etc will be presented in the application. The developers of the service, bearing the humorous title "Croutons" (rump), has planned the extension of its activities throughout France.

Measures to stimulate business partnerships

City hall Des Moines informed the subjects of the real sector of the economy about the possibility of including them in the directory of Iowa in order to stimulate the business climate. The economic development authority Iowa has developed this Handbook and posted it on a special web page created as a platform for business cooperation at the national and international levels. The Internet resource includes information about projects and investment companies, start-ups, partners, etc.

The Day of Lei Feng in the sister city in Zhenjiang

Lei Feng, the national hero, famous for his unselfish help of the older generation and the needy people. Day Lei Feng was held on March 5, in China, in which the variety of events were arranged. Free medical care, cleaning of the city with the participation of volunteers, planting by trees in public places was held In the sister city in Zhenjiang .

The celebration of International women's day in Yerevan

A number of festive events dedicated to the International women's day was held on the initiative of Yerevan municipality. A musical performance was organized in the framework of the program on one of the stations of Yerevan metro. In areas of the city event held, during which the flowers and cards given to women on behalf of the mayor. In addition, a pleasant surprise in the field of extreme sports – bike ride for direct participation of organized women of the city Freedom square.

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The tourist events in the city of Yerevan

The program of events aimed to stimulate seasonal tourism in Yerevan are being prepared due to the significant growth of the tourist flow to the sister-city from Iran. The Yerevan City Tour tourist program and events in the Yerevan History Museum dedicated to the cultural heritage of Iran are planned.

The development of graphene production

According to the report of the research Institute of Changzhou by September 2016, the number of patent applications in the field of application of graphene exceeded 50 000 worldwide. China is the first according to the number of applications for patents for inventions, industrial samples and useful models, ahead of the United States, South Korea and Japan. Since 2009, the country has a huge potential in the development of graphene, high-quality research base and a high level of applications to the State intellectual property office. Through the plan of development of the economy "Made in China 2025" in 2025 the country will reach an annual volume of industrial production in the production of graphene worth up to 100 billion yuan.


Bulgaria's liberation from the Ottoman yoke 

On March 3, 2017 Bulgaria's liberation from the Ottoman yoke will be celebrated in Pazardjik. A memorial service for those who died for Bulgaria's freedom and prayer service for the health and welfare of citizens will be organized in the church of Saints Constantine and Helena. Flowers will be laid at the monument to the heroes participated in the liberation of the country. In the framework of the initiative "Remember the history of Bulgaria" map of Bulgaria dated from the time of the signing of the San Stefano Peace Treaty will be placed in the front of Pazardzhik Historical Museum. Mayor of Pazardjik Todor Popov will take part in the official ceremony of raising the national flag on the central Konstantin Velichkov square.The program will be ended with the celebration concert. 

Art exhibition in the town of Pazardzhik

Exhibition of Bulgarian painter, a native of sister-city Georgi Jamalski, opened on February 24, 2017 in Pazardzhik’s Art gallery "Stanislav Dospevski". The paintings of the famous artist winner of numerous professional awards were presented in many exhibitions. His works are in private collections in USA, France, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, and Austria.

The modernization of urban space 

Work to increase the Parking area on the station site and Beziers is currently being implemented in the sister city. Modulating steel elevated structure such as "decking" will be used and will allow to further expand parking. Work is scheduled for completion in March 2017. According to the results of construction works, the total number of Parking spaces will reach 320. The project for improvement is implemented attracting investments in the amount of 1.8 million euros.

Achievements in sport

Following the results of series of selection competitions the women's volleyball team of the city of Bezier "Les Angels" has reached a cup-final of France on this sport. In March of this year the volleyball player of the sister city will meet in Clermont-Ferrand team of the city Ex-Venel.

Literary festival in Des Moines

Large-scale cultural events – literary festival "Miracle word" will be held in April in the city of Des Moines. Modern writers, representatives of the municipality-city, the public and all interested persons will participate in the event at the national level. Presentations, autograph sessions, master classes, entertainment for children and adults will be held. During the work of the literary festival printed editions of famous authors will be sold.

Implementation of projects to improve city infrastructure

The city of Zhenjiang pays special attention to modernization of the complex sectors of the economy. Currently more than 350 projects to improve urban infrastructure with a total investment of 78.2 billion yuan is realized in the sister city. These projects involve the extension of roads, the reconstruction of housing in urban areas, system upgrade, water harvesting and more.

Culture week Changzhou in Berlin 

"Week of culture Changzhou" began on 24 February in Berlin (Germany). It takes place in the framework of the events dedicated to the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Germany and the people's Republic of China. China's Ambassador to Germany, Director of the China cultural center in Berlin, Vice-mayor of Changzhou and members of the public of sister cities participated in the opening ceremony. The exhibition was organized during cultural events. The making of Royal crests, custom embroidery, green bamboo carving and the art of carving Sintang paper was presented at the exhibitions.

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