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Scientific conference in Pazardzhik
The III National scientific conference "The City and memory" in the Regional historical Museum in the sister city of Pazardzhik, dedicated to the April national liberation uprising will be held in the period from 06 to 07 October 2016. The event will be attended by prominent Bulgarian historians, writers and cultural figures, who devoted their works to the historical event.

Activities of the National Week of Older Persons in Beziers
In the period from 02 to October 8, 2016 the Municipality of Beziers will organize a series events dedicated to the "National Week of Older Persons". Week program includes lectures on health promotion in old age, excursions to the main city’ tourist places, plays and various animations in homes for the elderly, the competition in the game of Belote, dance evenings with buffet. Also, a cruise on the Southern channel will be organized for senior citizens.

Development of strategic cooperation
China State Shipbuilding Company (CSSC) and Jiangsu University of Science and Tech. (JUST) signed the strategic cooperation agreement on 22 September, 2016. As a leading company of shipbuilding industry in China, CSSC is at the cutting edge of marine equipment manufacture industry. The Corporation consists of 60 leading Chinese shipbuilding and ship-repair enterprises, research institutes, manufacturers of marine equipment and spare parts, foreign trade companies. Their win-win cooperation will make contributions to innovation and transformation of national shipbuilding industry.

Social support in the sister city
In the run-up to the celebration Erebuni-Yerevan 2798 the city administration of the sister city holds a number of events in the social sphere. So about 3000 families, including families of workers of the scientific, welfare sphere, families of Armenians from Syria, to the large and young families, families of participants of Artsakhsky war, and also the azatamartik which have fallen in Artsakhe, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, having at the same time 2 servicemen will be handed various valuable presents. This social support is dated for the City Day of Yerevan and will be carried out within 8 days.

International forum in the sister city of Changzhou
On September 28th, the 2016 China Changzhou International Forum on Science and Technology & Economic and Foreign Trade and was held in Changzhou. During the event, the prospects of 10 key chains of production development and modern service industry, the problems of introducing new projects and technologies were discussed. Fairs, presentations, conferences and seminars were held. Issues  about fund-raising, promotion of technologies and investment projects, business transformation and upgrading of the industry were discussed. Areas of work for the development of international cooperation in accordance with existing agreements, as well as the increase of the international sister city rankings on the world market were planned.


The Celebration of the Day independence of Bulgaria
The celebration of the Day independence of Bulgaria was held in Pazardzhik on 22 September 2016. The mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov took part in the ceremony of raising the national flag in the Central square of K. Velichkov, and also appealed to the residents and guests of the city with a welcoming speech. The program of celebration ended a concert with participation of the best creative collectives of Pazardzhik.

Environmental measures in Beziers
In honor of Day civil liability on environmental issues the municipality of Beziers together with the city associations will organize cleaning debris of the Southern  Canal on 24 September. All interested persons are invited to attend the event.

Organization dance courses for children
The municipality of Béziers organizes the work of dance groups for physical development of young children and strengthening family ties. These groups are intended for children under 3 years and their parents.

Cooperation in the field of finance  
Yerevan Municipality and the leading global agency “Fitch Ratings” engaged in credit status and analytical studies signed the cooperation agreement. According to this document, the Agency will assess the quality of public finance management and professional risk, as well as a rank the city's financial stability. Within a short time the cooperation will be put into practice.
It should be noted that as a result of the complete implementation of the process of getting the international status in the field of public finances Yerevan with its international status will be visible for those who make use of the global financial map, which will make it possible for interested structures and organizations to get clear idea of the present level of the financial management system of the capital and the city economy.

International Animation Art Festival
The 13th China International Animation Art Festival will be held in Changzhou International Exhibition Center from September 27th to October 3rd. During the one-week festival the forum on the main theme “Cross-cultural integration and cross-industry cooperation”, digital industry exhibition, cartoons and animation game carnivals, etc.  There will be internationally renowned animation and creative companies like Disney, Marvel, Sony, as well as representatives of different university.


European Heritage Days in the sister city of Pazardzhik
In the period from 15 to 18 September, 2016 the Regional Historical Museum of Pazardzhik will participate in the action "European Heritage Days – 2016". The
annual event provides an opportunity to get acquainted with culture and history of the Old continent. The organizers of the initiative are the Council of Europe and the European Commission. In the framework of the action citizens and guests of the city will have an opportunity to visit the museum for free.

Meetings with famous people
The Council of Youth Policy of Pazardzhik in cooperation with the mayor of the sister city organize meetings with famous people. The meeting with graphic designer Patso Dimitrov took place on September 16, 2016. He was involved in the design of sports uniforms for the National basketball Association of the United States.

Restoration of Bezier school
Due to increased number of pupils in educational institutions Bezier City Hall restores the ancient building of elementary school Budar. The beginning of restoration is planned on October 01, 2016. Five educational classes, multipurpose hall, library and administration will be opened in repaired building. Opening of the school will take place in 2017 by the beginning of academic year.

Participation in the traditional Italian holiday
In the period from August 26 to 28, 2016 the Yerevan delegation visited Carrara (Italy) and participated in the traditional holiday "Septemberfest". The Italian city is the first sister city of Yerevan since 1973, but prerequisites to cooperation were earlier: in 1960 the hachkar-spring presented by Yerevan was established in Carrara and the marble monument "A friendship hand" was established in Yerevan. The sister city has also a street named after the capital of Armenia.

Minden youth delegation visited Changzhou
In the period from August 18 to September 7, 2016 Minden Youth Delegation, headed by Michael Jäcke, Mayor of Minden, visited Changzhou. During the first youth visit members of delegation got acquainted with historical and cultural heritage of the city and participated in many interactive activities with teachers and students of Changzhou №3. Middle School. For three weeks the representatives of Minden learned Chinese, calligraphy, pottery, weaving Chinese knot, Chinese martial arts.


The participants of the Olympic Games were awarded
Mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov thanked and awarded certificates and cash prizes to athletes of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). It should be noted that participants of the games Reneta Kamberova won a bronze medal in rhythmic gymnastics, Nicholas Bairakov ranked fifth in Greco-Roman wrestling and Dimitar Krystev reached the final in the modern pentathlon.

Days of historical heritage
In the period from 17 to 18 September, 2016 the European Days of historical heritage will be held in the sister city of Beziers. In this regard a rich program of city events: workshops in painting, watercolor painting, making mosaics, wood and leather products as well as meetings with famous writers and photographers will be organized. Tours, concerts of organ music and church music, photo exhibition will be organized in cathedrals and churches. Exhibition of ancient and modern painting, sculpture, porcelain will be held in the municipal museums. Also citizens and guests of the city will have an opportunity to take part in literary and historical conferences.

Participation in the International Forum of Mayors of the Silk Road Cities
On September 7, 2016 the representatives of Yerevan Mayor's Office participated in the XI International Forum of Mayors of the Silk Road Cities. During the Forum they discussed the role of the cities, including Yerevan, in development of the program and possibility of joint programs implementation. Participants considered the issues concerning the activities under the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the cities of Yerevan and Qazvin (Iran) in 2014. During the visit to Iran meetings with representatives of the World Citizens Organization (WCO), as well as education, investment and tourist organizations of cities-participants were organized. During the meeting sides discussed the possibility of establishing of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Changzhou International Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Seminar 2016

Due to the accelerated construction of the national intellectual production and innovative centers in the city of Changzhou the International Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Seminar 2016 will be held on September 27, 2016. The issues of development of robotics and intelligent equipment will be discussed during the seminar. Representatives of national and foreign governments, industry associations, research institutions, experts, etc. will participate in the event. The aim of the event is to define the prospects of development, promote the advanced technologies, monitor of trends in the field of robotics.


The National Day of Bulgaria's Reunion
The celebration of the National Day of Bulgaria's Reunion will be held in the sister city of Pazardzhik on September 6, 2016. The mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov will participate in the ceremony of raising the national flag on the Central square of Constantine Velichkov and will make a welcoming speech to citizens and guests of the city. The official program will be finished with a festive concert.

The concert dedicated to the memory of famous rock-musician
On September 5, 2016 Pazardzhik will celebrate the birthday of British singer, songwriter and vocalist of the rock band "Queen" Freddie Mercury. The concert dedicated to the memory of famous rock-musician will take place near the Youth House. It should be noted that members of "Queen" founded the Association "The Mercury Phoenix Trust” engaged in charity work and raising funds against AIDS.

A citywide campaign in Beziers
A citywide event "Alley of Beziers associations" will take place on September 10, 2016 on the alleys Paul Riquet. The report about work will be held during the event. In this year representatives of 250 associations of Beziers will present their achievements in the socio-cultural sphere as well as environment protection. Mayor of Beziers will make a speech, visitors will get acquainted with the information posted on the associations stands, performances and presentations will take place. The concert of the famous orchestra Paul Selmer will be organized in the end of the event.

Changzhou establishes sister-city relationship with Minden, Germany
On August 19, 2016 the opening ceremony of the monument dedicated to establishment of sister cities relationship between Changzhou and Minden (Germany) was held. Mayor of Changzhou Fei Gaoyun and Mayor of Minden Michael Jäcke participated in the festive event. In the framework of the agreement the sides intend to develop multilateral cooperation. The prospects of interaction in the field of economy, education, health, culture, tourism were discussed.

The visit of Yerevan official delegation to Kharkov (Ukraine)

Recently Yerevan official delegation, led by the heads of Nor-Nork and Avan administrative districts, visited the city of Kharkov (Ukraine). The members of the delegation participated in the festive events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence and foundation of Kharkov. During the visit the members of the delegation met with the city leadership, presented a welcoming address of the mayor of Yerevan, as well as visited the memorial “Eternal glory” and laid flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Participation in the International folk music championship
With the assistance of the Bulgarian National Commission for UNESCO in the period from August 19 to 21, 2016 the cities of Nessebar, Burgas, Obzor and Sveti Vlas (Bulgaria) hosted the VI International folk music championship "World Folk". The City Hall of Pazardzhik Community assisted in the participation of creative collectives. The event was attended by more than 100 creative teams and more than 2000 singers. Folk Ensemble "Hadzhiliyka" of the village Yunatsite of Pazardzhik Community won the gold medal.

The festival of youth music in the sister city

The festival of youth music "Festival Plus" will be held in the sister city of Pazardzhik in the period from September 02 to 04, 2016. The most famous pop bands of Bulgaria, Great Britain, Romania and Macedonia will participate in the event.

Exhibitions in Beziers
Beziers has a rich cultural life. Currently, the Museum of Fine Arts and Fayette mansion opened the exhibition of works of the famous artist, a native of Béziers, Gustave Fayette "Imaginary Landscapes". This exhibition reflects the changes in the painting of the artist in the period from 1908 to 1925.
The exhibition "Art of Recovery", whose members created an interesting composition, dedicated to the art of Andy Warhol, Basquiat and Chagall will be opened on September 5, 2016 in Beziers House of associations.

Changzhou holds the first international ballroom dance competition
On August 17, 2016 the First China Changzhou International Ballroom Dance Competition & 17th CBDF (China International Ballroom Dance Federation) Junior Championship was held in Changzhou. Vice mayor Fang Guoqiang attended the opening ceremony. This event attracted top-class dancers from China, the United States, Russia, Britain, Denmark, Slovenia and other countries.

The photos exhibition in the sister city of Yerevan
The Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan participated in the solemn opening ceremony of the photos exhibition "New independent State of Armenia", dedicated to the upcoming 25th anniversary of Armenia's independence. The exhibition includes documentaries, archive and artistic materials about the most important cultural, scientific, political, social and economic events that occurred in the Republic of Armenia in the period from 1990 to 2016. The exhibition "New independent State of Armenia" is open until September 5, 2016. After that it will be presented in New York and Glendale (United States), Paris (France) and Moscow.


Cultural events in Beziers
The exhibition devoted to 350-year anniversary of the Southern channel creation will be presented in the period from August 19 to August 21, 2016 in Beziers. It connected the waters of the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean. The famous canal was included to the catalog of UNESCO world heritage. Guests and citizens will have an opportunity to see the exhibition of "Eaux Édit'" on Board the barge "Naiad" moored in the port of Beziers.

The Arts exhibition in Zhenjiang
Exhibition of 82-year-old native of the city of Zhenjiang, artist, art historian, author of works on contemporary art of East and West Shao Dajani was held in Beijing (China). 20 last works in the technique of ink painting were presented at the event. It is worth noting that it is already the second exhibition, the first one was held in 2004 on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the artist.

The musical achievements
Students of the music school named after Tigran chukhajyan of administrative district Kentron of Yerevan took part in the international competition-festival "Rimini Fest 2016", which was held in Rimini, Italy. Among 450 participants from the different countries the children from of sister city received two first places in different age categories as well as won the Grand Prix of the international festival.

Changzhou Film & TV Industry Forum
On August 4, 2016 the first Changzhou Film & TV Industry Forum was held in Changzhou and gathered representatives of the authorities and nearly 200 scriptwriters, director, producers, and film, television and media experts from the country. The participants discussed the issues of development of this industry. Changzhou positive experience in creation necessary conditions for prosperity of cultural branch were noted, namely: national demonstration bases of digital entertainment industry, International Animation Art Weeks and national animation festivals. It should be noted that this industry became one of the important in the sister city.


Awards in mathematics
During the International Congress on mathematical education on 30 July, 2016 in Hamburg (Germany) the honorary citizen of Pazardzhik, academician Petr Kenderov received the award of "Paul Erdös". The International Federation of national mathematical competitions gives this award for the contribution of scientists to the mathematics development. Academician was born on April 5, 1943 in the sister city and he is Chairman of the Bulgarian Union mathematicians.

Training abroad

Talented fifteen-year-old student Hristina Nikolova from the sister city Pazardjik won a scholarship to study at Fudan University Shanghai (China). Christina is studying foreign languages since childhood and has good linguistic abilities. Currently she is studying at the French Gymnasium Antoine de Saint-Ekzyupiri, speaks perfect English and studying Chinese. Students from Peru, Chile, Morocco, Kenya, Korea, Australia, Russia and European countries will take part in an international training program.

The entertainment event in
Daily evening shows of equestrians amateur troupe will be organized on the city square for citizens and guests on the eve of Feriya. The program, prepared for 80 minutes, includes Voltigeurs performances, aerial acrobats and stunt performers of Spanish dances, cowboy show. The performances will be accompanied by colorful pyrotechnic effects. The performances will be attended by well-known stunt and members of the French national team in equestrian sports.

Development of international sister-city academic exchanges
According to the planned increase of the number of private airlines in Jiangsu it is necessary to increase a human capacity in the field of aviation and space available. In the sister city of Zhenjiang special attention is paid to specialists training. In this regard, the reception of the President of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) in Jiangsu Aviation Technical College was organized in Zhenjiang. Following the meeting with the leadership of the college the readiness to cooperate and planned implementation of joint programs of academic exchanges in this field - training of pilots, air traffic controllers and flight engineer were confirmed.The program also provided training on management of unmanned aircraft systems.

The prospects of international cooperation
The official delegation of Harbin (China) visited Yerevan. During the reception the members of delegation got acquainted with a history, development strategy and governance model of Yerevan for coming years. The Armenian side informed about existing positive results of cooperation with China in the field of transport, and also confirmed the readiness for cooperation and implementation of joint programs in various spheres of urban economy. In addition, members of the delegation learned about the construction of the Embassy of China in Yerevan. Following the meeting the sides agreed to consider establishing mutually beneficial cooperation and delegations exchanges.

Opening of new production
On August 1, 2016 the opening ceremony of recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate) project of Jiangsu Lide Plastic Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was held in Liyang Shanghuang Science and Technology Park. It covers an area of 4.7 hectares. This project is one of Liyang’s major projects and integrates into development of Changzhou and conduct industrial transfer. It plays a leading role in the green development of new material industry. It is reported that the project investment is 300 million yuan, and the equipment investment is 100 million yuan. It is expected that the annual output of recycled PET will be 200,000 tons. The products will be exported to southeast Asia, Europe and the United States.


Archaeological excavations in the sister city
With a support of the Regional historical museum of Pazardjik, the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, the Foundation "Legacy of the Balkans" the review of the mound in the village Yunatsite located near Pazardjik is being continued. According to the results of archaeological excavations this property has important historical significance and refers to the copper-stone age. Interesting household items including the golden pearl, whose age according to scientists more than 6500 years were found.

The European championship on ship modeling sport
The European championship on ship modeling sport among speed models is carried out in the sister city of Pazardzhik. Athletes from Bulgaria, Russia, Armenia, etc. participate in competitions. The athlete of the city of Varna (Republic of Bulgaria) reached the speed of 268 km/h and achieved the leading position in B-1 group. In other groups athletes from Russia and Ukraine – 247 km/h and 176 km/h respectively took the leading positions.

The traditional festival in the sister city
The traditional holiday “Feriya” will take place in Beziers in the period from August 11 to August 15, 2016. Annually about 300000 tourists arrive to participate in this holiday, which received not only the city, but also regional value. The theatrical and horse-musical processions, parades of orchestras and folklore collectives, moto and bicycle cross in memorable places of the city, traditional bullfight are planned in the program. The concerts with French and foreign stars will be held at numerous venues. Festival flamenco and traditional folk dances will be organized for the citizens and guests of Béziers.

The interaction of Diaspora communities
The winners of the sports tournament between the students, organized at the initiative of the Armenian community of Odessa with the assistance of the charity Fund "Rainbow" were awarded a week-long tourist trip to Armenia. During the visit to Yerevan students and teachers got acquainted with historical and cultural heritage and attractions of the city. City sightseeing tour, visit to Yerevan History Museum were organized. Students and teachers met with the Director of the Museum. Works of the famous Ukrainian historian Yaroslav Dashkevych "Armenians in Ukraine" were presented. The series of meetings, cultural and sports events were held during the stay of the Ukrainian delegation.

The delegation of Marche (Italy) visited Changzhou
In order to expand the economic cooperation and friendly exchanges the delegation of Marche Region (Italy) visited Changzhou on July 26, 2016. During the meeting with deputy director of Changzhou Foreign Affairs Office, members of delegation received a brief information on economic and social development of Changzhou. The Italian side informed about the industry in the region and the promising areas of cooperation in various fields. During the visit they got acquainted with the main areas of urban policy, as well as visited the objects of the sister city.


The visit of German artist to Pazardzhik
In order to review the life and work of Bulgarian painter of the Renaissance -  Stanislav Dospevski, German painter Mark Krause will visit Pazardjik in the period from August 01 to 15, 2016. During the staying in the city artist will create the following pictures: "House-museum of Stanislav Dospevski", "Portraits", "Landscapes of Pazardzhik". It is planned that part of the works will be donated to the Art gallery of Stanislav Dospevski.

The foreign job training

Expert for natural Sciences and ecology, an employee of Education Department of Pazardzhik Community Vesela Todorova participated in the international job training program at the European organization for nuclear research, the world's largest laboratory for high energy physics (CERN). During the training various meetings including with the Nobel prize winners in physics Jack Steinberger and Samuel Ting were held. The program was attended by over 45 teachers of the world. It should be noted that Vesela Todorova is the only one representative of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Security during the festival "Feria"

The meeting of the mayor of Beziers and the Prefect of the Hérault region (France) took place on July 25, 2016 in the framework of preparation to the annual city-wide festival "Feria". In the course of negotiations they agreed to take additional measures to ensure the safety of residents and guests during the festival. State authorities as well as the mayor of sister city will take the necessary measures to ensure security during the celebrations.

Development of tourist industry in the sister city Zhenjiang
According to Zhenjiang Municipal Commission of Tourism in the first 6 months of 2016 the total revenue generated by tourism reached 36 billion, an increase of 15.8% over the same period of last year. The following events are the most popular among tourists: Jiangsu-Taiwan Lantern Festival, cultural festival of village tourism, vinegar cultural festival and so on. Some major tourism programs will be realized in the second half of this year.

Development of the international cooperation of the sister city
Within the development of intermunicipal interaction the reception of Treviso official delegation (Italy) was organized on 27 July, 2016 in the sister city. The issues of cooperation in the field of education, including friendly relations between the educational institutions of two cities were discussed during the meeting. The Armenian side presented the implemented projects and programs within the framework of existing partnership relations between Yerevan and Italy cities, as well as various examples of successful inter-municipal cooperation with foreign cities.

Development of new direction of the industrial park

For sustainable economic development of the sister city of Changzhou
an agreement on the launch of AVIC Jiangsu Yuanqi Big Health Industrial Park was signed on July 20, 2016. The project will be located in Tianning Economic Development Zone with a total investment of 3.0 billion yuan. It will be a comprehensive health industrial park containing health equipment, health food, health services and so on. The area will cover 2 sq km. After putting into operation, it is expected to achieve an annual production of 500,000 sets of oxygen chambers with the output value of 10 billion yuan.


The regional meeting on innovative development
The regional meeting, devoted to discussion of Innovative strategy of intellectual development for 2014-2020 was held in Pazardzhik City Hall on July 19, 2016. It was developed by Council of ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. The aim of this document is development of modern technologies, improvement of education quality and creation of necessary scientific and innovative infrastructure. Representatives of the Ministry of Economic of Bulgaria, the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria, regional administrations of the Southern Central economic region of Bulgaria, Pazardzhik communities and also representatives of business-community participated in the meeting.

Recovery of a monument in an sister city
The works on a monument to the famous historical figure, the fighter for democracy, to the former mayor Beziers Casimir Pere were complete in the city. The bronze statue has been erected in 1907 on the project of the famous sculptor Enzhalber, however in the years of World War II it was stolen. In 2015 the municipality has declared a subscription to an object reconstruction. At the moment the statue is recovered on donations of the citizens and the entities and also financing of Fund of historical heritage of the city and Beziers City Hall.

The prospects of innovation development
On July 19, 2016 the signing ceremony of agreements on cooperative between Nanjing University and Jurong Innovation & Entrepreneurship Demonstration Park was held in Jurong. The President of Nanjing University and Party Secretary of Zhenjiang attended the event. The Park will be a multipurpose base for innovation talents cultivation, commercialization of technological and research achievements, creative cultural industries and big data research & development.

The international semi-marathon in Yerevan
It became known that with the ssistance of Yerevan City Hall and “Repat Armenia Fund” the competition in run of the international "Yerevan semi-marathon" will take place on October 16, 2016. The aim of the event is promotion a healthy lifestyle and popularization of sports tourism in the capital of Armenia. Athletes from Russia, the USA, Georgia and countries of Europe will take active part in the event. The distance in 5 and 10 km is developed for beginners and for children - 1 km. The experienced participants of the marathon will have to overcome all distance - 21,1 km. The semi-marathon has received the international status following the results of measurement of the line by International Association of Marathons and Run.

The Arts exhibition

In order to present history and culture of Changzhou  in the period from July 12 to 14,, 2016 the ‘Elegance Changzhou’ Cultural and Art Exhibition was held in the hall of the memorial "Federal Hall" in New York City. The event was organized by the Publicity Department of CPC Changzhou Municipal Committee, Changzhou International Culture Association, and the New York-based Asian American Business Development Center. More than 90 outstanding works of local artists of Chinese paper-cut folk art, embroidery, brush calligraphy, Chinese painting, and so on were presented during the exhibition. The online sale also took place during the exhibition.


The plan of the city park development
On July 14, 2016 an Open Day at the Municipal Service Center was held with the assistance of Des Moines Parks and Recreation. During the event, which was attended by representatives of Des Moines City Hall and the citizens of the city the updated plan «Gray's Lake Park» as well as projects to upgrade and repair works at the object were considered. It should be noted that in 2001, at the end of the first implementation of such plan, «Gray's Lake Park» has become the most visited place in Des Moines and was recognized by the American Association of planning as the most visited place in the country in 2011.

Arts festival in Zhenjiang
In order to support and create a favorable social environment for people with disabilities the first Art festival was held in the sister city. The event was organized by the Federation of disabled people in the city of Zhenjiang. The organizing Committee received more than 100 works. Also within the Art festival the work on feature motion picture dedicated to the talented people among the disabled was began. The first night of the movie is expected on TV by the end of this year.

Summing up the results of Armenian-French archaeological expedition
The results of 8 years excavation of the Armenian-French archaeological expedition were summed up in Yerevan historical and archaeological reserve museum "Erebuni". Representatives of the municipality of Yerevan, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia and the deputy ambassador of France in Armenia Nicholas Fey participated in the event. The summing up of cooperation for 2008-2016 took place, the importance of archeological excavations as main aspect of scientific recognition of the status of the reserve, preserving of excavation as well as implementation of restoration works were noted. It is supposed that on the end of reconstruction of the fortress, the historical place will promote further tourism development in the capital of Armenia.

The first electric bus in Changzhou
On July 6, 2016 the city first electric bus and the first charging station were officially put into operation. This kind of public transport of the sister city has unique technical characteristics, including environmentally friendly, silent operation, powerful and fast-battery capacity for 150 km. 14 buses with the routes about 10 km will be put into operation in the near future. Five charging stations will be put into operation by the end of 2016.


Arts exhibition of the famous Bulgarian artists
The exhibition of more than fifty works of the famous Bulgarian artists opens in National Art gallery of Bulgaria in the city of Sofia. There are four works of the artist Dimitr Kazakov-Neron. They are "Youth", "April days", "Legend", "In entrenchments". It is the property of Pazardzhik Art Gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky. It should be noted that pictures of the famous artist were presented in the cities of the Republic of Bulgaria and foreign countries.

The environmental action in the sister city
For the purpose of further improvement and landscaping of Pazardzhik an environmental tree-planting action will take place on July 09, 2016. The event will be attended by members of Council's youth policy, as well as representatives of the municipality.

The celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of China Communist party
On July 01, 2016 the local choirs performed in the theatre of the sister city of Zhenjiang in the framework of the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of China Communist party. The songs, performed during the event, dedicated to the reorganization, history and development of the Chinese nation.

The Water festival in the city of Yerevan
The city action, devoted to one of the most favorite national holidays – the Water festival (Vardavar) took place on July 03, 2016. The parade of water cars, the mobile theatrical performance, concert programs, water games and various entertainments were organized for citizens and guests on different city playgrounds. The festival was heal in all administrative districts, the necessary equipment were provided to persons interested to take part in water games.

Changzhou holds Innovation & Entrepreneurship Fair for Overseas Talents
On June 29, 2016 the 13th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Fair for Overseas Talents in Changzhou was opened. Over 60 high-level professionals from 20 countries and regions attended the event. 76 projects in the areas of intelligent equipment, the Internet and electronic information, new energy, new medicine, etc were presented in the framework of the Fair. The establishment of direct business contacts and discussion of possible cooperation of professionals with industrial parks, incubators and private enterprises took place.


Participation in the national project on studying the Bulgarian language

It became known that several pre-school educational institution of the sister city with the support of the municipality of Pazardzhik Community will participate in the project "Workshop of children’s wishes" of Bulgarian Association "Resource center for European cooperation" financed by the Ministry of Education of Bulgaria and the European Union. The lessons of Bulgarian as a foreign language will be organized for children in the framework of the project.

The leisure activity in the city of Des Moines
In order to improve the leisure activity of citizens during the summer period the Des Moines Parks and Recreation plans the city action "Month in parks", which will be held in the period from 01 to 31 July, 2016. Everyone will be able to use developed and posted on the sister-city official website hiking tours and excursions in the city parks.

Zhenjiang Chorus Competition
The first Zhenjiang Jin Hill Chorus Competition was held in Zhenjiang Technician College within 20 days. Chorus teams were sent by various local organizations, including municipal cultural center, Chongshi Girls’ High School, municipal university for the elderly. 16 local chorus teams reached the final and were awarded prizes.

The prospects of cooperation between Yerevan and the provinces of Anhui

In order to expand the Armenian-Chinese relations the reception of the official delegation headed by the Deputy Secretary of the Communist party of Anhui province of China Li Goin took place in Yerevan City Hall. The guests were acquainted with the positive experience of multilateral cooperation between the capitals of China and Armenia. The sides expressed the intention to establish partnership relations between Yerevan and Anhui province as well as to promote the development of mutually beneficial relations.

The conference in Changzhou
On June 16, 2016 Changzhou held the Conference for Promotion of Intelligent CNC and Robotics Industry. The issue of modern trends and the latest scientific advances in this field were discussed in the framework of the event. The conference aims to promote robotics development and wide application of intelligent equipment in industrial production. Following the meeting Changzhou Municipal People's Government decided to support 11 major projects aimed at modernization of key enterprises with total investment of 5.7 billion yuan.


Participation in the national championship in ship modeling sport
The first stage of the national championship in ship modeling sport among high-speed models was held in Pazardzhik in the period from June 18 to June 19, 2016. It is qualifying round before the European superiority which will take place in August of this year. Athletes from Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia and Pazardzhik participated in the competitions. It should be noted that, despite weather conditions and small amount of participants the maximum speed – 263.54 km/h was achieved during the competitions.

Participation in a musical festival
The children musical festival “Euro Kids” was held in the city of Mayori (Italy).  Representatives from Bulgaria, Russia, Italy and Romania participated in the event. During the festival the 11-year-old singer of the sister city of Pazardzhik Kristiyan Pavlov won in the following nominations "Original Song" and "Popular Song".

Participation in the international majorettes festival
The XIV International majorettes festival "A gold pompon" was held in the city of Albena (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from June 18 to June 19, 2016. Majorette ensembles "Mega" and "Peak" of the sister city won a large number of gold and silver medals as well as prizes and special awards. At the end of the festival trainers of creative teams thanked the mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov for financial support.

The city show in Beziers
The city show "Sound and color", dedicated to different historical periods of the city will be held in Beziers this summer three times a week. During this show intended for public of all age, the main attention pays to special effects. With 4D light effects, the latest technology of video screening the facades of buildings located on the Paul Riquet alleys will turn into a fantastic picture, combining sound, image and color. The slide show "Sound and Color" will be held in the city of Beziers until July 31.

The International Yoga Day in Zhenjiang
The public event dedicated to the celebration of the International Yoga Day was held in the Zhejiang sports-exhibition center. Over 1000 citizens and guests of the city attended the event The Vice mayor of Zhenjiang Mr. Wang Changsheng attended the event and made a welcoming speech to the participants. It should be noted that idea of an International Yoga Day was proposed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and supported by the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014. Such public actions were held in many southern cities of China.

International film festival "Golden apricot"
In the period from 10 to 17 July, 2016 the XIII international film festival "Golden apricot" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Armenia's Independence will be held in the sister city. The representatives of Yerevan City Hall, prominent filmmakers and other distinguished guests will attend this event. The participant of the festival will have an opportunity to learn three thousand years history and culture of the city. Within the various program of activities days of French, German, and Polish cinema, musical performances and a mobile cinema on city grounds will be organized for citizens and guests of the city. In the framework of "Golden apricot" the ceremony of laying three name stars of famous Armenian film-makers will take place.

The memorable events in Changzhou
The academic actions "Mountains Beyond Mountains" devoted to celebration of the 120th anniversary of birth of the famous Chinese artist and the teacher Liu Haisu was held in the West Taihu Art Gallery in Wujin district of Changzhou on June 17, 2016. Representatives of field-oriented universities as well as the daughter of Liu Haisu made a speech during the event. In the framework of memorable events an exhibition of the Chinese painting of the last student of Liu Haisu – Liu Zhaojun who has donated more than 50 works, including 16 works of the famous artists will be hold.


Photo exhibition in the sister city of Pazardzhik
The photo exhibition "The Armenian relics on both sides of Ararat" dedicated to 25 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Armenia  will be opened in Stanislav Dospevski Art Gallery of Pazardzhik on June 22, 2016. The organizer of the event is the Armenian cultural and information center of the city of Plovdiv (Republic of Bulgaria). The collection of the Сonsul of Armenia Ekhiyazar Uzunyan – the special guest of the opening ceremony – will be presented at the exhibition. It should be noted that during the exhibition visitors will have an opportunity to see the photos of the rock monastery “Geghard”, awarded the Golden Cup of the international exhibition in Beijing (People's Republic Of China) in 2014.

A victory at the festival competition a mazhoretok in Pazardzhik
It become known that the ensemble “Mystery” of Pazardzhik won ten first places during the VI Festival of majorettes "Solar Besapara", which took place in the period from June 10 to 11, 2016 in the sister city. Participants of the ensemble received a cup of festival and an award for original choreography.

Decoration of Bezier
Works on street design were actively carried out in the sister city at the end of May 2016. Several city streets were decorated with multi-colored umbrellas which were located at the upper floors of buildings. Decorative elements created a original color line along the most popular direction for tourists – a way to an ancient city cathedral Seng Nazer. More than 2000 umbrellas were used for decoration of the city streets. Specialists noted that according to statistic visits to "multi-colored" streets of cities increased for 67%, it promoted trade development.

Zhenjiang attends the US-China Climate Leaders Summit
The 2nd US-China Climate Leaders Summit was held in Beijing in the period from June 7 to 8, 2016. Zhenjiang delegation headed by Madam Zhu Xiaoming, the Mayor of Zhenjinag, attended the event. The Memorandum of Understanding on tackling climate changes and promoting low-carbon city development with Boston (USA) was signed. The achievements and experience of the city of Zhenjiang in this field were noted during the Summit.

Opening of a festival in the sister city
Within the implementation of the program «Yerevan Summer-2016» the VIII festival of Armenian dishes "Bread in Mountains" was solemnly opened on June 11, 2016. The aim of the event is a revival and preservation of culinary traditions and ancient recipes of Armenian cuisine, combining enterprises of catering in order to promote national dishes. The concert program, performances of vocal and dancing collectives were held during the event. In conclusion organizations participated in the festival received grateful letters from the Yerevan city administration.

The development of sister city cooperation with Israel

The official delegation of Israeli Consulate General in Shanghai headed by Amikam Levy, Consul General visited Changzhou. During the official reception the special attention was paid to development of the joint project – the innovation Park, "China-Israel Changzhou". The Consul intends to attract a lot of Israeli companies to invest in Changzhou. In the framework of the visit members of the delegation took part in the opening of the Changzhou-Israel Culture Club, as well as submittal of the international network of consulting firms «Sheng BDO».


The Festival of majorettes in Pazardzhik
In the period from June 10 to 11, 2016 the VI Festival of majorettes "Solar Besapara" will take place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The Mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov, the Pazardzhik city administration and Pazardzhik Children's complex are organizers of the event. More than 400 majorettes from twelve cities of the Republic of Bulgaria will participate in the festival. 94 majorettes of all age categories of ensemble “Mystery” will present the sister city.

An exhibition dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the April uprising
An exhibition of children's drawings – students of the Art School of sister city Youth House was opened in Pazardzhik on June 01, 2016. The exhibition dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the April uprising and represented in the Museum of Konstantin Velichkov - the participant of the historical event.

Creation of new trade brand
With the support of City Hall and the Trade union on the promotion of wines of  Béziers region, winemakers of agglomeration created a new trade brand "Coteaux de Beziers". In order to promote the products of local winemakers as well as strengthening the tourism appeal the shop "House of wines" will be opened. It is supposed that a brief information about history and geography of wines of the region, tasting drinks and food of Bezier producers will be organized for visitors.

Participation of Zhenjiang in the Conference on Clean Energy
The 7th Ministerial Conference on Clean Energy was held in San Francisco in the period from June 1 to 2, 2016. In accordance with the invitation of the State Government of California, Zhenjiang delegation, headed by Mr. Zhang Hongshui, Vice Mayor of Zhenjiang, participated in the conference. Ministers of Energy from 20 countries and representatives of China regions attended the event. The head of Chinese delegation presented achievements and experience of the sister city in development low-carbon industry.

Opening of a chess school in the sister city
The children and youth chess sports school was opened in the administrative region Nubarashen of Yerevan. Representatives of Yerevan city administration, Armenia Chess Federation and participants of the 16th Europe chess championship among veterans participated in the festive events. About 130 children will have free chess training. The material and technical resources of school allows to create comfortable conditions for educational process. It should be noted that two similar institutions are being built now. 12 free chess schools will work in the sister city under realization of program on development this kind of sport.

China-Russia Science and Technology Forum in Changzhou
On May 28, 2016 the China-Russia Science and Technology Forum was held in Wujin District. The Deputy Minister of Science and Education of Russia, Vice Mayor of Changzhou and other officials attended the event. The China-Russia Science and Technology Industrial Park – the first platform for the implementation of cooperation between the parties in Jiangsu Province – was opened in the framework of the forum. It provides for workshops, business service center, services for transfer of technologies and etc. Also general agreements on strategic cooperation between Wujin District, the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine were signed.


The International Children's Day in the sister city
The celebration of the International Children's Day was organized in Pazardjik park «Svoboda» on June 01, 2016. During the event Bulgarian children wrote the 50-meter letter with wishes and put in the sky more than 1000 balls with letters. The rich musical program was presented for citizens and guests of the sister city.

National championship on ship and auto model sports

The National championship on ship and auto model sports was organized n the city of Pazardjik in the period from June 03 to June 05, 2016. The organizer of the event is yacht-club «Model» of the sister city. Representatives of different regions of the Republic of Bulgaria will participate in the championship.

The Mouvart festival in Bezier
The Mouvart festival is held in Bezier in the period from June 01 to June 05, 2016. Mayor of the sister city Robert Menard made a speech during the opening ceremony. The program of event includes exhibitions of works executed in various painting techniques, theatrical performances of on-stage performance groups. Also the concerts of opera art, professional dancing groups, performances, etc. will be organized within a framework of festival. Visitors of the festival have an opportunity to buy works of the modern art.

The seasonal leisure activities in Des Moines
According to the report of Des Moines Parks and Recreation Department free classes of yoga are planned in city parks in the period from June 4 to September 24. The volunteers having professional skills in this field will be involved in sporting events. Representatives of the Department consider that the action will promote of healthy lifestyles and also to further development of sports and leisure activity of citizens.

The International Children's Day in the sister city of Zhenjiang
On June 01, 2016 Secretary of CPC Zhenjiang Municipal Committee Mr. Xia Jinwen and Mayor of Zhenjiang Mrs. Zhu Xiaoming visited kindergartens and primary schools, congratulated students and teachers on the International Children's Day. The entertainment program of this day also includes reading poems, theatrical performances and many other.

Presentation of Yerevan interactive tourist book
With the assistance of Yerevan Municipality and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) the presentation of a tourist e-book "Exploring Yerevan: A Look Inside the City’s Past and Present" took place on June 2, 2016. The event was attended by Yerevan Municipality, local mass media and tourism sphere. The interactive edition with several options of city rounds and walks is created on a multimedia platform. Besides, information about Yerevan is provided in 7 languages.

Creation of the demonstrative center in Changzhou district -  Wujin
The State Council of People's Republic of China decided to create 17 demonstration parks and centers which are engaged in development of business and innovations. One of such center will be situated on the territory of the district Wujin of Changzhou. This district is an industrial area with many enterprises of various sectors of economy, infrastructure, economic, scientific and other objects. One of them is innovative park "China-Israel-Changzhou" on the territory of which more than 40 Israeli companies carry out their activity. Also there are business incubators, several industrial parks with the volume of foreign investment over 200 million Euros.


Mandolin concert will be held in Pazardzhik
The first ever Concert performed by the National Mandolin Orchestra will be held in the sister city of Pazardzhik on May 28, 2016, which is part of the Arts Festival “Art idea – art avenue”. The orchestra is a union of several orchestras representing various cities of the Republic of Bulgaria. The performance will mark the grand opening of the Festival.

National Championship in modern pentathlon
On May 22, 2016 the city of Shumen (Republic of Bulgaria) hosted the national championship in modern pentathlon for juniors. The athletes of Pazardzhik HEBJR showed really good results at the contest in question, where one of the club members, Christina Danailova, won the title of Champion of Bulgaria (age category under 16).

The foreign cultures and kitchens festival
The foreign cultures and kitchens festival will take place in Bezier on May 28, 2016. The city associations from 11 countries – Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Argentina, Cameroon, the Caribbean islands, Morocco, Senegal, Taiwan and Turkey will participate in the event. The city mayor Robert Menar will make a speech during the official opening ceremony of the festival. The culinary workshops will be held, creative groups will present performances of national musical culture. Citizens and guests of Bezier will be able to buy the pleasant dishes of national cuisines and recipes collections.

A swimming season in Des Moines
A swimming season in five pools and swimming centers of Des Moines will open within the events dedicated to the celebration of Memorial Day at the end of May. In this regard the city administration informs citizens about the rules of conduct on water objects which made by activists of the "National Water Safety Month" project. It is recommended not to leave children without adults, to locate in the visibility of standby persons, to use special vests during driving by boats, etc.

Increase of birth rate
In order to increase the population of China an active comprehensive policy on
increasing the birth rate is carried out in the city. So representatives of medical maternity and child welfare service reported that about 300 babies are born in the sister city every month. 40 per cent of them are the second child in families. According to experts data more than 500 children will be born in the second half of 2016year.

The music event in the city of Yerevan
Within the international cooperation between Armenia and Lithuania the music event "Day of street music" was organized in the sister city on May 21, 2016 for the first time. It was organized by the initiative of Embassy of Lithuania and with the assistance of Yerevan city administration. This event is being organized for ten years in Lithuania and became very popular. Performances of musical groups and soloists took place on Northern Avenue of Armenian capital and on the territory of the state academic theatre of Opera and ballet named after A. Spendiaryan. Gala concert with participation of the famous Armenian and Lithuanian musicians took place at Charles Aznavour Square. Mayor of Yerevan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania participated in the action. During the performances it was noted that 25 anniversary of diplomatic relations between two countries will celebrate in this year.

Forum on environmental protection in the city of Changzhou
The Sino-US Environmental Protection Forum was held in the sister city on May 18, 2016. The event theme was "Technologies, environment, eco-city". The experience exchange was carried out during the forum. The mayor Changzhou, the US Consul General in Shanghai, experts from Shanghai and Beijing made the reports. It was noted that the city considers organization of eco-friendly production as a priority task, promotes introduction of the environmentally friendly equipment, goods and services, keeps growth and development of the nature protection enterprises. The Mayor also called businessmen to take part in environmental protection and make greater contribution to building a prosperous, beautiful and high-tech Changzhou. It is expected that this event will promote joint activity of government, enterprises and citizens on creation environmentally friendly economy and an urban environment.


Konstantin Velichkov Memory Days
The thematic days devoted to the memory of Bulgarian writer Konstantin Velichkov were held in Pazardzhik in the period from May 18 to May 20, 2016. Within the cultural program the theatrical performances, poetic evenings and final gala concert were organized for citizens and guests of Pazardzhik.

Participation in the international project
The contest for families – participants of the international project “Fiesta” will be carried out within celebration of the City Day Pazardzhik on May 21, 2016. The aim of the action is informing families with children about energy saving electric devices using. Five European countries – Italy, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus and Bulgaria take part in the project. The Republic of Bulgaria is represented by three communities: Pazardzhik, Bourgas and Vratsa.

The Arts festival in Pazardzhik
The V Arts festival "Art idea – art avenue" will be organized in Pazardzhik in the period from May 28 to June 03, 2016. Within the event famous Bulgaria and Europe artists will visit the sister city. Forums, exhibitions, concert and theatrical performances will be held.

The "Night of museums" in Bezier
The international cultural event "Night of the museums" will be held in the sister city on May 21, 2016. Citizens will have an opportunity to visit Bezier museums and two museums of Fine Arts located in Fabrega and Fayette's estates. Lectures of scientists-historians and excursion accompanied by skilled guides will be organized within an action. Also concerts of performance groups and soloists will be held. They will perform musical pieces on ancient (lira with a rotary wheel) and modern (a piano, a guitar) musical instruments.

Youth leisure in Des Moines
The musical summer camp for students of high schools aged from 11 till 15 years will be organized by Des Moines Parks and Recreation Department together with non-profit organization " Des Moines Musical Coalition" in June of this year. The program includes vocal courses, writing of songs, statement of performances and rehearsal. Groups on two directions of modern music - rock'n'roll and hip-hop will be created. The camp will promote disclosure of creative children abilities, receiving scenic experience, informal communication. Participants of this project will show their skills during the known musical festival “80/35” which is annually held in Des Moines.

Activity the Red Cross Society members in the city of Zhenjiang
According to the information of regional office of the Chinese Red Cross Society now more than one thousand volunteers working in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Volunteers help to vulnerable groups of the population in communities and rural areas, hospitals. The sphere of their activity are wrecking, donorship of blood and cells of marrow, charity, etc.

Expansion of cooperation between Yerevan and St. Petersburg
Within development of intermunicipal interaction the official reception of the leadership of Petrograd and Moscow districts of St. Petersburg was carried out on May 18, 2016 in the capital of Armenia. Two cooperation agreements between above-named districts and Erebuni and Malatiya-Sebastiya districts of Erevan were signed during the event. According to these documents interaction will be realized in urban economy, social policy, health care, culture, education, sport, tourism spheres and some others. The parties undertook to strengthen and develop the friendly relations between administrative districts, exchange by experience and information during the bilateral visits.

The international conferences in the sister city
Within the XIII China’s Five-Year-Plan and economic restructuring and modernization the Conference on international exchange and cooperation in the science and innovative technologies spheres of China-2016 was held in Changzhou in the period from May 17 to May 19, 2016. The theme of the event is "Promoting international technology transfer and experience exchange of international cooperation". Three seminars on the smart grid, graphene and rail transport were organized during the conference. Experts from the UK, South Korea, Sweden, Australia, Israel made reports about the latest technological advances.

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