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Sports achievements

Athletes of the «Pentathlon» club of Pazardzhik successfully competed in the second stage of the Bulgarian Fencing Cup, which took place in the period from February 19 to 20 this year in the city of Varna. Representatives of the sister city won 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.

 Exhibition of creative works
In the period from 05 to 18 March this year, an exhibition of creative works by artists dedicated to the peculiarities of visual perception will be held in the city of Beziers. The exposition was prepared by the Association of Folk Art of the sister city, which has been organizing master classes, thematic seminars, training courses and other introductory events on various types of art for more than 60 years.

Training webinars
The sister city of Des Moines will host a series of webinars dedicated to advanced methods of interaction with staff, attracting talented young people to work. As part of the training, special attention will be paid to internship programs for school graduates and young professionals. Thematic reports will be delivered by experts and representatives of the business community.

The reconstruction of residential quarters in Zhejiang city
For more than three years, a residential improvement program has been implemented in the twin city of Zhenjiang. In 2022, it is planned to renovate 74 blocks with a total area of about 950,000 sq.m. Construction work is scheduled to begin in March this year

 Further improvement of the city of Yerevan
A program to install solar panels on the roofs of apartment buildings is being implemented in the sister city of Yerevan. The equipment is installed on more than 90 buildings. Work on the installation and connection to the network of photovoltaic stations continues. The use of environmental technologies is aimed at saving electricity consumption.

Мeasures to counter the spread of COVID-19
In order to counteract the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the sister city of Changzhou, a fast navigation system based on the My Changzhou application has been developed, which allows you to identify the most closely located COVID-19 testing laboratories. The city service provides full information about more than 100 organizations that carry out testing.


City celebrations
On February 19, 2022, commemorative events dedicated to Vasil Levski, one of the famous fighters for the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke, will take place in the city of Pazardzhik. In the sister city, flowers were laid at the monument of the national hero, a solemn memorial service was organized.

Further development of Beziers
The sister city of Beziers has been actively participating for several years in a national program aimed at stimulating business development in the historical center of the city. The project includes the reconstruction of retail facilities and the reconstruction of commercial real estate in accordance with modern requirements, as well as the provision of premises for rent.

Book festival

The Book festival will be held in the sister city of Des Moines in March. Within the event, meetings will be organized with Iowa well-known writers and aspiring authors who will present their work experience. Discussion will also be organized for the long-awaited books of 2022.

Attracting investments

On February 14 , the official signing ceremony of the most significant investment projects "New Wave", which will be realized in 2022, took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang. During the videoconference 24 projects were concluded in the areas of industry and services. The total investment is 21.1 billions of Yuan.

Further development of Yerevan
In the sister city of Yerevan, further improvement has been developed. Considerable attention is paid to providing outdoor lighting to the city, about 17,000 energy-saving lamps are installed on the streets and yards.

Economic development of Changzhou
On February 15 , the leadership of the sister city of Changzhou met with a delegation of the branch of the Development Bank of China in Jiangsu Province. During the event, the significant financial support of the bank in the implementation of major urban projects in the field of transport infrastructure, environmental protection of the Yangtze River, intellectual production and urbanization of a new type was noted. There was also a discussion of further prospects for urban development.


Music festival
The 47th traditional festival «Winter Musical Evenings named after Professor Ivan Spasov» was opened in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The organizers of the event are the Mayor's Office of the Pazardzhik, representatives of the business community of the sister city. In 2022, the festival was organized for the first time with the financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture. The Deputy Minister of Culture of Bulgaria and Mayor of Pazardzhik made a welcoming speech at the opening of the festival and noted that this classical music festival was the one with such a long and continuous history. The thematic exhibition “Classical Music and Pazardzhik” is also presented within the framework of the event.

Festival of Japanese culture
From February 19 to March 05 this year, the Festival of Japanese culture will be held in the city of Beziers. The libraries and medialibraries of the sister city will provide seminars, master classes, exhibitions and presentations dedicated to national traditions, art and culture of Japan, which are gaining increasing popularity among French youth.

Training seminars

In February of this year, training seminars for leaders and managers of enterprises and organizations will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. The events will feature practical tools and resources that contribute to the development of an inclusive corporate culture. Seminars are organized online.

Participation in the Olympiad organization
On February 04 of this year, the opening of the Winter Olympic Games took place in Beijing. The sister city of Zhenjiang took an active part in the organization of sports events. The enterprises of the city produced specialized equipment for Olympic facilities. Hats and gloves for athletes and guests of the Olympics are also made at the city’s factories for the production of knitwear. All products are eco-friendly and manufactured using advanced technologies.

Development of the city of Yerevan
The Mayor's Office of the sister city of Yerevan pays special attention to the further improvement of the capital of the Republic of Armenia. The transport reform is being implemented, new buses have been purchased. It is also planned to purchase new trolleybuses and modernize public transport stops. It was also decided to increase the number of employees engaged in sanitary cleaning of streets.

Development of the tourism industry

During the National Spring Festival, the sister city of Changzhou was visited by more than 2.6 million tourists. As part of the excursion programs, tourists got acquainted with the sights, national customs, traditions and crafts. Exhibitions and presentations were also organized; performances and entertainment shows were held. The most popular among tourists were the interactive Dinosaur Park, the natural complex of Yancheng district, the Tanmu Lake resort.


City celebrations
On January 14, 2022, solemn events dedicated to the 144th anniversary of liberation from the Ottoman yoke were held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. As part of the celebration, flowers were laid at the monuments to the heroes of the Russian-Turkish war. The solemn ceremony was attended by the leadership of the city and the region, residents and guests of Pazardzhik.

City holiday
On January 30 this year, a Truffle Festival will be held in sister city of Beziers. Within the frame of the event, a fair of truffles and gastronomic products of local producers is planned. Visitors will also be presented the development of the culture of growing and collecting this type of mushrooms.

International conference
In the sister city of Des Moines, one of the world's largest centers of the insurance business, an international conference on the prospects for the development of this area is expected to be held in April this year. The event will be attended by leading experts and international level insurance specialists. The panel discussions will focus on topical issues of global risks, diversity, equality and inclusiveness of the population.

Development of high-tech production
On January 13 this year, a conference for representatives of high-tech enterprises was held in the city of Zhenjiang. During the event, the main directions of development of this area were discussed, information was provided on existing measures to support innovative production and knowledge-intensive fields implemented in the sister city.

Culture development
The Mayor's Office of the sister city of Yerevan has developed a program for the renovation of the HayArt Cultural Center, founded in 1997 to develop various genres of art and organize regional cultural events. The program supposes the building reconstruction, premises development, modernization of lighting and equipment. Innovative technologies are being actively introduced into the activities of the Center.

Cooperation in the field of innovation
On January 17 this year, the Chinese-Israeli online conference dedicated to cooperation in the field of innovation was held in the sister city of Changzhou. During the conference, issues of support for innovative research were discussed, agreements were reached on further cooperation in the field of development between industrial enterprises. The 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries was also marked.


Solemn events
Solemn events dedicated to the 174th anniversary of the birth of Hristo Botev, a famous Bulgarian poet and active participant in the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke, took place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The ceremony of laying flowers at the monument of the national hero was attended by the Mayor of Pazardzhik, the Governor of the Pazardzhik region, deputies, members of the public, residents and other guests of the sister city. An online contest of children's drawings dedicated to Hristo Botev has also been organized.

Preventive measures
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and because of a sharp increase in the required quantity of tests, two new screening centers have been opened in the sister city of Beziers since January 13, 2022. PCR testing and antigen tests for a new coronavirus infection will be carried out in the laboratories.

Small business support
In order to further support small business representatives in the sister city of Des Moines, Top Five for Small Business Series online training has been developed. Representatives of the expert community in various fields will present reports on specific topics based on five key areas of solving issues. The program is implemented from January to October 2022.

Exhibition of Modern Calligraphy
On January 06 of this year, the opening of the Exhibition of Modern Calligraphy took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The exhibition presents 184 works, including 82 works from China, 55 works from Japan and 47 works from South Korea. Currently, the city of Zhenjiang claims the honorary title of "Cultural Capital of East Asia" and actively cooperates with the cities of the region through the organization of various cultural events.

Development of tourism

A new digital project - a tourist platform is being implemented in the sister city of Yerevan. The website presents the most significant information about the history of the city, sights, and geographical maps in three languages. There are also announcements of tours, excursions, interesting events, which will contribute to the development of tourism and expand its geography.

Development of intellectual tourism
By the end of 2021, the Dinosaur Theme Park and the Tianmu Lake area of the sister city of Changzhou were included in the List of the most picturesque places in Jiangsu Province that successfully implement innovative technologies. Since 2006, a number of intellectual tourism programs, other services and systems have been implemented there.


Participation in the national fencing tournament
Representatives of the Pentathlon sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik successfully performed at the national fencing tournament. One of the best results was shown by the women's team, which won two silver medals, the representatives of the men’s team were among the 8 best athletes in the country. Sports competitions were held on December 18-19 in Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria).

Creation of a multimedia entertainment complex
It is planned to create an international thematic complex of the media industry in the sister city of Beziers by 2025. A film studio, entertainment centers, as well as shops, hotels, restaurants will be located on the territory of more than 80 hectares. This complex will specialize in interactive games and virtual reality.

Award for economic achievements
On December 16 this year, the winners of the 2021 Economic Impact Award were announced in the sister city of Des Moines. Such achievements of companies as job creation, capital investment and facility expansion were considered. The award was first presented to companies that had made a significant contribution to the economic development of the city of Des Moines in 1982.

Development of international cooperation
Ten winners of the contest to determine the best souvenir products have been announced in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The presented products have a symbolic meaning. Souvenir products will be used for international exchanges in order to further develop friendly relations with foreign countries.

Implementation of the environmental project
The project has been implemented in the sister city of Yerevan, aimed at raising awareness of children about waste recycling. Within the framework of the project, training courses were organized in Yerevan schools, thematic manuals were developed, and containers for sorting paper and plastic were installed. The educational institutions taken the most active part in the project were awarded special prizes for the important social and environmental work.

Development of water management
Since the beginning of 2021, the city of Changzhou has been implementing innovative approaches in urban water management. In December of this year, seven city water objects were included in the list of specially protected areas of Jiangsu Province. Identification and protection of water heritage sites contributes to the further implementation of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Belt and the Grand Canal Cultural Belt.


Victory in the Bulgarian Badminton Championship
The women's team of the Badminton-Skoush Club sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik became the winner of the Bulgarian Badminton Championship among people under 19. Twelve teams took part in the final of the national competition. The championship was held on December 4-5 in the city of Oryakhovo (Republic of Bulgaria).

Further urban improvement
In December of this year, the implementation of the second stage of the construction program for the energy efficiency of residential buildings was completed in the sister city of Pazardzhik. Repair work has been carried out at more than 20 houses.

Bird biodiversity conservation
In order to preserve the number of birds living in the region, the Bird Protection League works in the sister city of Beziers. With the support of the Mayor's Office, the organization conducts numerous awareness-raising activities, provides advisory assistance to enterprises and farms on biodiversity issues and treats affected birds.

Strategic priorities of urban development
The sister city of Des Moines presents strategic priorities for long-range urban development. In 2022, it is planned to pay special attention to business support, the large-scale investment program aimed at improving and creating a comfortable urban environment, as well as the airport modernization in order to further develop international business and commercial trips. One of the priority areas is also solving problems in the social and housing spheres.

Development of cooperation with leading Chinese specialists
On December 13 of this year, the leadership of the sister city of Zhenjiang took part in the Online Conference of Jiangsu Province and the 13th Zhenjiang Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation for leading specialists of Chinese origin living abroad. More than 100 participants from 15 countries discussed the possibilities of further cooperation. Agreements on cooperation in the field of new energy, research in the field of medicine and big data were signed.

Preparation for the winter period
To prepare for the winter period, new multifunctional snow-cleaning vehicles have been purchased in the sister city of Yerevan. In total, more than 60 equipment items will provide snow removal on the streets of the Armenian capital. It is planned to create operational offices in the administrative districts of the city to monitor the work, record appeals and prompt response.

Development of the auto industry
A new enterprise for the development and production of air conditioning systems, as well as high-quality electronic control systems for cars was opened in the National High-Tech Industrial Wujing Zone of the sister city of Changzhou. It is assumed that the latest equipment will be used in the production of vehicles of the largest automakers in the world.


Effective activity of the museum
On November 30 of this year, a general meeting of the members of the Association of Bulgarian Museums was held in Sofia. For the fourth time, the director of the Regional Historical Museum of the sister of Pazardzhik was elected chairman of the association, which is a recognition of achievements and a well-deserved assessment of the effective cultural and educational activities of the institution. About 130 museums and art galleries of the Republic of Bulgaria are members of the Association of Bulgarian Museums.

Charity event
On the eve of the New Year holidays, an annual charity event for people in difficult life situations has been announced in the sister city of Beziers. Those who wish can prepare New Year's gifts and create a festive atmosphere for people in need. More than 30 locations to collect basic necessities, food, leisure supplies, etc. have been organized in the city. Last year, the residents of the sister city prepared about 6,000 gifts.

Economic Development Forum

Public Policy Issue Forum on the topic of Inclusive Economic Development will be held via videoconference in the sister city of Des Moines on December 14 this year. Within the framework of the panel sessions, it is planned to discuss strategies for the sustainable economy, ensuring a fair distribution, as well as creating equal opportunities for all. The event will be attended by representatives of expert and public organizations.

Measures to protect endangered species of animals

In the sister city of Zhenjiang December of this year has been declared the month of protection of water animals in the Yangtze River. A number of educational events will be held in the city, the Fund for the Protection of Endangered Animals has been organized. A Declaration on the Protection of Rare Animals and the Ecosystem of the Yangtze River has been published.

Implementation of the "Yerevan Buses Program

As part of the further implementation of the "Yerevan Buses Program", a number of agreements were signed in the sister city of Yerevan at the end of November this year, involving the purchase of 100 new buses. The vehicles will be used to expand the autopark of the Armenian capital. New 12-meter buses with low seating will run on natural gas.

Development of innovative production
The Changzhou Municipal People's Government pays special importance to the organization of research activities and the development of innovative production in the field of biomedicine, the creation of modern materials, new energy sources and many other areas. During 2021, more than 2.5 thousand high-tech products were registered in the sister city, which is 10.3% more than in the previous year.


Sports achievements
The men's volleyball team "Heber" of the sister city of Pazardzhik has successfully played at the qualifying games and will take part in the annual volleyball tournament with the participation of leading European clubs - the European Champions League, which is the best achievement among the volleyball teams of Bulgaria. The Mayor's Office of the city of Pazardzhik has decided to repair the V. Levski sports hall in order to effectively prepare for participation in the international competition.

Festive events
On November 27, a Christmas fair dedicated to the New Year holidays will be held in the city of Beziers. Visitors will be able to purchase seasonal products. A diverse entertainment program, a light and music show, a petting zoo for children will be organized. An ice rink will also work for residents and guests of the sister city.

Annual competition for enterprises
The city of Des Moines has organized an annual competition "Best of the West Awards", aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the life and activities of citizens. Residents of the sister city are invited to vote for the most visited places of recreation, retail stores, catering outlets, etc. The winners will be determined in 50 nominations. The awarding of the most successful enterprises will take place at the beginning of December this year.

Zhenjiang socio-economic development
On November 24, an information on the socio-economic development of the city of Zhenjiang was presented at the XIII Congress of the Communist Party of China of Jiangsu Province in Nanjing. The high results achieved in creating comfortable conditions for living, business and further development of the tourism industry were noted.

International forum on ecology
An international forum dedicated to the creation of cleaner and greener cities was held in the sister city of Yerevan. During the thematic sessions, the possibilities of implementing programs for the management of urban and hazardous household waste, pollution prevention were considered. Special attention is paid to the grants to educational institutions and youth creativity centers for the creation of eco-clubs and the promotion of environmental ideas.

Development of e-commerce
Four enterprises of the sister city of Changzhou are included in the list of Jiangsu Province organizations that most successfully carry out business processes, financial and trade transactions using e-networks. In recent years, the city of Changzhou has paid special attention to the digital transformation of such sectors of the economy as manufacturing, agriculture and trade. In order to ensure high-quality development and achieve economic stability, it is also planned to develop innovative business models in the future.


New Year events
In the sister city of Pazardzhik a competition for children's letters dedicated to Christmas and New Year will be held from November 18 to December 17 this year. A variety of creative works in the original design are accepted to participate in the competition: drawings, poems, etc. Participants who submitted the most beautiful letters will receive New Year's gifts.

Festive decoration of the city
In the sister city of Beziers, on the eve of Christmas and New Year, special attention is paid to the festive decoration of squares and streets. In the center of the city there are winter art objects: 550 glowing fir trees, giant crystals and balls, as well as the figure of a huge polar bear. It is assumed that the bright decoration will create a festive atmosphere and will be an ideal place for New Year's photos.

Winter Farmers' Market

The opening of the Winter Farmers' Market will take place on November 20 in the sister city of Des Moinest. Food products from more than 70 local agricultural producers will be presented there. Buyers will also be able to purchase New Year's gifts and holiday decorations. Performances by musicians and various master classes will be organized for visitors.

Measures to prevent the spread of COVID
A meeting on the spread of coronavirus infection issues was held at the Mayor's office of the sister city of Zhenjiang on November 16 this year. With the winter period, special attention is expected to be paid to preventive measures. Work is promoted to increase the testing capabilities of a significant coverage of the population, to continue vaccination. Currently, vaccination is available for citizens and children from the age of three.

Further development of the city
In the sister city of Yerevan, active work is underway to create a comfortable urban environment. Comprehensive landscaping of the Koltsevoy Park has been carried out. The work was organized in several directions: landscaping the territory, installing new lighting and irrigation systems, cleaning the Getar River bed. Bicycle paths have been allocated in the park, new benches have been installed. As part of the program, the first city skate park was built that meets international standards.

Measures to prevent the spread of COVID
In the sister city of Changzhou, at one of the city hospitals, the first mobile automated laboratory for testing nucleic acids was created. The laboratory consists of three separate units for the preparation of reagents, processing and analysis of samples, which meets the requirements of the second level of biological safety. Using high-tech equipment, from 4,000 to 5,000 samples for coronavirus infection are tested daily 24/7.


Traditional sports event
As part of promoting a healthy lifestyle among school students, on November 03, the traditional athletics cross "Golden Autumn", organized with the support of the Mayor's office of the sister city, was organized in the Freedom Island park of Pazardzhik. The sports event was attended by teams of educational institutions of the city. The winners were awarded with memorable prizes.

City festival
In order to further develop the tourist potential on November 05-06 the Second City Festival was held in the sister city of Beziers.
Within the framework of the event, presentations of various drinks, master classes of local producers, food outlets with national cuisine were organized. The festival was accompanied by performances by musicians of the sister city.

Annual award for the development of inclusivity
On November 10 the results of the Ninth Annual Inclusion Award among organizations engaged in the development of an inclusive corporate culture were summed up in Des Moines. In 2021, four sister city enterprises actively implementing programs and projects aimed at ensuring social justice and equality in the workplace were declared winners.

Sports achievements

On November 10 the official reception of athletes with disabilities who have achieved significant sporting results took place at the City Hall of Zhenjiang. At the Tokyo Paralympic Games, three representatives of the sister city won four gold medals, setting two world records; five athletes won four gold and two silver medals in table tennis, javelin, discus and weightlifting at the recently concluded National Paralympic Games. Zhenjiang ranks еру first among the cities of Jiangsu Province, in the number of gold medals of athletes with disabilities.

Russian-language version of the tourist guide
A Russian-language version of the Yerevan in your pocket tourist booklet has been published in the sister city of Yerevan. The guide contains information about historical monuments of the capital of Armenia, museums, theaters, embassies and consulates, hotels, entertainment centers and other places of tourist interest. Special attention is paid to the national peculiarities and cultural traditions of the country.

Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
In the educational institutions of the sister city of Changzhou classes have resumed since November 10 of this year, New protocols have been introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. Systematic disinfection of premises is carried out, work is being organized to ensure the correct wearing of masks, temperature measurement, periodical start of classes and meals. It is planned to conduct COVID-19 tests for 10% of teachers and students of each school during the first week of training,


World Cup in majorette sports
Athletes of the women's team «Mystery» of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the World Cup in majorette sports. The event was held on October 24th this year in the city of Zadar, Republic of Croatia. 34 teams from 10 countries of the world took part in the sports event. The team of the city of Pazardzhik won the championship, winning an additional three gold and one bronze medals in different age categories. The athletes of the sister city expressed their gratitude to the Mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov for the financial support of the sport.

Sporting performance
Alexander Lloveras, a representative of one of the sports clubs of the sister city of Beziers, took part in the Paralympic Games in Tokyo (Japan), winning gold and silver medals in tandem cycling. The Mayor of Beziers congratulated the cyclist on the outstanding sporting achievements and presented memorable awards.

Promoting economic development
The Greater Des Moines Partnership, an association of entrepreneurs of the sister city of Des Moines, was awarded a prestigious award for organizing activities to assist small and medium-sized businesses, provide support measures to industries in order to restore the economy in a pandemic. The practice of placing glowing balloons in the city center for attention to city attractions, retail outlets and public catering is recognized as one of the best and recommended for implementation in other cities.

Harvest Festival
The agricultural sector accounts for a significant share of the sister city of Zhenjiang economy. In order to support local farms, a Harvest Festival was organized. A wide range of seasonal products was presented at the activity. Visitors of the event had the opportunity to purchase the necessary food and goods at affordable prices.

Energy saving program of the sister city of Yerevan
As part of the implementation of the energy saving program of Yerevan, it is planned to carry out capital repair in six kindergartens of the sister city. In order to reduce financial costs and CO2 emissions, it is planned to install LED lamps, solar panels, seismic and thermal insulation modernization. In the context of a pandemic, special importance is attached to ensuring compliance of preschool institutions with sanitary standards.

New projects in the sister city of Changzhou
A conference dedicated to attracting investments was held in the sister city of Changzhou, during which 18 projects involving the construction of specialized centers for the provision of financial services, scientific and technological development, artificial intelligence, talent pool, and large shopping complexes were presented. One of the projects is aimed at creating a modern district with a developed infrastructure, comfortable conditions for studying, living and business.


Open Badminton Championship
Representatives of the Badminton Squash sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the Open Badminton Championship, which took place on October from 16th to 17th this year in the city of Nicosia (Republic of Cyprus). Athletes of the city of Pazardzhik became prize-winners of the competition, winning a bronze medal in the women's doubles title for the first time.

Organization of mass sports events
On October 24th this year, residents and guests of the sister city of Beziers will be able to take part in a number of sports and mass events. For people who prefer a healthy lifestyle, races at a distance of 10, 15 and 20 km have been organized, and a 10 km walking route has also been developed. The peculiarity of the event is that the tracks are laid along the most significant historical sites that contributes to familiarization with the cultural heritage of the city.

Entrepreneurship Week
Within the framework of the World Entrepreneurship Week, which will be held from 08th to 12th November this year, forums, seminars, training courses for small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of developing companies will be organized in the sister city of Des Moines. The events will focus on modern strategies for the development of startups, support measures and opportunities for attracting investment.

Popularization of national culture
To attract attention to historical attractions and popularize national traditions, the Jinshan Festival of Culture and Art, as well as the International Tourism Festival, were held in the city of Zhenjiang. Residents and guests of the sister city took part in master classes on folk art, literary and musical performances, contests of national cuisine, entertainment events were organized.

Event in the sister city of Yerevan
In order to adapt children with disabilities, chronic diseases, as well as underprivileged children, the annual event «Evening of Dreams» was held in the sister city of Yerevan. More than a hundred children had the opportunity to take part in various master classes, contests, and games. Memorable gifts were also presented to the participants of the event.

Changzhou robotics industry chain standards Alliance
One of the key industries of Changzhou is the development of automated technical systems, in this regard, the Robotics industry chain standards Alliance has been established in the sister city. The main task is to develop regulatory documentation, stimulate further implementation of innovative technologies in the fields of mechanical engineering, new energy, food industry, medicine, electronics. The Alliance includes research institutes, state-owned institutions, educational organizations, as well as private enterprises.


Celebration of the Day of the Bulgarian Community
On October 12 of this year, residents of the sister city of Pazardzhik celebrated the Day of the Bulgarian Community – the national holiday of the Republic of Bulgaria. As part of the celebration, a solemn meeting of the City Duma was held. The Mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov, the Governor of the Pazardzhik region, as well as representatives of political parties made a welcoming speech.

Women's football development
The women's football club of the sister city of Beziers has been awarded one of the prestigious sports awards as the club with the most complete representation. Currently, the club has sections for young athletes from six years old, youth and adult players. The club consists of 110 professional athletes. The club's management noted that in order to achieve high results, constant sport promotion and selection of sports-gifted children in schools and colleges are carried out, Open Days are organized.

Winter farm market
On November 20th and December 04th this year, an annual open-air winter farm market will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. At the fair, buyers will be able to purchase seasonal products from local manufacturers. Fruits, vegetables, meat products, dairy products, various honey, jams and sauces will be presented in a large assortment. On the eve of the holidays, the products of local artists and artisans are especially popular.

National holiday
On October 14th this year, a number of events were held in the sister city of Zhenjiang, organized as part of the national holiday symbolizing respect for the people of the older generation - the Double Ninth Festival. The holiday has a thousand-year history, special importance is attached to the observance of cultural traditions and customs. On this day, gifts are presented to the elderly, traditional national dishes are prepared.

International chess competition opening in Yerevan
A ceremonial opening of the International chess tournament «Yerevan Open», one of the largest competitions in the Republic of Armenia, took place in the sister city of Yerevan. The organizer was the Yerevan Chess Federation in cooperation with the Mayor's office of the city of Yerevan. More than 300 chess players from 14 countries of the world with a FIDE rating take part in the tournament. There are grandmasters and international masters.

5G expansion in the sister city of Changzhou
To create a sound telecom infrastructure more than 10,000 5G base stations has rolled out in the sister city of Changzhou. New generation communication services are available in urban areas, major townships, key scenic spots, as well as in the most industrial parks and leading enterprises. As a result of the rapid growth to the 5G transition, the number of users reached about 1,200 million people in six months, which is 6.4 percent higher compared to last year. The process of 5G integration has also rolled out in various industries of manufacturing, agriculture, as well as healthcare.


Participation in the National Championship of the Republic of Bulgaria
In the period from 01st to 03rd October this year, the national Kickboxing Championship of the Republic of Bulgaria was held in the city of Varna. More than 240 athletes representing 42 sports clubs of the country took part in the event.
According to the results of the competition, the athletes of the Spartak kickboxing club of the sister city of Pazardzhik won 11 medals, specifically 2 gold, 4 silver and 5 bronze.

Education system development
In the sister city of Beziers, comprehensive efforts are being carried out to further develop the general education system. Considerable attention is paid to the reconstruction of educational institutions, equipping of school canteens, repair of surroundings and playgrounds. Large-scale construction work is underway to build a new elementary school, the peculiarity of which is an unusual layout without of corridors. Classrooms will have separate exits to the school yard. The construction is scheduled to be completed in September 2022.

Career guidance counseling among students
On October 14th this year, an online career guidance seminar for high school students of general education institutions will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. Within the framework of the webinar, the access to specialized education in the field of information technology will be discussed as the most promising area of career development, information about two and four-year educational programs implemented in secondary and higher educational institutions of Des Moines will be presented.

Auditing of educational institutions
At the end of September this year, a comprehensive inspection of the security and educational activities of the Jiangsu University of the sister city of Zhenjiang took place. Special attention was paid to the work of checkpoints, student dormitories, catering. The university administration also addressed the students with congratulations on the full-time study.

Exhibition-fair dedicated to the International Day of older persons
On the International Day of older persons, an exhibition-fair of works by representatives of the older generation was held in the sister city of Yerevan. Handmade products, as well as published books created by elderly people were presented at the fair. The organizer was the charity organization «Mission Armenia» by the support of the Mayor's office of the city of Yerevan, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

Project implementation for production of mechanical production equipment
In the National High-Tech District of the sister city of Changzhou, a signing ceremony was held for the project of SID, the leading company in the field of planning and construction of complete shredding installations. The company designs, manufactures and erects a wide range of waste recycling equipment.
As part of the project, it is planned to build the production center for high-end mechanical equipment in the Sino-Swiss (Changzhou) International Industrial Innovation Park. It is assumed that the annual sales of manufactured products will reach 500 million yuan.


Exhibition of graphic works
On October 01 of this year, the Fourth Graphic Exhibition named after Georgy Gerasimov, a famous artist and a native of the city of Pazardzhik, was opened in the Stanislav Dospevski Art Gallery of the sister city of Pazardzhik. The exhibition presents more than 150 creative works by 69 artists. At the end of the exhibition, the best paintings will be awarded. The event was organized with the financial support of the Mayor's Office of the sister city.

Reconstruction of the architectural monument
In the first half of 2022 in the sister city of Beziers it is planned to reconstruct one of the ancient bridges, which is an architectural monument. To improve the accessibility of the tourist route, a lift will be installed next to the historical building and a parking for 350 places will be organized. In order to preserve the natural landscape of the area, 150 trees are also supposed to be planted.

Startups presentation
On September 29 this year, the Scientific Center of the sister city of Des Moines hosted the annual Demo Day of companies, which was attended by representatives of business, expert and public organizations, prospective investors. Within the framework of the event, the 10 best startups were presented, as well as information about their achievements, products and services introduced. The main attention is paid to the possibilities of further business development and implementation of innovative projects.

Reconstruction of the Grand Canal
More than 100 million tons of cargo are delivered annually in the area of the sister city of Zhenjiang by the Grand Canal. In order to increase the capacity, work is currently underway on the reconstruction of waterways, which will allow the use of vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons. The irrigation system will also be upgraded and the ecological landscape along the Grand Canal will be improved.

Purchase of specialized equipment
In order to further develop the sister city of Yerevan, more than 35 units of specialized equipment were purchased for the municipal landscaping company. Modern equipment is provided for the organization of irrigation, pruning of green spaces, cleaning and sorting of waste.

Mid-Autumn Festival
The sister city of Changzhou hosted the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival. During the holiday, more than 330 thousand residents and guests of the city visited eight main attractions of Changzhou. The revenues from the visit amounted to about 43 million yuan, which indicates an increase in demand for tourist services in the sister city.


Celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Bulgaria
Solemn events dedicated to the 113th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Bulgaria, a national holiday celebrated annually on September 22th, were held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The Mayor of the city of Pazardzhik Todor Popov, as well as deputies of the State Duma of the Republic of Bulgaria, representatives of political parties addressed to the residents of the city with a congratulatory speech online. A festive concert was organized for residents and guests of the city on the central square.

French language study
In order to promote the social adaptation and integration of children of foreign origin, additional French language courses have been created for more than 4.5 thousand students of educational institutions in the sister city of Beziers. Classes are held in small groups by teachers and volunteers. Parents of secondary school students are also able to take part in the training program.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles
On October 06th this year, a sports event aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. Residents and guests of the city are invited to take part in walking tours around the city center. For this purpose, a special mobile application has been created, walking routes have been developed, food services areas have been established along the way. The event is held under the motto «Move more! Communicate more!».

Tourism development
Nine popular attractions of the sister city of Zhenjiang are included in the List of the 100 most picturesque places along the Grand Canal prepared by the Jiangsu Province. The project combines iconic tourist routes, historical monuments, cultural and exhibition objects, guided tours.

Modern skate park
As part of the improvement of a new recreation area of the sister city of Yerevan, which is being completed, it is planned to open a modern skate park for the purpose of organizing leisure activities for residents of the city, the possibility of holding citywide and international competitions. During the implementation of the project, an integrated approach was applied: the skate park is also designed for cycling, roller skating and scooters. Solar panels will be installed on the territory of the park.

XIV National Games
On September 15th this year, an opening ceremony of the XIV National Games was held. The Games will take place under the motto «Games for all, together in mind and action» for three months. More than 50 sports competitions for professionals and amateurs are planned to be held within the framework of the event.
Athletes of the sister city of Changzhou took part in the competitions in football, men's volleyball, women's basketball and others and won seven gold medals.


Medical College opening
On September 15th this year, the official opening of the Medical College was held in the sister city of Pazardzhik with the participation of the Mayor of the city Todor Popov. The teaching staff of the Medical University of Plovdiv was involved in organizing the educational process. In 2022, it is planned to expand the material and technical base of the college, open new training classes.

Implementation of modern technologies for waste disposal
In the sister city of Beziers, special importance is attached to environmental issues. In this regard, new technologies for waste disposal, enabling to reduce the negative impact on nature, are being introduced. Currently, in accordance with the existing standards, equipment of the rubbish recycling plant has been modernized. It is also planned to open a new landfill with a dedicated area for sorting secondary raw materials. The new structure will be made of concrete modules, which allow to expand the space if required.

Measures to support entrepreneurs
In order to support small businesses amid the pandemic, a campaign to promote the products of local manufacturers is being implemented in the sister city of Des Moines from September 13th to 17th this year. Social networks contain information about companies, shopping centers and public catering enterprises. Special graphic layouts and hashtags have been developed for the participants of the campaign. Online catalogs of organizations by profile categories have been created.

Economic recovery
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, comprehensive measures are being implemented for economic recovery and resolving a number of problems related to restrictions during the pandemic. As a result of the efforts, the port capacity on the Yangtze River increased by more than 15% by the end of August 2021, the tonnage of goods shipped - by 9.7%. The indicators reached a record level compared to the same period of the previous year.

Official online meeting
Within the framework of the official online meeting of the Mayors of the sister city of Yerevan and the city of Leipzig, the Federal Republic of Germany, development of bilateral cooperation in the fields of culture, economy, tourism, youth and sports was discussed. The prospects of practical cooperation in various areas of urban economy, implementation of joint projects, and exchange of work experience were also considered.

Selection of tourist spots
In order to further promote the cultural and historical heritage, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangsu Province held an event to select 100 landmark tourist spots along the Grand Canal.
The Jing-Hang Grand Canal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known as the longest canal in the world, connecting the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. According to the results of the selection, ten objects of the sister city of Changzhou were included in the List of 100 historic tourist places. Changzhou ranks third in the province in terms of the number of selected attractions.


Mass competitions
On September 08th this year, the fourth mass race «Pazardzhik Run Lacrima» was held in the park «Island of Freedom» of the sister city of Pazardzhik, in which the Mayor of the city Todor Popov took part. The organizers were the Bulgarian Athletics Federation and the Mayor's office of Pazardzhik. About 200 athletes took part in the competition, 115 of them were young women. Besides, the race for shorter distances was held for people with disabilities.

Outdoor advertising
For further improvement and preservation of the historical appearance of the sister city of Beziers, public hearings on placement of outdoor advertising and installation of advertising constructions will be held on September 14th this year. Representatives of organizations, specialists and experts in this field, residents of the city and other interested participants will take part in the discussions.

International festival
The annual International Festival of Music and Cooking will be held in the sister city of Des Moines from September 17th to 19th this year. Within the framework of the event, a fair – selling food products from 25 countries of the world, an exhibition of exotic fruits, online cooking workshops and interactive presentations will be organized. There will be performances of well-known musical groups demonstrating various directions of classical and folk music.

Charity event
Farmers of the sister city of Zhenjiang took part in a public charity event aimed at supporting medical personnel working with patients with coronavirus infection. More than 3,000 fruit sets were given on a free of charge basis to doctors and medical workers with irregular working hours in the difficult conditions of the pandemic as a sign of gratitude.

Traffic optimization
As part of the implementation of the traffic optimization program, more than 10 traffic lights with calling devices at pedestrian crossings have been installed in the sister city of Yerevan. The program is focused on reducing the number of road accidents, regulating traffic on black spots, ensuring the safety of city residents.

Day of charitable donations
In the sister city of Changzhou, September 03rd this year is declared the Day of charitable donations. Representatives of municipalities, government authorities and agencies took part in the charity event. The amount of the fee was about 3 billion yuan. The funds were used to help disadvantaged people, specifically orphans, disabled persons, older people and students.


Reconstruction of swimming pool
The reconstruction of the 50-meter swimming pool «Balloon», which was established in 1960, has been completed in the city of Pazardzhik. On September 01st this year, the solemn opening of the swimming pool was held. The Mayor of the city Todor Popov made a welcoming speech. Afterwards, it is also planned to further modernize the sports complex, including gyms, sport venues for triathlon and pentathlon.

Development of green transport
In the sister city of Beziers, a rental network for bicycles with electric drive was created. The autonomous mileage of vehicles is designed for more than 140 km, which allow residents and visitors of the city to attend the city center as well as its surroundings. For interested people detailed maps and routes are offered. Given the difficult terrain, it is assumed that electric bicycles will be especially popular for residents and guests of the sister city of Beziers.

Celebration of Labor Day in the city of Des Moines
On September 06th this year, residents of the sister city of Des Moines celebrate the US national holiday - Labor Day. The first Monday of September is an additional weekend when the most companies and government agencies are not working, it is an unofficial symbol of the end of the summer holiday season. Traditionally, this day people spend with family and friends and arrange picnics in the fresh air.

Preventive measures
On the eve of the new academic year in schools and open groups in kindergartens in the sister city of Zhenjiang, educational lectures on prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection were organized. Employees of educational and preschool institutions were provided with information on compliance with safety rules, use of safety products and disinfection.

A competition for landscape architecture and design was announced in the sister city of Yerevan in order to renovate the Azatutyan Square, as well as its surrounding area. In accordance with the main objectives of the competition, further planting, necessity for alleys, which are accessible to people with muscle-skeleton disorders, and modernization of the street lighting system are expected. According to the results of the competition, the effectiveness of the projects presented will be considered, as well as the conformity with the historical appearance, innovation and utility.

Production of industrial robots
Enterprises in the Wujin national high-tech industrial zone of Changzhou City District continue to actively develop in the field of industrial robot production. This territory is the only experimental zone for the robotics cluster in Jiangsu Province, including more than 60 enterprises engaged in the research, development, production and assembly of robots. This year, the sales volume of thirteen enterprises amounted to four billion yuan, which is 112% more compared to the same period last year.


National Tennis Championship
The National Tennis Championship for the under-16 age group was held at the tennis court «Favorit» in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The championship was organized by the Bulgarian Tennis Federation. About 100 athletes took part in the competition, 48 of them were young women.

Purchasing of the rugby club
The city of Beziers has become the official owner of the professional Rugby Club, having acquired a control packet of shares. This will enable the Mayor's office of the sister city timely to resolve issues of financing, organization of work and management of the club. Professional Beziers police officers are members of the unique sports club.

Training program for small-scale entrepreneurs
A new training program for small business sector was developed in the sister city of Des Moines. The main purpose of the seminars is contribution for establishment of business connections and entrepreneur cooperation, providing new opportunities for further development. Significant attention is expected to be paid to preparation of contracts with local and national corporations during the training courses.

Preventive measures
In order to achieve the necessary level of immunization in the sister city of Zhenjiang, large-scale explanatory work has been continuing among the population about the need to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Special vaccination centers have been established in the city districts. First time vaccinated residents of the city will receive special gift sets.

New bridge construction
In order to ensure safety of traffic and regulate congestion, the construction of a new bridge with the width of 9 meters was completed in the sister city of Yerevan. For the convenience of movement of residents, a sidewalk and installation of a drainage system are provided. The bridge connects the city with the Kotayk region, located in the central part of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the administrative district of Yerevan with the city of Sevan.

Competition for production of high-quality equipment
On August 19th, the Jiangsu Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for small and medium-sized enterprises was held in the sister city of Changzhou. Sixty-eight programs in the field of smart manufacturing, new energy and green technologies were submitted for participation in the competition. The winner was one of the companies of the city of Changzhou, which takes the leading position among enterprises producing equipment for measuring complex impedance.


International Youth Day
On August 12th this year, activities dedicated to the International Youth Day were held in the «Island of Freedom» park of the sister city of Pazardzhik, organized by the Mayor's Office jointly with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Bulgaria, the public organization «Bulgaria loves the Young». The main focus of the events is «time of opportunities». In accordance with the program of the holiday, thematic exhibitions, meetings, as well as film screenings were held.

National swimming competitions
On September 12th this year, national open water swimming competitions will be held in the sister city of Beziers. The sports competition is organized by the French Swimming Federation, the European Swimming League and is part of a series of events implemented in order to support the growing interest of the population in playing sports in surroundings in the fresh air. Everyone aged from 10 to 99 years will be able to take part in swimming at various distances.

Organization of leisure time in the summer period
On August 27th this year, an open-air cinema will be organized for residents and guests of the sister city of Des Moines. In one of the city parks, a demonstration of the film will be held on a portable screen about 8 meters in size. Fast food will also be organized for the audience. The entertainment event will provide an opportunity for film lovers to spend time with family and friends in the fresh air.

Preventive measures
A number of preventive measures are being implemented in the sister city of Zhenjiang to stave off the spread of coronavirus infection. Special attention is paid to the organization of the work of shopping centers, supermarkets and public places. Systematic disinfection of premises, measuring the temperature of visitors, checking health data is carried out. The implemented measures allow to reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus infection.

Sports achievements
In the Mayor's Office of the sister city of Yerevan there was a meeting with representatives of the Armenian gymnastics team who have performed at the 32nd Olympic Games in Tokyo. As well as the bronze medalist Artur Davtyan awarded by the commemorative medal «Erebuni-Yerevan-2800». The participation of athletes in such events promotes the image of the city in the international field, contributes to the further development of this kind of sport. In this regard, it is planned to build a new sports school for training and organization of international competitions.

Decentralized wind generation program
A large-scale 30 MW decentralized wind generation program has been launched in Changzhou City District, which will save 22,000 tons of standard coal. Within the framework of the program with an investment of 230 million yuan, it is also planned to build 12 wind power generation sets.


On August 09th this year, the official opening ceremony of the monument to the hero of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878, General Nikolai Brok, took place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The special event was attended by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Bulgaria Eleonora Mitrofanova, ex-President of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov, as well as representatives of local authorities and public. The monument was consecrated by the Metropolitan of Plovdiv, Bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, who emphasized the symbolic significance of the memorial as a struggle for the freedom of the homeland.

Recreation organization
In the sister city of Beziers, special significance is attached to the organization of leisure time of citizens in the summer. On a daily basis in the evening, residents and guests of the city are able to watch a high-tech performance projected on the facade of the Church of St. Madeleine, using water special effects of a specially installed pool on the square. The light and music show is dedicated to the history of Beziers from the time of the Greek settlers.

Affordable housing Forum
On August 17th this year, the Forum will be held in the sister city of Des Moines, organized as part of a series of conferences on national policy issues. The main topic of the meetings is providing affordable housing to attract young professionals to the region, concessional leasing terms. The Forum will be held in a hybrid format. The next forum is scheduled for this October.

Development of ecological tourism
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, particular importance is attached to the further development of eco-tourism. Horse-riding and walking guided tours around the city are especially popular among health-conscious people. Unusual landscapes and natural attractions also attract a lot of photography lovers.

Sports events
Within the framework of cooperation between the city of Yerevan and the city of Stepanakert, joint youth competitions were held in the period from 04 to 06 August this year in such sports as basketball, volleyball, boxing. All teams participating in the events were awarded by representatives of local self-government bodies of both cities. A bus tour was organized for the invited sports delegation to get acquainted with the cultural and historical sights of the city of Yerevan.

Implementation of programs
Ten major programs with a total investment of more than 6.2 billion yuan have been launched in the Economic Development Zone of Liyang, an area of Changzhou City District. These programs are aimed at the development of key industries, infrastructure, as well as the implementation of projects for the social protection of low-income rural population. Besides, one of the Chinese companies intends to invest 3.5 billion yuan in the program for producing the components of lithium batteries for electric vehicles.
During the implementation of the 14th five-year plan for development of the Liyang Economic Zone, it is planned to build industrial clusters for the production of car batteries and high-end stainless steel, smart grid and smart equipment.


Badminton World Championship
In the period fr om August 5th to 8th this year, the 14th Badminton World Championship for the age group from 14 to 19 years is being held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. More than 100 sportsmen from 14 foreign countries will take part in the event. The championship was organized by the Bulgarian Badminton Federation, the Badminton Sports Club of the sister city. The Mayor's Office of the city of Pazardzhik provided financing for the sport event and logistic support.

Marathon «Southern race»
On August 12th 2021, the municipal marathon «Southern Race» for a distance of 5.2 km will be held in the sister city of Beziers as part of the annual Feria holiday. Professional athletes and fans of a healthy lifestyle will traditionally be able to take part in running competitions. The event will be organized in line with sanitary safety measures.

Interactive project
A new interactive project aimed at getting acquainted residents and guests of the sister city with interesting historical facts will be implemented in the city of Des Moines. It is planned to set special QR codes in the city center for scanning, after this persons wishing to be able to read information about the sights of Des Moines by visual effects.

Using modern equipment in city parks
An unusual rose garden has been created in the sister city of Zhenjiang, wh ere the modern installation «Misty Forest» is used. The artificial fog generation system is used to cooling and humidifying space, disinfection, and creation a beautiful effect in the garden. Visitors note the unusual fantastic atmosphere of the flower garden.

The honorary certificates and grateful letters were presented by Mayor's Office of the sister city of Yerevan to representatives of organizations and individuals who contributed to the development of the city. Their activities were aimed at implementing projects and programs for the improvement and urban greening, as well as conducting research and developing measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection Covid-19.

Districts of the sister city of Changzhou
The districts of Qingcheng and Shi-Chen, which are part of the Changzhou Urban District, were included into the list of traditional districts of Jiangsu Province. Rural tourism is actively developing in the territories, which contributes to improving the quality of life of residents through the use of natural resources. Programs for reconstruction of houses, improvement of the environment, and household waste management have also been implemented. In October 2018, Shi-Chen district was included in the list of attractive demonstration areas of the countryside of the sister city of Changzhou.


National Championship
In the sister city of Pazardzhik, the third stage of the National Championship of the Republic of Bulgaria in ship modeling was held in the period from July 23th to 25th this year. According to the results of all stages of the championship, the competition winners in various age categories were awarded 56 medals, 23 of which were awarded for the best yacht modeling projects.

Feria holiday
In the period from August 11th to 15th 2021, the traditional Feria festival will be held in the sister city of Beziers, including carnival processions, performances of folklore groups, concerts of brass bands, theater and circus spectacles will be organized. Residents of Beziers and guests of the sister city will be able to attend book exhibitions and literary meetings, take part in various interactive programs.

Annual forum on increasing inclusivity
In November 2021, the IX annual Forum on Social Integration will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. The event is supposed to be held in a hybrid format. During the forum, the best practices of providing equal opportunities for all segments of the population will be considered. The winners of the award for the development of an inclusive corporate culture will also be awarded.

Farm work
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, the harvest of spring wheat has been completed, at the same time the field work of local farmers engaged in planting rice seedlings continues. Special attention is paid to the observance of technologies and the introduction of modern methods of cultivation in order to obtain the best quality crop, which is expected to be harvested in October this year.

Reconstruction of park areas
Large-scale work is being carried out in the sister city of Yerevan on implementation of the well-arrangement programs in recreation zones of the capital. As part of the program for the reconstruction of the parks' infrastructure, it is planned to provide the objects with a new irrigation system, outdoor lighting using energy-saving lamps, ramps, as well as to renew the appearance of cultural attractions, renovate alleys and arrange green spaces.

Educational Forum
A Forum dedicated to the organization of exchanges of talented youth within the framework of cooperation between educational institutions and major enterprises located in the Yangtze River Delta was held in the sister city of Changzhou. During the Forum, issues related to the training of highly qualified specialists, the developing of training programs were discussed. Agreements on internships for students were also signed. In conclusion, the Forum participants visited the largest industrial parks of the city.


Transport network development
For the further transport network development, a new bus route will be elaborated in the sister city of Beziers. Traffic on the lane will be organized by the priority to public transport. Stops will be provided near the most important public places, hospitals, shopping centers, educational institutions, the endpoints will be the railway station and the bus station named after Charles de Gaulle. The bus line will connect the eastern and western parts of the city.

Educational seminars
At the end of July this year, educational seminars for women will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. Within the framework of the activities, meetings with successful business women, women leaders of organizations and companies will be organized, trainings on further professional development and personal growth will be prepared.

Farmers' markets reconstruction

In order to provide comfortable conditions for sale of products from local farms and stimulate consumer demand, large-scale work on renewing the city markets was carried out in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Hypermarkets were obtained its current appearance by the providing of sanitary standards and security measures.

Yard territories improvement
To create a comfortable urban environment in the sister city of Yerevan, works are being carried out on the improvement of yard territories. Within the framework of the «Active Citizen» program of the Yerevan Municipality, residents of the city are given the opportunity to present their own projects aimed at improving the quality and development of the city infrastructure. At this stage, projects are being implemented, including the creation of recreation areas in the administrative districts of the city, the construction of sports grounds, running tracks.

Road construction
During the implementation of the joint project of the cities of Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou, it is planned to build a road with a length of more than 400 km along Taihu Lake. This project provides for the further development of logistics between cities and ensuring the availability of public transport. Besides, the representatives of the sister city of Changzhou are elaborated a landscape design of the territory along Taihu Lake with an area of 30 square kilometers, which will contribute to the revival of rural areas because of tourism development.


July 15th this year opening of the exhibition dedicated to the work of members of the Community of Pazardzhik Artists took place at the art gallery «G.Mashev» of the sister city of Pazardzhik. Residents and guests of the city were given the opportunity to get acquainted with the works of young artists in the period from July 15th to 28th this year.

Reconstruction of the bus station
On July 07th this year large-scale works on the reconstruction of the bus station and its surrounding area have been started in the sister city of Beziers, as a result of which a safe and accessible modern public space will be created, equipped with information terminals for passengers and sales outlets. A number of measures aimed at optimizing the movement of road traffic and reorganizing parking spaces will also be implemented.

International Festival
Currently, arrangements is being carried out in the sister city of Des Moines for the annual gastronomic and music festival, which will be held from September 17 to 19 this year. It is expected that food producers from 23 countries will take part in the event. Seminars and interactive presentations, cooking shows and master classes, various entertainment programs will be organized for visitors of the festival.

Ecological agriculture development

Active educational activities are being carried out to train local farmers in «green» technologies and modern methods of agricultural production, as well as soil cultivation and fertilization with the onset of the summer harvest season for further development of organic agriculture in the sister city of Zhenjiang.

Sanitary cleaning of streets
For further urban beautification of the sister city of Yerevan, additional sanitary cleaning of streets has been organized in the summer. On a daily basis intensive work is carried out by several dozen street cleaning machines and sidewalk cleaning equipment in all administrative districts of the city, contributing to reducing the level of environmental pollution and air purification.

Youth cultural Festival

On July 11th this year, the grand opening of the Youth festival dedicated to the cultural peculiarities of Jiangsu Province and Taiwan took place in the sister city of Changzhou. The festival organized by Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the Changzhou Municipal People’s Government. Within the framework of the festival, 12 events will be organized, including an innovation competition, a basketball tournament, and a seminar on agricultural technologies.


Exhibition dedicated to the Bulgarian rose
On July 08th this year, an exhibition dedicated to the symbol of the Republic of Bulgaria - the Bulgarian rose - opened in the Regional Historical Museum of the sister city of Pazardzhik. The exhibition was organized by the Historical Museum «Iskra» of the Bulgarian city of Kazanlak – the center of cultivation and processing of the Bulgarian rose and the mayor's office of the sister city of Pazardzhik. The exposition presents more than 100 exhibits about the history of the creation of rose oil.

National holiday
On July 14th this year, a number of events dedicated to the national holiday of France - Bastille Day will be held in the sister city of Beziers. According to tradition, stage and light street shows, musical performances of creative teams will be organized for residents and guests of the city. The main activity will be a pyrotechnic show using drones.

Sustainable Development Rating
In July, the sister city of Des Moines was recognized as one of the best cities for sustainable development. The rating was based on data on the implementation of projects in the field of green industry, complying with the environmental construction standards, the availability of buildings with economical energy consumption, as well as the provision of grants for the reconstruction and restoration facilities.

Preservation of historical heritage
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, a special attention is paid to the development of tourist attractiveness and the preservation of cultural and historical heritage. The oldest part of the city of Zhenjiang is considered to be the Xijin quarter, which unites several ancient streets with historical features. There are restored residential buildings, as well as many souvenir shops and cafes with national cuisine. In the summer, the old quarter is especially popular for tourists.

Transport reforms
The capital's fleet of the sister city of Yerevan was equipped with 100 new compact buses by support of the Mayor's Office of the city. For security reasons, the vehicles were equipped with a video surveillance system. By autumn, it is planned to install an electronic payment system to all public transport, expand the fleet with large-capacity buses in accordance with relevant international standards.

The first route «Red tourism»
Since July 01st, the new bus route «Red Tourism» was developed for residents and guests of the sister city of Changzhou, dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The excursion tour consists of more than 50 stops, including visits to the memorial halls of famous political leaders and the Museum of the Communist Party of China. The total length of the route is 13.7 km.


European Night of Museums
On July 03rd this year, the thematic event «European Night of Museums» will be held in the Regional Historical Museum, as well as in the art gallery «Stanislav Dospevski» of the sister city of Pazardzhik. During this activity, the thematic exhibitions and concerts will be organized. Annually the cultural event is traditionally held and supported by the Mayor's Office of the sister city of Pazardzhik.

Light installations
Since July 01st this year, the new lighting in the summer period and illumination depicting exotic birds and animals, unusual plants and trees has been installed in the center of the sister city of Beziers. Light installations are dedicated to certain topics. Residents and guests of the city will also be able to see a game of giant chess in front of the Town Hall - an unusual performance using special luminous equipment.

Further economic and social development
The members of the business sector association «Greater Des Moines Partnership» presented the strategic priorities for the further development of the sister city of Des Moines, which are expected to be approved as part of the federal program in September this year in Washington. The main attention is paid to the development of air and water connections, attraction of investment in urban infrastructure, small businesses support and immigration reform.

Performance dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party
On June 27th of this year, a premiere of the theatrical performance dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang. During the activity, the main attention was paid to patriotic education, the history of socialism. The performance was attended by representatives of the leadership of the Municipal People's Government of the city of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province.

Official reception of the Ambassador of Italy to Armenia
The meeting of the Mayor of the sister city of Yerevan and the Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Armenia Mr. Alfonso di Rizo was held on June 30th of this year. The Mayor of Yerevan congratulated the Ambassador of Italy with the beginning of the diplomatic mission, noting the importance of further development of friendly relations between the sister cities.
The Ambassador of Italy emphasized the importance of strengthening the historically formed multilateral relations between Yerevan and the cities of Italy.

Opening of a new metro line
On June 28th of this year, the second metro line was opened in the sister city of Changzhou, the length of which is 19.79 km, including 15 stations. This line passes through the city, connecting the districts of Zhonglou and Tianning, as well as the Changzhou economic development zone. The travel time for residents of the sister city takes about 35 minutes.


Commemorative events
As part of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow on June 22th this year, residents of the sister city of Pazardzhik engaged in commemorative events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. On this day there were ceremony of laying flowers at monuments to Soviet soldiers who died in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Victory in the Republican Rapid Chess Championship
Representatives of the Chess Club of the sister city of Pazardzhik gained the victory at the team competition at the Republican Rapid Championship. Rapid chess competitions are held in the period from June 19th to 26th this year in the Bulgarian city of Kiten.

Award in the field of landscape design
At the end of 2020, the sister city of Beziers became the winner of the prestigious landscape design competition. The gold medal in the category «Urban Public Spaces» was awarded for the reconstruction of one of the ancient squares and the silver medal - in the category «Infrastructure» for the redevelopment of the Saint-Roche Bridge and its surroundings.

Small Enterprise Summit
The fifth annual small enterprise Summit is going to be held in the sister city of Des Moines. During the event, it is planned to consider issues of supporting business representatives in overcoming the effects of the pandemic, discuss prospects for further development: marketing, legal regulation of activities, sales increase, etc. Within the framework of the Summit, a series of seminars will be held by representatives of leading enterprises, the expert community and business circles.

Activities dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
A series of activities were organized in the sister city of Zhenjiang to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The veterans who devoted more than 50 years of their lives to working in party bodies were awarded honorary medals. Lectures and informative talks about the history of the Communist Party and the life of state leaders were organized for school students.

Modernization of non-formal education system
In the sister city of Yerevan, a meeting was held between the Deputy Mayor and the President of the European Association of Non-Formal Education Institutions, Mr. Valdas Yankauskas. During the meeting, the proposed reforms, opportunities for attracting students to municipal youth creativity centers were discussed. The international experience of improving the effectiveness of extracurricular education was presented. The parties reached an agreement on the continuation of joint activities.

Tourism development
Eight attractions of the sister city of Changzhou were included in the List of 100 memorable places associated with the history of the Communist Party, the life of communist leaders and the revolutionary past. The list of historical attractions of «red tourism» was prepared by the People's government of Jiangsu Province as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021.


Awards for sports achievements
On June 16th this year, the athletes were awarded for winning in the national championships in various sports as part of the implementation of the «Civic Impulse» program of the Pazardzhik City Hall. The event was attended by the Mayor of the sister city of Pazardzhik and Olympic medalist Renata Kamburova. For outstanding achievements in sports, 12 athletes of the sister city were awarded certificates of honor and money reward.

Port reconstruction

In the next decade, increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region is one of the most important areas of the development strategy of the sister city of Beziers. The reconstruction of the port of Valares is completed at the moment. To facilitate the maneuvering of ships, the bottom of the inner harbor has been deepened, the surface of the embankments and piers has been completely updated, the parking space has been reconstructed and the surrounding area has been equipped.

Cultural and entertainment events

During July, a number of outdoor cultural and entertainment events will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. In the city center, concerts of live music and original songs will be organized, as well as the work of fast food enterprises. The events are planned to attract residents and guests of the sister city to visit the sights and to create opportunities for comfortable communication.

Handicrafts exhibition

The creative works of the artists of the sister city of Zhenjiang were presented at the Handicrafts exhibition, which was held at the Suzhou Art Museum, Jiangsu Province. The exhibition was attended by more than 100 artists. The authors’ works represent the traditional creativity and folk crafts of the residents of the Yangtze River Delta.

Upgrading project of the forest park zone
The Mayor's Office of the sister city of Yerevan has been implementing the large-scale greening project of the the western part of the Tsitsernakaberd Sports and Concert Complex. Currently, the forest park area is being rebuilt, a new irrigation system has been carried out, and the landscape design of the territory with multi-level landscaping is being developed. It is assumed that the green area will improve the climatic conditions of this part of the capital.

Popular tourist destinations
The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China will be held in 2021. In this regard, the most popular tourist destination was visiting memorable places related to the history of the Communist Party and the state leaders lives. During the National Dragon Boat Festival, which held from 12th to 14th June, more than 75,500 excursion tours were organized in the sister city of Changzhou, which was 12% more than last year. Residents and guests of the sister city visited architectural monuments, historical and cultural attractions.


11.06.2021 National Judo Championship
From June 05th to 06th, the National Judo Championship was held in Panagyurishte, the town in Pazardzhik Province. More than 600 athletes of the Republic of Bulgaria took part in the sports competitions. Members of the Kodokan club of the sister city of Pazardzhik have gained of 4 gold, 4 silver and 9 bronze medals.

11.06.2021 Music project
The short feature film was made as part of the joint project of musicians, producers, artists, choreographers and professional dancers for drawing the attention to the preservation of historical heritage in the sister city of Beziers. The music film contains creative performances in various dance styles in front of sights and architectural monuments.

11.06.2021 Creative action

From June 19th to 27th this year, the interesting creative event will be organized in the framework of the Des Moines Art Festival. Birds ceramic figurines will be daily placed near the city attractions - the total number is 90 original works by local artists. Participants of the action are invited to discover hidden figurines and post photos with souvenirs on social networks. The initiative is aimed at attracting residents and visitors of the sister city to visit shopping centers and public catering places in the city center.

11.06.2021 Annual entrance exams to universities
Since June 07th, more than twelve thousand students of the sister city of Zhenjiang have taken part in the annual national entrance exams to universities within three days. This year, special attention was paid to ensuring comfortable conditions for examinees, especially for people with disabilities, as well as compliance with measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

11.06.2021 Modernization of lighting systems

In the sister city of Yerevan, work continues on the further improvement of the capital. At the initiative of the Mayor's office, the repair and modernization of lighting systems in the transport tunnels of the city is being carried out. For safety reasons, electrical cables are replaced. Installed LED lamps provide not only better visibility, but also more than 60% energy savings.

11.06.2021 Industrial internet development
On June 03rd, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Cloud Computing Center «China Mobile» was held in Changzhou Economic Development Zone for further development of the industrial Internet. The event was attended by the leaders of the municipal people's government of the sister city. The center will be responsible for processing Internet data in the Yangtze River Delta region. The project is implemented within the framework of the national plan for the maximum reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.


City mini-football championship
The final of the City Football League was held in Pazardzhik on June 03 of this year. The championship, organized with the assistance of the Mayor's Office of the sister city and the Bulgarian Association for Mini-football, was attended by 9 teams, the winner's cup was won by the football team "Forest". The award was presented by the Olympic medalist, the chair of the Youth Sports Club of the city of Pazardzhik Reneta Kamberova.

Archaeological research
On June 4th, archaeological research continues in the sister city of Beziers, which is one of the oldest cities in France. Currently, scientists are excavating the structure of the mid-XII-early XIII century, presumably the cathedral. The data will contribute to the restoration of the history of the founding of settlements in this area.

Urban development
Starting on June 15th, a series of forums dedicated to further urban development will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. Within the frame of the session, it is planned to discuss issues of public-private partnership, design and management of public spaces, as well as strategies for further development of territories.

Technical specialists' training
From May 29th to 30th, a forum dedicated to the development of cooperation between local authorities, educational institutions and enterprises was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The Forum was attended by the heads of more than 100 colleges and universities, as well as representatives of recruitment and employment departments from 27 provinces and municipalities of China. During the meetings, the prospects for cooperation and issues of training highly qualified technical specialists were discussed.

Development of urban development projects
On June 1st, the meeting of students of Yerevan schools with representatives of local authorities was held at the Yerevan City Hall within the framework of the International Children's Day. During the meeting, held under the motto «Community for Children», students' projects dedicated to the development of Yerevan, the protection of children's rights, and the formation of a comfortable environment were presented. The most interesting proposals will be included in the urban development programs in the future.

New pontoon open
On May, the new pontoon was put into operation in the sister city of Changzhou on the Yangtze River. The length of the floating vehicle is 68 meters, width-12 meters, displacement-685 tons. The pontoon will be used for various volunteer activities, including the prevention of environmental pollution by ships and the organization of rescue operations on the water.


 Anniversary Festival of majorette sports
The 10th Anniversary Festival of Majorette Sports will be held in the sister city of Pazardzhik on May 28-29. The event is organized by the Mayor's Office of the Pazardzhik and the Children's Complex of the sister city. Teams fr om seven Bulgarian cities will take part in the festival. The competitions will be held in four age categories. The winners will be awarded with special prizes.

Adaption of buses on environmentally friendly fuel

In the sister city of Beziers, the public transport on natural gas has been increased, currently 39 buses operate in the city. In the summer, it is also planned to use the first experimental hydrogen-powered bus. The use of liquefied gas as a fuel has a positive impact on the environment and human health, which is important for cities wh ere road transport is one of the main sources of pollution.

Work of children's organizations
In early June this year, a "round table" will be held in the sister city of Des Moines for institutions and organizations working with children. Within the framework of the meeting, an exchange of experience in solving topical issues will take place, as well as a discussion of the practices of interaction with children. It is planned to consider the possibility of creating an association that will unite the sister city children's organizations.

Restoration of the biological diversity of birds
On the eve of World Biodiversity Day, the Chishan Lake National Wetland Park of the sister city of Zhenjiang has published data on wintering birds. This year, 163 species were registered in the protected area, which is 13 more than in the previous year. The work to restore biological diversity has been carried out for many years. The park is an important wintering and stopping place for bird migration.

Modernization of the underground parking on the Azatutyan Square

In the sister city of Yerevan the underground parking on the Azatutyan Square has been modernized and equipped with automatic control and video systems. On three floors of the parking, there are 6 terminals for various payments. All operations are automated. There are also charging stations for electric vehicles, which will provide an opportunity to charge vehicles for free while parking.

Population of Changzhou

On May 20, the Changzhou Bureau of Statistics published the results of the 7th National Population Census. According to the census, the number of permanent residents of Changzhou is 5.278 million. The growth rate and population increase rank 4th in Jiangsu Province. The information contains data on the gender, age, level of education and residential areas of the population. Accurate and detailed data contribute to the economic and social development plans.


Day of the city of Pazardzhik
Festive events dedicated to the Day of Pazardzhik and the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture were held on May 21, 2021. Guests and residents of the city took part in the official opening ceremony of the celebrations, the raising of the national flag on the Central Square named after Konstantin Velichkov. A solemn service was held in the Saints Constantine and Elena church. Festive concert programs are organized.

Issue of a book about the city of Beziers
A new book about the history and archaeological research of the origins founding has been published in the sister city of Beziers. The scientific publication presents information materials about the first Greek settlements in this area around 625 BC, the occupation of the settlers, connections with the rest of the Mediterranean coast, comprehensive studies of the area, and the archaeological heritage.

Youth support
In the sister city of Des Moines, training programs are organized from May 20 to 25 to support talented young people. Representatives of local authorities, employers and members of non-profit organizations will discuss opportunities for professional development of young people, readiness for work in the XXI century. There will be a panel discussion on the organization of education in the summer period, the quality of students ' knowledge improvement.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle
Every year, on May 19, the sister city of Zhenjiang hosts a series of events dedicated to the national day of popularization of Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics. This year, physical exercise classes for the elderly were organized in the city sports and recreation park, they were attended by more than 300 people.

Implementation of the waste management program
Within the framework of the program "Cooperation of the capitals - Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana around common challenges of hazardous waste management", eco-clubs have been created in the schools of the sister city of Yerevan with the use of grants. The main goal of the initiative is to promote mutual learning and improve the quality of urban hazardous waste management.

Academic Forum

The Academic Forum -2021, dedicated to intelligent service technologies, was held at the Jiangsu University of Technology in the sister city of Changzhou on May 07. During the event, it was decided to hold more than 100 symposia on scientific and technical research programs. It is expected that about 30,000 employees of universities, institutes, associations and enterprises involved in the further development of the city of Changzhou will participate in the events.


Events dedicated to the Victory Day
On May 05, this year, events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day were held in Pazardzhik, and flowers were laid at the Mass Grave of soviet soldiers. The event was attended by representatives of "Rossotrudnichestvo" in Bulgaria, the movement "Russophiles" and the Club "Compatriots" of the sister city.

Development of winemaking in Beziers
The sister city of Beziers is known for its vineyards and wine production. At the IGP national competition, several drinks from the Serignan wine cellars were awarded 4 gold and 4 silver medals, which confirmed their excellent quality. The jury noted the many years of hard work of the winemakers, the excellent taste of the wines presented.

Internship programs for students
In June – July of this year, the sister city of Des Moines is expected to resume internships for students and graduates of colleges. Within the framework of the program, meetings with representatives of various fields of activity, leading businessmen will be organized, as well as information about professional opportunities in the region will be provided. Students who take part in three or more events will receive certificates of training.

A new tour opening
On April 24, the official opening ceremony of the cultural and historical tourist route "Grand Canal of China" was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The car tour starts in the Yangtze River Delta from the historic Marco Polo Street and continues along the Grand Canal. More than 1,000 tourists from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other provinces and cities of China took part in the event.

Honorary Citizen of Yerevan award
The Council of Elders of the sister city of Yerevan decided to award the title of "Honorary Citizen of Yerevan" and a commemorative medal to the holder of the title "Honorary Mountaineer-Rescuer" of the Armenian SSR, Professor of the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Armenia Aghvan Chatinyan. The Mayor of the sister city of Yerevan noted the long-term teaching and coaching activities of the legendary Armenian mountaineer, a significant contribution to the development of sports.

Festival of National costumes
In the Jinyuan Garden of the sister city of Changzhou, the Shanxi Festival was held, organized by the Hanfu Cultural Society of the Changzhou Folk Literature and Art Association. The main goal of the festival is to draw attention to the preservation of cultural heritage, traditions and traditional clothing. On this day, processions of Chinese youth representatives in national Chinese costumes are organized annually.


The opening of the central park
The official opening of the restored central park of the city of Pazardzhik took place on April 29, 2021. The mayor of the sister city took part in the ceremony. New recreation areas, adapted for people with disabilities have been created in the park. Much attention is paid to landscaping and floral decoration of the recreational space.

The further improvement of the city of Beziers
Work for further improvement is underway in the sister city of Beziers. In the period from May to September 2021 it is planned to restore the David d'Ange square, which will be transformed into an inclusive public space - an accessible environment for people with disabilities. It is supposed to use natural stone and limestone for finishing. A hexagonal fountain in the Provencal style will be the decoration of the square.

The opening of the Farmers' Market
The next season of the annual Farmers' Market will open in the sister city of Des Moines on May 01, 2021. During the work of the pavilions, the observance of sanitary and epidemiological requirements will be ensured. The range of food products and seedlings will include 100-150 items. Given the restrictions associated with the pandemic, local artisans will not be on the market this year, and no entertainment is expected.

The construction of new residential areas
Work on the reconstruction and modernization of residential areas continues in the sister city of Zhenjiang. In July 2021, it is planned to complete the construction of a new microdistrict with a total area of more than 273 thousand square meters. Currently, about 2,000 multi-storey buildings have been erected, into which residents of the demolished houses will be relocated in the first half of next year.

The reconstruction of municipal kindergartens
Construction and repair work in kindergartens continues in the sister city of Yerevan. In municipal institutions, roofs, sewerage systems, internal communications were repaired, windows and doors were replaced, premises and sports halls were equipped. Work to improve seismic resistance and thermal insulation has been carried out. It is also planned to expand the territory of some kindergartens.

The participation in the Gardening Exhibition
The official opening of 11th Jiangsu Horticultural Exhibition, dedicated to ecological greening and multicultural integration took place in the city of Nanjing
on April 16, 2021. The exhibition garden of the sister city of Changzhou covers an area of about 5400 square meter and presents a reproduction of the Yiyuan Garden, the former residence of the famous scholar from Changzhou. The exhibition also showcases Changzhou innovative achievements and best practices in creating a national ecological garden city. The exhibition will run until May 16, 2021.


An environmental campaign
An environmental campaign "Clean, green and flourishing city" took place in the city of Pazardzhik on April 17, 2021. The event was organized by the Municipality of Pazardzhik Community. In the course of the action, for the purpose of further improvement, the residents of the sister city were provided with seedlings of flowers and trees in exchange for waste paper, plastic and glass products.

An additional educational courses
Due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, educational institutions in the city of Beziers made a transition to online education in 2020, which affected the academic performance of schoolchildren. In order to improve the quality of education an additional educational courses in selected subjects will be organized for students of elementary grades of public schools in the sister city from September 2021.

The training seminars
The roundtables on promoting diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace will be organized for leaders of companies and institutions in sister city Des Moines. During the meetings, it is expected to consider issues of creating an inclusive environment for various representatives of the community, the best practices of developing corporate culture and professional life will be presented.

Anniversary events
2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In this regard, events dedicated to the historical past and present of the PRC are held throughout the country. For the purpose of patriotic education of students' representatives in the sister city of Zhenjiang, meetings with representatives of the city leadership were organized, lectures on the history of the party were held.

On further improvement of the city
The work on further improvement and sanitary cleaning of the territories continues in the sister city of Yerevan. With the onset of spring, litter picks, in which both representatives of the city administration and residents of the capital of Armenia take part, were organized. The collected waste, paper, plastic and glass is sorted and transferred to specialized factories for further processing.

The Chinese Tea Festival
The opening of the Chinese Tea Festival took place in the Liyang county of the sister city of Changzhou on April 10, 2021. This year the Festival celebrates its 30th anniversary. During the month, a number of events aimed at the development of tourism, organic agriculture and the tea industry in the area will be organized. Much attention is paid to the preservation of cultural traditions and customs. Given the constraints associated with the pandemic, many events will take place online.


First place in the Bulgarian Volleyball Super League
On April 15 of this year, the volleyball team "Khebr" of the sister city of Pazardzhik became the champion of Bulgaria, winning the first place in the men's Super League. The final sports competitions were held in the city of Burgas (Republic of Bulgaria). Last time the volleyball team of the city of Pazardzhik became the champion of Bulgaria in 1947.

Social support of student youth
With the support of the Mayor, a social action is being implemented in the sister city of Beziers to financially support students of public and private educational institutions during the pandemic. Representatives of young people aged 18 to 26 years are provided with financial assistance in the amount of 1,000 Euros if they participate in the volunteer work of one of the charitable organizations. The funds can be used to pay for education, accommodation or personal needs.

Career guidance for high school students
The Career Exploration Day was organized on April 09, 2021, for students and high school pupils in the sister city of Des Moines. It was the online event. Meetings with representatives of various industries and agriculture, video tours of companies, and interactive internships were organized for the participants. The main goal is to support talented young people, provide information about popular professions.

Development of eco-tourism
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, special importance is attached to the further development of natural and ecological tourism. In this regard in the early spring active work is being organized on greening urban areas, restoring forests. The bright design of flowered beds, the flowering of trees and green plants in the parks attract many tourists and lovers of photos against the background of natural attractions.

International Theater Day
On the occasion of the International Theater Day an official reception of outstanding theater figures was organized in the Mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan, during which the prospects for the development and modernization of municipal theaters were discussed, gratitude for the traditions preservation was expressed. The artists were also awarded with a gold medal and honorary certificates of the Mayor of Yerevan for the high acting skills and contribution to the development of theater art.

Implementation of major innovative projects
On April 09 of this year, the official ceremony of laying the foundation of 20 large objects of high-tech industrial production took place in the sister city of Changzhou. It is expected that within five years, about 60 projects will be implemented with a total investment of more than 56 billion Yuan. The main focus is on the introduction of the latest technologies in the manufacturing and transport industries, agriculture and urban infrastructure.


National rally
In the period from 16 to 18 April this year, the National Cross-Country Rally Championship will be held near the sister city of Pazardzhik. More than 60 crews from Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Kazakhstan will take part in the race. Car endurance competitions are held on more than 300 km rough way.

Photo exhibition
In the period from March 16 to April 15 this year, an exhibition of photography dedicated to the Occitan Carnival is organized in the city of Beziers. The exhibition presents the creative works of the photographer Gerard Sendr. He tried to show joyful and lively emotions, the festive atmosphere of carnival processions. The organizers suppose that the exhibition will support the residents of the sister city during restrictions of the pandemic.

Holding Des Moines Corporate Games
In the sister city of Des Moines, preparations for the next Corporate Games have been announced in 2021. The competitions will be organized in several sports disciplines. For the results summing, which will take place during the Iowa State Fair, the participation of companies and organizations in the volunteer movement is also taken into account.

National holiday
The Festival of Pure Light, which is celebrated annually in China on April 04, is associated with the clear and bright days. Residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang at this time traditionally put in order the burials of their families and national heroes. Outdoor trips and visits to the families are organized at this period.

Implementation of energy-saving technologies
A program to install solar panels on the roofs of apartment buildings continues in the sister city of Yerevan. The use of energy-saving technologies is aimed at saving electricity consumption in public areas. Entrances and stairwells of buildings will also be equipped with a new generation of LED lamps with light, sound and motion sensors. The work is expected to be completed in the autumn of 2021.

Development of railway freight traffic
On March 19 of this year, the official opening ceremony of freight trains on the China-Europe route was held in the sister city of Changzhou. According to the schedule, freight trains will arrive in Moscow (Russia) and Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The development of railway communication plays an important role in the creation of an international land transport and logistics infrastructure for the Silk Road economic belt.


Participation in the XVI National Karate Championship
The XVI National Championship in karate-do shotokan among children was held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from March 27 to March 28, 2021. More than 180 athletes under the age of 12 took part in the competition. During the tournament, representatives of the sports club "Tonus-Sport" from the city of Pazardzhik successfully performed. Young participants of the sister city won two gold, silver and four bronze medals.

The reconstruction of old buildings
Work on further improvement and reconstruction of architectural monuments continues in the sister city of Beziers. The old Berger mansion, built in the 14th century, is currently being restored. The interiors of the building have been restored in accordance with modern safety requirements and ensuring an accessible environment for people with disabilities. Electrical and heating equipment was replaced. Facade work is planned to be completed in the spring of this year.

The training program in the field of agriculture
To support further economic growth, sister city Des Moines is implementing the America's Cultivation Corridor online training program for start-up companies in various agricultural sectors. During six weeks sessions will be organized with the participation of leading business representatives of the state of Iowa, during which it is expected to discuss the latest technologies and innovative approaches in the field of agriculture, as well as prospects for entering the agricultural market.

The preservation of folk crafts
The sister city of Zhenjiang attaches particular importance to the preservation and transfer of knowledge about folk crafts and traditional arts to the younger generation. Specialized exhibitions are organized, masters of pottery conduct master classes on the creation of products from yellow clay. This type of arts and crafts is included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of the city of Zhenjiang.

Further greening of the city of Yerevan
Work on further improvement and gardening continues in the city of Yerevan. Residents of the sister city took part in the spring action, planting 250 poplars on the territory of the Yerablur pantheon. In total, about 5000 trees are planned to be planted in the capital of Armenia this year.

Expansion of air cargo transportation
A cargo flight "Changzhou - Manila" (Philippines) was opened at the international airport of the sister city of Changzhou on March 15 this year as part of the implementation of the "Free Trade Zone" program. The expansion of air cargo transportation is of particular importance, since the city is a major transport hub in the Yangtze River Delta. In 2021, it is planned to increase the capacity of Changzhou Airport by 3,500 tons.


The participation in the National Dance Tournament
The National Dance Tournament "Diana Cup 2021" was held in the city of Yambol (Republic of Bulgaria) on March 20, 2021. The competition was attended by dance couples of the club "Impulse" of the city of Pazardzhik. Athletes from the sister city won eight gold, six silver and two bronze medals.

The creative contests on talented youth support
The regional center for creative work of university students and students of educational institutions of the city of Beziers announced the holding of competitions aimed at the development of talented youth. This year, the jury will review works in the following categories: novel, comic strip, short film and photography in four contests on the Year 2050 theme. The winners will be awarded cash prizes and meetings with art professionals will be organized for them.

A series of forums on urban development issues
During 2021, the sister city of Des Moines will host a series of national policy forums on various urban development issues. In accordance with the program, meetings with leading experts will be organized, as well as discussions with representatives of various industries. The first high-speed broadband forum in the series will take place on 20 April, 2021. The events will be held via video conferencing.

Suspended Railroad
The Lianyungang-Zhenjiang Railway Wufeng Mountain Bridge suspended railway was put into operation in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The capacity of the transport route per day is 85 high-speed trains with a speed of 250 km/h. The suspension structure of the bridge has one of the widest spans in the world and is capable of withstanding significant loads.

The implementation of the waste sorting program
The implementation of the municipal waste sorting program continues in the sister city of Yerevan. There are about 400 special colored containers: yellow - for paper waste, gray - for glass, blue - for plastic in various districts of the city. The sorted waste is processed in a special plant. Funds received from disposal are used to implement environmental projects.

The conference on the development of mass sports
March 11, 2021 the sister city of Changzhou hosted a conference dedicated to the development of mass fitness and sports. During the meetings, the issues of integrating sports into various spheres of people's lives were considered. In the sister special attention is paid to popularizing a healthy lifestyle among the population: public sports centers are being built, amateur competitions are being organized, consulting clinics have been created, a number of projects are being implemented to attract the younger generation, as well as people with chronic diseases, to physical education.


Meeting of the Mayor of Pazardzhik Community with athletes
On March 17, 2021, the Mayor of the Pazardzhik Community met with the athletes of the youth city volleyball team “Hebar”. The reason for the meeting was the participation of three representatives of the sister city in the European Championship 2021 as part of the national team. During the event, gratitude was expressed to the athletes, the winners of the national championships were awarded honorary awards.

The winning in the French Boxing Championship
Young athlete Jauad Belmehdi, a native of the sister city of Béziers, won the French lightweight boxing championship. The ten-minute fight ended with a knockout of the opponent. In the future, the boxer intends to continue participating in European tournaments and international boxing competitions.

The Global Insurance Symposium
The Global Insurance Symposium will be held in the sister city of Des Moines on June 28-30, 2021. As part of the event, the prospects for the development of the insurance business will be considered, current global risks will be discussed, and the exchange of best practices and innovative approaches in the field of insurance will take place. Participation in the symposium is possible in full-time and part-time modes.

The traditional holiday
A traditional holiday called "When the Dragon raises its head" which symbolizes the awakening of nature from winter sleep took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang on March 14, 2021. The most significant event is the Chinese dragon show. Special national dishes are also prepared. One of the interesting traditions is visiting hairdressers. It is believed that if you cut your hair at this time, a person will be happy and full of energy throughout the year.

The anniversary of the Yerevan Metro
The sister city of Yerevan hosted events dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Yerevan Metro named after Karen Demirchyan, which was commissioned on March 7, 1981. The mayor of the sister city noted the importance of further development of this transport direction, congratulated the industry specialists and presented letters of thanks and honorary certificates.

The online job fair
An online job fair was held in the sister city of Changzhou at the beginning of March this year. The main task is to attract highly qualified personnel for the further development of intellectual production and stimulate economic growth. The event was attended by over 100 enterprises and government agencies, offering a total of over 1200 vacancies. The fields of activity covered advanced technologies, trade, logistics, finance, medicine, etc.


The preparation for the Bulgarian Volleyball Cup
A press conference by the Mayor of the Community of Pazardzhik Todor Popov, dedicated to the preparation and holding of the Bulgarian Volleyball Cup was held on March 11, 2021. The organizers of the upcoming sporting event are the mayor's office of the sister city, as well as the «Hebar» volleyball club. The competition will take place from 18 to 19 March this year in the sports hall "Vasil Levski" in the city of Pazardzhik.

The expansion of the university
Due to the significant increase in the number of students studying at the University Paul Valéry (a branch of the University of Montpellier) of the sister city of Beziers, by 2023 it is planned to build the second wing of the university building, the area of which will be 3000 sq. meters. Additional classrooms, auditoriums and lecture halls will be built. It is also expected to expand the area of the university campus.

The Book Festival 
The sister city of Des Moines will host an annual Book Festival for four weeks starting on March 27. The program will include thematic seminars, lectures, exhibitions, educational master classes for children. Most of the events will take place online. Attendance at face-to-face meetings will be organized in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The tea harvest season
The tea plantations have begun harvesting the first leaves of early growing tea in the sister city of Zhenjiang. This year, experts predict good harvest and note favorable climatic conditions for obtaining high-quality raw materials. The most appreciated varieties of tea are obtained from the first two harvests. Tea from this period has a delicate and mild taste.

The creation of Youth Affairs Council
The Youth Affairs Council under the Mayor of Yerevan has been established in the sister city of Yerevan. According to the results of the competitive selection the Council included twenty representatives of student and youth organizations, young specialists in various fields of activity. It is assumed that the members of the council will contribute to the implementation of new programs and projects, the development of creative solutions and initiatives aimed at the further development of the capital of Armenia.

The participation in the gardening exhibition
The sister city of Changzhou is preparing to take part in the World Horticultural Exhibition, which will be held from April 08 to October 08 this year in Yangzhou City (Jiangsu Province). Landscape architects and landscaping experts are currently developing the Changzhou Garden, which will reflect the classic gardening traditions of the Jiangnan region (the southern lower reaches of the Yangtze River). The total area of the project will be about 6,500 m2.


Participation in competitions
The National Modern Pentathlon Championship was held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) on March 06, 2021. During the competition, representatives of the sports club "Champion" of the city of Pazardzhik successfully performed. The sister city participants won medals in various age categories.

Economic development promotion
In order to ensure interaction between the authorities and representatives of the business community in the city of Beziers, the Agency for Economic Development has been created. It is assumed that innovative tools and methods of work will contribute to the expansion of the network of urban enterprises, dynamic economic development, as well as the formation of a positive image of the sister city at the national level.

The construction of a new logistics center
March 01 this year the sister city of Des Moines began to implement a new large-scale project - the creation of a modern logistics center that will unite the rail and transport links of the region Within the framework of the project, a linear road infrastructure will be created, warehouses and storage facilities will be erected. Particular importance is attached to landscape architecture, landscaping and landscaping of the territory. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.

The coming of spring
Residents and guests of the sister city of Zhenjiang are celebrating the early onset of spring this year. Fruit trees and primroses bloom especially beautifully on city streets and in parks. Zhenjiang's vibrant beauty and springtime scenery has attracted many tourists and photography enthusiasts, furthering the development of the tourism industry.

The new transport route
In order to further develop the transport infrastructure in the sister city of Yerevan a new bus route was opened on March 01 this year. Optimization of the work of public urban transport contributes to the efficient provision of the population with transport services. Modern buses use a new billboard design.

The award for outstanding achievement
Five representatives of the sister city of Changzhou have been awarded the State Council Award for excellence and excellence in business. The prize is awarded every two years. The selection of candidates takes into account the recommendations of institutions and enterprises, as well as the expert assessment of specialists. It is noted that the winners have made a certain contribution to the further socio-economic development of the city of Changzhou.


The solemn events dedicated to the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke
On March 03, 2021, the city of Pazardzhik will host festive events dedicated to the 143rd anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke. As part of the celebrations, the leadership of the sister city, residents and guests will take part in the official ceremony of raising the state flag on the Central Square named after Konstantin Velichkov, laying flowers at the monuments of national heroes who participated in the liberation of the country.

Training of qualified personnel
In one of the institutions of secondary vocational education in the sister city of Beziers - the Lyceum of Jean Moulin, special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel for work in enterprises. Training is carried out in all industrial and engineering specialties. This year, the Lyceum leadership informed about the readiness of training specialists to work with renewable energy sources and "green" hydrogen.

The Farmers' Market
In the sister city of Des Moines, from May 1, 2021, it is planned to reopen the seasonal Farmers' Market. Traditionally, fresh agricultural products from local producers will be presented in the city center every Saturday. In accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the pavilions will be located taking into account the provision of social distancing; the number of suppliers will be reduced. At the same time, the market will continue to operate on online platforms.

The Lantern Festival
A number of events have been organized in the city of Zhenjiang on February 25-27 this year to mark the end of the celebration of the Chinese New Year, which traditionally ends with the Lantern Festival. Residents and guests of the sister city will be able to take part in the show of paper lanterns decorated with paintings on mythological themes or national patterns, as well as in theatrical performances and processions.

Official meeting with the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China
An official meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Armenia Mr. Phan Yong took place in Yerevan. The mayor of the sister city, congratulating the ambassador on the start of the diplomatic mission, noted the high level of interaction between Yerevan and the cities of the PRC. The parties also discussed prospects for further cooperation in various fields, including in the field of improving public transport.

The development of Changzhou city
Within the framework of the five-year strategic development plan, more than 20 construction projects, which also include the modernization of infrastructure and highways will be implemented in the sister city of Changzhou. Particular importance is attached to the creation of a modern region in the east of Changzhou, in which educational, medical and cultural centers, scientific research institutions and industrial parks will be established. Changzhou is expected to become one of the leading smart manufacturing cities in the Jiangsu economic zone as a result of the comprehensive transformation.


The contest "The best sportsman of the city of Pazardzhik"
In Pazardzhik, preparations are underway to hold an annual competition for the title of the best sportsman. The questionnaires of twenty-two participants were presented to the members of the commission, consisting of experts and Olympic champions. The selection will take into account the individual achievements of the athlete, awards and participation in international, European and national competitions. Also, the jury will determine the best coach of the sister city. The official award ceremony will take place on February 17 this year.

The development of high-tech production in the city of Beziers
In order to develop renewable energy sources, the Cameron plant in the sister city of Beziers will start producing hydrogen - "energy of the future", which can be used as an environmentally friendly fuel for transport, as well as for industrial enterprises. It is planned to invest 400 million Euros in this high-tech production in the next 10 years.

Forums in 2021
A series of online forums will be held this year in Des Moines, during which priority issues will be discussed and meetings with experts will be held. The organizer of the event is the Association of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen "Greater Des Moines Partnership" of the sister city. A total of six online meetings are planned, the first forum will be held on February 16 this year.

Chinese New Year
On February 12, 2021 residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang celebrate the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. According to the ancient Chinese chronology, the year 4719 has come, which will pass under the sign of the White Metal Bull. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in China with the family. Great importance is attached to meetings with relatives, cooking traditional national dishes, and decorating the house.

The cooperation between Yerevan and UNDP
In February 2021, the Mayor of Yerevan met with members of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Resident Mission in the Republic of Armenia. During the meeting, the parties noted effective cooperation. In recent years, a number of socially significant programs have been implemented, in particular, initiatives aimed at providing modern energy-efficient street lighting, improving the safety of pedestrian crossings, as well as the energy efficiency program in Yerevan. In conclusion, the parties also discussed the prospects for further urban development.

The development of the economy in Changzhou city
Despite the fallout from the COVID-19 outbreak, the gross domestic product of Changzhou city in 2020 increased by 4.5 percent. The sister city has the third highest GDP growth rate in Jiangsu province. The main industries that contributed to the increase in GDP were agriculture, construction and manufacturing, and the service sector. Also, retail sales of consumer goods increased in 2020. 


The participation in the Open Balkan Fencing Championship
The Open Balkan Fencing Championship was held on January 31, 2021 in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria. During the competition, the athletes of the 
“Pentathlon” club of the sister city of Pazardzhik successfully performed, having won a silver medal.

The award of the city of Béziers
The city of Béziers was awarded the title "Active and Sports City" as the winning municipality in the national competition, held under the patronage of the French Ministry of Sports. The jury of the competition evaluated the events held aimed at popularizing physical culture, sports, as well as the availability of sports activities for citizens with disabilities. The innovation policy of the city hall of Beziers on the development of physical education and sports was also noted.

A book festival in Des Moines
On March 27, 2021, Des Moines will host a book festival organized by the Greater Des Moines Partnership of the sister city. Within the framework of the event, presentations of recently published books, meetings with famous authors are planned.

Preparing for the Spring Festival
The Spring Festival, marking the arrival of the Chinese New Year, is approaching. Residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang are actively preparing for one of the main holidays: they decorate houses and adjoining territories with fresh flowers, buy gifts, and make traditional souvenirs.

The visit of the Mayor of Yerevan to the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
Recently, the Mayor of Yerevan visited the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia. During the meeting with the rector of the educational institution, issues of further interaction between the mayor's office of the sister city and the university were discussed. When visiting educational buildings and laboratories, it was noted that the material and technical base of the university makes it possible to train qualified personnel by providing quality education.

The visit to Changzhou city
In January 2021, the Deputy Governor of the Municipal People's Government of Jiangsu Province visited Changzhou City. During the meeting with the leadership of the sister city, the prospects for the development of the city in the field of communication technologies and automation were discussed. Visits to several of the leading enterprises developing fifth generation 5G wireless communications were organized.


The International Music Festival
The opening of 46th traditional festival “Winter musical evenings named after prof. Ivan Spasov" took place on January 28, 2021 in the sister city of Pazardzhik. A presentation of the thematic exhibition "Picturesque Moments", as well as a screening of a film dedicated to the famous Bulgarian composer Pancho Vladigerov were also organized within the framework of the event.

The formation of an accessible urban environment
A large-scale plan to create an accessible environment in educational institutions for children and adolescents with disabilities has been implementing in the sister city of Beziers since 2015. More than twenty schools and school canteens are already equipped with special devices, including tactile indicators for the blind and visually impaired. Currently, during the construction and renovation of residential buildings and offices in the city, creating an accessible environment is a mandatory requirement.

The support for small businesses
In order to support the small business of the sister city of Des Moines a social action - glowing balloons in the city center was organized during the January 22-23, as well as January 29-30 this year. Balloons draw the attention of visitors to retail and catering points located in the immediate vicinity, as well as main attractions.

Preparing for the Spring Festival
A various social projects are being implemented in Zhenjiang city within the preparation for the Spring Festival, which marks the arrival of the Chinese New Year. Representatives of the municipal government of the sister city and volunteers from the Red Cross visited veterans, disabled people, lonely elderly people to provide assistance and support and donated food packages, as well as essentials.

The diplomatic meeting
A meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Armenia was held at the city Hall of the sister city of Yerevan. During the reception, the parties noted the need to develop economic ties, further cooperation in various fields, in particular, in the field of transport, gardening, and utilities. The hope was expressed for the implementation of new bilateral projects.

The support for export companies
The customs authorities of the sister city of Changzhou have developed a self-service system for issuing certificates of origin of goods in order to simplify the conditions for organizing the export of goods. The certificate confirms that the exported product is produced, manufactured or processed in a specific country. In 2020, 91% of the total number of certificates were issued and printed through this system.


The opening of the exhibition in the museum of the city of Pazardzhik 

An exhibition dedicated to the famous Bulgarian scientist, author of scientific works in the field of geography, ethnography and geopolitics, honorary citizen of the sister city Ivan Batakliev opens at the Regional Historical Museum of the city of Pazardzhik in the period from January 21 to February 26, 2021. The exhibition presents historical materials, manuscripts, photographs, personal belongings related to the research and teaching activities of the scientist. 

The quality of sports facilities in the city of Beziers 

The lawn of the Raoul Barrier Stadium of the sister city of Béziers was recognized as the best among the sports lawns in the country, the quality of which was determined in accordance with several criteria. The cover is hybrid: 95% natural grass and 5% synthetic, which guarantees durability. 

The development of the insurance industry 

A program on support insurance startups is implementing in the sister city of Des Moines. Within a hundred days, aspiring entrepreneurs will be trained by representatives of the seven largest insurance companies. As part of the program, online meetings, webinars, trainings in the main areas of business will be organized; prospects for the development of the industry in modern conditions will be considered. 

The restoration of aquatic ecosystems 
The ecological restoration of Qishan National Water Park has officially begun in the sister city of Zhenjiang on January 18, 2021. The main focus is on replenishing the biological diversity of the water body. It is planned to launch more than 100 thousand fry of carp, silver carp, grass carp, catfish and other fish species into the lake by the end of January 2021. 

The renovation of the elevator equipment 
With a view to further improvement, the municipality of the sister city of Yerevan decided to replace 300 elevators in apartment buildings in 2021. All new elevators will be equipped with a view to ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities. As part of the program, the entrances of multi-storey buildings will also be adapted for wheelchairs. 

The development of international cooperation 
The Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal People's Government of the sister city of Changzhou donated about 50 books and manuals for the study of the Chinese language to the city of Lanus (Argentina) on January 12, 2021. Educational literature will be used in the first Chinese language school in Lanus, which will be opened in March this year. A memorandum on expanding cooperation in the field of culture and education between the cities of Lanus and Changzhou was signed in 2019. 


The anniversary of the Ottoman yoke liberation

The residents and guests of the city of Pazardzhik celebrated the 143rd anniversary of liberation from the Ottoman yoke on January 14, 2021. As part of the celebration, flowers were laid at the monument to General N.P. Broca, who led the vanguard of the Russian troops who liberated the city. The mayor of the Pazardzhik Community, the Governor of the Pazardzhik region, deputies of the regional and city Duma took part in the ceremony. The participants tribute to the memory of the heroes of the Russian-Turkish war.

The measures on prevention the urban heritage of Beziers 

In order to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of the city of Béziers mayor's office acquired the municipal property of the old building of the city Variety Theater, on the stage of which world famous stars performed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 2003, the building was included in the list of architectural monuments. The possibility of returning the old theater to its former cultural significance is currently being considered.

The priorities of urban development for 2021 

The Greater Des Moines Partnership, an association of entrepreneurs from the sister city of Des Moines, presented the results of the organization's activities over the past year, as well as identified the priorities for 2021 on January 14, 2021. Particular attention will be paid to creating new jobs, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as well as providing equal opportunities for all segments of the population and attracting talented youth to work.

The popularization of cultural traditions 

The stone carver of the sister city of Zhenjiang, Mr. Li Yongjun, has completed the stone relief "One Hundred Children of Spring." The creative work was created using the traditional national carving technique and consists of seven fragments measuring 40x40 cm depicting children involved in folk games or demonstrating cultural traditions.

The organization of New Year's greetings for children 

On the eve of the New Year, the Mayor's Office of the sister city of Yerevan organized a visit to festive performances for children in difficult life situations. More than 5,000 tickets were purchased with the support of public organizations. Small sweet gifts were also given to pupils of municipal kindergartens and preschool institutions.

The promotion of medical care

More than 20 medical workers from the sister city of Changzhou, as part of ten teams, were sent to Hebei province to assist in testing cases with suspected Covid-19. The teams are equipped with personal protective equipment and equipment for detecting cases of infection. A number of measures are being taken to control, treat and prevent the incidence of coronavirus infection.


Specialized sports publication
In December of this year, a specialized publication dedicated to the development of urban sports was published for the first time in the sister city of Pazardzhik. Special attention is paid to sports achievements in volleyball, the updated material and technical base of sports organizations of the sister city, reduction of the local tax rate for parents of young athletes,

Measures for city development
The Mayor's office of Beziers has begun to improve the road along the Southern Canal. This road is connected to international cycling routes, and will also allow tourists and water sports enthusiasts to get acquainted with the scenery and attractions of the canal, in particular with the Fonseran locks, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Landscaping involves gentle leveling of the road, reconstruction of territories.

Organization of citizens’ leisure activities
As part of the organization of recreation and outdoor sports for citizens in the sister city of Des Moines, the Brenton Skating Plaza is open fr om November 2020 to January 2021. Taking into account the requirements caused by the coronavirus pandemic, in the current season, attendance at the rink is limited by 50%, which allows skaters to keep social distances. The rink staff is provided with masks and gloves, and skates are rented outdoors.

Holding a show of glowing figures
On December 26-27, an exhibition and demonstration of light figures and kites was held in the Sports park of the sister city of Zhenjiang. In the evening, numerous visitors could watch a colorful show, the flight of "dragons", "phoenixes" and other fairy-tale characters. The unusual performance helped to create a festive mood among residents and guests of the city.

Approval of the budget for 2021
A meeting of the Council of Elders was held in the sister city of Yerevan, wh ere the results of the current year were discussed, as well as the budget for 2021 was approved. The city budget provides funds for the further development of the economy and the implementation of municipal programs for the improvement of the city.

Sino-German Forum on Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation
On December 23, this year, the China-Germany Intelligent Manufacturing Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Forum was held in the sister city of Changzhou. There was a presentation of the joint research centre for the study of intelligent technologies, commercialization of innovation and research projects. In order to increase the participation of students in innovation and entrepreneurship an agreement was reached on cooperation between higher educational institutions of Changzhou and Germany.


Measures to support small and medium businesses
During the period of restrictions related to coronavirus infection, the Mayor's office of the sister city of Beziers supports local small and medium-sized businesses. For organizations and enterprises that distribute their products via the Internet, free delivery of goods to customers is provided. Also, a municipal internet platform has been created, which provides information about the possibilities of purchasing goods.

Online events organization
In order to support businesses in the face of the pandemic, the Greater Des Moines Partnership has developed a guide for organizing and conducting events via videoconference. As part of the training, the main stages of plan developing for webinars and online events, as well as features of implementing virtual projects are considered. The main requirements for personnel training, digital platforms and data security are also presented.

Winter swimming competitions
As part of the further promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports among the population, the 3rd Jiangsu Danyang Fenghuang Winter Swimming Invitational Competition was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The sports event was attended by more than 650 swimmers aged 30 to 70 years, who trained throughout the year. Winter swimming promotes health, cold treatment, which is especially important at the present time.

Measures for further ecological improvement
In order to improve environmental conditions in the sister city of Yerevan, the municipal organization "Greening and environmental protection" was established. During the year, comprehensive measures will be implemented to restore and create new green areas of the capital of Armenia. The institution is also responsible for organizing the collection and sorting of waste, growing various types of trees and shrubs for planting in the open ground.

Participation in professional skill competitions
On December 21 of this year, the results of the China's first nationwide Vocational Skills Competition were summed up. More than 2.5 thousand contestants took part in the competition. The representatives of Changzhou won two first, two second and two third places. Also, 12 projects and 15 specialists from Changzhou were selected to participate in the Chinese national team in the 46th international professional competition "WorldSkills", which will be held in Shanghai in 2022.


Victory on the international tournament on kickboxing
Representatives of the sports club "Spartak" of the tsister city of Pazardzhik as part of the national team of the Republic of Bulgaria in kickboxing became the winners of the International Tournament "Balkans Best Fighters 2020", which was held on December 11-13 this year in Serbia. Athletes of the sister city won gold, silver and bronze medals following the results of individual competitions.

Reconstruction of the river station
In order to increase the tourist attractiveness of the sister city of Beziers, work is being carried out on the reconstruction of the Valra river port. To facilitate the maneuvering of ships, it is planned to deepen the bottom of the inner harbor/ It is supposed to update completely the coating of embankments and piers, to repair the river station and to improve the surrounding area, as well as to organize parking for vehicles.

Social action
In order to support the activities of entrepreneurs in the sister city of Des Moines, a social action was organized from December 14 to 23. Within ten days, handmade ornaments will be placed in the city center near shopping facilities and main attractions, which can be picked up as a souvenir by residents and guests of the city. The campaign will attract attention to the work of local artists, and will also help to increase pre-holiday sales.

National Memorial Day 
Every year since 2014, China has held National Memorial Days on December 13, during which ceremonies are organized to honor the memory of the victims of the tragic events of the Second Sino-Japanese War, which went down in history as the Nanjing Massacre. In the sister city of Zhenjiang, the event was attended by representatives of the municipal government and the public. December 13 is not only a day of remembrance and mourning, but also a call to remember history and preserve peace.

Reconstruction of medical institutions
Within the framework of the construction and improvement program in the sister city of Yerevan, four ambulance substations were reconstructed, heating and water supply systems were updated, and inventory was replaced. There are 7 ambulance substations in Yerevan to ensure rapid assistance. Next year, it is planned to continue the repair and re-equipment of municipal medical institutions.

Best white rice brands in China
On December 4 this year in Nanjing (Jiangsu Province) the results of the assessment of the quality of rice grown in China were announced. Experts assessed products presented by more than 300 manufacturers from 13 provinces. The “Huangjin Village” rice, produced in the sister city of Changzhou, is rated among the 30 best brands for white rice in China. The key to high quality is the use of environmentally friendly fertilizers.


Christmas tree opening
On December 08 the opening of the New Year tree was held in the sister city of Pazardzhik on the eve of Christmas and New Year. Despite the difficulties of the new coronavirus infection pandemic, it was decided to switch on lights traditionally to create a festive mood for citizens. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Pazardzhik, residents and guests of the sister city.

Greening of Beziers
The municipality of Beziers continues to work actively to improve the quality of life of its citizens. In order to further green the sister city in the winter of 2020-2021, it is supposed to plant more than 700 trees and 200 shrubs in the streets, school yards and parks. To 2026 in the city of Beziers is planned about 5,000 cedars, pines, oaks, maples, etc.

Greater Des Moines Partnership’s strategic priorities for 2021
The Greater Des Moines Partnership, an association of the sister city entrepreneurs, presents the organization's strategic priorities for the next year. In order to support inclusive economic growth and overcome the 2020 crisis, the main focus will be on expanding broadband and Internet access, as well as attracting investment. Special attention will be paid to the organization of child care, including the implementation of specialized public-private partnership programs for parents and guardians.

National U Series Track and Field Communication
In the period from December 5 to December 6, the National U Series Track and Field Communication (Jiangsu Division) was held in the sports complex of the sister city of Zhenjiang. About 1,000 athletes representing 77 teams from 18 provinces took part in the competition. In accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the competition, all participants made medical tests. Volunteers of the sister city played a significant role in the organization and holding of the sports event.

Measures to stop coronavirus
As part of humanitarian assistance to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection, the French Embassy in the Republic of Armenia provided the Yerevan municipality with ventilators, oxygen generators and oximeters, protective anti-epidemic suits, gloves and masks. Medical and protective equipment will be distributed between diagnostic and treatment services located in the Department of the Mayor's office.

Meeting with representatives of financial and credit organizations
On December 02 the Mayor of the sister city of Changzhou held an official meeting with a delegation of the Jiangsu Rural Commercial Bank. During the meeting many years of cooperation were noted, especially in the framework of industrial restructuring. An agreement was reached on further cooperation in order to ensure the socio-economic development of Changzhou.


Virtual exhibition of paintings

In the sister city of Pazardzhik, a virtual exhibition of the famous artist Maria Barakova "Colorita De Lumine" is organized. In the face of restrictions related to the spread of the new Covid-19 coronavirus infection and the closure of art galleries, modern technologies have allowed art lovers to view creative works online.

Festive decoration of the city
In the sister city of Beziers, however all public events were cancelled, on the eve of Christmas and New Year, special attention is paid to the festive decoration of the streets. New art objects have been installed in the city center: glowing stars with a diameter of 3.5 to 7 meters, as well as an arch shining with lights. New Year trees are placed on the squares. It is supposed that the bright design will contribute to the festive mood of citizens and city guests.

Work of the Farmers' Market in winter
In the sister city of Des Moines the Farmers' Market will take place on December 12 this year. Local manufacturers' pavilions will be located along the parking, which will allow purchasing goods without leaving the car. Visitors will also be able to pre-select products online and receive a ready order. On the eve of the holidays, the market will present fresh products from local farmers and various craftsmen - meat, cheeses, bakery products, souvenirs and so on.

Events of the Road Safety Day
December 02 of this year the sister city of Zhenjiang hosted a Road Safety Day events. Particular attention is paid to familiarizing students with the rules of the road. In preschool and educational institutions of the city, lectures by police representatives and training master classes on crime prevention were organized.

Further development of the city
In the sister city of Yerevan, urban development and further improvement have been continued. About 700 energy-saving LED lights have been installed on the streets of the capital of Armenia. This year, two administrative districts were fully illuminated and lighting of the capital's pedestrian crossings was completed.

National award for professional excellence
November 24 this year in the city of Beijing, a solemn presentation of national awards to the best representatives of professions and exemplary workers was organized. About 2.5 thousand representatives of various professions were awarded for high achievements in labor and professional skills. Eight residents of the sister city of Changzhou are among the winners. They are doctors, engineers, managers and representatives of other fields of activity.


Construction of a pedestrian zone
In the sister city of Beziers, a large-scale construction of a nature-saving pedestrian zone was begun. It is planned to construct a system of stairs, elevators, and passageways by 2022 that will allow residents and guests of Beziers to overcome the 40-meter height difference in the city center. Construction is conducted in view of the interests of people with disabilities. It is supposed that the new zone will not block the view of the old Cathedral, which is the landmark of Beziers.

Work of non-profit organizations
In order to support the activities of non-profit organizations in the sister city of Des Moines during the pandemic, an online meeting of representatives of public associations was organized in November this year. During the webinar methods of managing non-profit organizations, practices for attracting members to activities, as well as the most effective ways to achieve goals and present the potential of organizations were discussed.

Popularizing the use of electric bicycles
In order to further promote a healthy lifestyle among the population, rental points for 1000 electric bicycles have been set up in the sister city of Zhenjiang. After a period of testing and route optimization, a decision will be made to place another thousand items. Electric bicycles are becoming popular due to their compact size, ease of use and operation.

Development of innovative technologies
On November 15, this year, the sister city of Changzhou hosted a Summit on the development of new energy and the automotive industry, where the prospects for environmentally friendly technologies were discussed. The main focus was on the development of vehicles using new energy sources. The event was attended by representatives of the Changzhou municipal people's government, research centers, and national academies of sciences.


Participation in the national karate championship
Students of the Tornado sports club in Pazardzhik took part in the National karate championship among children – the final competition of 2020, which was held in the city of Plovdiv (Republic of Bulgaria). Young sportsmen of the sister city won two gold, three silver and three bronze medals.

Providing media services
During the period of quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Andre Malraux media library in Beziers provided residents with the opportunity to use their digitized funds for free. 622 e-books, 6400 different videos, 1500 online lessons, 1600 magazines and newspapers are freely available to subscribers of the library. Due to sanitary restrictions, an order can be made on the organization's website.

Promotion of the coronavirus reduction
Due to the pandemic, the Stay Safe Pledge is gaining popularity in the sister city of Des Moines. As part of the initiative, entrepreneurs, employees of enterprises, owners of public catering establishments and retail areas, as well as citizens demonstrate compliance with preventive requirements aimed at reducing the risk of infection with a new coronavirus. Special attention is also paid to the promotion of information in social networks using special hashtags and graphics.

Annual online shopping festival
From November 01 to 11 this year, the sister city of Zhenjiang trade enterprises participated in the annual national online shopping festival "Double 11". At the moment online stores have become the most convenient form of shopping, providing wide opportunities for choosing products. In terms of sales, Zhenjiang ranked the 10th in Jiangsu province.

Modern technologies of aquaculture development
The I National Conference on Intelligent Aquaculture was held in the sister city of Changzhou. The event demonstrated innovative approaches to breeding and growing aquatic organisms in natural and artificial reservoirs. There were exhibitions and presentations of more than a hundred aquaculture plants with various functions, as well as modern equipment for aeration and monitoring of water quality, prevention and control of water weeds, harvesting, transportation and packaging of products.


Creating comfortable urban environment
On November 10 of this year, the results of the contest for the creation and maintenance of landscaped and green neighborhood territories "Green Paradise" were summed up in the city of Pazardzhik. The winners were awarded diplomas and cash certificates. The mayor of the sister city noted the importance of holding this competition for creating a comfortable urban environment and improving the attractiveness of Pazardzhik.

Promotion of higher education
As part of the "Monge" campaign aimed at promoting higher education, the sister city of Beziers was visited by former graduates of the Jean Moulin Lyceum, who in 2019 became students of one of the most prestigious universities in France – the Polytechnic School. The main goal of the initiative is to inform Lyceum students about opportunities for further education.

Annual award for the development of inclusivity
On November 10, the results of the annual competition for the "Inclusion Award" among enterprises and organizations actively engaged in the development of an inclusive corporate culture were announced in the sister city of Des Moines. When considering applications, special attention was paid to best practices in the time of pandemic. In 2020, the Meredith Corporation was declared the winner for its active educational activities to ensure social equality.

Improvement of the city of Zhenjiang
For further development and improvement the environment in the sister city of Zhenjiang, a new residential area is being built to relocate citizens to more favorable living conditions, as well as the modernization of two bases where chemical industry enterprises are located. During the reconstruction process, special attention is paid to ensuring environmental safety. The end of construction is planned in 2021.

China international import exhibition
On November 04, this year, the 3rd China International import exhibition was held in Shanghai. The event was attended by about 900 enterprises of the sister city of Changzhou. The main focus was on innovative developments and high-tech production, as well as environmentally friendly industry. Taking into account the difficult situation with the coronavirus pandemic in the world, the exhibition provided an opportunity to establish new business contacts with global traders, and contributed to the further development of foreign trade relations.


Implementation of the youth incentive program
The city of Pazardzhik is successfully implementing the "Civic impulse" youth incentive program. As part of the celebration of the national holiday on November 01, 2020, the Mayor of the Pazardzhik awarded the youth representatives of the sister city for special achievements in the field of education and culture. The award ceremony was held at the Georgi Atanasov concert hall in Pazardzhik.

Construction of a new parking 
In 2021, the city of Beziers plans to build a covered overland parking for 300 vehicles. Inside the building with the original architecture and a mirrored facade, it is also planned to organize 30 parking places for cycling with electric terminals. The first floor of the building will be used for shops and a bicycle rental agency.

Social art project
In the period from October 29 to 31 this year, a social art project "the Dream Cube" was presented in the sister city of Des Moines, designed to draw attention to the problems of young people in difficult life situations. The cubic installation shows aspects of the life of young homeless people. The initiative also provides citizens with information about opportunities to support young people in solving problems.

Traditional autumn festival
On October 25, this year, the sister city of Zhenjiang organized celebrations of the national Double Ninth Festival, which has a thousand-year history. As part of the program of events, annual mountain climbing competitions were held, and theatrical shows dedicated to folklore were presented. On this day, gifts are traditionally presented to the elderly.

Implementation of the strategic development program
In order to promote economic and social development in the sister city of Yerevan, the Green city action program is being implemented, which is a strategic document for the period up to 2030. Within the framework of the program, a number of activities are carried out aimed at improving the city's landscaping, optimizing the road infrastructure of the capital of Armenia, preserving the environment and public health, and much more.

Implementation of the rural revitalization project
In order to further develop cultural and agricultural tourism in the sister city of Changzhou, a new large-scale project "Shunshan Town" has been launched to revive the countryside. According to the three-year plan, a new demonstration area is planned to be created, providing modern opportunities for living, education, culture, sports and entertainment. Business models of creative and high-tech agriculture will also be implemented here.


Participation in the National kickboxing championship
In the period from 23 to 25 October 2020, the National kickboxing championship was held in the city of Burgas (the Republic of Bulgaria). More than 800 athletes from the country took part in the competition. Representatives of the Spartak sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik were successful and won a gold, three silver and eight bronze medals.

Participation in the Olympiad organization
The sister city of Beziers is defined as a training center for athletes during the Olympic Games to be held in Paris in 2024. Foreign rugby and soccer teams will train at the city's De la Présidente and Sauclières stadiums. This decision shows that the city's sports facilities are in excellent technical condition and meet international standards.

Initiative to the Des Moines Dairy’s anniversary
The Des Moines Dairy, which produces milk, cottage cheese, a variety of sour cream dips, and others, is celebrating its 90th anniversary. To mark such a significant date, it was decided to return the vintage design of cardboard packages of the most popular dairy products. Representatives of the company hope that the images on the boxes will remind of the pleasant and joyful moments of the past, since the Dairy’s products are an integral part of the life of several generations of Des Moines residents.

Flower season
With the onset of autumn, the colorful decoration of the flower fields of the sister city of Zhenjiang attracts many lovers of beautiful landscapes. The flower season lasts from September to mid-November. To promote agricultural tourism in the fields, performances of folk groups demonstrating folk songs and dances, national traditions are also organized.

Reconstruction of the road network
As part of further improvement, the reconstruction of the street and road network continues in the sister city of Yerevan. The Babajanyan-Ashtarak road is currently under construction. The work is expected to be completed within two months.

Sino-Swiss factory founding
On October 15, 2020, the official opening of the plant of the Swiss company "Givaudan", the world's largest manufacturer of food flavorings and perfume compositions, took place in the sister city of Changzhou. The ceremony was attended by the Consul General of Switzerland in Shanghai and the Vice-Mayor of Changzhou. The plant is expected to become an advanced center for the production of fragrances and perfumes in the Asia-Pacific region.


A new sports hall construction
The official opening ceremony of a new training hall construction at the Sports School in Pazardzhik took place on October 22, 2020. The event was attended by the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Bulgaria Krasen Kralev and the Mayor of the Community of Pazardzhik Todor Popov. The mayor of the sister city noted that recently the number of champions of Bulgaria in various sports, studying in school, increased by 36 people.

The participation in the National Badminton Championship
The National Youth Badminton Championship was held in the city of Haskovo (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 17 to 18 October, 2020. More than 70 athletes under the age of seventeen took part in the competition. Representatives of the Sports School of the city of Pazardzhik became bronze medalists of the championship.

The reconstruction of primary and preschool education institutions
The buildings of three city institutions of primary and preschool education were reconstructed and renovated in the city of Béziers in 2020. Work was carried out to add additional premises to accommodate new classrooms, libraries, recreation rooms, school canteens as well as the adjacent territory was landscaped. The construction was carried out taking into account the needs of people with limited mobility.

The farmers market in the city of Des Moines
In order to support small and medium-sized businesses in Des Moines, it was decided to place a traditional winter farmers' market in the open air. Due to the difficult epidemic situation, a mandatory requirement is the observance of social distancing, as well as the use of personal protective equipment. The fair will be operated on November 21, 2020 in the parking area of one of the central parks of the sister city. Shoppers will be able to pre-order online and then visit the farmers' market to get it, or shop locally without leaving their vehicle. The seasonal fruits and vegetables, meats, cheeses, pastries, honey, jams and sauces, as well as gifts from local artists and artisans will be presented.

The development of agriculture
Agriculture accounts for a significant share of the economy of Zhenjiang City. In order to develop the agro-industrial complex, special attention is paid to the introduction of innovative technologies and developments in the field of crop production. An unmanned harvester from one of the Chinese manufacturers is currently being tested on the farm fields of the sister city.

The conference on thermoelectric materials
In the period from 11 to 14 October 2020, Changzhou city hosted 12th China Conference on Thermoelectric Materials and Applications (CCT2020), organized by by Yangtze River Delta Physics Reseasrch Center, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOPLY) with financial support from the Chinese Thermoelectric Society, Chinese Materials Research Society (CTS, C-MRS). More than 600 people took part in the conference; about 350 scientific reports were presented. Special attention was paid to thermoelectric technology - an alternative and environmentally friendly method of collection and return warmth that attracts the attention of academics and industry sectors from around the world.


Day of the Bulgarian community
On October 12, Pazardzhik hosted events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Bulgarian community. Representatives of the authorities took part in the solemn meeting of the city Duma. The Mayor of the sister city addressed the residents and guests of Pazardzhik with congratulations, noting the success in urban development in various areas.

Real estate market promotion
In order to promote sales and ensure transparency of operations in the city's real estate market, a meeting with professional property experts will be organized in the sister city of Beziers on October 17, 2020. During the event, citizens will receive consultations on legal issues, construction and architecture, expert examination, as well as banking support for transactions.

Businesses support during the pandemic
To support local food service businesses in the sister city of Des Moines, grants have been announced to equip outdoor areas. The initiative will provide heating equipment for summer verandas and outdoor terraces. The events are aimed at extending the season of outdoor cafes and restaurants, which is safer in the face of the pandemic.

Participation in the World day without car
Paying special attention to environmental protection, as well as drawing attention to the depletion of natural resources, residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang traditionally participated in events organized as part of the World day without car. During the day, citizens tried to avoid using fuel vehicles. Also, for the sixth year, the Chishan lake national park hosted a bicycle marathon, which was attended by about 500 cycling enthusiasts.

Development of wind energy
A forum on robotics and automated wind power was held in the sister city of Changzhou. The event was attended by more than 100 representatives of equipment manufacturing companies, research institutes, as well as developers of innovative technologies. Taking into account the growing interest in the use of alternative energy sources in the world, the prospects for developing powerful equipment and wind power automation technologies were discussed during the forum.


Participation in the national karate championship
Seventeen participants of the Tornado sports club of Pazardzhik took part in the National karate championship among children, which was held in the city of Shumen (Republic of Bulgaria). Young athletes of the sister city won 11 medals in different age categories, two representatives of the club were also awarded special prizes.

Theatrical art promotion
In order to organize cultural leisure for children and teenagers, to introduce the younger generation to the performing arts, the Franciscan theater and the Municipal theater of Beziers are launching the Meetings of Riquet project. Within the framework of the project, monthly master classes and sections on acting, directing, creating theater plays and sets will be held. There will also be classes in modern dance, vocal and circus arts. The project will be from October 14, 2020 to May 2021.

Healthy lifestyle promotion
Taking into account that the restrictions related to the pandemic have led to a decrease in physical activity of citizens, in the sister city of Des Moines, October has been declared “health month”. Within the initiative, weekly events are organized to encourage residents to adopt a healthy lifestyle and promote a balanced diet. Information is distributed in social networks, informational newsletters and motivational posters are published. Special attention is paid to the development of healthy habits among the younger generation.

Development of the city
A new modern recreation park built using innovative "sponge" technology has been opened in the sister city of Zhenjiang. A feature of this structure is a multi-level system that allows rainwater to be safely absorbed and stored for future use, which significantly reduces the risk of flooding in heavy rains. The park offers a wide range of opportunities for recreation activities of citizens.

Development of the instrument industry
The Chinese-German industrial Park for Inspection, Testing and Certification Cooperation was opened in the sister city of Changzhou. The event also included a seminar on the strategic development of China's domestic instrument industry “Brand Building and Marketization of Domestic Instruments”, during which perspectives to improve and expand the instrument industry in China were discussed.


The meeting of Bulgaria Olympic champions
A meeting of Bulgaria Olympic champions took place in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria). A book "Bulgaria at Olympus" about the participants in the Olympic Games was presented during the meeting. In the modern history of the Games, athletes from Bulgaria have won 52 gold, 89 silver and 83 bronze medals. The event was attended by champions, as well as silver and bronze medalists of the Olympic Games of the sister city of Pazardzhik.

The participation in the National Festival of Amateur Theaters
Representatives of the youth theater “Friends” of the Youth House of Pazardzhik took part in the National Festival of Amateur Theaters, which took place in the city of Lom (Republic of Bulgaria). Within the framework of the festival, young artists presented the audience with the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Bear". Following the results of the theatrical competition, the participants of the sister city were awarded in two nominations.

The fine arts exhibition
The traditional International Fine Arts Salon will take place in the city of Beziers in the period from October 3 to 10, 2020. More than 50 exhibitors will take part in it. The exhibition will feature works created in various techniques. Training seminars are also planned. For the first time in more than 60 years of the exhibition, two women will be its guests of honor: the artist Jeanne Saint Charon and the master of creative works from felt Nadine Verg.

The additional educational services
An additional tutoring resource to support the education system during the pandemic is successfully developing in the sister city of Des Moines. The web platform provides information on the specialization of teachers, territorial location, as well as handouts and practical recommendations for organizing the learning process. Teachers and student families can independently determine the format of interaction that is most convenient for them - individual face-to-face or online classes, classroom instruction.

The agritourism development
In order to develop agricultural tourism, as well as emphasizing the preservation of cultural and historical heritage, visits to local farms are organized in Zhenjiang city. Residents and guests of the sister city can study with traditional grain processing techniques, folk crafts and take vivid photographs against the backdrop of natural attractions.

The implementation of the energy efficiency program
The capital repairs of several kindergartens and a number of other preschool institutions are planned in the sister city of Yerevan in order to improve the quality of life and health of the citizens of the capital and future generations. Work to ensure energy efficiency, seismic resistance and improve sanitary conditions will be carried out, buildings will be adapted for people with disabilities. These measures are aimed at reducing the effects of climate change and reducing budgetary expenditures.

An international forum
The official opening of the China International Forum on Science and Technology & Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation took place in the sister city of Changzhou on September 28, 2020. More than 500 representatives of large enterprises and companies took part in the event. As a result of the forum, more than 30 partnership agreements were signed in the field of information technology, new materials, modern energy resources, mechanical engineering, as well as financial and leasing services.


The celebration of the Day independence of Bulgaria
The celebration of the Day independence of Bulgaria was held in Pazardzhik on 22 September 2020. The mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov took part in the ceremony of raising the national flag in the Central square of K. Velichkov, and also appealed to the residents and guests of the city with a welcoming speech. The program of celebration ended a concert with participation of the best creative collectives of Pazardzhik.

The city fair of local manufacturers
A city-wide fair "Grand Bazar" was held in order to develop the trade sphere in the sister city of Beziers. Local food and beverage manufacturers, suppliers of flower products, etc. took part in it. Entertainment programs for children, master classes on teaching dances of the peoples of the world, tasting of Italian cuisine. The event was attended by creative teams of the city

The webinars for small businesses
Series of five thematic seminars was organized for representatives of small businesses, aimed at teaching investment attraction strategies in order to further develop the economy in the sister city of Des Moines. In 2020, due to the epidemic situation, the events will be held online. During the discussions, the best practices for the development of successful startups, methods of managing investment investments and increasing equity capital will be presented.

A vessel with a large carrying capacity was put into operation
The launch of the new ship "Big Mac Ship", designed by one of the shipbuilding companies of the sister city, took place on September 21, 2020 in the city of Zhenjiang in a solemn atmosphere under the leadership of the Department of Maritime. The vessel is about 300 meters long and has a carrying capacity of over 200 thousand tons. It is the largest ship built in Zhenjiang in recent years.

The improvement of the urban environment
Work on the improvement of the urban environment continues in the sister city of Yerevan. Currently, in order to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians and drivers, energy-saving lamps are being installed in the capital of Armenia to illuminate about 100 pedestrian crossings. The program includes areas where the number of accidents has increased in recent years. The artistic illumination of the capital's monuments is also being modernized.

The Internet technologies exhibition
The opening of the International exhibition of Internet technologies in industry and energy as well as the International exhibition of industrial equipment took place on September 16, 2020 in the sister city of Changzhou. The main goal is to facilitate the exchange of experience in the field of innovation and intellectual production, the establishment of business cooperation between representatives of the business community. The event was attended by over 100 well-known companies, government and public figures, Chinese and foreign experts.


National Boxing tournament
On September 12, 2020, the III national Boxing tournament "Ring Pazardzhik"was held in Pazardzhik. The tournament is organized by the Trakiyets boxing club of the sister city. The competition was attended by athletes of the Republic of Bulgaria of various ages and weight categories. Representatives of the city of Pazardzhik, who won six prizes, performed well during the tournament.

Environmentally safe waste disposal
To reduce environmental pollution, the city of Beziers uses innovative technologies for waste processing. Special autoclaves for fermentation of bio-waste are installed in two school canteens of the sister city. As a result of processing of food residues, fermented organic sediment is formed, which subsequently turns out to be methane gas used in urban economy.

International festival
The city of Des Moines hosts an international festival of music and food from September 12 to 20. Residents and visitors can enjoy performances of local musicians, art master-classes, and markets of products from Iowa manufacturers. For the first time, an online guide to national cuisines, as well as video recipes for cooking famous dishes, is presented.

Specialized center of water supervision
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, located on the banks of the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal, a special water supervision and duty station has been opened to ensure safety during the rainy season and prevent the consequences of flooding. As many large vessels, cargo, ships and boats are based in the port of Zhenjiang, the main task of the services is to monitor the situation during the period of rising water in the river.

Children's center for inclusive development
In the sister city of Yerevan, an inclusive development center was opened for 200 children. The goal of the center is to integrate children aged 2-7 with disabilities into society. The center has offices for speech therapists, psychologists, special teachers, and occupational therapists, and two separate gyms for children’s training. There is also a special course for parents in the "Profession for mothers of disabled children" program.

Competition of innovative projects
In early September of this year, the first qualifying stage of the "Innovative Jiangsu" scientific and technical development competition on the topic "New materials" was held in the sister city of Changzhou. Initiated for the purpose of further business development with the use of scientific technologies, the competition attracted more than 5 thousand startup teams. To provide investment support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the resumption of production, representatives of banking and financial institutions were also invited to the event this year.


Celebration of the Day of the Bulgarian Reunification
On September 06, 2020, a celebration of 135th anniversary of the Bulgarian Reunification was held in the city of Pazardzhik. As part of the events, a solemn concert was organized on the Central Square named after K. Velichkov with the participation of creative teams of the city of Pazardzhik. Residents and guests of the sister city had the opportunity to get acquainted with the expositions of the Regional historical Museum.

Annual city event
On September 12, 2020 a city event "Alley of Béziers’ associations" will be held in the Paul Rica Alleys of sister city of Beziers. This year, representatives of 240 associations will demonstrate their achievements in sports, culture, youth work, and environmental protection. The program of events is supposed to introduce citizens and guests of the city to the associations and exchange experience. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, the event will be held in compliance with sanitary safety measures.

Small business support
A campaign to support small businesses continues in the sister city of Des Moines. The initiative aims to inform the public about the benefits and opportunities of develop business in Des Moines, and to promote local manufacturers ' products on social networks. A series of posters and leaflets to support private entrepreneurs has been published. Special attention is paid to the distribution of season passes and tickets for visiting local attractions and museums.

Construction of a suspension bridge
In the sister city of Zhenjiang, an innovative project is being implemented to build the Zhenjiang Wufengshan suspension bridge, which will become a significant transport artery in the region. The structure is the first hanging bridge in the world with heavy-duty highway and railway spanning over 1,000 meters.

Implementation of the program for landscaping
In the sister city of Yerevan, special importance is attached to the implementation of the city improvement and landscaping program. Currently, the irrigation network is being upgraded, pump stations have been repaired, and a new irrigation system is being installed. The annual program provides drilling deep ditches that will ensure uninterrupted irrigation of green spaces. New equipment was also purchased for various landscaping works.

Youth athletics championship
In the sister city of Changzhou, the 2020 Jiangsu youth track and field championship came to a successful conclusion. More than 500 athletes took part in the sports competitions. The championship lasted for four days. The Changzhou athletics team became the champion of Jiangsu province, winning 20 gold medals.


Exhibition in Pazardzhik
In the period from September 04 to October 01, 2020, the Regional historical Museum of Pazardzhik will host an exhibition dedicated to the religious and cultural phenomenon common in Bulgaria and Northern Greece - nestinarstvo. The exhibition includes stands with photos from the period 1946-1953 with images of ritual dances on hot coals, as well as original exhibits: icons, clothing items and accessories. Previously, the exhibition was held with great success in many cities of Bulgaria and abroad.

New city park
In 2023-2024, the sister city of Beziers will have a new city park, which is planned between the Orb River and the Southern Canal. The new 4-hectare park is intended to become the second "green lungs" of the city after the existing Poets’ Plateau. This space will be designed for leisure and family activities. In the southern part of the park there will be a pontoon for those who like to relax on the water. It is also planned to provide a place for picnics.

Educational program for the talented youth
The city of Des Moines is implementing a two-year program aimed at further professional development and personal growth of talented young people. The main goal of the educational project is to familiarize with modern strategies of socio-economic development of the city, to train a new generation of management staff of enterprises. Scholarship funding is provided by leading Des Moines companies.

Culture and Art Festival 
On August 30, the official opening of the Jinshan Culture and Art Festival 2020 took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. The main goal of this event is to support cities in overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as to promote national culture and art. In accordance with the Festival program, a number of entertainment events, master classes on folk art, literary and musical performances are organized for guests and residents of the city.

Implementation of preventive measures
In order to prevent the spread of infection, a number of preventive measures are being implemented in educational institutions of the sister city of Yerevan. Teachers of educational institutions have been tested for coronavirus, school medical cabinets have been provided with the necessary medicines, and medical nurses have been retrained accordingly. The new school year is expected to start on September 15.

Development of intercity transport links
As part of the further development of intercity transport links, the sister city of Changzhou is taking part in the implementation of a project to unite the metro cities in the Yangtze River Delta into one circle. Starting from January of this year, citizens who have downloaded a special mobile app can travel by metro in Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, and Changzhou by scanning a QR code at the entrance and exit. Thus, residents of the Yangtze River Delta have access to the most convenient intercity transport services.


The International football tournament
The International football tournament for orphans left without parental care will take place in the city of Perushtitsa (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 14 to 18 September. According to the results of the qualifying competitions, the national team included three representatives of the sister city of Pazardzhik. To participate in the tournament, athletes will undergo a two-week training.

The successes of the youth of the sister city
The current year is successful professionally for the young dancers of the sister city of Beziers. Zhanna Bouvier, a student at the city's Dance center, entered the prestigious choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, after which she will receive a diploma as a professional ballerina. Also twelve-year-old dancers of the sister city Claire Renaud-Favier and Lea Amadour became the winners of the difficult first stage of the national competition for admission to the choreographic school at the Paris Opera. The city of Beziers is proud of the successes of its talented youth.

The online training seminars
A series of advocacy training workshops will be organized in the sister city of Des Moines in the period from 15 to 24 September. Within the framework of the seminar program, the issues in the field of providing urban infrastructure, supporting small businesses, developing human resources, etc will be discussed. In connection with the difficult epidemiological situation, the events will be held online.

The opening of a new park in the sister city
Visitors can visit the renovated Changshan Rainbow Town Park, located in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The amusement park covers a total area of 233.3 hectares. In the course of the reconstruction, the park was transformed into a complex cultural tourist town, on the territory of which there are hotels, entertainment establishments, a zoo, and rare plants. The official opening of the park will take place a little bit later and will be timed to coincide with one of the public holidays of the PRC.

The separate waste collection in the sister city
The Mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan is consistently working on the implementation of separate collection of household waste in practice. Recently, a division of the municipal organization Greening and Environmental Protection took over the sorting of cardboard, solving one of the most important environmental problems in the capital. Cardboard waste, which makes up about 5% of the total waste in the city of Yerevan, is collected and transported to the recycling site. It is also planned to open a station for sorting plastic waste. Recycling of waste entails new revenue to the budget, which will facilitate the purchase of appropriate equipment.

An orientation tour for overseas Chinese youth
On August 14, 2020, the sister city of Changzhou officially launched the Grand Canal Cultural Tour 2020 online initiative for Overseas Chinese Youth living abroad. The program interactively presented both modern scenic spots of the city of Changzhou, located on the banks of the canal, and historical sights. The event was attended by over 10,000 students.


Participation in the National modern pentathlon championship
The National modern pentathlon championship was held in the city of Shumen (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 15 to 16 August, 2020. During the competition, representatives of the sports club "Champion" of the city of Pazardzhik had a great success. Athletes from the sister city won prizes in individual matches, as well as three cups in the team event.

The Feria festival
The traditional Feria festival took place in the sister city of Beziers in the period from 14 to 16 August, 2020. This year, during the events, special attention was paid to the observance of sanitary safety measures. The performances of the famous professional equestrian troupe “Gruss”, a traditional bullfight, a rugby match in Béziers-Toulouse and a citywide marathon were organized as part of the holiday program. Residents and guests of the city had the opportunity to take part in the flamenco festival, various conferences, exhibitions and meetings, as well as attend the performances of musical groups.

The national campaign implementation
The six-week online sessions were organized in the sister city of Des Moines as part of the national campaign "Make It OK" aimed to support citizens with reduced ability to perceive the environment and social adaptation. The main goal of the initiative is to expand knowledge about mental health. The information on the possibilities of supporting mental health, as well as the basics of interaction with relatives and colleagues and within communities will be presented as part of the panel sessions.

Development of the tourism industry
The initiative "Night economy" is being implemented in the sister city of Zhenjiang in order to support the recovery and development of the tourism industry. The sightseeing programs, orientation and entertainment events will be organized at night. On weekends volunteers also work at the main attractions of the sister city, providing various services for tourists and visitors.

The implementation of the elevator replacement program
The implementation of a program on replacement elevators in apartment buildings continues in the sister city of Yerevan. A decision to replace 500 elevators was made in 2020. The new installed elevators are adapted for people with disabilities, and are also equipped with a UPS system, which, in the event of a power failure, allows the elevator to stop at the nearest floor and open the doors. The elevator replacement program will continue in the coming years.

The resumption of international traffic at Changzhou airport
The international communication on the route "Changzhou - Osaka (Japan)" was resumed at the airport of the sister city of Changzhou on 07 August, 2020. It was the first flight since the suspension of international traffic in April this year due to Covid-19. Changzhou Airport has met the necessary sanitary and quarantine requirements for the resumption of flights. Several foreign airlines are currently also considering opening international routes to Changzhou.


The European Badminton Championship

From 08 to 09 August, 2020 the city of Pazardzhik hosted the European Badminton Championship among athletes aged under 19 years old. Representatives of the sister city had a great success in the competition. The participants won two silver medals and also scored points in the international ranking of athletes.

The development of a new video game

Within the framework of participation in a professional competition of the interactive entertainment industry, a group of students from the «CIME Art» school of the city of Beziers (10 people) developed a new video game using images generated by electronic equipment. The presentation of the computer program will take place in early October 2020. The video game is currently being tested.

The webinar for entrepreneurs

In order to support entrepreneurs in modern conditions in the sister city of Des Moines, a free webinar dedicated to investment issues was organized. The event will include three panel discussions, during which topical issues related to the pandemic will be discussed, best practices for attracting investments, as well as the experience of successful representatives of the local business community will be presented.

The international calligraphy contest

The results of the III International Calligraphy contest "Cup to myth" were announced on 08 August, 2020in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Due to the difficult epidemic situation in 2020, the contest was organized online. More than 80 institutions of Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Anyang took part in the qualifying rounds. The created online platform is seen as an innovative way to exchange the art of calligraphy.

The press conference of the Mayor of Yerevan

A press conference of the mayor of the sister city of Yerevan, dedicated to the development of the capital of the Republic of Armenia, took place at the beginning of August this year. During the event, topical issues of urban planning and land use were highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the city improvement and greening program.

A certification of agricultural products

An agricultural certification system, which allow to track food production information is introducing in the sister city of Changzhou. Certificates are issued to manufacturing enterprises, farmer cooperatives, private agricultural producers in paper format or as a barcode. All products entering food markets, supermarkets and grocery stores must be certified or pre-tested.


The energy efficiency program

A press conference dedicated to the implementation of the project "Improving energy efficiency in multi-apartment residential buildings in the city of Pazardzhik" was held at the mayor's office of Pazardzhik on August 4, 2020. As part of the program, it is planned to improve the living conditions and quality of life of more than 400 families of the sister city. The work will be completed before the start of the winter season. The program is financed with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

The educational process in a pandemic

About 7000 students of public and private educational institutions of Béziers were provided with special notebooks for study during the summer holidays by the city hall of the sister city. The purpose of this action is to support the educational process of schoolchildren during a pandemic. The content of the notebooks correspond to state educational programs and contain assignments in the main subjects: French and English, mathematics, geography, history.

The development of telemedicine

The Medical center of the sister city of Des Moines were awarded a cash prize as part of the telemedicine development program. The funds will be used to purchase equipment for remote delivery of medical care and exchange of specialized information using modern computer and telecommunication technologies. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic telemedicine ensures social distancing, the safety of medical workers and patients as well as frees up the necessary places in medical institutions.

The provision of social support to elderly families

A significant increase in temperature after the rainy season has seen in the sister city of Zhenjiang. In order to provide social support to the population during the hot period, the authorities and volunteers organized visits to 500 elderly families, during which a free medical examination was carried out, as well as basic necessities were provided.

The further work on the improvement

Improvement work continues in the sister city of Yerevan. Currently, the reconstruction of the sewerage system for 250 households is underway, during which the pipeline will be repaired, damaged hatches will be replaced, as well as the asphalting of sections of the road after repair work will be finished.

The Lotus festival

The opening of 13th Lotus Festival in Hsinchu Park, which is home to about 400 species of water lily was held in the sister city of Changzhou on July 21, 2020. Within the framework of the festival in this year virtual tours of the park, carnivals of crafts that are the intangible heritage of Changzhou, a festival of Chinese cuisine, traditional costume shows, various master classes, and online flower sales are organized. The festival is a significant cultural event in Changzhou city.


International bikeathon in Bulgaria
In the period from 27 to 31 July 2020, the Republic of Bulgaria hosted
67th International Cycling Marathon. The competition was held in four stages, in which 20 teams from foreign countries took part. The awarding ceremony for the winners of the first stage, organized along the route "Sofia - Pazardzhik" with a length of 128 km, took place in the city of Pazardzhik.

Leisure activities
In the sister city of Beziers, one of the most popular leisure events “On Thursdays in Beziers” has been resumed. Every week in the downtown, on the Alleys of the Pole Riquet, fifteen local wine producers present their wine for tasting. Guests and residents of the city are also invited to try dishes made by catering companies from local products. To create a festive atmosphere, the event is attended by creative groups of the city of Beziers.

Annual award for the inclusivity
In the sister city of Des Moines, an annual "Inclusion Award-2019" was announced among businesses and organizations that actively develop an inclusive corporate culture. The competition is being held for the eighth time. In 2020, special attention will be paid to best practices in the context of pandemic, as well as ensuring social equality.

Universities in China
In the educational institutions of the sister city of Zhenjiang the results of state certification exams have been summed up that allow entering higher education institutions. Consultations are organized for parents of graduates and future students, during which full information is provided about training and study in more than 110 colleges and universities in China.

Work on the city development
Reconstruction and landscaping work is continued in the sister city of Yerevan. Currently, one of the squares is being improved. The alley is being updated and green areas are being restored, basalt benches are being installed. It is planned to construct a new irrigation system and energy-saving lighting. The proposal for the reconstruction of the square was received by the Yerevan municipality through the Active citizen platform.

Competition of short videos among foreigners
On July 20, this year, in the sister city of Changzhou, “Fighting COVID-19 Together” short video contest was held, organized by the Changzhou Association of friendship with foreign countries. The competition was attended by foreign students and employees of foreign companies from 11 countries in Changzhou. The videos reflect the solidarity of representatives of different countries, as well as the effectiveness of measures taken in the fight against the pandemic. The winning videos will be sent to participate in the Jiangsu province short video competition.


National award

On July 17, 2020, the mayor of Pazardzhik was awarded the national award – honorable letter of the Union of reserve officers and sergeants of the Republic of Bulgaria. The mayor of the sister city was noted for the effective work and special contribution to the development of Pazardzhik. Only four honorary awards were presented to outstanding leaders in Bulgaria.

Reconstruction of city quarters

In the sister city of Beziers, the reconstruction of the "La Devèze" quarter has been started. Two residential complexes will be built on the site of demolished buildings that do not meet sanitary and environmental standards: Villa Rosa and the Athens Gardens. Half of the residential premises will be social apartments. The new housing will significantly exceed the previous one in quality and compliance with existing standards. Construction work is scheduled to begin in early 2021.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle among the population, a new catering company specializing in preparing meals for every day was opened in the sister city of Des Moines. The institution pays special attention to the quality of products, as well as the convenience of purchasing ready-made meals of proper nutrition.

Rainy season

In the sister city of Zhenjiang, with the rainy season, special attention is paid to ensuring security. A number of measures are being implemented to prevent flooding, and more than 100 representatives of the rescue squad are on duty around the clock on Jiangxing island. At the same time, the field work of local farmers engaged in planting rice seedlings and harvesting continues in difficult conditions.

Development of children with disabilities

Within the framework of the joint program of the Yerevan municipality and the charity organization, a summer training and development camp for children in need of special development has been organized in the sister city. During the week, training classes, music and art therapy, adaptive physical education are held. Qualified specialists and experienced psychologists work with children.

Development of the transport network

For the transport network optimization since July 06, a special bus route has been opened in the sister city of Changzhou fr om the North railway station to Changzhou airport. There are 14 departures between the two major transport hubs every day. The average travel time is 35 minutes. The waiting area is organized wh ere passengers can track the flight status in real time on a digital display.


Opening of the renovated sports park
Confirming the title of the city of sports, the opening of the renovated sports park "Zone of Health" took place on July 14, 2020 in the sister city of Pazardzhik. On the territory of the complex there are numerous sports grounds, a stadium and training areas. The official opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Pazardzhik and the Minister of sports of the Republic of Bulgaria. Within the framework of the event, the best athletes and sports clubs of the sister city were awarded with diplomas, medals, cups and prizes.

Light and music show about the city’s history
The high-tech "Music and light" show, which has become a tradition in Beziers, started in early July 2020. This is dedicated to the heroic pages of the city's history: the liberation of Beziers from Nazi occupation in the summer of 1944. About a hundred actors took part in the preparation of the show. The shooting was carried out in a special studio on a solid green background. This shooting technique allows integrating scenes with actors in the appropriate digital scenery. The show will be shown in the evening several times a week until August 25 this year on the facade of the Church of St. Madeleine.

Business support
In the sister city of Des Moines, a number of online seminars are organized to support business representatives in the new situation. During virtual meetings, leaders of large organizations and enterprises, experts in various fields present their work experience and practical advices on business development, discuss modern technologies for strengthening business strategies, interacting with staff and expanding the customer base.

Development of the mobile Internet network
In order to ensure faster and more stable Internet in the sister city of Zhenjiang, it is planned to build 6000 base stations for the new generation of 5G mobile communications by the end of 2020. Currently, more than 90% of the work has been completed. Full coverage of the 5G network has been achieved in places such as government offices, student campuses, large commercial areas, main roads, train stations etc.

Realization of the construction and improvement program
As part of the construction and improvement program of the municipality of the sister city of Yerevan, 11 kindergartens are under major repairs in 2020. The work includes renovation of roofs and facilities, new drainage, ventilation systems and communication lines. For the first time, thermal insulation and energy-saving lamps will be installed in buildings, which will reduce the cost of gas and electricity.

Education of talented youth
On July 3, 2017, the Institute of Industrial Internet technologies was officially opened on the territory of the Science and education town of the sister city of Changzhou. The educational institution was created to integrate the latest achievements and information developments into advanced production. The Institute will implement a number of research programs to train talented young people in the field of information technology and industrial production.


Healthy lifestyle promotion

In order to promote healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, the "Fisherman's School" was organized in Pazardzhik from July 01 to 15 this year. School students are glad to learn the basics of fishing, spending more time on reservoirs near the sister city. Participation in the school is free, and funding is provided by the Pazardzhik municipality.

Festive events

Traditionally, a number of entertainment events are planned in Beziers on the eve of the national holiday of France – the Bastille Day on July 13, 2020. There will be a salute on the banks of the Orb River near the river station, as well as a concert program of popular creative groups. For residents and guests of the city, wine tasting of local producers and mobile fast food outlets will be organized.

Learning the state historical heritage

In order to familiarize students of Des Moines schools with the historical and cultural heritage, an interactive training event was held on July 08 at the State Historical Museum of Iowa. Lectures on the history of Iowa, excursions to the exhibition of historical artifacts, visits to the vaults of Museum collections were organized for young residents of the sister city. The event participants also created an exhibit that will be temporarily displayed.

Development of tourism

The coronavirus epidemic has significantly affected the development of the tourism industry in the sister city of Zhenjiang. In order to restore tourism as soon as possible, the "night tourism economy" regime has been introduced in the most picturesque area of the city - the Qianhua Ancient Village scenic spot. Night excursions have been prepared for residents and guests of the sister city, and a number of entertainment events have been developed to be realized during summer.

Preventive measures

As part of the implementation of preventive measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, 36 distribution sites for personal protective equipment were organized in the sister city of Yerevan. Volunteers offer residents protective masks and explain the rules of protection against viral infection.

Development of educational tourism

As part of the educational tourism development, a new camp was opened in the Taihu Bay of the sister city of Changzhou. The educational institution covers an area of more than 80,000 square meters, can receive 2,500 students per day and provide accommodation for 1,500 people. The camp is supposed to organize summer and winter programs in various themes: science and innovation, exam preparation, safe living skills, family stay, military training, etc.


Bulgarian national fencing championship
Young students of the "Pentathlon" sports club in Pazardzhik took part in the national championship of Bulgaria in fencing among athletes under the age of 15. According to the results of the competition, the girls 'team of the sister city became the Champion of Bulgaria in fencing, the boys' team entered the top six. The club's athletes also won 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals in individual competitions.

Urban territories improvement
In the sister city of Beziers, work continues to improve the space and decorate the streets. In front of the city hall, a new square with an area of 500 square meters is laid out. Fifteen trees, flowers, and topiary figures in the form of two giant apples are planted. Streets in the tourist areas of Beziers have acquired a new look, this year they were decorated with thousands of colored ribbons to create a festive mood for citizens and tourists.

Book festival
The annual Des Moines Book Festival will be held online this summer. The event consists of virtual meetings of aspiring authors with recognized Iowa writers who will present their experience in writing and publishing works. Literature lovers will also be able to participate in the Book Club and discuss the expected new books in 2021.

Development of eco tourism
As part of the development of eco-tourism in the sister city of Zhenjiang, horse and pedestrian tours of the surrounding area are organized. The main goal of the events is to attract citizens to a healthy active lifestyle, as well as to help local farmers in selling fresh agricultural products.

Animal protection
As part of the solution to the problem of animal protection, a new veterinary center is opened in the sister city of Yerevan to operate animals for sterilization. The new municipal clinic is equipped with modern equipment, special cells for pre-and post-operative care. In the near future, there will also be a diagnostic laboratory.

China-German Innovation Park
On June 18, this year, the foundation stone of the China-German Innovation Park was laid in the Jintan Economic Development Zone of the sister city of Changzhou. The construction of the international center for the production of injectors and spray systems is expected to be completed in 2021. The planned annual capacity is 60,000 sets. 


Meeting with graduates
On June 22, 2020, the Mayor of Pazardzhik met with school graduates at the Regional Historical Museum, where he awarded them special certificates, which provide an opportunity to visit numerous cultural events for free and get books as a gift. This initiative is organized as part of the program to support talented youth.

Landscaping of the fountain territory
With the participation of the mayor's office of the sister city of Beziers, the territory around the light and music fountain of the city is arranged. More than 40 different lamps in the form of giant flowers, magic trees, fairy herbs and shrubs are installed on the lawns. Combined with the melodies of the light and music fountain, this fantasy space creates the atmosphere of an "enchanted forest".

Reconstruction of a historical building
On June 11 after a large internal renovation, the historic building named after Edna Griffin was officially opened in the center of the sister city of Des Moines. The event was held in an online format. The building is listed on the national register of historic places in Iowa and the United States. Currently, it houses retail, office and residential premises.

National holiday
On June 25 events dedicated to the traditional festival of dragon boats were held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Special attention was paid to the preservation of cultural customs and traditions during the celebrations, including races on colorful boats depicting dragons, and the preparation of traditional dishes of national cuisine.

Measures of social support
A new social protection system is being introduced in the sister city of Yerevan. In order to improve the quality of work, structural changes will be implemented in the sphere, and the Social support Council will be established under the Mayor of Yerevan. The purpose of the Council is to provide support to vulnerable groups of the population, partial compensation of tuition fees for students. The Mayor's Council will also work to improve the social conditions of veterans’ and military personnel’s families.

Support of environmentally friendly production
The First Food Festival organized in the framework of cooperation between Jiangsu and Shaanxi provinces was held in the sister city of Changzhou. Baihe county of Shaanxi province is known for environmentally friendly production. In order to support low-income areas, the Changzhou city government constantly purchases food from Baihe farmers, providing residents with fresh, high-quality agricultural products.


New football field in Pazardzhik
On June 15, 2020, a new football field was opened in the Gheorghi Benkovski sports complex in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Pazardzhik, as well as the leaders of the public organization "Bulgarian football Union". The new sports ground is built using modern materials and equipped with electric lighting and high-quality artificial turf. 

Music Festival
On June 21, 2020, Beziers will host a Music Festival. On the eve of the event, videos performances by famous soloists and creative groups of Beziers will be broadcasted on social networks. On the day of the festival, participants of the musical competition will perform on the stage of the Alleys of Paul Riquet, and the winners will be awarded in two categories: "Opening of the city of Beziers 2020" and "Jury Prize 2020". The festival will end with performances of pop stars. 

Local business support
In order to support local entrepreneurs in the sister city of Des Moines, the "7-Day DSM Local Challenge" was initiated, which will take place from June 25 till July 01 this year. Participants of the initiative will purchase goods only in local stores. Residents of the sister city are also asked to post information about local goods and photos on social networks within seven days. 

Measures to preserve the environment
As part of the national policy to reduce environmental pollution, a survey of agricultural land has been organized in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The purpose of the monitoring is to stop burning stubble and straw in the fields after harvesting. During the events, visual and manual inspections, as well as the method of ultraviolet control are used. 

Attention to environmental issues
Within the framework of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, the Mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan announced the photo contest "Energy efficiency through my eyes". Participants of the contest will provide interesting photos on the topic of energy efficiency and energy conservation, "green" energy, as well as brief comments to them. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to the problems of preserving a clean environment. 

Integrated approach to improving the health of population
Taking into account the world's high mortality rate from chronic diseases, the sister city of Changzhou has developed a comprehensive approach to improving the health of population, combining exercises and medical treatment. During the first phase of the program, more than 200 people with chronic diseases took part in "physical education classes" for three months, exercising three times a week. Follow-up medical checkups showed significant improvement of health indicators of the program participants: weight loss, blood pressure normalization, and cholesterol levels decrease. 


The meeting of the Pazardzhik Community mayor with school graduates

On June 9, 2020, the mayor of Pazardzhik Community met with three orphan graduates. Todor Popov thanked students for the successful school completion and wished them further success. He also noted that, if it necessary, will assist them in employment in the City hall of the sister city. At the end of the meeting, graduates were awarded cash prizes.

The measures to support representatives of the business community of Beziers

In connection with the crisis associated with the coronavirus epidemic, as well as the threat of its influence on the development of the local economy, the city hall of Beziers took urgent measures to support the business community. The rent for entrepreneurs working in the field of trade was canceled, the duty for advertising was frozen, the tax on the use of public property during construction was canceled. A million euro subvention was allocated from the Regional Fund to support the most affected sectors of the city’s economy. Also, organizations and enterprises are allowed free use of ground parking.

The online work of the Farmer's Market

In the beginning of June 2020, a special web platform for online orders “Online Marketplace”, aimed to cooperate suppliers and customers, became available in the sister city of Des Moines. The service provides residents of the sister city with the opportunity to place an order and determine the most convenient point of delivery or delivery method. Local manufacturers will be able to sell their products in difficult epidemic conditions. Currently, more than 110 providers have joined the online platform. In the near future, an increase in the number of suppliers, as well as an expansion in the range of goods offered are expected. 

The harvest of wheat in the city of Zhenjiang

The wheat harvest in Zhenjiang City is basically completed. Due to the rainy season in the region, it became necessary to dry the harvest. The sister city agricultural enterprises asked the specialized company “Zhenjiang New Nongrun Agricole Trade Co., Ltd.”, which has more than sixty wheat dryers that dry nearly 1,000 tons of wheat a day. 

The new information platform

As part of the implementation of the “Smart City” development concept, a new information platform devoted to issues of urban planning and improvement was posted on the official website of Yerevan City Hall. In this section of the site, residents of the sister city have access to detailed information about the construction processes in the capital, an online map of ongoing construction, completion dates, as well as photo materials. Currently, more than 160 services are being transferred to an electronic platform.

The work of Changzhou international airport

Recently, the Civil Aviation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CAAC) announced annual information on the number of foreign passengers at the country's airports. According to statistics from nine airports in Jiangsu Province, Changzhou International Airport is the only one in which the number of foreigners has reached 10%. In 2019, the sister city airport accepted more than 485 thousand foreign passengers (excluding travelers from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan). It should be noted that since 2014, international flights at the airport in Changzhou were opened to ten countries of the world, including Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Laos, the Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia. 


The festive event in the city of Pazardzhik
A solemn event, dedicated to the memory of the outstanding poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev, who died during the liberation of Bulgaria was held in the city of Pazardzhik on June 2, 2020. The participants read poetry of the national hero, the compositions were performed by a brass band. The laying of flowers at the monument of Hristo Botev in the sister city took place.

The escaping from the quarantine
Along with the abolition of the quarantine regime and the gradual return of the city of Beziers to its former life, the city hall continues to work to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection and to ensure proper sanitary conditions. In order to track the carriers of a dangerous virus in the city, two cameras for determination the body temperature were installed. These devices allow to control the temperature of individual passers-by, as well as groups of up to 20 people.

The measures for the prevention of coronavirus infection
The city of Des Moines continues to escape from quarantine. In connection with the increase in passenger traffic at the airport of the sister city, activities to counteract coronavirus infection continue. Travelers are advised to arrive at the airport at least an hour and a half before departure in order to avoid crowds. Observance of social distance, as well as the use of personal protective equipment.

The escaping from the quarantine
Zhenjiang city continues to quit quarantine. It became known about the opening of the Xinmin Port of the sister city. Currently, work to ship timber from a ship arriving from Australia and New Zealand is underway. The number of residents on the streets of the sister city has increased markedly.

The reconstruction of preschool institutions in Yerevan
As part of the energy efficiency program of the city of Yerevan a competition for the reconstruction of 12 municipal kindergartens was announced on June 2, 2020. The funds of the loan of the European Investment Bank, as well as a grant provided by the Eastern European Partnership Fund will be used for the work. During the construction, it is planned to increase the seismic stability and energy efficiency of preschool institutions. Beginning of reconstruction - September-October this year.

The development of Changzhou industry
On May 25, the groundbreaking ceremony of Liyang Agoke Smart Manufacturing Valley and the signing ceremony for enterprises settling in the park was held in Jiangsu Zhongguancun Science and Technology Industrial Park. The total investment is 1.5 billion yuan. The area occupied by the intellectual site is 11.3 hectares. It is estimated that after the commissioning of the project, about fifty enterprises will be located.


Program of youth support in Pazardzhik
On May 28, 2020, the Mayor of Pazardzhik announced the official start of the "Civic impulse" youth support program. The program will be implemented by the Municipality of Pazardjik together with the Council of youth policy of the sister city in the following areas: education and culture, sports, ecology and urban environment, civic activity. Young people who have achieved success in these areas will be awarded special prices.

Way out of the quarantine 
The city of Beziers is gradually coming out of quarantine. On May 25, this year, during a meeting of the Municipal Council, the mayor of Beziers, Robert Menard, who was re-elected to the post following the results of the citywide elections in March 2020, officially took the office. In compliance with all sanitary standards, some services of the city hall start working in a limited mode. Also, the sister city museums were opened for visitors on May 18.

Web platform for online orders
In the sister city of Des Moines, in order to ensure the annual Farmers' market, a special web platform “Online Marketplace” for online orders is being developed, which will facilitate interaction between suppliers and buyers. The service will be available in late May or early June. The platform allows customers to place an order and take the most convenient pick-up point or delivery method, and local manufacturers to offer their products without being able to present them in a pandemic.

Online sales of seasonal products
During the pandemic, farmers in the sister city of Zhenjiang have suffered significantly from the inability to fully market fruits and melons. In order to support local producers, the leaders of the Zhenjiang women's federation organized online sales of seasonal products directly from agricultural sites. The population supported the campaign. Within an hour, about 3 tons of melons were sold.

Official website of Yerevan municipality
According to the results of 2018-2019, the official website of the Yerevan municipality took the 3rd place in the international rating of indicators of urban e-government. In recent years, the mayor's office of the sister city has paid special attention to the development of new programs, including the introduction of an online registration system for kindergartens, the Active citizen platform. The results of voting sessions of the Council of elders are also available on the site, and budget expenditures are reflected.

New library of Changzhou
In the sister city of Changzhou, the construction of the New library, located on a square designed as a stone arch bridge, has been completed. The capacity of the library is one million volumes. The library will become a modern reading space that combines the characteristic cultural features of the region and intellectual technologies. The New library has a special hall for books from the cities of friendship of Changzhou, which currently contains more than 1000 volumes donated by 18 countries, including presentation publications about the city of Stavropol.


Day of Pazardzhik 
Day of Pazardzhik city and Days of Slavic writing and culture were celebrated on May, 21. The official ceremony of national flag raising was organized on the Central square named after Konstantin Velichkov, and a festive procession - on the streets of the sister city. A solemn service was held in the Church of St. Constantine and Elena. Because of the difficult epidemic situation in the country, entertainment events and concerts were canceled.

Work of local government bodies
The work of the local government bodies of the city of Beziers is gradually returning to normal. The municipal Council of the sister city will hold its inaugural meeting on May 25, 2020. In accordance with the sanitary recommendations, the meeting will be closed, attended by deputies and accredited press representatives. In order to ensure the principles of transparency, the event will be broadcasted online.

Tutoring services program
In the sister city of Des Moines, a new program "DSM Tutor Connection" was launched to provide tutoring services to high school students. This web-based platform will allow parents of school children who are home-schooled during the pandemic to select the necessary tutors among students of Drake University and other colleges. For most students, it is also an opportunity to get the necessary teaching experience and additional income.

Training program for students
Within the frame of the Day of prevention and reduction of natural disasters in China, a training program for young people was organized in the city of Zhenjiang on May 12. Students of the sister city visited the Municipal earthquake monitoring center, got acquainted with the exposition of the Scientific Museum on earthquake prevention and reduction. During the program, the activities of emergency services were presented, as well as a plan of necessary actions of the population in the emergency.

Development of Yerevan
For the purpose of further improvement in the sister city of Yerevan, it was decided to restore green spaces in the Saralandji and Tsitsernakaberd. Construction waste was removed, an irrigation system was installed to save water and more efficiently irrigate. There will also be planting of various trees and shrubs, including evergreen and creeping. Experts choose varieties so that flowering occurs in turn.

Tests of the electric cargo ship
In the sister city of Changzhou on the Yangtze River, the first fully electric cargo ship was successfully tested. With a cargo capacity of 1000 tons, the vessel can travel 50 km after being charged for 2.5 hours. The Yangtze River is one of the busiest waterways in the region, which has a negative impact on the local environment. Diesel fuel is the main source of pollution. The new cargo ship using energy-saving technologies will significantly reduce the emissions of harmful substances into the water and atmosphere.


Day of the Bulgarian army
On May 06, 2020, in honor of St. George's Day and the Day of the Bulgarian army, the Mayor of Pazardzhik addressed veterans and the military with holiday greetings. Residents of the sister city paid tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, mass citywide events and meetings were canceled.

Schools disinfection
Sanitary cleaning and disinfection was organized in general education institutions of the sister city of Beziers for several days. The work was carried out by employees of the city service for buildings maintenance. These events are held on the eve of students ' return to school after a long vacation.

Sanitizers free distribution
As part of the annual Farmers' market in the sister city of Des Moines, a free distribution of sanitizers was organized in early May this year. This initiative was launched by one of the city shopping centers in order to sell products and provide employees with job during the pandemic. Hand sanitizers were issued on a first - come, first-served basis and limited to one per household. The purchase is also available online.

Exhibition of historical relics
The exhibition "Life and art of women in Southern China" was opened in the city museum of Zhenjiang. The exhibition presents more than 100 cultural relics dedicated to the history of women's calligraphy and painting, as well as household items, jewelry, and women's national costumes. The exhibition will be open to visitors until the end of June this year.

Auto park renovation 
As part of the implementation of the transport system reform of Yerevan, the mayor's office of the sister city announced the purchase of 100 buses that meet international standards. Special attention is paid to the quality and technical parameters of the new vehicles that will be used to service the urban transport network.

Restoration of the tourism industry
In the sister city of Changzhou, the tourism industry begins recovering. During the May holidays dedicated to the Labor Day, about 480 thousand excursions are organized in the city. When preparing trips, special attention is paid to measures to prevent the spread of viral infection, ensure the safety and security of tourists.


Meeting of the Pazardzhik city council
On April 29, 2020, a regular meeting of the Pazardzhik city council was held. The Mayor of Pazardzhik announced the Fund creation to support cultural actors and artists for anti-crisis measures in the current epidemic situation caused by a new coronavirus infection COVID-2019. Financial resources will be allocated from the representative expenses of the mayor's office.

Measures of support
In order to support trade enterprises and small businesses during the difficult period of the epidemic, the Mayor's office of Beziers initiated a solidarity action. Residents of Beziers in the Instagram were asked to assist trade, purchasing coupons for purchases at will. Coupons can be exchanged for goods or services after the end of the quarantine.

Farmers’ market opening
On May 02, this year, the sister-city of Des Moines will host the virtual opening of the next season of the Farmers' market. During the hour-long broadcast, local suppliers and manufacturers will be presented to residents of the city, and a range of seasonal products will be demonstrated. Opportunities for ordering products online will also be announced. All events are organized practicing social distancing.

Park named after a famous artist.
At a meeting of the Council of elders of the sister-city of Yerevan, a decision was approved that the Park located at the intersection of St. Grigor Lusavorich and Agatangehos streets, be named of People's artist of the Armenian SSR, famous circus performer, comedian, clown, writer and theater director Leonid Yengibaryan.

Epidemiological situation
As of April 29, no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the sister-city of Changzhou. However, experts urge the public to continue to follow the hygiene recommendations. Precautions include wearing a mask when going outside, washing your hands frequently, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Because of long weekend in early May, residents are advised to refrain from traveling.

Construction of an entertainment park
In the sister-city of Zhenjiang, work on urban improvement has continued. Construction work is currently being completed and preparations are taken for the opening of the new Evergrande Children's World Center Garden. The entertainment park will have various attractions and entertainment areas for children and adults.


International book day
On April 23, the mayor of Pazardjik community congratulated the residents of the sister city on the International Book Day, wishing them a pleasant leisure time with their favorite books. Due to the hard epidemiological situation and the temporary restriction on holding mass events, it was decided to postpone the ceremony of the national award named after Konstantin Velichkov for a special contribution to the cultural development to November this year.

Masks distribution among population
In the city of Beziers, the mass distribution of protective masks among the population has begun. Fabric masks for repeated use are packed in personal envelopes and will be dropped into all mailboxes of the city. Each envelope contains the number of masks corresponding to the number of people living there. The distribution of masks will last until the beginning of May.

Support for the medical profession
In the sister city of Des Moines, work is organised to provide personal protective equipment to medical facilities fighting COVID-19. Over the past few weeks, numerous businesses, organizations, and residents across the region have collectively donated to health workers more than 190,000 medical supplies, such as gloves, gowns, eye protection, and masks.

Construction of residential complex project
A new project for the construction of a residential complex was discussed at the Mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan. According to the proposition, it is planned to build five multi-storied buildings, which will solve the problem of relocation of residents of six emergency houses in this area. In addition, the surrounding area will be completely landscaped. The mayor of Yerevan noted the importance of the social focus of the project.

International Labor Day 
On May 01, residents of the sister city of Changzhou will celebrate a public holiday- International Labor Day. This year, the weekend will last until May 5. Traditionally, this is a time for meetings with family, recreation in nature. Holiday concerts and entertainment programs are broadcasted on television.


A charity event

Ahead of the Easter holiday a charity event was organized in Pazardzhik. At the initiative of the mayor of Pazardzhik Community Todor Popov traditional Easter treats, Easter cakes, were delivered to the homes for the elderly citizens of the sister city. The mayor also noted that he sincerely hopes for a speedy stabilization of the situation with coronavirus infection.

The manufacture of protective masks in the sister city

The manufacture of protective masks continues in the city of Beziers. At the initiative of the City Hall 18 sets for production masks at home were distributed among the volunteers. It is assumed that each set is sufficient for 50 masks. The masks are treated with dry cleaning, disinfected and covered with a protective layer before distribution. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic the Beziers City Hall has provided more than 14 thousand masks to employees of medical institutions in the city.

The new motivational podcasts

A series of motivational podcasts "Preparation for employment" (Employment Ready) was launched in the city of Des Moines on April 10, 2020. The tools and tips that allow residents of the sister city to increase employment opportunities will be presented during the broadcasts. The materials for advanced training and personal growth are also included to the program. In addition to podcasts professional employment tips were published on social networks. 

The implementation of the historical and architectural project

A workshop on the implementation of the historical and architectural project “Old Yerevan” in the city was held at the City Hall of Yerevan on April 14, 2020. The mayor of Yerevan, the leadership of the State Committee for Urban Planning under the Government of the Republic of Armenia attended the meeting. It is assumed that the quarter of ancient buildings of the 19th - early 20th centuries with adjoining courtyards and gardens will be recreate within the project. The project is aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of the city.


Food assistance to the population

In the period from 01 to 16 April 2020 the city of Pazardjik is implementing a program for delivering food to people in need. The charity event is organized by the representative of the Republic of Bulgaria Red Cross in the city of Pazardzhik, as well as the Pazardzhik municipality. Food aid will be provided to more than 700 residents of the sister city.

Painting purchasing
In the future the city hall of Beziers is going to buy a painting by Nicolas guy Brenet, a famous artist of the XVIII century, on the theme of Greek-Roman mythology. The painting is associated to another work by the author, which has been owned by the mayor's office since 1970. In the future, the paintings will be displayed in the new Museum complex in Beziers.

New motivating poscasts
On April 07, 2020, new podcasts “Leading in Times of Challenge”, was launched in the sister city of Des Moines. The program presents interviews with leaders of governments, heads of major organizations, and political figures who will submit their experience of issues solving and difficulties overcoming in the changing socio-economic conditions of the modern world.

Mourning for the victims of coronovirus
April 04, 2020 was declared by the Chinese authorities as a day of national mourning for the victims of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as for the medical personnel who sacrificed their lives to save people. Flags were lowered in the country, including on the territory of foreign diplomatic missions. At 10:00 am, citizens of Zhenjiang with all residents of China paid a three-minutes tribute of silence to the memory of victims.

Support for the work of medical institutions
A number of measures to combat the spread of coronavirus are being implemented in the sister city of Yerevan. The work of municipal medical institutions is carried out on a special schedule, including weekends. In order to ensure the safety of medical personnel, additional protective masks, medical gowns, gloves and disinfectants were purchased. The mayor's office provided special buses for the transportation of medical personnel.

National holiday of Qingming
On April 4, China traditionally celebrates the national holiday of Qingming – the day of remembrance of the dead. Because of the epidemiological situation in the sister city of Changzhou, it was decided to remotely submit applications for memorial services in order to reduce the number of residents visiting cemeteries on these days, as well as reduce urban traffic.


The measures on prevention the spread of coronavirus infection

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in the city of Pazardzhik the necessary measures have been taken. Educational organizations of the sister city work remotely, students were provided with free electronic textbooks. The number of television educational programs has been increased. The sister city cultural institutions also work remotely. The online performance “Anniversary” by A.P. Chekhov, prepared by the youth theater "Friends" of the city of Pazardzhik was presented.

The environmental activities

The Beziers Theater was the first cultural institution in France which has received the status of “Environmentally friendly theater”. This was preceded by the serious work of City Hall services to obtain the title of “Institutions of high sanitary, social and environmental quality”, which will be valid for three years. Since 2017, more than a hundred actions were organized at the theater: improving the order and respectful attitude during spectators receiving, responsible use of energy, the use of environmentally friendly means for sanitary cleaning, etc.

The change of the opening date of the farmer's market

In connection with the current epidemiological situation, as well as severe sanitary restrictions in the sister city of Des Moines, a decision to change the opening date of the next season of the farmer's market was made. Since 1975, the annual event brings together local manufacturers and entrepreneurs. Today, the market is recognized at the national level and has the support of investors, city halls and non-profit associations.

The support of medical workers

In accordance with the decision of the mayor of Yerevan, part of the fund of quarterly awards provided for the staff of the city hall of the sister city will be fully transferred to the community medical health organizations workers fighting with coronavirus infection. Funds will be transferred to employees of municipal hospitals, clinics, ambulance services.


Environmental conservation activities
The municipality of Beziers purchased a specialized machine for processing lawns from weeds. It is carried out using hot water and environmentally friendly foam made from plant waste. Using this bio-foam, which is also used for cleaning various surfaces from contamination, there is no risk of harm to people and animals. The city of Beziers intends to continue to maintain its reputation as a city that cares about the environment.

Virtual seminars
In connection with the current epidemiological situation in the world, the sister city of Des Moines decided to organize on-line seminars and training lectures for business representatives and investors. As part of the virtual training, best practices in distance business will be presented.

Meeting of the Council of Elders
A meeting of the Council of Elders was held in the sister city of Yerevan, during which the implementation of the budget for 2019 was approved, as well as changes were made to the budget for 2020. The use of budget funds is provided for the replacement of elevators, construction and repair of pedestrian crossings, creation of new irrigation networks, acquisition of equipment for landscaping, as well as for the development of other areas of urban economy.


National modern pentathlon championship
In the period from 07 to 08 March 2020, Pazardzhik hosted the National modern pentathlon championship among youth. During the competition, representatives of the Champion sports club of the sister city had good results. Participants won gold and silver cups in the team competition, as well as gold, silver and bronze medals in individual competitions. According to the results of the championship, the Champion sports club was marked as the most successful in the country in training athletes of younger age categories.

Reconstruction of one of the city districts 
It was decided to make total reconstruction of one of the districts of Beziers-La Devize. Residential buildings built in the quarter in the 60s of the last century (more than 550 apartments) will be demolished taking into account environmental standards. In their place, it is planned to build new housing that meets all modern requirements. The old buildings will be replaced by modern villas, social houses, a new school and a gym for rhythmic gymnastics.

Training lectures
From March 9 to 12 this year, the city of Des Moines organized a series of annual lectures "ciLive!" (Celebrate! Innovation Live). The main goal of the conferences is to develop student creativity. During the training interactive events, representatives of the youth of the sister city have the opportunity to meet with outstanding leaders of culture and science, communicate with speakers and discuss issues of interest directly with developers of innovations.

Spring season
With the begging of the spring season, the sister city of Zhenjiang is actively working on landscaping urban areas. Research has been carried out to determine the need to increase forest stands. More than a thousand saplings of fruit trees are currently planted on the territory of the reservoir.

Unique heart surgery
A unique operation to implant an artificial heart ventricle for a four-year-old patient was conducted in the sister city of Yerevan. The multi-hour surgery was performed by cardiac surgeons of the Nork-Marash center with the assistance of doctors from Europe. It is hoped that the successful experience will contribute to the start of heart transplantation operations in Armenia.


The festive events dedicated to the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke

The festive events dedicated to the 142 anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke were held in the city of Pazardzhik on March 03, 2020. Within the events the city leaders, residents and guests took part in the official ceremony of raising the national flag in the Central Square named after Konstantin Velichkov as well as laying flowers at the monuments of heroes who participated in the liberation of the country. The celebration program was ended with a concert.

The urban policy in the city of Beziers

As part of Beziers new urban development plan the city hall decided to transfer 90 hectares of undeveloped city land in favor of environmentally friendly agriculture. From now the priority of the city authorities is the restoration and updating of residential premises already existing in the city, as well as the restoration of existing neighborhoods. It was decided to abandon the expansion of urban boundaries in favor of nature conservation.

The construction of a skate park in Yerevan

In order to organize youth leisure the construction of a skate park is planned in the city of Yerevan. The work will be implemented in two phases. The venue construction will be completed until June 30 this year. It is planned to have a first-aid post and a skate rental point on the territory. The ventilation systems powered by solar electricity, lighting throughout the territory will be installed. As part of the implementation of the second phase of the project the territory landscaping with the applying landscape design, installation of viewing platforms are planned until August 30 this year. The area occupied by the park will be 5044 sq.m.


The participation in the National Pentathlon Championship

The National Pentathlon Championship was held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from February 22 to February 23, 2020. The representatives of Pazardzhik sports club “Champion” had a great success. The participants of the sister city won prize medals of the championship.

The opening of a bicycle service and repair station

A bicycle station was opened in Beziers. Cycling enthusiasts will find everything they need here: a well-equipped parking for bicycles, a tool kit and a tire inflation pump. The construction of this cycle station was the result of the final stage of an interactive competition for youth, announced by the City Hall in 2019. In total, 37 projects were submitted to the competition, one of which was the project of the bicycle station chosen by the residents of the sister city by voting.

Closing the winter season

The opening season of the ice rink “Brenton Skating Plaza” located in the center of Des Moines will be ended on March 1, 2020. In this regard, residents and guests of the sister city will be able to actively spend the upcoming weekend. It should be noted that this open air venue will be available for numerous business events and special occasions in the spring and autumn period. 

The improvement of the sister city of Yerevan

As part of the implementation of the city program in 2020 Yerevan City Hall plans to improve a number of cultural, educational and medical institutions. Overhaul is planned in the Theater of the Young Spectator, the Children and Youth Creative Center and the gallery of Eduard Isabekyan. Five clinics of the sister city will be equipped with new medical equipment. It is also planned to improve culture and recreation parks, including the replacement of damaged curbs, supporting walls, repair of sidewalks and the installation of new irrigation systems.


Memorable events

On February 19, 2020, celebrations were held in the sister city of Pazardzhik to mark the 147 death anniversary of one of the most famous fighters for the liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke, Vasil Levski. The leaders of the city and the region, representatives of public organizations and political parties, citizens and guests of the city paid tribute to the memory of the hero, took part in laying flowers at the monument to Vasil Levski. A solemn prayer service was also held.

Provision of public places with defibrillators

In order to ensure timely first aid in public places in the city of Beziers, 15 new devices were placed in addition to the previously installed 30 defibrillators, which help to reanimate the heart in the event of a sudden stop. These devices, equipped with detailed visual and audio instructions, are semi-automatic and can be used even by non-specialists. By the end of 2021, it is planned to increase the number of available defibrillators installed in public places to 52 units.

Training seminar

In order to further develop entrepreneurship, a training seminar on the organization of commercial enterprises will be held in the sister city of Des Moines on March 05. The focus will be on intellectual property, financing, and the stages of new companies creating. Practical aspects of the work will be covered by representatives of law firms who specialize in startups. 

Construction of a new training center 

The mayor of Yerevan met with representatives of the TUMO training center for advanced technologies. During the meeting, the parties discussed the construction of the "EU TUMO" (Complex of engineering and applied Sciences in Yerevan), which is being implemented within the framework of cooperation with the European Union. According to the project, the complex with an area of 25,000 sq. meters will include an educational infrastructure, a STEM research laboratory (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), the faculty of computer science and applied mathematics of the French University of Armenia, and conference rooms. The construction of the complex is planned to be completed in the spring of 2020.


Swimming competition 

The XII swimming tournament “Champion 2020” was held on February 08-09 with the financial support of the city hall of Pazardzhik. More than 200 young athletes from the sister city took part in the competition. The winners were awarded medals and prizes. The most successful results were demonstrated by the sportsmen of Sports schools of the city of Pazardzhik. 

Preservation of historical heritage

 In December last year, the Ministry of culture of the French Republic awarded the city of Beziers the title "City of art and history". This title is awarded to cities and communes that are actively engaged in attracting public attention to the historical heritage, as well as its protection. Getting this title was preceded by a large-scale work. The mayor of Beziers made a presentation at the Ministry of culture describing the cultural potential of the city and its merits. Awarding the title "City of art and history" will allow working on instilling interest in historical architecture among the population of the city, as well as attract a large number of tourists. 

Promotion of the insurance sector 

The capital of Iowa, Des Moines, is one of the largest centers of insurance business in the United States. More than 80 insurance companies operate here. In order to further develop the insurance market, a 100-day program "Global insurance accelerator" is being implemented in the sister city, which provides assistance to firms and start-ups in this area. The training focuses on innovative approaches to services, the needs of the consumer market, and provides advices. The results of the program will be summarized during the insurance symposium in April 2020. 

Development of the health system 

Strengthening and developing health care is one of the priorities of the mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan for 2020. This year, it is planned to purchase more than 120 units of medical equipment, including ultrasound cardiac devices for municipal clinics. The quality of conditions in medical institutions will also be improved, and major repairs of all ambulance service stations will be completed.


The meeting of the Pazardzhik City Duma

The meeting of the Pazardzhik City Duma was held on January 31, 2020. During the meeting, the sister city budget for 2020 was approved. It is noted that over the past 10 years, the amount of the annual budget has tripled. This year, financial resources will be allocated not only for the development and improvement of urban areas, but also for solving environmental problems.

An alternative educational institution

An alternative educational institution, the Active Artistic School combining nurseries, a kindergarten and a school has been operating for five years in the city of Beziers. Children and adolescents from 2 to 18 years of age not only gifted, but also having problems with concentration and memory are trained here. Currently, there are 46 students in the school. For the next academic year, there are already 400 applications.

The annual civil rights award

The annual civil rights award «Make-A-Difference Award» awarded for activities aimed at ensuring social justice, public safety, and providing equal economic opportunities was held in the sister city of Des Moines. The prize was awarded to participants in three categories.

The launch of the innovative material production

The production of an innovative type of membrane liner was launched in the sister city. The material is four times stronger than glass, has special tensile strength and high thermal insulation, has the function of a bulletproof, explosion-proof coating. The use of membrane liner is possible in various industries and in the field of vital activity of citizens.

The environmental projects

The annual action “Night of Ideas 2020”, dedicated to the protection of wildlife and biodiversity was held in the sister city of Yerevan. During the event, the topical environmental problems were discussed, as well as projects successfully implemented in Armenia were presented. A demonstration of a video on ecology took place, a photo exhibition of student works “60 Solutions to the Climate Change Problem” was presented.

The construction of an innovative automated base

A new project was launched to create an innovative automated base in the sister city of Changzhou that will provide about 5,000 jobs. The project involves the construction of a research center, an automated line for the production and collection of equipment, as well as testing centers, packaging workshops and storage facilities. The base will specialize in the development, production and sale of automated devices with artificial intelligence and products with AR technology (AR - “Augmented Reality” - the result of introducing any sensory data into the perception field in order to supplement information about the environment and improve the perception of information).


The participation in judo competitions

The European Judo Championship for men will be held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from February 1 to February 2, 2020. More than 250 athletes from thirty-three countries of the world will take part in the competition. The Republic of Bulgaria at the championship will be represented by 27 participants, including the athletes of the sister city sport club “KodokanЭ. 

The population growth of the city of Beziers

According to official data from the French National Institute for Statistics and Economics, the population of Beziers increased by 6666 compared to 2014 and reached 78453. These indicators indicate the development of Beziers in the socio-economic sphere, the successful implementation of measures to increase the pace of construction and increase tourist attractiveness cities.

The environmental activities

The sister city of Des Moines focuses on energy consumption and carbon pollution. According to the results of the studies, it was proved that the main greenhouse gas emissions (35%) are carried out by multi-story buildings. The Des Moines City Council passed a decree on energy and water benchmarking, according to which owners of commercial, multi-apartment and municipal buildings annually provide data on energy and water consumption. The received information will be used in making strategic decisions on building management.

The celebration of the Chinese New Year

On January 25, 2020 residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang celebrated the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival. According to the ancient Chinese calendar, the year 4718 came, which will pass under the sign of the White Metal Rat. New Year in China is usually celebrated in the family circle. Houses are decorated with red paper lanterns, paired congratulatory inscriptions. Great importance is attached to the preparation of traditional national dishes.

The safety of citizens ensuring

The meeting of the mayor of the sister city of Yerevan with the representatives of the Yerevan department of the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergencies took place at the end of January this year. The results of 2019 were summed up, issues of increasing the effectiveness of response in fires and domestic calls were discussed during the report. It was also reported that an agreement on the implementation of a program for the management of hazardous waste was signed between the City Hall of Yerevan and the European Union.

The rhododendron exhibition

The large-scale XVII Chinese exhibition of rhododendrons is planned in Changzhou in April-May 2021. The main thematic exhibition will be located in Fenghuang Park. A demonstration zone with a landscape design of 15 km in length will be created along the Grand Canal. It is planned to build an indoor pavilion for participating cities with a total area of about 8,000 square meters. The government of the sister city of Changzhou suggests that following the exhibition, the city will become the National Demonstration Zone for rhododendron growth.


The anniversary of the Ottoman yoke liberation

The residents and guests of the city of Pazardzhik celebrated the 142th anniversary of liberation fr om the Ottoman yoke on January 14, 2020. As part of the celebration, flowers were laid at the monument to General N.P. Broca, who led the vanguard of the Russian troops who liberated the city. The mayor of the Pazardzhik Community, the Governor of the Pazardzhik region, deputies of the regional and city Duma took part in the ceremony. Flowers were also assigned to other monuments to the heroes of the Russian-Turkish war.

The city holiday

The “Truffle Festival” will be held for the fourth time in the city of Beziers on January 26, 2020. As part of the event, a fair of truffles and local gastronomic products, scientific and practical conferences on the development of a culture of growing and collecting truffles are planned. The mayor of Beziers will take part in the opening ceremony. There will also be a demonstration of the “hunt” for truffles with the help of specially trained animals.

The award for participation in volunteer activities

The award ceremony for the winners of the Des Moines Parks and Recreation Volunteer 2019 Prize will take place on January 28 this year in the sister city of Des Moines. The award was established in 2009 for volunteering to promote environmental protection and landscaping. In 2019, more than 5 thousand volunteers took part in the cleaning of natural areas, landscaping, the construction of playgrounds, educational activities and other public initiatives of the sister city.

The preparations for the Chinese New Year

An active preparations have been made for the celebration of the Chinese New Year in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Numerous fairs are organized, wh ere a variety of thematic products and products of local manufacturers are presented. Residents and guests of the city took part in the traditional campaign for the creation of paired congratulatory messages with the wishes of happiness, health and longevity. Fireworks shows and carnival processions will take place.

The reconstruction of the transport network

In order to reduce traffic congestion, the municipality of the sister city of Yerevan is implementing a number of programs and projects. Particular importance is attached to the creation of alternative roads for different sections of the city. Currently, a large investment project is being implemented - the construction of the western bypass road in Yerevan, which will be 23 km long and will connect the northern and southern entrance to the capital of Armenia.

The women's field hockey league

A new season of China Women's Field Hockey League «FIH 2020» was started in the sister city of Changzhou on January 11. 2020. The competition will be held for four months. China's national women's field hockey team will play with four teams - the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. The final will take place in June, 2020.


The memorable events in the city of Pazardzhik

A celebration of the 172 anniversary of the birth of the famous Bulgarian poet and revolutionary, an active participant in the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke Hristo Botev was held in the city of Pazardzhik on January 6, 2020. The mayor of the Pazardzhik Community, the Governor of the Pazardzhik Region, deputies of the State and City Duma, residents of the sister city took part in the solemn memorial ceremony. The laying of flowers at the monument to the national hero took place.

The restoration work

The work on saving historical heritage is continuing in the city of Beziers. Currently, the facade and the adjacent territory of the ancient Cathedral of Saint Nazaire, which is the hallmark of the sister city, are being restored. The portal of the building, decorated with sculptures was restored. In the near future, restoration of window openings, a stone slab and a foundation will also be carried out.

The organization of students leisure

In the twin city of Des Moines as part of the interaction between the Public Schools Administration and the Association of Recreation and Amusement Parks, a program for the organization of leisure activities for secondary and high school students is being implemented. In the framework of the program, students from the sister city take part in group training in baseball, volleyball, soccer, swimming and other sports on a preferential basis. The cost of classes is $5. The program is available for 25 thousand students.

The mass sporting event

A sports and recreational event, dedicated to the beginning of the new year was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang on 01 January, 2020. Athletes and lovers of a healthy lifestyle organized an ascent to the top of the mountain. Active participation in the mass event was attended by the pupils of pre-school institutions of the sister city together with their parents.

The resumption of the work of integrated groups in kindergarten

In the twin city of Yerevan it was decided to resume the work of three integrated groups for children in need of additional care in one of the kindergartens of the capital. It is planned to continue work on the universal integration of children into the general system of education and development in all municipal kindergartens. Financing will be provided from the city budget of Yerevan.

The main projects of 2020

Jiangsu Provincial Government has identified about 1,500 major urban projects for implementation in 2020. 95 city initiatives of the sister city of Changzhou received the regional support. Projects will be implemented in the industrial and manufacturing sectors, as well as in the service sector. The planned investment in 2020 will be about 19.7 billion yuan.


Charity fair in Pazardzhik
As part of the Christmas and New Year events, a charity fair was held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The organizers prepared numerous gifts for the visitors. Students of the sister city took an active part in the exhibition, making greeting cards and souvenirs.

Masterpiece of world painting
Residents of Beziers are proud of their museums and, in particular, a collection of paintings, which presents masterpieces of world painting. In accordance with the request of the famous Paris Museum d'Orsay, the city of Beziers provided a painting by Fernand Pelez "Death of Commodus", written in 1879, to participate in the exhibition dedicated to the famous writer Joris-Carl Huysmans, one of the leaders of the decadent art direction. The exhibition is organized in Paris.

Organization of free time
In the sister city of Des Moines, Family Fun Nights are organized in the renovated Recreation Center from November to February. The events are attended by residents of different ages. At the disposal of citizens there is a gym, various games, a computer laboratory. Competitions in game sports are organized. 

New cultural center
On December 21, 2019, the new Phoenix Square complex was opened in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The total area of the building is 36 thousand square meters and combines two underground and four above-ground floors. It is expected that this public space will become one of the largest shopping centers for fashion, art and book products. 

Information support to tourists
To provide the necessary information to tourists who spend New Year and Christmas holidays in the sister city of Yerevan, the Information support center will operate until January 13, 2020. Guests of the capital will be provided with multilingual tourist maps of Yerevan, booklets, guides to the city museums, the Yerevan zoo, the program of excursions "Yerevan city Tour" , as well as information about electronic services. During the holidays, the municipal museums - the Museum of history of Yerevan, the Historical and archaeological museum-reserve "Erebuni" and the Museum of modern art are also opened.

Changzhou local cuisine festival
The sister city of Changzhou hosted a Festival of local cuisine. The event featured all kinds of local delicacies, as well as famous Changzhou dishes that visitors could taste and purchase. The festival also showcased examples of the city's intangible cultural heritage, such as national embroidery, Jintan paper carvings, etc.


The contest for the "Best Athlete of the city of Pazardzhik"

The city of Pazardzhik was officially declared the “European city of sports 2020” during the solemn meeting of the European Parliament held in Brussels (Belgium) in December 2019. In this regard, the mayor’s office of the sister city decided to hold a contest for the title “Best Athlete in the city of Pazardzhik”. The organizers of the event are also the Youth Policy Council of the sister city, as well as the Association “Pazardzhik goes in for sports”. Participants' profiles were reviewed by a competitive commission consisting of professional athletes from the sister. The official award ceremony will take place on December 20 this year.

The new multimedia show “Sound and Light”

A new multimedia show "Sound and Light" dedicated to Christmas and New Year will be shown twice a week in the period from December 20, 2019 to January 4, 2020 in Beziers. 300 drawings of students from the city of Beziers were used for show preparing. As before, the video will be shown on the facade of the Church of St. Madeleine. Displaying a multimedia show has a constant interest among residents and visitors of Beziers.

The electric scooters using

A public opinion poll on the implementation of a program for sharing electric scooters, which are becoming increasingly popular for moving around the city is being conducted in the sister city of Des Moines. Residents note the mobility and accessibility of this type of transport. At the same time, the issue of safety for pedestrians and motorists is being discussed. The research team will make recommendations to the Des Moines City Council in early 2020. A pilot rental program for electric scooters can be launched in the summer on an experimental basis.

The reconstruction of the Zhenjiang East Railway Station

As part of the project on creation a modern transport hub on the territory of the Zhenjiang East Railway Station, an underground parking lot with 1000 parking spaces with a total area of 38 thousand square meters is currently under construction. Commissioning of parking is expected by the end of next year. At the same time, the construction of the building of the bus station complex and other auxiliary facilities continues.

New Year's festive events

A program of festive New Year's events has been announced in the sister city of Yerevan. The lights of the main Christmas tree of the capital of Armenia will be lit on December 21, the residents and guests of the city will see the premiere of the musical, the opening of the Christmas market. This year, Republic Square will be decorated in a new way. Those who wish can approach the Christmas tree through a specially constructed passage that will connect the square with the park of the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. New Year's events will be ended on January 13th.

The first investment company in Panama

A new software and information technology company was officially registered in the sister city of Changzhou. The company is the first investment project of the Republic of Panama in China. Since the signing on June 13, 2017 of a joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Panama, the establishment of the enterprise has become an important milestone in the development of cooperation between the parties in the trade and economic sphere.


Sports events in Pazardzhik

On December 10, at the solemn session of the European Parliament, Pazardzhik was officially declared the "European city of sport 2020". In this regard, the construction of two new gyms in Pazardzhik will be invested next year. The city will also host more than 150 events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and attracting residents of the sister city to active recreation in the fresh air.

Festive events

In the sister city of Beziers, citywide events are organized to coincide with the celebration of the upcoming Christmas and New Year. On the square of Jean Jaures fir trees are installed, trade pavilions offering confectionery and souvenirs, Christmas decorations are opened. On city platforms theatrical performances are organized, fair chalets are placed, and also the skating rink works. There will be a Christmas parade, during which more than 160 participants and 10 festively decorated moving platforms will pass through the streets. The new city light and music fountain will demonstrate a special Christmas program. For children there is a "mini-farm", working as a contact zoo.

Reconstruction of the drainage system 

Two major construction projects are underway in the sister city of Des Moines as part of the storm water management and spillway control plan. In the course of the works, a part of the sewerage system will be replaced, a new water supply system will be installed. Successful implementation of the projects will increase the capacity of storm water and significantly reduce the risk of flooding in the area.

Modeling competitions 

On December 7-8 this year, scientific and technical modeling competitions among primary and secondary school students were held in the sports and exhibition center of Zhenjiang. The competition was attended by about 400 students. The jury was presented with moving models of air, land and sea transport, as well as radio-controlled models and robots with artificial intelligence. 

Development of transport system

As part of the further development of the transport system of Yerevan and in line with sanitary standards, a decision was made to ban the movement of trucks carrying construction materials in an open body in the center of the capital. In order to ensure the safety of land crossings, traffic lights are installed, working at the request of pedestrians.

Youth exchanges

At the end of November, eight students of the sister cities of Changzhou visited Japan in the frame of the Chinese-Japanese youth exchanges year. During the visit, the youth representatives got acquainted with the work of state institutions, the organization of the higher education system, as well as the work of a number of cultural organizations. During the visit, the prospects for further development of youth exchanges were discussed, joint events are planned.


International seminar on food industry

The third international seminar on the implementation of regional strategies in the food industry, organized within the framework of "REGION 4FOOD", was held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The project involves about 20 organizations in Bulgaria, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland and Hungary. The prospects of digitalization of the agricultural sector, exchange of experience in the field of food production were discussed during the seminar. The Demonstration center of electronic trade in agricultural products is presented. The participants got acquainted with the presentation of the Pavilion of agriculture in the economic zone "Trakia" in Plovdiv, the Center for the development of cooperation in the field of agriculture of China and Central and Eastern Europe.

Assistance to employment of citizens

In cooperation with the mayor's office of Beziers, the city service "Pole of employment" assists in the employment of residents of the sister city. On the specialized website, after preliminary processing by experts, announcements of vacancies of the municipality are placed. Candidates are pre-selected in accordance with the stated requirements. Also, "Pole employment" provided premises for meetings on recruitment on the free of charge basis. In case of need, financial assistance is provided to citizens in difficult situations.

City Park development

In the sister city of Des Moines, a decision was made to expand the Gray's Lake Park. The land was donated by the brickworks, who owned it for over 100 years. The project involves the ecological restoration of green areas, the creation of natural trails around the lake/ The Park is one of the most visited in Des Moines, and provides a variety of opportunities for healthy recreation of citizens. 

Sports competitions 

On December 01 this year, the Second Cross-country Race was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. It was organized in the national forest park on Nanshan mountain. About 900 athletes from 23 provinces and cities of China took part in the competition. The race was held at three distances-30 km, 19.8 km, 9.8 km among beginners and professional athletes. 

Development of information technologies

The mayor of Yerevan congratulated the famous Japanese scientist, Professor, author of the theory of "Origami World" and the concept of "virtual reality" Takeo Kanade, who became a laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Armenia for the world contribution to the field of information technology, with the honorary award. During the meeting the prospects for the introduction of information technologies in various spheres of the urban economy of Yerevan, as well as the programs implemented within the framework of the "smart city" concept were also discussed.

Restoration of the environment

At the end of November this year, it was decided to establish the Environmental Restoration Center of the sister city of Changzhou and nearby cities. The center will provide targeted solutions for Chinese cities in the field of polluted soil and groundwater survey, risk assessment, development of remediation schemes and engineering construction, as well as pollution control and ecological restoration of watercourses. Special attention is paid to energy-saving technologies.


International judo tournament

In the period from 23 to 24 November this year in Sofia there was an international judo tournament, which was attended by about 900 athletes from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey. The best results were made by representatives of the Sports school and "Kodokan" sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik. They won the Tournament Cup, 6 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.

Cinema improvement

In the sister city of Beziers the conversion work was completed in the largest cinema hall (380 seats) of "Mon Ciné" cinema in the multiplex "Polygon". There was the increase of the screen and equipment of the hall with the latest sound system. The national Commission the cinema was awarded by the "Art and samples" classification, it is awarded for outstanding success in promoting the art of cinema.

Development of air communication

The sister city of Des Moines is paying special attention to the development of air traffic. From June 2020, the schedule of flights of Des Moines international airport is expected to include the seventh route. Twice a week there will be non-stop flights to the city of Miami. This direction is in demand among the residents of Iowa especially during the vocations. Pre-sale tickets are available on the websites of the airlines. 

Transport ship

In the sister city of Zhenjiang a transport ship of new generation is produced by the "Zhenjiang Shipyard (Group) Co., LTD for a German company. The fully electrified ship with a capacity of 10,000 tons will be used to transport large-sized equipment and production modules of offshore power plants. The ship suits advanced international standards. 

Preparation for the winter period

The sister city of Yerevan implements a set of measures for the preparation of roads and road infrastructure organizations, the capital's transport network for the winter season. Special attention is paid to improving traffic safety. Specialized equipment for snow removal, salt-sand mixture are prepared. Work has also begun on the festive new year decoration and lighting of the capital.

Jiangsu international drawing competition 

On November 10, the results of the Third international art competition of Jiangsu province were summed up in the sister city of Changzhou. The competition was attended by more than 100 pupils of kindergartens and primary schools of Changzhou. Creative works were devoted to the development of friendly sister-city relations with cities of foreign countries. The competition has been held since 2016. The best works are exhibited in the sister cities.


The visit of Pazardzhik delegation to Turkey

The official delegation and representatives of the Pazardzhik business community visited Odrin (Turkish Republic) in the period rom November 19 to November 20, 2019. As part of the stay program, meetings with the leadership of the municipality of Odrin, representatives of Turkish business community were organized. A joint business forum was held. The issues of agricultural development, food and woodworking industry, tourism were discussed during the negotiations.

The citizens support social project

The citizens support social project “The Central Cash Desk for Social Assistance (CCAS)” is being implemented in the sister city of Beziers. As part of the project a new service became available fr om January, 2019. The service is as follows: a citizen is provided with financial assistance in the amount of up to 1000 Euros, while he needs to work for several hours in the field of improvement or sanitary cleaning of the city. In some cases, this activity may become the basis for further employment.

The holiday events

The entertainment events dedicated to the Christmas and New Year holidays will be held in the center of the sister city of Des Moines on November 22-23, 2019. The choirs and musicians performances with traditional festive music, the sale of Christmas treats and souvenirs will be organized. The main events will be held at the ice rink “Brenton Skating Plaza”, wh ere lights on the main Christmas tree of the city will be lit, as well as demonstrations by masters of artistic cutting on ice will be presented.

The festival of architectural art

The IX Festival of Architectural Art, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, as well as the Department of Arts, was held at Jiangsu University in November this year. The event provides an opportunity for talented students to demonstrate their achievements and developments, innovative approaches to the planning and construction of buildings. Original author's projects in the field of design and architecture are also presented. The festival promotes the exchange of ideas, in-depth study of professions.

The new recreation area

A new leisure park was opened in the administrative district of Avan of the city of Yerevan. The plot, with a total area of 5000 square meters, was fully landscaped, all the necessary conditions for a varied leisure were created. The garages were located here before. The park was built with the interaction of citizens and representatives of local authorities.

The international import exhibition

The two largest enterprises of the sister city of Changzhou participated in the Second International Import Exhibition, which was held from November 5 to 10 in Shanghai as exhibitors. Innovations in the field of energy-saving vehicles and additive manufacturing were presented at the Changzhou exposition. The spinning machines with artificial intelligence had the particular interest among visitors. Following the exhibition, a number of cooperation agreements were reached, contracts were signed.


Elections to local authorities

Local elections were held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. Todor Popov was re-elected as the Mayor for the fourth time. On November 13, 2019, the solemn inauguration took place. Also, following the results of the elections of deputies, a new composition of the city duma was formed.

Life quality improvement

The mayor's office of the sister city of Beziers carries out comprehensive work to improve the quality of citizens’ life and preserve the environment. Noting the results achieved, the city was awarded the highest award in the framework of the national project "Flourishing cities and villages". Beziers has been involved in the project since 1990 and has been awarded three times as the best city in its implementation.

Educational program for children

Between November and March, the sister city of Des Moines implements the Imagination Playschool, aimed at social adaptation of children. The recreation center organizes educational and entertainment activities for young children three times a week. The main goal is to diversify leisure in the winter season and to provide an opportunity for communication and diverse creative development.

Sports festival for older people

On November 11, 2019, the closing ceremony of the Jiangsu provincial sports festival for the elderly was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The program of events of the festival included friendly competitions in various sports, trainings on active longevity. The key event was the marathon on fast walking. The event was attended by more than 800 representatives of the older generation. 

Garbage sorting program

The mayor's office of the tsister city of Yerevan implementsa pilot program for sorting and separate collection of garbage. As part of the initiative, in cooperation with entrepreneurs, special machines will be provided for the transportation of sorted waste. The city authorities intend to install separate sorting bins for residents.

Visit of the delegation of Moscow regional Duma

On October 30, the delegation of Moscow regional Duma visited Changzhou. The official visit was organized within the framework of the Memorandum on friendly exchanges signed by the Moscow regional Duma and the Jiangsu people's Congress in 2002. During the visit, the members of the delegation got acquainted with the industrial and tourist potential of Changzhou, discussed the prospects for further cooperation.


Participation in the International judo tournament 

An international judo tournament was held in Prilep (North Macedonia) from 02 to 03 November 2019. Athletes from Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro took part in the competition. Representatives of the sister city of Pazardzhik performed well, winning two gold and four silver medals. 

Growth of demand for real estate in the center of Beziers 

The mayor's office of the sister city of Beziers is carrying out a multifaceted work on the restoration and improvement of the ancient city center. The modernization of residential premises is carried out in accordance with modern standards and requirements. A set of measures contributed to an increase in demand for real estate in the center of Beziers on the basis of the report on property transactions. 

Small Business Success Summit 

In November 2019, the sister city of Des Moines will host the Small Business Success Summit. The main purpose of the event is to promote successful business development in Des Moines. During the meetings, modern marketing strategies will be presented; opportunities for better sales, improving customer services, recruitment criteria will be discussed. The experience of successful representatives of the business community of the sister city will also be presented. 

Development of cultural and educational tourism 

In early November of this year, the first events on the development of cultural and educational tourism took place in the Jinshan Park of the sister city of Zhenjiang. A team of athletes involved in Chinese Taiji gymnastics, included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Jiangsu province, prepared a presentation of the "Yangtze river show". The event attracted a large number of tourists and residents of the sister city. In the future, it is planned to organize performances of national martial arts, mass training in Chinese gymnastics, lectures on healthy lifestyle. 

End of the season of the tourist program 

On November 04 this year, the 8th season of the city tourism program "Yerevan city Tour" officially ended in the sister city of Yerevan. In summing up, it was noted that from March to October 2019, the program was attended by about 6,000 people, most of whom are tourists from Russia, France, Germany, Iran, China, Italy, Spain and the United States. Social programs for schoolchildren, students, the elderly and persons with disabilities were popular. "Yerevan city tour" will resume the organization of excursions in the spring of 2020. 

International football tournament 

On October 26 this year, the qualifying games of the international 7-a-side football tournament among foreign citizens who study or work in the sister city were held in Changzhou. Ten teams consisting of six players and a goalkeeper took part in the competition. The final competition will be held on November 10 this year in the Olympic sports center of Changzhou city. As part of the football tournament, donations were also collected for the benefit of children in difficult living conditions. 


The International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament

The International Junior Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament will be held in the period fr om November 08 to 10, 2019 in Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria). The organizer of the event is a native of sister-city of Pazardzhik, the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, a member of the Bulgarian Federation of rhythmic gymnastics Yordanka Georgieva. The competition will bring together more than 500 young athletes from seven countries.

The buying of innovative medical equipment

Beziers сlinic «Saint Privat» acquired the latest generation of medical robots for surgical operations. It is assumed that the innovative device will assist surgeons in the implementation of the most complex abdominal operations with a minimum of postoperative complications. During the surgical intervention, the surgeon will control the instruments fixed on the surgical table using the console, while the operation process will be displayed on the monitor in 3D mode.

The annual forum on inclusivity increase

The VII annual forum on equal opportunities for all segments of the population will be held in the sister city of Des Moines on November 15, 2019. The prospects of attracting employees with different work experience, social status and health restrictions, as well as the best practices for increasing inclusiveness in the workplace will be discussed during the meeting. The winners of the Inclusion Award-2019 will also be awarded. The prize is awarded to employers for the development of an inclusive corporate culture.

The autumn flowers season

The autumn flowers season, which will last until mid-November has begun in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Citizens and visitors are delighted with bright flower beds. Jiaoshan Park is especially popular among tourists, wh ere more than 3,000 trees of ten different varieties of osmanthus are planted - an evergreen plant with shiny leaves and fragrant inflorescences.

The online platform for interacting with citizens

An electronic platform provided the interaction of city authorities with citizens was created in the sister city of Yerevan. Using the Internet resource, city residents can share their ideas and new projects. Budget funds will be allocated to finance the implementation of the best proposals. This is the first such experience at the republican and community level. Currently, there are about 700 proposals under consideration.

Argentina Culture Days

The Argentine Culture Days were organized in the sister city of Changzhou. Master classes in the art of tango, soccer training, as well as lectures on Argentinean culture were organized for students. The prospects for developing cooperation with Argentina in various fields, such as tourism, education, sports and culture were discussed during a conference. 


The celebration of European Justice Day

The events dedicated to European Justice Day were held in the sister city 
of Pazardzhik on October 25, 2019. The holiday was established on the initiative of the International Organization “Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)”, which includes more than a million European lawyers. The main goal is to increase public awareness of civil rights, popularizing the profession of a lawyer. As part of the professional holiday, the lawyers of the sister city of Pazardzhik planted tree seedlings in a city park.

The participation in the Tour de France

The city of Beziers applied for participation in the famous cycling race “Tour de France”, which is one of the most popular sports competitions in France and the world. Previously the city of Beziers was already one of the stages of the cycling race (1938, 1939, 1953 and 1958), as well as the starting and final city (2002 and 2006). Participation in the Tour de France will contribute to the further formation of the image of the city of Beziers, as well as attracting tourists.

The ending of the Farmer's Market fall season

The official closing of the Farmer's Market fall season will take place on October 26 this year in the sister city of Des Moines. The fair is one of the largest in the state of Iowa, covers an area of 9 blocks in the center of Des Moines. The products of about 300 local producers are presented here: vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products, artisans, seedlings and garden tools. According to tradition various entertainment events and draws will be organized on the final day of the market. 

The improvement of the railway station

The reconstruction and improvement of the railway station were completed in the sister city of Zhenjiang. In order to ensure the greatest comfort for arriving and departing passengers, the main attention was paid to the space redevelopment. Currently functional zoning of the adjacent area, landscaping and sanitary cleaning of the railway station territory were carried out.

The solar installation program

A program on introduction energy-saving technologies is being implemented in the sister city of Yerevan. It is planned to install photovoltaic systems on the roofs of 90 multi-family residential buildings in order to ensure the generation of electricity for communal buildings and courtyards, as well as the operation of elevators. Lighting in these areas will be provided by LED lights. The program is being implemented through a grant provided by the European Union.

The environment preservation

The sister city of Changzhou was awarded by the honorary award "National Model city in the field of gardening". The prize is awarded once every three years by the China Landscaping Committee. This year the high grade was given to the activities of Changzhou in the greening of urban space: large-scale planting of trees, restoration of water resources, protection and conservation of ancient plantings and valuable tree species. The long-term comprehensive work on preserving the environment and creating a "garden city" was noted.


The environmental protection events

The city hall of Beziers attaches a great importance to environmental protection. So, in order to reduce paper consumption, regulatory documents, as well as announcements, are placed on an electronic interactive panel located at the entrance to the town hall building. Renewable energy sources are actively used for heating and lighting of municipal buildings. Solar panels are installed at educational organizations and parking pavilions of the city of Beziers. 

The Board Games Championship

The Third city Board Games Championship was held at the beginning of October this year in the sister city of Des Moines among professionals and dealers. The competition is an analogue of tournaments held in Europe. The professionalism, a creative approach to the game play and the competitiveness of the participants were taken into account during the competition. In accordance with the types of board games, winners in several categories were determined and awarded with monetary certificates and memorable prizes.

The healthy lifestyle

In order to familiarize older people with a healthy lifestyle a fitness game “Ikang Cup” was organized at the Zhenjiang Public Cultural and Sports Center on October 13, 2019. More than 200 older residents of the sister city and nearby settlements took part in seven friendly competitions: tug of war, table tennis, a game of chess, etc. The winners were awarded memorable prizes.

The Day of the city of Yerevan

A festive events dedicated to the 2801th anniversary of the capital of Armenia will be held in the sister city of Yerevan on October 19, 2019. This year celebrations will be held under the slogan "Yerevan is in my heart." A new musical composition of the famous Yerevan composer Mansuryan was prepared for the event, a presentation video clip is being shot. A lot of recreational events were are organized for residents and visitors of the city, a gala concert of pop stars and colorful fireworks will take place in the evening.

The growth of tourist flow

According to statistics about 6 million tourists visited the sister city of Changzhou during national holidays in early October this year, which is 4.8% higher than last year. The most popular among residents and visitors of the city were the interactive and entertaining Dinosaur Park, the picturesque natural complex of the Yancheng region, and the resort on Lake Tanmu.


The exhibition in the city of Pazardzhik

An exhibition dedicated to the founder of modern book publishing in Bulgaria Hristo Danov was opened at the Regional Historical Museum of the sister city of Pazardzhik in the period from October 7 to November 3, 2019. The exhibition presents documents and awards, photographs and personal property of the famous book publisher. 

The painting restoration

A painting of the Italian artist Domenico Zampieri “Pope Gregoire XV and his nephew Ludovico Ludovisi” was restored in the city of Beziers. This painting was painted in the years 1621-1623 and was repeatedly exhibited in foreign museums in the 60s and 80s of the last century. Currently, the restored painting is being prepared by specialists for the exhibition, which will be held in the Grand Palais of Paris in April-July 2020. Then the masterpiece of painting will be exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts of Montreal (Canada).

The Fire Safety Week

The annual Fire Safety Week takes place in the sister city of Des Moines in the period from October 6 to 12, 2019. As part of the event, preventive discussions on fire safety measures, familiarization of students with the work of fire stations and special equipment, were organized in city libraries. A poster contest among elementary school students will be also organized. The winner will receive an unusual prize - the opportunity to come to school by a fire car.

The Board games

The board games competitions took place at the Zhenjiang Sister City Sports and Exhibition Center in the period from October 6 to 7, 2019. The event was attended by over 300 representatives from Chinese cities. The tournament was qualifying. Winners will take part in the national game cup “Evening”. 

The Teacher's Day

An annual competition dedicated to the celebration of the Teacher’s Day was organized in the sister city of Yerevan. At the ceremony the winners were awarded in three categories - the best director, teacher and educator. The best teachers were also awarded with diplomas of the Mayor of Yerevan for their significant contribution to the development of the education system.

The visit of Germany delegation

The official delegation of the city of Minden (Germany) was hosted in the sister city of Changzhou at the end of September this year. Sister cities relations between Changzhou and Minden have been developing since 2006. A mutual interest in the further development of cooperation, especially in the field of technological innovation and industrial modernization, as well as in the social sphere was expressed during the meeting. Within the framework of the visit, the prospects of establishing business contacts of enterprises were also discussed, familiarization with the work of the public safety and fire protection system was organized.


Participation in the international judo tournament

On September 29 of this year the international judo tournament took place in the Greece. The competition was attended by the strongest athletes from around the world. Representatives of sports club on judo "Kodokan" of the sister city of Pazardzhik successfully participated in tournament, having won four gold, four silver and one bronze medal. 

Upgrading the football stadium

In the summer of 2019, for the first time in 30 years of existence, the stadium named after Raoul Barriere (former stadium "Méditerranée") was completely renovated. Now it is a hybrid lawn, adapted to climate change, which combines natural and artificial areas. The landscaping of this lawn will allow the city's football and Rugby clubs to use a modern playground that meets the latest requirements of various sports leagues.

Des Moines festivals

Two of Des Moines' most famous and popular festivals-the annual Book Festival and the World food and music festival - have won the prestigious international Association of festivals and events award. When making a decision, the jury took into account the level of organization and preparation of cultural events, social projects, advertising, as well as creativity and innovative ideas. 

China Day of foundation

On October 1, China celebrated the main national holiday-the Day of foundation of the People's Republic of China. In honor of the national celebration in the sister city of Zhenjiang a number of cultural events was organized, the streets are decorated with national flags and fresh flowers. This year the holidays will last until October 07. During holidays citizens have the opportunity to visit relatives and friends, go on a trip. 

European heritage days 

The European heritage days were held in the sister city of Yerevan. This year's event was held under the motto "Art and entertainment". In this regard, the municipal museums organized a number of interesting exhibitions dedicated to the late medieval European fine arts and landscape design, educational programs were held. Interesting activities were also organized in Karmir Bloor and Shengavit reserves.

Development of green production

In recent years, the city of Changzhou has paid special attention to the development of green production and reducing the impact of industry on the environment. The enterprises of the sister city are implementing measures aimed at reducing the use of natural resources and protecting the environment. In order to reduce waste recycling of materials is introduced. In September 2019, according to the China Ministry of industry and information technology, seven large companies of Changzhou entered the list of "green manufacturers" of China.


Participation in the Balkan games
In September 21-22, 2019 Montenegro hosted the Balkan games, a regional athletics competition held between the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and organized by the Balkan athletics Association. More than fifteen athletes of the Republic of Bulgaria took part in the competition. The representative of Kodokan sports club on judo of the sister city of Pazardzhik got success, having won a silver medal in weight category to 90 kg.

City-wide sports and cultural events
The Beziers urban trail, a citywide marathon, will be held in Beziers on October 27, 2019. This is the largest marathon ever held in the city. In addition to sports goals, the organizers of the race - the city government and public organizations seek to attract the attention of participants to the ancient city of France. Both professionals and amateurs over the age of 10 are invited to participate in the marathon. Races at a distance of 19 km and 9 km will be held on the most popular tourist routes Beziers.

Modernization of parking at Des Moines airport
A new parking system using led sensors has been put into operation at the sister city of Des Moines international airport. Sensors installed above each parking spot will transmit real-time information to the display, indicating free or occupied places, places for the disabled. Also about 30 road signs were installed to improve accessibility and accelerate parking.

Mid-autumn Festival
On September 23, 2017, a number of events dedicated to the autumn equinox (Mid-autumn Festival) were held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Charity and entertainment events, master classes in schools and kindergartens were organized. Special attention was paid to the preservation of national culture and familiarization with the traditions of the younger generation.

Creating comfortable environment for persons with disabilities

The sister city of Yerevan is carrying out diverse work on the organization of comfortable environment for people with disabilities. Inclusive schools and kindergartens have been opened, about 250 ramps are being built, and social support and rehabilitation programmes are being implemented. It was decided to pay special attention to ensuring accessibility of people with disabilities during the implementation of urban development projects.

International forum
The official opening ceremony of the China Changzhou International Forum on Science and Technology & Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation was held in the sister city on September 26. The forum has been held since 2005 and brings together entrepreneurs, experts and scientists from China and foreign countries. This year the main theme of the forum is high-quality opening up and implementation of large-scale projects. Issues of further development of foreign economic cooperation will also be discussed. The program is expected to hold about 60 specialized events, the signing of agreements on the implementation of major projects.


The opening of the graphic exhibition

The III National Graphic Exhibition named after George Gerasimov was opened in the Art Gallery named after Stanislav Dospevsky of the sister city of Pazardzhik on September 19, 2019. The exposition presents the creative works of more than 30 Bulgarian artists. The authors of the best works determined by the competent jury will be awarded with honorary diplomas and prizes. It is expected to release a catalog of graphic works presented at the national exhibition.

The European days of historical heritage

The European Days of Historical Heritage will be held from September 21 to 22, 2019 in the sister city of Beziers. In this regard, free excursions to ancient historic buildings, cathedrals, parks, theaters, museums, libraries are provided. A rich program of city-wide events, meetings with famous writers, artists and sculptors are planned. Thematic conferences, concerts of classical music and church singing, photo expositions will take place.

The industrial area reconstruction

A new master plan for the reconstruction of one of the industrial urban areas with a 100-year history was presented in the sister city of Des Moines on September 17, 2019. It is supposed to create a comfortable space combining various housing options (apartments, condominiums, townhouses), business premises and offices, shops and places for recreation and entertainment. Infrastructure and transport network will be organized taking into account the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and car owners. Modern reconstruction of the district will contribute to further sustainable development of the sister city.

The preparations for national holidays

An active preparations for celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China takes place in the sister city of Zhenjiang. So, ornamental plants with bright flowering (cockscomb, sunflower, etc.) are grown in the greenhouses of the city. The flowers planted in city will resemble a rainbow during a national holiday. 

The organization of sanitary cleaning of the city

A great importance in the twin city of Yerevan is attached to resolving the issues of sanitary cleaning. A new municipal institution carrying out garbage collection in all 12 administrative districts was founded. A decision to increase the number of employees of this institution was made at a meeting of the Council of Elders. It is assumed that the new staffing will not entail an increase in budget expenditures.

The international conference

A three-day international conference on sports rehabilitation was held in the sister city of Changzhou. The event was attended by more than 600 representatives from 20 provinces and cities of China, as well as 18 experts from the USA, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia and other countries. The promising areas for the development of sports rehabilitation and the introduction of the latest technologies in the field of health and fitness were discussed during the meetings. In recent years, an active work on popularization a healthy lifestyle and preventive sports has been carried out in Changzhou. It is also planned to start implementing the China Health Action Plan.


The anniversary of the Pazardzhik symphony orchestra

The concert, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the sister city symphony orchestra, was held in the city of Pazardzhik on September 12, 2019. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Union of Musical Figures of Bulgaria, the National Music Academy named after prof. Pancho Vladigerova in Sofia, former musicians and conductors of the orchestra, as well as residents and guests of the sister city. Works of the famous composers - Ludwig van Beethoven, Giuseppe Verdi, Georges Bizet, Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, Parashkev Hadzhiev, were performed during the concert.

The annual action

The annual citywide action “Alleys of Beziers Associations” will be held on the Rickey Alleys of the sister city of Beziers on September 14, 2019. This year, representatives of 270 associations will demonstrate their achievements in the socio-cultural sphere, as well as in the field of environmental protection. The program of events is intended to familiarize citizens and visitors with the activities of associations, various performances and presentations, concerts.

The information service

A new information service “Show Me My House”, was launched on the sister city of Des Moines. This service will allow residents of the city to find the most important information related to the place of residence - administrative and statistical data on the management of the area, census results, contacts of police officers, nearest organizations and associations. To familiarize yourself with the information, you must specify the address of residence in the search bar.

The preparations for national holidays

Within the preparation for the festive events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, as well as in order to ensure the safety of residents and guests in the sister city of Zhenjiang, exercises were held. During the training, emergency actions were practiced.

The construction of a new road

A new project - the construction of the Argavand-Shirak road was started in the sister city of Yerevan. The highway will have from four to six lanes, it is also planned to erect a 252-meter bridge across the Hrazdan river with a width of 28 meters. Argavand-Shirak road is part of the western part of the bypass road in Yerevan. Complete construction work is expected in 2021.

The taekwondo competitions

The Taekwondo National Youth Tournament – 2019 was held at the Changzhou Olympic Sports Center. The competitions was attended by about a thousand athletes from more than ten provinces and cities of the country. Taekwondo competitions are included in the annual twin city sporting events plan to educate and identify talented youth, as well as attract more citizens to a healthy lifestyle.


The participation in the international folklore festival

The dance folk ensemble “Khorovod” of Pazardzhik will take part in the International festival “Hello Luoyang-2019”, which will be held in Luoyang city (PRC) in the period from September 06 to 16, 2019. The event is sponsored by the European Association of Folklore Festivals (EAFF) and will be broadcasted on more than 250 television channels around the world. The ensemble “Khorovod” of the twin city is the only one creative team from the Republic of Bulgaria. As part of the program of stay in the People’s Republic of China the creative team will visit also Shanghai, Xi'an, Beijing.

The housing renovation 

As part of the national program, since 2016, the city of Beziers has been modernizing private premises according to the modern standards and requirements. Thanks to the efforts of the City Hall more than 300 apartments in the twin city were updated over the past three years. Currently, to start repair work, it is necessary to contact the appropriate service and conduct housing diagnostics by specialists of the municipality. Time for documenting permissions is significantly reduced.

The implementation of the national program

The sister city of Des Moines was awarded a grant as part of the national program for young people in difficult life situations. Funding will be used to organize various housing options for people under the age of 24. Over the next months a comprehensive plan will be developed in the sister city to solve the problem with youth councils, human rights organizations and other community members.

The tourist attractiveness increasing

In order to increase the tourist attraction in the city of Zhenjiang, glass murals were first used. The most significant sights, historical information, panoramas, topographic maps and other information reflecting the achievements of the city from ancient times are colorfully depicted on the windows of the sister city along the popular tourist routes. 

The music festival

A music festival dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous Armenian composer Tigran Mansuryan is held in the sister city of Yerevan from September 1 to September 13, 2019. As part of the event, a series of concerts will take place, during which residents and guests of the capital will be able to hear the chamber’s and classical works of the master, as well as music from popular films. Also, commemorative silver souvenirs were released for the composer's anniversary.

The list of the best private enterprises

The All-China Federation of Industry and Trade (ACFIC) published analytical reports on its performance in 2019 at the end of August this year. China's top 500 private enterprises include eight major companies in the sister city of Changzhou. Leading companies' annual revenue exceeds 18 billion yuan.


The participation in the VII World majorettes championship

The VII World majorettes championship was held in the city of Prague (Czech Republic) in the period from August 20 to 24, 2019. The event was attended by over 3,500 majorettes, competitions were held in several age categories. Representatives of the sports club «Mystery» of the sister city of Pazardzhik became winners of the championship, winning a silver medal.

The opening of the House for senior citizens in the city of Beziers

A new municipal home for the elderly was opened in the city of Beziers, which received the title "City friendly to the elderly". This building is located in the city center, it will allow its residents to take an active part in public life. A house for senior citizens can accommodate 60 people. In connection with the commissioning of its operation, 38 new jobs were created for staff.

The celebration of Labor Day in the city of Des Moines

Labor Day is a U.S. national holiday celebrated on the first Monday of September from 1882. In this regard most firms and almost all government offices in Des Moines will be closed on September 02 this year. 

The lectures on road safety

A road safety educational events were organized for freshmen of Zhenjiang № 3 Secondary School on August 29, 2019. Training sessions prepared by police officers were attended by more than 500 future students of the sister city.

The preparation for the new school year

On the eve of the new school year, the structural units of the City Hall of Yerevan were instructed to carry out a set of relevant activities. In particular, take appropriate measures to provide primary school students with free textbooks, replenish medical rooms with necessary medicines and update road markings in the surrounding areas. Also in the period from September 1 to September 30 this year a month on road safety will be organized with the sister city police.

The construction of a logistics base in Changzhou

Recently, the official ceremony of laying the first stone of the Jiahao Changzhou Cold Chain Logistics Base was held on the territory of the Wujin National High-Tech Industrial Zone. The cold chain is a specially organized system of measures that provides the best temperature conditions for storing and transporting medicines and other thermally dependent products at all stages of their transportation, from manufacturer to consumer. The total investment is $86 million. The project is planned to be completed in the III quarter of 2020.


The participation in the International ceramics open-air

Two well-known artists of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the 16th International Ceramics Open Air “Art-Zhizhal - 2019”, which took place in the period from July 17 to August 6, 2019 in the city of Bobruisk (Republic of Belarus). The event is held in order to develop intercultural relations among creative youth. More than 20 ceramists from around the world were invited to the open air. The creative works of the representatives of the sister city were awarded by honorary awards and will be exhibited in the art museum and other exhibition venues of Bobruisk.

The city improvement

The services of the city of Beziers in the city improvement follow the concept of environmental friendliness and profitability. So huge bright pool tables painted in bright colors, games for leisure of children and others were installed in the areas of the sister city. The spaces inside circular city crossroads were decorated with picturesque installations made from old-fashioned shades, lighting poles, tree trunks, metal barrels.

The acquisition of electric vehicles

Members of the city council of the sister city of Des Moines decided to purchase four electric vehicles in early 2020. A hybrid vehicle fleet already exists in the city, these models will be the first, which will be full operated from electricity. The transition to electric cars is one of the modern solutions aimed at protecting the environment, the implementation of the plan on planet climatic conditions improvement. 

The landscaping of the city

A special variety of sweet peach, bearing fruit in the autumn and winter is grown in the greenhouse farm of the sister city of Zhenjiang. Seedlings were imported from Mongolia. After months of careful grafting and cultivation, more than 100,000 trees were planted in the streets and parks of the sister city.

The trolleybus system

This year, the trolleybus park of the sister-city of Yerevan marks the anniversary date – the 70th anniversary of its founding. In the capital of the Republic of Armenia, much attention is paid to the development of this environmentally friendly mode of transport. The mayor of Yerevan expressed hope that after the development of new route networks in the city, trolleybuses will meet all the modern requirements of the 21st century.

The launch of the metro

The first metro line will be launched in the sister city of Changzhou at the end of September this year. At first, the movement will be in test mode. A transport artery will connect the northern and southern parts of the city. In total, it is planned to put into operation 29 metro stations.


The music festivals
The ancient fortress "Perister" of the Roman Empire, located in the Pazardzhik region, after restoration become the venue of numerous cultural and recreational activities. So in the second half of August, 2019 the II Festival of Classical Music “Peristera in Music” with participation of creative team “Cantabile” and the duet “D’Amore” will take place here, as well as the III Music Festival “Rock on the Fortress”.

The Feria
The traditional Feria holiday is celebrated in the sister city of Beziers in the period from August 14 and 18, 2019. The theatrical processions, parades of brass bands and folk groups will take place. The various attractions, exhibitions of books and autographs of famous people include to the program of the event. Concerts of French stars, horse shows with jugglers will take place at the festival’s numerous venues. Residents of Beziers and guests of the sister city will be able to take part in the festival of flamenco and traditional folk dances.

The development of recommendations for urban space planning
New recommendations for urban space planning and zoning are being developed in the sister city of Des Moines. The design of new and development of existing urban areas, taking into account the creation of a convenient transport system are the priority. It is also planned to remove the restriction on the minimum size of the occupied territory for private households.

The rescue teams teaching
In connection with the increase of natural disasters in recent years due to natural disasters and climate change, it was decided to organize joint exercises of Zhenjiang and Changzhou rescue teams on the Yangtze River. Specialists worked out coherence of actions to inform, assist the population and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

The comprehensive elevator replacement program
A comprehensive program on replacement elevators in multi-apartment residential buildings is being implemented in the city of Yerevan. It is planned to install 3,500 new elevators over four years. 20 elevators will be replaced at the expense of the community by the end of this year at the initiative of the City hall of the sister city as part of a pilot project. Additional financial resources were allocated for the repair of the existing elevator facilities.

The participation in the Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Over 50 projects of the sister city of Changzhou took part in the regional Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. The five most promising projects, including the development of early warning in case of fire, location during emergency rescue operations, monitoring the movement of high-speed rail transport, as well as the use of the latest technologies in industry, will be presented in the final, which will be held in Nanjing. The winners will receive cash prizes, as well as a grant for the implementation of the project in Jiangsu.


The opening of the photo exhibition

On August 12, 2019 the Art Gallery named after Stanislav Dospevsky of Pazardzhik will host an exhibition of photographs presented within the VI International Photo Salon - 2019, organized by the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), the Photographic Society of Greece (HPS) and the National Academy of Photography of the Republic of Bulgaria (NSFA). More than 4 thousand works of photographers from forty countries of the world have been announced for participation in the contest. The best photos will be awarded with diplomas and memorable awards.

The performance of folklore groups

The performances of folklore groups “Storks” and “Flower of Fern” from the city of Kiev (Ukraine) took place in Beziers Municipal Theater. Artists performed Russian and Ukrainian folk songs, presented national dances and choreographic compositions. The performance of folk groups had a great success.

The construction of a fire station

In order to improve public safety and modernize infrastructure construction of a fire station is currently underway in the city of Des Moines. It is estimated that the new fire station, located in a rapidly developing area in the northeast of the sister city, will serve more than a thousand residents. Construction work is planned to be completed in the first half of 2021.

The National Fitness Day

A series of events, dedicated to the 11th National Fitness Day took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang in the period from August 04 to 08, 2019. The event was attended by professional instructors, fitness experts, sports associations, residents and guests of the city. The master classes in gymnastics, yoga, martial arts were organized for sports enthusiasts. Competitions in game sports, walking, as well as a bike ride and demonstrations of athletes took place.

The VII Pan-Armenian Summer Games

The VII Pan-Armenian Summer Games will be held in the period from August 05 to August 18, 2019. The opening ceremony, as well as three-day competitions in football, chess, cycling and arm wrestling were organized in Artsakh, from August 09, sports competitions will continue in the sister city of Yerevan. An official meeting of the mayors of Yerevan and Artsakh was also held, issues of mutually beneficial cooperation between the capitals, prospects for the implementation of joint programs and projects were discussed.

The development of Internet technologies in the industrial sector

Three major enterprises in the sister city of Changzhou are in the List of Advanced Demonstration Enterprises Using Internet Technologies. Companies use web resources to collect and integrate data, simulate processes and optimize production systems. The list of the best enterprises was determined by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jiangsu Province in order to develop national indicators for the further development of the industrial Internet.


The International Badminton Championship

The International Badminton Championship among young men and women under the age of 19, organized by the mayor's office of the Pazardzhik Community will be held in the sister city of Pazardzhik in the period from August 8 to 11, 2019. About 200 athletes from Bulgaria, Russia, Macedonia, Poland, Croatia, Great Britain, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, Italy, Canada, Denmark, Turkey, France, Egypt and India will take part in the competition.

The hot weather

A special regime for water resources consumption was introduced in the city of Beziers due to hot weather and the lack of rain. The residents were urged to consume water rationally and generally, reduce its consumption from TV screens, monitors, and from newspapers pages. A special memos-recommendations were developed and issued. 

The city cleaning and beautification activities

On July 27, 2019 the residents of the sister city of Des Moines had an opportunity to take out and dispose of broken trees, foliage and other natural debris resulting from strong winds for free as part of additional monthly events to the Spring Cleaning Program for the city and beautification. The action was organized for private households.

The introducing of students with the basics of fire safety continuing education

The event "I am a little fireman" was organized for children for students in primary and secondary classes of Zhenjiang secondary schools in July this year as part of summer vacations. Schoolchildren were able to visit the fire departments of the city, get acquainted with the work of firefighters, used special equipment. Preventive discussions on the basics of fire safety were also held.

The meeting of the mayor of Yerevan with representatives of the business community

On July 31, 2019 the mayor of Yerevan officially met with representatives of the Swiss business community and the Armenian diaspora. The meeting was also attended by the chief architect and heads of structural divisions of the City Hall of the sister city. The ongoing improvement programs, prospects for urban development policies, as well as new investment projects were discussed. 

The youth delegation of the Macau administrative region

A delegation of 100 Macau youth representatives led by the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Special Administrative Region visited the city of Changzhou as part of the events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, as well as the 20th anniversary of the accession of the Macau Special Administrative Region to the PRC. The prospects for further cooperation in the field of economics, education, culture and tourism were discussed during the visit. The delegation also got acquainted with the work of the Jiangsu and Macao Provincial Cooperation Park, the cultural and historical heritage of the sister city.


The Bulgarian folk festival

The Bulgarian folk festival will take place in the resort “St. Konstantin”, located in the highlands of the Pazardzhik region, in the period from 27 to 28 July 2019. The event is organized by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria. About 150 creative teams and solo performers, including representatives of the sister-city of Pazardzhik will take part in the festival. Winners will be determined by a competent jury.

The work of the city market

A market, presented the products of more than 25 local manufacturers, works weekly, on Wednesdays, in the city of Beziers. The visitors of the market can buy fresh seafood, sausages and smoked meat, poultry, cheeses, herbs, olive oil and olives, pastries, natural marmalade and honey. There is also a wide range of cosmetics, home textiles, leather goods, items of clothing made by local craftsmen.

The free bikes for schoolchildren

The Police Department, the Cyclists Association and the Association of Parks and Recreation Centers of the Des Moines organized a joint campaign on providing free bikes for schoolchildren. Students aged 5-12 years will be able to use 75 bicycles in order to go home during the lunchtime and return to school. Police officers will also conduct safety briefings for beginner cyclists.

Blood donation

In order to necessity to replenish the blood bank due to a significant increase in the daily temperature in the sister city of Zhenjiang, an event on voluntary blood donation was organized. About 1000 representatives of government organizations became donors. The campaign was held at no cost.

Meeting with the President of Armenia

A meeting of the President of the Republic of Armenia and the mayor of the city was held in the Yerevan City Hall. During the meeting, an exchange of views on the ongoing and planned urban improvement programs was held, prospects for the future development of the capital of the republic were discussed. A meeting with the chief architect of Yerevan was held.

The development of the automotive industry

Automobile company “Dorcen Automobile Group Co.” of the sister city of Changzhou took part in the II Chinese Summit on the development of the automotive industry using new energy sources, which was held in Nanjing. The new car model of the company "E20" received two prestigious awards, as the most reliable brand and the best-selling model for new energy sources. “Dorcen Auto” is a modern Chinese automotive brand that produces passenger and commercial vehicles.


Solemn events
On July 18, 2016, solemn events dedicated to the 182nd anniversary of Vasil Levski, an outstanding participant of the liberation movement from the Ottoman yoke, were organized in the sister city of Pazardzhik at the initiative of the mayor's office. Flowers were laid to the monument of the national hero on the square of his name, which was attended by representatives of local and regional authorities, public organizations and political parties, as well as residents and guests of the city. 

Electronic game development
In order to increase the tourist attractiveness of Beziers, as well as the formation of interest in the historical heritage among the youth, students of the Cime Art School during the summer months of 2019 will be working on the creation of an interactive electronic game in 3D. The game will take place in Beziers in the ancient buildings and structures of the city during the era of antiquity and the middle ages. Release of the game is expected in September this year.

Unique exhibition of paintings
On July 16 this year, in the sister city of De Moines, a unique exhibition of paintings created by the "Manibus" robotic drawing device that reacts to the motion sensor, was opened. The exhibition presents works depicting the movements of professional dancers of the ballet company of Des Moines. The device is designed by the artist and inventor Amenda Tate.

Educational program
In order to improve the level of education of the younger generation, fourteen students of Jiangsu University of Zhenjiang sister city participated in the volunteer program by visiting Hui autonomous county at Qinghai province. During the month active students will teach English, social sciences, fine arts and physical education to local children. 

Anniversary concert of the youth symphony orchestra
An exclusive anniversary concert of the Yerevan Youth Symphony orchestra took place in the sister city of Yerevan. The event, organized within the framework of the Yerevan summer 2019 program, was attended by the President of the Republic of Armenia, high-ranking state and spiritual officials, the Mayor of the city, residents and guests of the capital. The Youth Symphony Orchestra and choir of pupils from 25 music and art schools of Yerevan performed a concert program, which included only the works of Armenian composers. A tour of the youth symphony orchestra is planned in the cities of Armenia and foreign countries. 

Charity projects
Mr. Yuan Shunqing, a farmer-entrepreneur of the sister city of Changzhou, as the only representative of Jiangsu province, took part in the National Role Models Conference, which was held in Beijing. Mr. Yuan Shunqing is known for his active participation in charity. He has established the first Dependent Children’s Home in the province, providing training during summer and winter holidays, systematically visits the elderly in nursing homes and, together with 20 entrepreneurs, set up an agricultural specialties display and sales center together with over 20 professional agricultural cooperatives in order to help local farmers.


Project on sculptures installation

In Pazardzhik the project on the installation of composition along the waterway passing through the city is going on. The project has been implemented since 2013 on the initiative of the city hall of the sister city, it has already been attended by 10 local sculptors. During the summer it is expected to install three new sculptural figures.

Winning the Rugby Championship of France Among Juniors

The junior rugby team of Béziers became the champion of France in its category for the second year. This event is of particular importance for the sister city: the adult Bezier team in this sport has repeatedly won national Championships in the 80s of the XX century. For young athletes and their trainers the solemn reception was organized in the city hall of Beziers.

Visiting parks of Des Moines

In order to attract attention to healthy lifestyle and spending time in the fresh air Des Moines Parks and Recreation invited the residents of sister city to take part in an interesting initiative "Tour Parks Des Moines". Fr om 01 to 31 July this year, participants should visit certain attractions in the local city parks, take pictures and post photos on social networks. The winners who have fulfilled all the conditions will be awarded with cash prizes.

Participation in the wrestling championship

The sportswoman of the sister city of Zhenjiang took part in the Asian Championship on wrestling among juniors which took place on July 03-06 in the city of Nur-Sultan (the Republic of Kazakhstan). The Zhenjiang athlete won the gold medal among women in the weight category up to 69 kg At the continental championship were presented young wrestlers from more than 15 countries.

Electronic platform promotion

In order to ensure effective cooperation with the residents of the city, Yerevan municipality set up an electronic platform "Active citizen", wh ere everyone will be able to share their ideas and new projects. Budget funds will be allocated for financing the implementation of the best proposals. The platform will contribute to finding solutions to the problems of the residents of the Armenian capital.

Days of traditional Changzhou cuisine in Taiwan

In June, in several cities of Taiwan, with the support of municipal governments, cultural events were held under the motto "Changzhou cuisine in Taiwan", dedicated to traditional Chinese cuisine. Five professional chefs from Changzhou demonstrated their culinary art by preparing presentations of national dishes, which are considered the landmark of the sister city. Urban residents and numerous tourists visited these events.


The visit of Pazardzhik delegation to Germany

Representatives of Pazardzhik regional library named after Nikola Fournadzhiev visited the city of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) as part of the official delegation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. The main purpose of the visit is the exchange of experience with the libraries of the cities of Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, and Stuttgart. Also in the framework of the stay visit to the University of Konstanz were organized. 

The high-tech show "Sound and Light" in Beziers 

A new edition of the high-tech show "Sound and Light", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the head of the French Resistance Movement during the Second World War, born in Bezier, Jean Moulin was presented on July 5, 2019 in the sister city. 70 citizens of Beziers participated in the preparation of the show as actors. The shooting was carried out in a special studio on a monochromatic green background and subsequently were transferred on the corresponding scenery. The facade of the St. Madeleine Church will become the “screen” of the city three times per week with the help of spectacular lighting effects in 4D format, using the latest video display technology. The show will be presented until August 25th of this year.

The agricultural fair in the city of Des Moines

The traditional agricultural fair, one of the best farmers markets in the United States, will be open for residents and guests of the city of Des Moines on July 6, 2019. More than 300 local manufacturers will present a wide range of products. Visitors will be able to purchase seasonal fruits and vegetables, dairy products, groceries, beekeeping, bakery and confectionery products. There will be also fresh meat and sausages.

The celebration of the Day of the Chinese Communist Party

The celebration of the Day of the Communist Party, the ruling political party of the People’s Republic of China, was held on July 1, 2019. As part of the celebrations the National Congress of the CPC was held in the city of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. The congress was attended by representatives of the sister city of Zhenjiang.

The work of the centers of information support for Yerevan tourists

The results of work of the centers of information support for tourists in the city of Yerevan for the first half of 2019 were summed up. During this period, the centers received about 15 thousand tourists from 66 countries of the world. The largest number of tourists in this year came from the Russian Federation, Iran, USA, France, Germany, China, Spain, India and the Philippines. Visitors to the sister city were provided with tourist maps of Yerevan in many languages, informational booklets, guidebooks on city museums, a tour program “Yerevan City Tour”, as well as information about electronic services provided by the City Hall. 

The development of industry in the sister city of Changzhou

The official opening ceremony of the Italian company “Targetti Sankey Lighting”, specializing in the production of indoor and outdoor lighting, took place in in the city of Changzhou at the end of June 2019. The company's products are represented in more than 50 countries. The event was attended by the Deputy mayor of Xinbei district, as well as the chairman of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in East China.


Pazardzhik sports achievements 

The National Championship in modern pentathlon was held in the city of Veliko Tarnovo (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 22 to 23 June, 2019. The competition was attended by all ages athletes. The representatives of the sports club "Champion" of the city of Pazardzhik had a great success, they won silver and bronze medals, as well as a prize cup. Winners of the competition will take part in the International Championship, which will be held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 18 to 24 July this year.

The festival of contemporary art in the city of Beziers

The 4th Contemporary Art Festival «L’Art deboite» will be held in the city of Beziers in the period from 28 to 30 June, 2019. The event will be attended by artists, sculptors, creators of art installations and collages, artists working in various techniques, living in France, as well as in Belarus, Chile and Mexico. To emphasize the originality of creative works, the exhibits are placed in more than 20 large multi-colored containers that will be installed in the center of Beziers - on the Alley of Paul Rica. Residents and visitors can get acquainted with the trends of modern art.

The celebration of the Independence Day of the United States of America

The celebration of the Independence Day of the United States of America – the main public holiday dedicated to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 – will be held in the city of Des Moines on July 4th of this year. In this regard a diverse cultural and entertainment program will be organized for residents and guests of the sister city. The solemn events will be finished with festive fireworks at various venues in the city.

The International Day of yoga

The celebration of the International Day of yoga, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2014, was held on June 21 this year. Yoga is a priceless gift of ancient traditions, which embodies the harmony between man and nature, as well as an integrated approach to health and well-being. In this regard yoga program was held at the foot of Nanshan Mountain for residents and guests of the city of Zhenjiang.

The visit of Yerevan official delegation to St. Petersburg

Yerevan official delegation, headed by the mayor of the sister, visited St. Petersburg in the period from June 20 to 21, 2019. During the stay, the reception of the Acting Governor of St. Petersburg was organized. The sides discussed issues of trade, economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation between cities. The importance of cooperation in the field of healthcare was noted, interest in increasing the supply of agricultural products of the Republic of Armenia to the St. Petersburg retail chains was expressed. Members of the sister-city delegation also took part in the Days of Culture of Yerevan in the northern capital of the Russian Federation.

The construction of an industrial park in the city of Changzhou

The official groundbreaking ceremony for the science and technology park “Sunan Smart City” took place in the Tianning district of Changzhou on June 18, 2019. The area occupied by the industrial park will be more than 13 hectares, the total investment is 2 billion yuan. It is the largest comprehensive industrial park and the first economic agglomeration for Internet platforms in the district. The Park is planned to gather emerging industries such as industrial design, e-business, intelligent manufacturing and others. The project is expected to be completed in 2021.


The international judo tournament

The International Judo Tournament took place in the city of Pazardzhik on June 15, 2019. The honor guests of the event were the Mayor of Pazardzhik Community and the president of Bulgarian Judo Federation. More than 350 sportsmen from Bulgaria, Russia and Greece took part in the competition. The representatives of the sports club “Kodokan” of the city of Pazardzhik had shown the excellent result and took the first place. It should also be noted that the sportsman of the sister-city Valentin Alipiev will perform in the national team during the European Olympic Games in the city of Minsk (Republic of Belarus) in the period from 21 to 30 June, 2019.

The annual rose wine festival in the city of Beziers

The annual rose wine festival, which has a great success in recent years, due to its consonance with the local culture, was held in the sister-city of Beziers on June 14, 2019. The festive events were devoted to the theme “The architectural heritage of Beziers”. Guided tours to ancient castles and private estates, tastings were organized as part of the events. The participants learned about the history and technology of the popular drink.

The Water Festival in the city of Des Moines

The Water Festival will be held in the city of Des Moines on June 23, 2019. The purpose of the event is to draw public attention to the quality of drinking water, the necessity to clean water resources. A diverse educational program, as well as concerts of local performers, dance workshops and entertainment games for children and adults were prepared as part of the event. 

The environmental action in Zhenjiang

Recycling of solid waste is one of the most actual problems of modern life. In this regard, students of Jiangsu University organized a following activities in the pre-school educational institutions of the sister city: open lessons, as well as themed games. The purpose of this environmental action is to acquaint children with the principles of collection and recycling of household waste, education respect for the outside world.

The annual creative festival-contest in Yerevan

The XII festival-contest of municipal organizations of additional education in the field of culture was held in Yerevan recently. The event was attended by the mayor of the sister-city and members of the Council of Elders of Yerevan. The festival was held in the following nominations: piano, strings, percussion and wind instruments, national instruments, vocals, classical music, solfeggio dictations and musical notation. The ten best schools of the sister-city were awarded diplomas and memorable prizes in the framework of the ceremony. The founder of the festival Kamo Movsesian was also awarded the gold medal of the mayor of Yerevan for significant contribution to the formation and preservation of national traditions and culture.

The meeting with the SEO of Bergstrom Inc.

Recently, a deputy mayor of Changzhou met with the president of an American company engaged in the development and production of cab climate systems for heavy-duty commercial trucks, off-highway machines and specialty vehicles. The company's headquarters is located in one of the sister-cities of Changzhou - the city of Rockford, Illinois (USA). 


Contest-festival of majorettes in the city of Pazardzhik

In the period from 7 to 8 of June, 2019 in the sister city of Pazardzhik the 9th contest-festival of majorettes called "Solar Besapara" was held. The organizers of the event are the municipality of Pazardzhik Community and the Children's Complex of the sister city. The festival was attended by more than 200 majorettes from cities of the Republic of Bulgaria. The competition was held in several age categories. The winners of the festival are currently taking part in the European Majorette Championship in the Republic of Croatia.

Bezier streets decoration

In recent years during the summer the streets of the city of Beziers, like other European cities, were decorated with colorful and transparent umbrellas, later with lamp shades that shone in the evening. The renovated streets decor of the historic center of the city will be opened on June 15, 2019. The performance of musical groups and theatrical procession are planned. Now, giant butterflies, dragonflies, jellyfish and flowers will “fly” over the streets. The facades of shops and cafes will be decorated in accordance with the theme of street decoration.

The city walking tours

The 15-week series of Summer Social Concerts starts in the botanical garden of the sister city of Des Moines on June 13th 2019. The diverse music program for all ages in the fresh air includes concerts of local artists in various genres, entertaining games and educational workshops for children and adults.

The agricultural culture festival

The first agricultural culture festival "Traditions of the farming culture, promoting the rural revitalization" was held in the city of Zhenjiang on June 9, 2019. The festival included a demonstration of planting seedlings in rice fields, master classes in folk art and cooking national dishes. The work of the agricultural market was organized. The event was attended by residents of the sister city, as well as the tourists.

The participation in the Smart sustainable cities conference

Yerevan official delegation took part in a conference organized by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Electronic management of civil and transparent administrative processes”, which took place in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia) in June of this year. During the event, the leadership of CJSC "Center of Technology Management of Yerevan" presented a project, implemented under the "Smart City" program. This project was also presented to the participants of the XI Annual Regional Information Technology and Cyber Security Conference GITI-2019 (Georgian IT Innovation) and awarded the award in the nomination "The best technical solution".

The construction of a high-speed railway bridge

The construction of a high-speed railway bridge was started in the sister city of Changzhou as part of a project on creation a transport network providing hourly accessibility in a region centered on the city of Shanghai. It is expected that the transportation network will unite the cities of Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Jiaxing and Ningbo and will cover a total area of more than 20,000 square kilometers. The project is being implemented in order to further develop the agglomeration and successfully integrate cities in the Yangtze River Delta.


The III Forum of the sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria

The III Forum of the sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries, was held in the city of Varna (Republic of Bulgaria) on 03-04 June, 2019. The event was organized by the National Association of Communities of Bulgaria, the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Municipality of Varna, the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Varna and the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Bulgaria. More than thirty cities of the Russian Federation took part in the Forum. The prospects of further development of cooperation were discussed. During the meeting the representative of Pazardzhik presented a presentation materials on the development of friendly relations with the city of Stavropol.

The organization of summer leisure 

A number of recreational activities will be organized for residents and guests in the Plateau Park of the sister city of Beziers during the summer. Charging, yoga, meditation will be held under the guidance of experienced professionals. The workshops on holding stones on the body (it contributes to the development of dexterity, balance and slow breathing), playing a new musical instrument “handpan” will be held. Jazz and classical music groups will perform. There are also activities for children: organized games, performances by circus artists.

Walking tours around the city

The new tours organized in the sister city in the period from May to September, 2019 allow residents and visitors of the city to appreciate the rich architectural heritage of the capital of Iowa. Walking tours with four different paths encompass both historic and modern urban buildings, familiar with the features and elements of architectural styles. Guides will also present exciting historical facts and interesting stories about buildings located in downtown Des Moines. 

The photo exhibition

A large-scale photography exhibition of "Aerial Photography of Zhenjiang” and the photo album presentation of by a famous photographer Mr. Wu Meng was held on June 02, 2019. The exhibition presents works reflecting significant changes in Zhenjiang over the past years. At the end of the exhibition, more than 4,000 photographs of Zhenjiang will be presented to the city construction archive. 

The opening of the park

After a large-scale reconstruction, a park, located at the crossroads of Mashtots Avenue and Saryan Street was opened in the sister city of Yerevan. Works on the improvement of the new recreation area begun in 2015. About 10 thousand trees and flowers were planted in the park, modern technologies for lighting were applied and illuminated fountains were installed. The total reconstruction is $15 million. It is supposed that the park will become one of the most favorite and visited places in the capital of Armenia.

The Tourism Day 

Events dedicated to China Tourism Day were held in the sister city of Changzhou. The main events took place at the Xiyingmen Square in Changzhou Grand Canal Tourist Area. The Canal Youth volunteer team was officially established at the event. There was a festival of traditional Chinese clothing, representing national traditions and customs. Residents and guests of the city took part in various outdoor entertainment and sports activities.


Sports competitions 

On May 23-24 this year the National championship and the European Cup of modern pentathlon among young people in two age categories up to 17 and up to 19 years was held in Pazardzhik. Young representatives of Champion sports club of the sister city successfully participated in the competitions, having won 11 medals in individual events and three team cups. 

Resumption of the educational institution “Ruffel” 

One of the oldest private educational institutions - "Ruffel", founded in 1915, resumes its work in the city of Beziers. The organization will be located in the newly built University campus. The last 20 years the school was located in Servian. May 25, 2019 at the school "Ruffel" there was an open day. Currently, the school has about 200 students who are trained in the field of "Accounting", "Dietetics", "Secretary". 

Promoting of a multicultural community 

On May 30, 2019, a round table devoted to the formation of a multicultural community was organized in the sister city of Des Moines. The event was attended by representatives of major companies and organizations, as well as residents of the city. During the "round table" there was an exchange of experience in creating an environment with equal opportunities for all population, goals were defined for the further development of an inclusive community in the city of Des Moines. 

Children’s Day 

On May 26, 2019, in the Children’s Palace of the sister city of Zhenjiang, a number of festive events " Enlightening Children to Move forward with Happiness " were organized, dedicated to the Children's Day. The program included performances of children's vocal and dance groups, sports competitions in martial arts, instrumental music. Residents and guests of the city with interest visited the exhibition of drawings, as well as creative performances of young artists. 

Urban Council 

A new City-planning Council under the Mayor of the city has been established in Yerevan, the main task of which is the consideration and comprehensive study of the largest construction projects important for the city. Experienced architects will make decisions on the implementation of the project, taking into account the need to preserve the unique appearance of the capital of Armenia. Mayor of Yerevan noted that the work of the Council will promote the further development of the city. 

Sister cities Agreement signing 

On May 19, 2019, the official signing of the Agreement on the establishment of friendly relations with the city of Wyndham (Australia), which became the 28 sister city of Changzhou, took place in Changzhou. It is assumed that the twinning will contribute to the humanitarian and cultural cooperation and exchanges in the field of economy and tourism. The most developed industries of Wyndham are chemical production, metalworking and food industry.


Day of Pazardzhik celebrations 

As part of the celebration of the Day of Pazardzhik and the Day of Slavic writing, the “Spring salon” exhibition of members of the Union of artists was organized in the sister city. The exhibition presents about 60 works by 23 artists, made in various techniques and artistic genres from realism to abstraction. At the official opening, the Mayor congratulated the participants of the exhibition and presented memorable awards. 

City festival 

In the period from May 30 to June 01, 2019 the "Les Caritats" city festival, symbolizing the ancient holiday of mercy, will be held in Beziers. During the festival, citizens and visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the Middle Ages. Within the framework of the event program, reconstruction of knight tournaments, archery competitions will be organized. There will be master classes in the manufacture of pottery and leather goods, a performance with the participation of trained birds for hunting. Also, the artists and musicians will present interesting performances. 

Creative Youth Festival 

On May 19, Des Moines hosted the Creative Youth Festival, the initiators of which were the students of the sister city. The main purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for local musicians and aspiring artists to demonstrate their achievements, as well as to contribute to the further development of creativity among young people. The Festival included live music concerts, an exhibition of paintings, as well as performances of poets and actors. 

Fitness center construction

In the sister city of Zhenjiang, a large-scale project for the construction of a fitness center with a total area of 25,000 square meters is being implemented. the Project involves the construction of a stadium, a sports hall, a fitness trail, a football field, basketball, tennis, a children's play area, etc. the Center will become a multi-purpose sports unit that combines sports zones and commercial facilities.

Modernization of external lighting systems 

In the sister city of Yerevan in the framework of the Urban green lighting program the modernization of outdoor lighting systems is carried out. Within the framework of the program, modern energy-saving led lamps are installed. The modernization of outdoor lighting systems helps to reduce energy consumption, improve lighting and road safety. 

International Industrial Equipment Expo 

On the morning of May 18, the 7th Changzhou International Industrial Equipment Expo was opened at the West Taihu International Expo Center. The Exhibition presents about 600 well-known Chinese and international brands specializing in new technologies in the production of equipment. The exhibition presents the latest achievements in the field of industrial automation and robotics, laser cutting and welding equipment, architectural and construction products etc. The event promotes brands and expands business contacts. 


The celebration of the Day of Pazardzhik

The festive events, dedicated to the Day of Pazardzhik and the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, will be held on May 21, 2019. A solemn mass will be held in the church of Saints Constantine and Helena. Mayor of Pazardzhik will take part in the official ceremony of raising the national flag on the Central Square named after Konstantin Velichkov. Various entertainment events and festive concerts will be organized. As part of the celebration, a festival of Balkan culture and cooking will also be held.

The international cultural event

The international cultural event "Night of the museums" will take place on May 18 of this year in Bezier. Citizens will be able to visit Bezier's museum, and also two museums of Fine Arts located in Fabrega and Fayette's estates. Within the action of a lecture of scientists-historians and an excursion accompanied by skilled guides will be organized. Besides the interactive dramatized representations, concerts of on-stage performance groups and soloists will be carried out. Pieces of music will be performed as on ancient, and modern tools

The Farmers Market

The opening of the new season of the Farmers Market was held on May 4, 2019 in Des Moines. Now, every Saturday from the beginning of May to the end of October, residents and guests of the sister-city will be able not only to purchase fresh products from more than 300 local producers, but also to take part in various recreational activities. The market covers nine blocks in the city center and is open to visitors in the early morning hours.

The cultural youth action

The international youth action “One Belt And One Road heart to heart" was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang on May 15, 2019. The event was attended by about 500 Chinese and foreign students from 45 foreign countries - Russia, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, etc. A procession in national costumes was organized during the event, the participants demonstrated the cultural traditions and customs of various nations of the world.

The music festival

The 12th festival of music and art schools started in the sister city of Yerevan. The contest will be held in ten nominations - piano, strings, percussion, wind instruments, national instruments, vocals, an ensemble of classical music, solfege dictations and musical literature. The winners of the festival will be awarded with memorable prizes of Yerevan City Hall and will take part in the final gala concert.

The increase of tourist flow during the May holidays

There was a significant increase in tourist flow during the May Day holidays in Changzhou. The sister city was visited by over a million guests during the four weekends. Sights such as the Universal Dinosaur Town, Lake Tianma, Yancheng Recreation Area, Soltlake Resort, Tianning Temple, as well as amusement and recreation parks were especially popular.


National championship in ship modeling sport 

In the period fr om 04 to 05 of May 2019 the National championship in ship modeling among radio-controlled models was held in Harmanli (Republic of Bulgaria). During the competition, sportsmen of the sister city of Pazardzhik turned in a good score, winning six gold, seven silver and four bronze medals. This stage is preparatory for participation in the International championship in ship modeling, which will be held in June this year in Pazardzhik. 

Film production 

At the end of April this year a new detective film with the preliminary title "Crime in Ero" was shot in the sister city of Bezier. The filming was attended by residents of the city, who were selected during the casting. Through the efforts of the decorators, the old courthouse was transformed into the gendarmerie, wh ere the main action of the film takes place. The investigation on the film will be carried out between the three cities of the region: Beziers, Agde and Marseillan. The film is scheduled to be shown on French television in October 2019.

New medical equipment 

At the MercyOne Children's Hospital of the sister city of Des Moines the latest echocardiography machine has appeared thanks to the funding of the Principal Charity Classic. With the help of this modern medical device it is possible to provide a highly-detailed, 3D-color imaging of the heart. The equipment will be widely used in pediatrics for diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, as well as pediatric surgery.

Travel industry 

Because of several days off in China, timed to the May Day holidays, in the sister city of Zhenjiang there was an increased demand for tourist trips. In total the people of China made about 150 million trips around the country during these days. Nevertheless, every year tours abroad are becoming more and more popular. 

International Jazz Day 

The sister city of Yerevan celebrated the International Jazz Day. Festive events were held in the open air at the Cascade complex. Numerous local jazzmen performed the works of Armenian and foreign composers. Gonzalo Rubalcaba, a four-time Grammy winner, also joined the concert. 

Development of automobile industry

The DORCEN Auto company of the sister city of Changzhou took part in the 18th International exhibition of the automobile industry (Auto Shanghai 2019) in Shanghai. The company presented modern models of fuel cell, new energy and commercial vehicles at the exhibition, receiving widespread attention of visitors. "DORCEN" is a new Chinese automobile brand. In 2019, the company expects to release innovative hybrid models of vehicles.


The Bulgarian-Turkish business forum

The Bulgarian-Turkish Business Forum was held in the city of Pazardzhik on April 24, 2019. The event was attended by the Governor of the Pazardzhik region, the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Plovdiv, the leadership of the Chambers of Commerce of Bulgaria and Turkey, as well as representatives of the business community. During the forum the issues of further socio-economic cooperation were discussed, the current positive dynamics of trade development in the sister city was noted.

The improvement of the city of Pazardzhik

The construction and repair work in the Maritsa district of the sister city of Pazardzhik were finished on April 24th, 2019. Financial resources for the improvement were allocated from the state budget, as well as provided by the European Regional Development Fund. The Mayor of the Community of Pazardzhik took part in the official opening ceremony of the district, thanked the architects for the quality work. 

The entrepreneurship development program

In order to promote the development of entrepreneurship the City Hall of Beziers is launching the Boutique Test program. The terms of participation are as follows: the concept of the project should be innovative and original, the outlet should emphasize the identity of the historical center, the wide range of goods should be different from those presented in other stores in the city. If the testing is successful, the mayor's office will assist in finding premises for a future store.

Implementation of new mobile service

In 2019 Verizon’s ultra-wideband mobile network 5G will be implemented in the sister city of Des Moines. It is expected that the use of mobile technologies of the new generation will contribute to better communication in schools, hospitals and enterprises, as well as improve the quality of services in electronic form, the level of service in transport and online stores. 

Youth action

As part of the events dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, as well as patriotic education of young people a flash mob "the most beautiful flag" was held in the city of Zhenjiang. Students of the sister city depicted the national flag, and then lined up the figure "70" at the city stadium. 

The reception of the French delegation

Mayor of Yerevan welcomed the official delegation of the city of Lyon (French Republic). The effectiveness of inter-municipal interaction and achieved results, in particular, the creation of an Armenian-French specialized training center, the construction of the “Park of Lyon” were noted during the meeting. The prospects of French entrepreneurs investment projects implementation in the capital of Armenia were discussed. Following the visit, interest in expanding cooperation in health care, higher education, culture and tourism was expressed. 

Educating program of Jiangsu Province

As part of the educating program for expats “Go Jiangsu”, a number of events were held in the sister city of Changzhou. Sightseeing tour was organized, a master class on the picking and preparation of a special variety of local green tea "Jintan Queshe", as well as tasting coffee of traditional Chinese recipes were held. Tourists also had an opportunity to visit the ancient book printing agency, to get acquainted with the secrets of paper carving, which is an intangible heritage of China. The program was attended by the winners of the photo contest of Jiangsu Province, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the policy of openness and reform in China.


The opening of an art exhibition in the city of Pazardzhik

On April 23, 2019 the Pazardzhik Art Gallery named after Georgy Mashev will host a youth festival organized with the support of the Community of Artists of the sister city. Within the event the V exhibition of art schools in the sister city with an exhibition of more than 200 works of young art lovers will be opened. There will be performances of the novice musicians from the city of Pazardzhik.

The Week of Russian Culture

The Week of Russian Culture organized by the association "Russian-speaking Alliance in Beziers" will take place in the city of Beziers in the period from April 23 to April 27, 2019. The program of this event includes exhibitions of porcelain articles by Russian masters, paintings of Russian artists as well as books of Russian authors. A festival of Russian national cuisine will be held, performances by creative groups will take place.

The contest of the best project for economic development

Google announced a contest of the best idea for the further development of communities in the capital city of Iowa - the sister city of Des Moines. Non-profit organizations will be able to present their innovative projects to address a wide range of issues. Based on the decision of the jury, a grant will be awarded for the implementation of five projects. After the winners are announced, residents of the Iowa will select one winner by public vote, who will receive additional funding.

The green tea plucking season

The season of industrial plucking of Chinese green tea is open in the city of Zhenjiang with the beginning of spring. The workshops for foreign students studying at Jiangsu University were organized at tea plantations of the sister city. Experienced masters demonstrated the secrets of proper tea plucking, told about the methods and features of brewing traditional Chinese drink.

The financial education program

The project “My Finance Month” is being implemented in the sister city of Yerevan for six years with the assistance of the mayor's office and the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia. Within a special program students who receive education in the economic sphere, as well as any interested person, have the opportunity to visit the financial institutions of the capital and get acquainted with their activities. The Yerevan municipality, being a member of the Commission on the National Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy of the Republic of Armenia, has been actively involved in financial education programs for many years.

Participation in the international exhibition

The leaders of the Municipal People's Government of Changzhou and the districts regions of intensive economic growth of the sister city took part in the 13th China (Henglin) International Floor Expo (SNIEC), dedicated to innovative developments and achievements in the field of flooring. This year, the exhibition presented a number of upgraded versions of high-tech products and innovative floor heating systems. As a result of the exhibition, a number of agreements on the development of cooperation with relevant companies in this industry were reached. 


The environmental action in the city of Pazardzhik

The annual spring ecological action “Clean and Green Community of Pazardzhik”, organized by the mayor’s office of the sister-city will be held in the city of Pazardzhik on April 13, 2019. Residents of the city will have the opportunity to exchange paper, plastic and glass products, electronic equipment, old batteries for seedlings of trees and flowers. Similar exchange points will also operate in twenty cities of the Community. In total, within the framework of the action, the city hall of Pazardzhik will provide over 14 thousand seedlings.

The International Lyric Singing Contest

The International Lyrical Singing Competition will be held at the Municipal Theater of Beziers in the period from April 13 to 14, 2019. This contest will be held in Beziers for the 34th time:, the city was famous for its traditions of opera evenings in the XX century, to which first-rate stars were invited. The contest will be attended by 50 opera and operetta singers. The qualifying round will be on the first day of the contest, the final – the second day. Winners will receive valuable prizes.

The tutorial program

A solemn ceremony, dedicated to the completion of the “Unification of Society” program, developed by the Institute for Management Training was held in the Botanical Garden of the sister city of De Moines on April 8th, 2019. Twenty-nine program participants had the opportunity to meet with experienced leaders, to discuss participation in the life of the city since February, 2019. The program also included the personal qualities development and motivation. Graduates reaffirmed their intention to improve the quality of life of the people of Iowa.

The events, dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC

The events, dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC were organized in the sister city of Zhenjiang. In the form of flashmob on the shore of Jinshan Lake, the residents of the sister-city sang together patriotic songs. Tourists from Nanjing, Wuxi and other cities joined the choir.

The landscaping the city of Yerevan

A city-wide tree planting day will be held in the sister city of Yerevan on April 13th, 2019. About 7500 trees and shrubs will be planted in irrigated areas. A new approach is applied in the selection of planting material, preference is given to flowering species. It is also planned to develop vertical gardening in the capital of the Republic of Armenia. 

The completion of the largest investment project in China

It was announced on the 4th Changzhou Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. The organizer is the Municipal People’s Government of the sister city. The competition is held in three categories: large business, science and technology in medium and small enterprises, innovative enterprises. It is now presented more than 430 projects. After summing up the results the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau of the city of  Changzhou city will have the active support of the finalists in the implementation of the best projects.


The participation in the National judo championship

The Bulgarian national judo championship was held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 30-31 March, 2019. The event was attended by over 500 athletes of the country. The young representatives of the sports school of the sister city of Pazardzhik had a great success. Participants won three gold and four bronze medals.

The work to improve the quality of life of people of the "third age"

In order to improve the quality of life for people of the “third age” the Beziers City Hall developed a number of actions. A personal page for the elderly will be opened on the official website of the City Hall, a sports ground with exercise equipment will be created, innovative traffic lights with sound signals will be installed, a special guide containing useful information will be published. The annual specialized Salon of the elderly with exhibitions, conferences, seminars is planned. In addition, in order to ensure leisure since September of this year Fresh newspapers, magazines and books will be delivered to Bezier retirees in their homes.

The theater season

In the framework of the new theatrical season 2019-2020, the non-profit organization «Des Moines Performing Arts», specializing in the organization of stage productions and musicals in the sister  city of Des Moines, announced more than thirty dramatic, humorous and musical performances. Theater and music lovers will be able to purchase four different preferential subscriptions.

The donor movement

The 17th volunteer campaign of hematopoietic stem cell youth donation took place in Zhenjiang City. About a hundred residents of the sister city donated blood samples for inclusion in the bone marrow bank of China. The action is held under the motto "Devotion, friendship and mutual assistance".

The transport system reform

The delegation of the mayor’s office of the city of Yerevan visited the Czech Republic in order to study the experience in reforming the transport industry. During the visit, the issues of organizing passenger transportation in Prague, the use of single tickets for all modes of transport, as well as social tariffs were discussed. Meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and famous automakers were also held.

The completion of the largest China investment project

The largest investment project in China was completed in the sister city of Changzhou. The plant of the company «Aguona Group», specializing in the production of sugar, starch, juice concentrate, fruit processing, was commissioned. Various jams, as well as ingredients for juices, fruit and vegetable mixes and sauces will be produced at the factory in Changzhou. The customers are global food manufacturers.


The opening of the exhibition in Pazardzhik

The exhibition devoted to the development of trade in the sister city will open on April 2, 2019 in the Regional Historical Museum of the city of Pazardzhik. Pazardzhik was founded as a trade center, “Pazar” in Bulgarian means the market.
Historical documents and photographs of Ottoman merchants, works of artists, as well as commercial equipment: scales, cash registers, etc. will be presented to visitors of the exhibition.

The providing of comfortable living conditions

200 apartments will be fully renovated in the center of Beziers as part of the state program “Act in the heart of the city”. The aim is to provide comfortable living conditions for citizens in the historic center. In this regard, the four town houses of the company “IN’LI” were sold by the city hall for renovation in accordance with modern standards. In the future, it is planned to rent apartments to employees of private enterprises.

The development of the insurance business

The sister cty of Des Moines is one of the largest centers of the US insurance business. In order to further develop of this industry, the launch of the new program “FMH Bridge” has been announced. Profiles of insurance agencies with information on development plans will be created on the basis of the web platform. Program participants will be able to establish direct contacts for further cooperation.

An clay sculpture exhibition

An clay sculpture exhibition of the famous master of pottery, Mr. Ge Zhizhong, took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang. This type of arts and crafts is included in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of Zhenjiang. The exhibition features more than 60 figurines on the subject of cooking national dishes "Zhenjiang noodle". Creation of exhibits carried out over four years.

The environmental action

The sister city of Yerevan will join the international environmental campaign "Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Fund on March 30, this year. As part of the initiative, outdoor lighting on the main streets and buildings of the capital of the Republic of Armenia will be turned off for an hour. The goal of the action is to draw attention to the problems of global climate change, efficient use of resources.

The development of international trade

More than 30 companies of the sister city of Changzhou received certificates of authorized economic operators providing tax incentives, as well as a simplified system for monitoring activities as part of the development of international economic cooperation between China and countries of the European Union. Enterprises engaged in trading activities, importers and exporters, carriers, distributors, brokers, etc. take part in this program.


The schools conference

The Conference of the Envoys of the European Parliament in Bulgaria will be held in the city of Pazardzhik in the period from March 22-23, 2019. The forum is organized with the support of the Mayor of Pazardzhik Community. The conference will be attended by representatives of the European Union, public and educational organizations. As part of the event an exhibition-contest of themed posters, collages, drawings and photographs will be organized in the City hall of the sister city.

The flamenco festival

A flamenco festival, organized by the mayor’s office of the sister city takes place in Beziers in the period from March14-23, 2019. The current event is dedicated to the memory of its creator José Guillan. The program of events includes vocal evenings and concerts of professional dance groups. Performances of experienced dancers will be held in various areas of the city of Beziers, accompanied by vocals, to the accompaniment of guitars and castanets. The theatrical performance based on “Cinderella” tale with the elements of flamenco art will be offered to the attention of residents and guests of the city. The feature and documentaries films about a flamenco art are supposed to be shown in the cinemas of the city.

The charity run

The National Agri-Marketing Association Iowa Chapter announced a charity marathon to be held March 30, 2019 in the sister city of Des Moines. The main purpose of the event is to draw attention to the issues of providing food to low-income citizens. The income received from the payment of the registration fee will be used to organize hot meals of this category of citizens.

The tourist season

The high tourist season begins in the sister city of Zhenjiang with the beginning of spring. The most popular period is the flowering of magnolias. At this time the city turns into a garden. Tourists from all over the world come specially to take pictures with flowering trees.

The opening of the fountains

A work on preparing the opening of the capital's fountains and drinking fountains began in the sister city of Yerevan with the beginning of spring. The technical units, computer control systems are checked, the territories are cleaned. The fountain complex on the Republic Square has already been opened. More than 30 water facilities will be prepared by the beginning of the season. The opening will take place on April 7 - the Day of Motherhood and Beauty.

The work of the Creative Industry Park

The output value of Changzhou Creative Industries Park in the sister city of Changzhou was significantly increased. About 800 enterprises of such promising industries as software development, innovative medical devices, production of intelligent robots, cloud computing and e-commerce are located in the park. To improve the quality of work in the Park, it is planned to introduce the principle of priority service to leading companies.


Development of industry in Pazardzhik

The first stage of construction of the Ariete Logistic production base has been completed in Pazardzhik, the company works in the field of automotive industry and logistics. According to the project, the area of production facilities will be more than 40 thousand square meters. 
Also, construction and installation works are being completed in the new premises of the Kostal plant for the production of automobile spare parts opened in the sister city in August 2017. New productions in the sister city will promote about 1500 new jobs. 

Carnival procession

A theatrical procession dedicated to the annual Carnival will be held on March 16, 2019 in the city of Beziers. The event is organized by the Calandretas Besierencas Association and is traditionally attended by students of city schools. In accordance with the theme of the Carnival – "biodiversity under threat" students will be dressed in costumes of endangered animals, birds, and insects. Residents and guests of the city are also invited to participate in the carnival.  At the end of the festival it will be burning of Caramantran  scarecrow – the king of Carnival.

Awards in the field of agriculture

On March 12 of this year the Iowa Ministry of agriculture presented awards to the best companies and organizations contributing to the development of agriculture in the region. This year the winners are the Des Moines Farmers’ market, which supports the sale of local farmers’ products; Fareway grocery stores, cooperating with state producers; Foundation Analytical Laboratory, testing the products of food enterprises; Iowa Ag literature Foundation, promoting the latest materials and publications on agriculture to the public. 

Public initiative

With the spring beginning, public events on tree planting were held in the city of Zhenjiang. The initiative was attended by representatives of the municipal people's government of the sister city, as well as concerned citizens and volunteers. Trees were planted in memory of the honorable residents of Zhenjiang city. 

City development

As the spring starts, the work on the improvement of the city has been developed in the capital of the Republic of Armenia. It is the spring pruning of the branches and cutting down trees. According to the inventory carried out in autumn 2018, there are about 440 dried and damaged trees in Yerevan. Representatives from the Department of nature protection of Yerevan municipality told that new seedlings would be planted instead old trees. 

New University campus construction 

In the sister city of Changzhou, it was decided to build a new scientific campus of Hohai University. The total investment of the project will be 6 billion yuan. The Campus will unite the institutions of mechanical engineering, intellectual production, engineering, energy, finance, transport engineering, design and art, and etc. At the same time, it is expected to cooperate with world-famous universities and create Sino-French, Sino-German, Sino-Canadian and other joint schools and institutions.


International tournament on judo

Sportsmen of sister city Pazardzhik, who won prizes in the national championship of Bulgaria on judo, will take part in the international judo tournament. It will take place in March of this year in the city of Saint-Siprien (the French Republic). Representatives of other European countries will also take part in this prestigious international competition. 

Events devoted to the Women's day

In honor of the international Women's day "Salon for women" will be organized on March 8-9, 2019 in the sister city of Bezier. Within two days, residents and guests of the city will be able to attend conferences, seminars, exhibitions dedicated to women. The program includes master classes in classical yoga, phototherapy, relaxation, as well as the creation of jewelry with their own hands and the art of makeup.
Des Moines Social club 

Among the residents and guests of the sister city of De Moines diverse unique cultural programs presented by the Des Moines Social club are very popular. The Club is an innovative center of arts and entertainment, bringing together artists, musicians and poets.  This year the non-profit organization celebrates the tenth anniversary of its foundation and plays an important role in the social and cultural life of the community.

Ecological action

In early March, a public action to protect and preserve the ecological state of the Yangtze River was held on the Jinshan Lake of the sister city of Zhenjiang. More than 100 citizens of different ages took part in the action. In the course of initiatives more than 3,000 fish larvae was released in the water for recovery of the water protection zone of the lake and cleaning the water from algae.   

Development of art-management

At the initiative of Yerevan municipality, a five-day training on art management was organized for the staff of theaters and museums, within the framework of which the leading experts from different areas presented their experience. During meetings issues were discussed of mutually beneficial cooperation between art and the media, the need for proper advertising in social networks. Information about successful projects in the field of theatre and museum marketing was presented. It was noted that such initiatives will be long-term.

Development of economic cooperation

The closing ceremony of the 2019 Changzhou-Shanghai Economic and Trade Week was held in Shanghai. The event was attended by more than 100 representatives of the largest enterprises and companies in the field of industry, trade, finance, science and technology, consulting. During the reception, the mayor of the sister city Changzhou noted that regional integration and development of the Yangtze River delta region have become a national strategy. In the future, the region will become an international-class urban cluster with global competitiveness.


Events dedicated to the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke

In the city of Pazardzhik on March 03, 2019 there will be celebrations dedicated to the 141 anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke. The city leaders, residents and guests will take part in the official ceremony of raising the national flag in the Central Square named after Konstantin Velichkov and also lay flowers at the monuments of heroes who participated in the liberation of the country. The celebration program will end with a concert.

Urban spaces development

During 2019, in the sister city of Beziers on the initiative of the city hall there will be renovation of 7 urban areas, located both in the center and in the new quarters. Development of spaces, paving, installation of ramps, play and sports zones will be created, and a new fountain will be placed on one of the squares. Improvement of urban spaces is carried out to create a comfortable environment for residents and guests of Beziers. 

Tour arrangements

The sister city of De Moines is known as "the city of world festivals and events". Especially popular here are performances of Broadway musicals and concerts of famous artists and musical groups. The organization of tours is an expensive process and requires the involvement of many local professionals, which contributes to the additional income to the city budget. 

Strawberries growing

The Baitu town, located in the sister city of Zhenjiang, called "hometown of strawberries in China." The farm on more than 350 hectares formed a complex production, combining cultivation, processing and supply of fruit to the consumer. At present, the strawberry in the greenhouse entered maturity period. Visiting greenhouses is very popular among fans painting lovers of the sister city, who come to make colorful sketches. 

Metro reconstruction in Yerevan

In the sister city of Yerevan it is decided to reconstruct the metro system, taking into account that it is the most convenient, environmentally friendly, fast and safe transport. Currently, the possibility of a new metro station building without attracting public investment is being considered. The new business project also involves a new shopping center and renovation of housing in the area. 

Development of industry 

Thirty-three projects of the sister city of Changzhou are included in the Provincial Key Industrial Investment Project Plan of Jiangsu for 2019. Among them, there are 12 projects each with a total investment of over 3 billion yuan, and 8 projects each with an investment of 1 billion to 3 billion yuan. The Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology announced that in 2019 the city will improve the level of industrial chain level and independent innovation capacity. The focus will be on key industries such as intelligent manufacturing, information technology, new energy vehicles and new materials.


Youth meeting with the Deputy Minister of education of the Republic of Bulgaria


On February 19, 2019, the Deputy Minister of education of the Republic of Bulgaria met with the youth of the sister city in Pazardzhik. The event was also attended by the Deputy Chairman of the education Committee of the e Republic of Bulgaria state council. The implementation of national and regional projects, as well as the main directions of development of the education system in Europe were discussed during the meeting.


One of the most popular school of Béziers


In March of this year in one of the most popular schools of the sister city of Bezier "CIME Art" there will be an open Day.  For three years in the educational institution you can get knowledge in the field of graphic concept of electronic games, as well as animation and 3D modeling of cinema. The opportunity to get a demanded specialty attracts students from other cities of France. Acronym-CIME means: C – creativity, I – inspiration, M – motivation, E-insistence. These concepts are the main for learning in school.


Outstanding club Award


Des Moines Golf and Country Club was awarded the prestigious "Distinguished club" by the popular the BoardRoom magazine. When preparing the rating, a specially developed evaluation system is used, which takes into account not only the quality of services provided, the level of management and training of staff, but also the opinion of club members about the events, club traditions, memorable events, as well as the achievements of the club.


End of Spring Festival


February 17 this year in the sister city of Zhenjiang the Lantern Festival was held, marking the end of the Spring Festival. Residents and guests of the city were able to take part in various entertainment events, see the performance of street artists, for children were organized folk games and competitions. Lantern festival is considered one of the most colorful holidays, as houses, shops and streets are decorated with usually red lanterns.


Meeting with the Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to Armenia


The Mayor of the sister city of Yerevan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Brazil to Armenia. During the meeting the sides noted the long history of relations between Armenia and Brazil, expressed mutual interest in expanding connections in the field of science, culture and business, and outlined the prospects for further cooperation.


Development of twinning relations


The municipal people's government of the sister city of Changzhou has decided to establish friendly twinning relations with Wyndham, which is one of the fastest growing cities in Victoria state (Australia). The city has developed manufacturing industry and logistics. The leadership of Wyndham and Changzhou expressed interest in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation, expansion of contacts in the field of trade, education, culture and tourism.


The fiction translation contest

Currently, the National fiction translation contest organized by the City Hall of the sister city is being held in Pazardzhik. Reception of creative works finishes at the end of February, 2019. Summing up the contest will take place on March 07, this year in the Art Gallery named after Stanislav Dospevsky. Winners will be awarded with diplomas and cash prizes.

The specialized school’s work 

The specialized school “Study differently” created for children and adolescents with autism, Down's syndrome has been operating in the sister city of Bezier since 2004 year. The institution is private. Volunteers controlling order and security provide substantial support to its work. The main method of adaptation of special children to life in society in this school is friendly and benevolent communication. 

The participation in the national program

The sister city of Des Moines was selected as one of eight cities to participate in the program of technical advice developed by “World Education Services” according to the successful results achieved in the implementation of local programs and initiatives in the field of integration of immigrants into society. The program will include training webinars, trainings, conferences with the participation of experts on this issue. Cities will be able to share experience in solving problems, as well as innovative ideas to ensure the professional adaptation of immigrants.

The increase of passenger traffic

The municipal government of the sister city of Zhenjiang marked a significant increase in passenger traffic due to the completion of the traditional weekend, dedicated to the celebration of the Chinese New Year. The most popular is the railway transport. It is reported that about 1.2 million tourists are expected during the 40-day Spring Festival. The average daily passenger traffic will be 28 thousand people.

A visit to sports school

The mayor of the sister city of Yerevan visited the Children's and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve in gymnastics named after Albert Azaryan, congratulated the legendary athlete, three-time Olympic champion on his 90th birthday. The school has a 55-year history and continues to hold high sporting honor at international competitions. Today, 170 athletes are the students of the school. In the anniversary year, assistance in the reconstruction of the sports school will be provided. 

The development of cooperation in the field of innovative technologies

The official delegation of the sister city of Changzhou, led by the deputy mayor, took part in the Chinese-Swiss business forum "Digitization stimulates innovation", which was held in Switzerland. The achievements of Changzhou in technological innovation were presented during the international event. According to the results of business negotiations an agreement on further cooperation was reached, a number of agreements between the High-tech region of Changzhou and Swiss companies were signed. 


The participation in a creative contest

Among the more than twenty cities of the Republic of Bulgaria, the sister city of Pazardzhik takes part in the creative competition "The Romantic capital of Bulgaria" from January 29 to February 10, 2019. Within the initiative anyone can devote quotes, poems or drawing on special sheets to nearest and dearest people. The city that submitted the longest letter will be awarded by the status of the “Romantic Capital of Bulgaria”.

The public safety work

A decrease in the crime rate in the sister city of Beziers was announced at the end of 2018 year. Success has been achieved thanks to an increase in the number of police officers, round-the-clock work of patrols and the implementation of the “Live Together” program, which involves the public in the fight against troublemakers. However, the mayor’s office of the city of Beziers does not stop there. It was decided in the next two years to significantly increase the number of urban security cameras.

The creation of a Small Business Resources Hub

It was decided to create a Small Business Resources Hub to support and develop small businesses grow in the sister city of Des Moines. The Hub provides a one-stop-shop for small businesses to find resources relating to legal, accounting, finance, marketing, networking, staffing and many other services. The creation of the center was the result of research and surveys that helped determine the most effective ways to support small businesses in the city of Des Moines.

The celebration of the Chinese New Year

The festive events commemorating the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival began in the sister city of Zhenjiang on February 5th of this year. Celebrations will last 15 days. New Year's Eve in China, as in many countries of the world, it is customary to spend in the family circle. Houses are decorated with red paper lanterns, colorful garlands and couplets with wishes of happiness, prosperity and good luck, colorful fireworks are arranged. Great importance is attached to the preparation of traditional national dishes.

A meeting with the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Armenia

A meeting with the trade representative of the Russian Federation in Armenia was held at the Mayor’s Office of the sister city of Yerevan, during which opportunities for the development of trade and economic ties between the capital of Armenia and Russia were discussed. The parties expressed readiness to promote the expansion of cooperation in various areas of the urban economy: ensuring the operation of public transport and recycling. The importance of active interaction with Russian cities was noted.

The First International Chinese Dance Tournament "Square-dance"

The first international Chinese dance tournament “Square Dance” was held in the sister city of Changzhou within the framework of the national program “Culture Illuminates Life”. About 200 Chinese and foreign dance fans from Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries took part in the competition. The performances of the contestants were evaluated by a professional jury in several nominations: modern, folk, street dance, etc. The winners were awarded prizes and awards.


The opening of a historical exhibition in the city of Pazardzhik

The official opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Constituent Assembly and the adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was held in the exhibition hall of the Regional Historical Museum of Pazardzhik on January 28th, 2019. It is the first Constitution of the Bulgarian state, freed from Turkish slavery. The exhibition presents historical documents on the preparation of the Constitution, as well as biographical information on the participants of the Constituent Assembly. The exhibition is organized by the State Duma of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Association « Archives of Bulgaria». It is planned to present it in all regional districts of the country.

The preservation of ecology in the city of Beziers

A regional charter on reducing the use of pesticides in order to protect the environment was signed the municipality last year. Recently the city of Beziers was awarded by the sign “Without pesticides in cities and villages”, which will be placed on the stand at the entrance to the sister city. Preparations intended to combat plant diseases haven’t been applied on the territory of Beziers since 2016, except lawns in stadiums. The City Hall of the sister-city will continue to contribute to the complete rejection of municipal services from the use of herbicides in public places.

A book festival in the city of Des Moines

A book festival organized by "Greater Des Moines Partnership" of the sister-city will be held in the city of Des Moines on March 30, 2019. During the event, presentations of recently published books, meetings with famous authors are scheduled. Participation in the festival is free. Volunteers from the sister city are also invited to cooperation.

The reception of the delegation of the French Republic in Yerevan

As part of the development of international inter-municipal cooperation a reception of the official delegation of the regional council Ile-de-France was organized in the city of Yerevan. The prospects of infrastructure development, improvement and landscaping of the sister city were discussed during the meeting. The issues of the joint projects implementation in the field of culture were considered. It was proposed to pay special attention to the participation of students of music and art schools in the city of Yerevan in jointly implemented programs.

The industrial development of the city of Changzhou

An project investment agreement between the German company «MD Elektronik» and Jintan Economic Development Zone of the city of Changzhou was signed on January 24, 2019. The total investment will be more than 35 million euros. The commissioning of the project is scheduled for 2020. MD Elektronik, founded in 1989, is mainly engaged in the production of automotive information and communication components. Currently it has more than forty plants on three continents. The main customers of «MD Elektronik» are world-leading automobile producers such as BMW, Porsche. Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen. 


International musical festival in Pazardzhik

The 44rd traditional festival "Winter Musicales of the Prof. Ivan Spasov" takes place in the city of Pazardzhik in the period from January 24 to 27, 2019. Organizers of the event are the mayor's office of Pazardzhik and representatives of business community of the sister city. Within the festival the famous band directors and performers of classical music of the Republic of Bulgaria and foreign countries will perform concert programs; a thematic exhibition, organized by the International Federation of Photographic Art and the National Academy of Photography will take place. 

Festival of truffle in Bezier

On January 27, 2019 in the city of Bezier Festival of truffle takes place for the third time. Within the holiday the fair of truffles and local gastronomic goods, scientific and practical conferences devoted to cultural development of truffle cultivation are planned. The opening ceremony will be attended by the Mayor of Beziers, deputies of the Municipal Council, President of the Agricultural Chamber of the region Erau, as well as experts and specialists in the cultivation and collection of truffles.

The achievements in the field of economics

The Greater Des Moines Partnership summed up the results of work in 2018 year. The successful expansion of the activities of 26 existing companies and the creation of 10 new enterprises, as well as attracting investment, were noted. The main strategic priorities for the coming year are presented: optimization of traffic in the central part of the city, promotion of small business development.

The preparation for the celebration of the Chinese New Year

The municipal government of the sister city of Zhenjiang has developed a program of celebrations dedicated to the Chinese New Year. Residents and guests of the city will be able to take part in more than 160 different events and projects. There will be festivals dedicated to cultural customs and traditions, a show of paper lanterns and fireworks, performances based on folk epos, competitions of readers and many other.

The development of transport infrastructure in the city of Yerevan

A meeting of the mayor with the representative of the bus manufacturer «Daimler Buses» took place in the Yerevan City Hall. Production bases of the company are represented in many countries of the world, the main markets are Europe and South America. During the meeting the sides discussed the prospects for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation. Information on the company's activity, as well as the complete production process of buses, including working on liquefied gas, hybrid or electric were presented

The development of unmanned cargo transport

Mr Deng Jianjun, a resident of the sister city of Changzhou, was one of 50 candidates for the Craftsmen of China 2018, organized by the China Federation of Trade Unions and the Central Radio and Television Station. For 30 years of work, he has gone from working man to technical director of a large company «Changzhou’s Black Peony (Group) Co». Mr. Deng, as a highly qualified specialist, implemented more than 130 projects, took part in a large number of technological transformations.


Anniversary of the liberation from the Ottoman yoke

On January 14, 2019 the Pazardzhik public celebrated the 141 anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Ottoman yoke. As part of the celebration, flowers were laid to the monument of General N.P.Brock, who led the vanguard of Russian troops and liberated the city. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Pazardzhik, the Head of Pazardzhik region, deputies of the National and city Duma, guests of the city. Flowers were also laid to other monuments to the heroes of the Russian-Turkish war. A festive concert was held in the evening.

Local wine festival

On January 18, 2019 in the sister city a celebration dedicated to local wines and their producers, in which wineries of the region of Bezier will participate under the single trademark "Coteaux de Beziers" is organized. This event is significant for the city, because making wine is a constant brand of Bezier for centuries. Celebrations will be held on the Day of St. Vincent, the patron of winemaking. Participants of the festival will be able to taste wines of the Beziers region, local oysters, cheeses and baked goods.

Charity event

On January, 21 of this year on the territory of the Breton skating plaza of the city of Des Moines a charity event will be organized to collect warm clothes for the needy. For concerned residents and visitors of the sister city who wants to take part in the project free skating, food and entertainments will be organized. Collected coats, hats, scarves and gloves will be submitted to low-income citizens.

Organizations for celebration of the Chinese New Year

Entering the Chinese New Year celebration, which this year the people of China will celebrate on February 05, a number of city-wide events have been organized in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The event "Greeting the Spring Festival and presenting spring couplets" is held, residents of the city have written more than 300 wishes of good luck and happiness and more than 200 spring couplets. Also one of the main streets of the city is already decorated with festive Chinese red lanterns with best wishes.

Restoration and improvement of green zones

In the frame of development of green zones the municipality of Yerevan sister city decided to restore and improve in 2019 a park around the National Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Al. Spendiarov, built 80 years ago. Currently the building, considered a landmark of the capital of Armenia, is surrounded by public catering enterprises. They were suggested to continue business in other city districts more suitable for this purpose. According to the project, works on restoration of the former appearance of the park will begin in spring.

Grand Canal cultural and tourist development Fund

On January 04 of this year in Jiangsu province it was decided to establish Jiangsu Grand Canal cultural and tourist development Fund. The Grand Canal is an important symbol of China civilization and one of the most important attractions of Changzhou sister city. Financing at the first phase is 20 billion of Yuan. Support will be provided to various projects in key areas contributing to the development of the cultural belt of the Grand Canal.


Final of the Cup of Bulgaria in volleyball
In the period fr om 11 to 13 January 2019 in Pazardzhik with the assistance of the sister city municipality and the Bulgarian Republic volleyball Federation is held the final of the Cup of Bulgaria in volleyball. Eight teams will participate in the final sports competition, including the volleyball team of Pazardzhik, which is one of the favorites of the competition. At the end of the Cup there will be an awards ceremony of winners.

Monthly book fair
From January to November 2019, the Book alleys fair will be held every month on the territory of the Field Rike Alley of Bézier, wh ere a wide range of publications will be presented – from ancient folios to modern comics. Booksellers will provide the necessary information and assist in the selection of collectible and mass publications, scientific works and encyclopedias, educational literature and collections of journalism, magazines and guides, postcards and posters, as well as many others books.

Program for abroad travelers
On January 04, 2019, at the airport of the sister city of Des Moines, the registration of candidates for participation in the international program "Global Entry", which provides the opportunity of a simplified procedure for passport control and customs control for abroad travelers, started. Des Moines airport takes part in the international program for the third time.

Mass growing exotic flowers
For the Spring Festival and the Chinese New Year in the sister city of Zhenjiang, a large-scale cultivation and packaging of phalaenopsis (orchids) flowers, which are very popular among local residents during holidays, are carried out at the production base. In specially equipped greenhouses with modern equipment exotic plants are under constant control in order to ensure flowering during the festive events. Now the order for more than 80 thousand flowers is already realized. 

Raising Yerevan's rating in the field of public finance
At the end of 2018, the international rating agency confirmed Yerevan's rating in the field of public finance at the level of "B+". Compared to 2017, the rating increased from stable to positive. This fact is seen as a positive change in the creditworthiness of the sister city of Yerevan. 

Development of unmanned cargo transport
At the end of 2018, in the sister city of Changzhou a techno-park for the study of unmanned trucks was created. The first road tests of commercial cargo transport were successfully carried out, during which an autonomous truck equipped with artificial intelligence and without a driver carried out safe movement at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour along the highway, detecting moving objects at a distance of 300 meters. In the near future the road tests of the unmanned cargo transport will be continued.


The improvement of the city of Pazardzhik

The Republic of Bulgaria together with five countries of the European Union is participating in the international project “Our Green European City”. Prospects and proposals for the improvement and landscaping of Pazardzhik, existing problems and ways to solve them were discussed at the meetings of the Mayor of the Pazardzhik Community, the Deputy Governor and the head of the education department of the Pazardzhik region with the youth activists of the sister city.

The implementation of the environmental project

Since November 2017 the City Hall of Beziers together with the organization «Don’t harm» is implementing a project aimed at making the municipal theater 
as an “environmentally responsible institution”. Within this project a selection of biologically pure seasonal products for a buffet from local producers are being carried out. Theater programs in Braille are posted on the websites of the City Hall and the theater, according to the audience survey the necessary measures are taken. During the second phase of the project, it is planned to work with employees of the theater on the need to save water, electricity, and rationally use paper. The project will be implemented before the end of 2019.

An investing in developing companies

Business meetings for potential investors «Best of the Midwest event» were organized in the sister city of Des Moines in the autumn of 2018. The purpose of these annual events is to provide information on the most promising areas of investment, familiarization with existing start-up projects, as well as enterprises with high growth potential. According to the results of 2018, nine developing companies received funding. The achieved results illustrate the favorable conditions for the development of business in the city of Des Moines.

The reconstruction of the transport highway

On December 25, 2018 the large-scale reconstruction of the Jiangbin road – the second most important in the city for organizing the main traffic flow – was completed in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Repair work on straightening the roadway was carried out for three months.

The development of a geographic information system

The base geographical information system of the capital of the Republic of Armenia and the project of cadastral zoning are being developed in the city of Yerevan. Within the framework of new programs using modern technologies, it is supposed to create a complete information base of real estate, as well as ground and underground communications in the city, which will contribute to ensuring transparency and improving the efficiency of the relevant departments and structures.

The development of health tourism

In recent years a large part of the population of China is motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so visiting the spa centers is becoming increasingly popular. In 2018 the sister city of Changzhou was included in the list of the best health local tourist destinations during the New Year holidays. Modern Changzhou offers opportunities not only to treat the hot springs, but also to get acquainted with numerous cultural and historical monuments as well as visiting modern entertainment centers.


The awards in the field of sports and science

On the eve of the New Year, the 4th awards ceremony for achievements in the field of sports, science and programming was held in Pazardzhik. The event was organized by the Association “Hope of the city of Pazardzhik”. Within the framework of the official ceremony, fourteen students of the sister city were awarded certificates and cash prizes.

The events dedicated to the celebration of Christmas and New Year

The citywide events, dedicated to the celebration of Christmas and New Year is being continued in the city of Beziers. Commercial pavilions offering confectionery and souvenirs, Christmas-tree decorations and various gifts to the residents and guests of the sister city have been opened. Theater performances have been prepared at city venues, fair chalets are located, and there is also an ice rink. More than 100 participants and 7 festively decorated moving platforms will pass through the streets in the framework of the Christmas parade. The new city light and music fountain will demonstrate a special Christmas program, a “mini-farm”, operating as a contact zoo is opened for children. 

A grant for the development of Des Moines transport infrastructure

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced an $11 million Transportation Grant for the Des Moines Transload Facility. The Transload Facility situated at a site in southeast of the sister city with access to three railroads that span the country, is needed to transfer raw goods from trucks to trains, which can ship goods at a lower cost. The logistics company is expected to be commissioned in 2019 year and will significantly expand the region’s international trade opportunities.

The transportation of asphalt to the cities of China

In order to support the construction of the northwest part of China freight trains from Zhenjiang loaded with "container asphalt" rushed to Xinjiang, Tibet. This new "asphalt cold transport technology" was officially put into operation in May 2018, achieved excellent socio-economic indicators and is the main project for the development of the transport infrastructure of the province.

Charity Christmas marathon in Yerevan

The annual charity marathon "new year's good run" will be organized in the Central streets of Yerevan on 23 December, 2018. The event is organized by the municipality of Yerevan jointly with "Yerevan half marathon" and "Triglav". Participants in Santa suits have to cover a distance of 5 kilometers. All proceeds for the participation in the marathon will be aimed at implementation of charitable programs.

The industrial development of Changzhou

Recently, the German specialty chemicals company Lanxess said that will invest up to 250 million Euros in the Asia-Pacific region in the next five years. In this regard in March 2018 in Changzhou, the company started the construction of a high-performance plastics compounding plant for the automotive sector and the electrical and electronics industries. The volume of investment in production is 20 million Euros.
It should be noted, that now the company has nine production sites, and nine centers for research and development as well as five sales offices including the headquarters in Shanghai. Currently, more than 1,900 employees are working for Lanxess in China, nearly three times as many as when the company started operating in the country in 2005.
During the 13 years since its establishment, the company has been recognized six times as "Top Employer China".


Awarding the artists of the city of Pazardzhik

The Mayor of the Community of Pazardzhik Todor Popov will participate in the annual solemn ceremony of awarding members of the Association of artists of Pazardzhik on December 19, 2018. Awards to representatives of art will be presented in the following categories: painting, drawing and sculpture. The famous artist of the city of Pazardzhik Boris Rezov, who made a great contribution to the development of the sister-city, will be awarded with a personal award.

The improvement of Beziers campus

In the city of Beziers the work on the reconstruction of a dormitory for students and young workers built in 1963 has begun. In accordance with the new requirements for residential premises, the area of rooms will be increased. It is planned to build 100 new premises with a total area of 2223 sq.m. Two new dormitory buildings will be constructed, it is expected the improvement of surrounding area. 

The annual corporate games in the city of Des Moines

The registration of companies for the participation in the IV Annual corporate games, organized under the "Iowa Games" program was started in the beginning of December this year in the city of Des Moines. The participation of 80 teams is expected, which will be able to prove themselves in different kinds of sports in June-July of the following year. It is assumed that the competition will contribute to team cohesion, attracting employees to lead a healthy lifestyle and go in for sports. Winners will be awarded the Corporate Cup of the Games during the annual Iowa Fair. 

The competition on scientific and technological modeling

The youth competition on scientific and technological modeling was held in the city of Zhenjiang on December 9, 2018. The event was attended by over 500 students of primary and secondary educational organizations of the sister city. The winners were awarded in the following nominations: "Aerospace model", "Vehicle model" and "Robotics".

The stay of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Armenia in the city of Yerevan

In early December of this year the mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan met with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Armenia. The mayor of the sister city congratulated the ambassador on the beginning of the diplomatic mission and noted that the capital of Latvia - Riga and Yerevan are sister cities that connect not only warm friendly relations, but also the implementation of joint programs and projects. The prospects for the further development of international inter-municipal cooperation between Yerevan and Riga were also discussed during the meeting. 

The expanding of pharmaceuticals production in the city of Changzhou

In order to expand the production of polysaccharides and enzymes drugs Changzhou Qianhong Bio-pharma Co., Ltd. started construction of the phase two of pharmaceuticals production facility at Changzhou National Hi-Tech District (CND). The investments into creation a new production is 1 billion yuan. A major manufacturer of pancreatic kininogenase, heparin sodium and low molecular weight heparin, as well as compound digestive enzyme preparations and asparaginase, Qianhong Bio-pharma Co., Ltd. manufactures products that meet international standards, sells them in more than 20 provinces and cities in China, as well as exports to foreign markets.


Awarding the best entrepreneurs of the year in Pazardzhik

On November 30 this year, an awarding ceremony of the best entrepreneurs of the year was held in the city of Pazardzhik. The event was organized by the Association of entrepreneurs of the sister city. The ceremony was attended by the Governor of Pazardzhik, Mayor of Pazardzhik and representatives of the business of Bulgaria. The awards were presented in the following categories: "Entrepreneur of the year", "High-developing company" and "Significant contribution to the development of Pazardzhik". 

Youth program 

Bézier city hall invited the youth of the city to participate in the program "La casa des Euros". The program is intended for young people aged 14 to 25 years. Participants of this program can place their projects for life improvement in the city on a dedicated page of the official website of the city hall. The winner, who will be determined by the residents of Beziers by voting, will receive 100,000 Euros for the implementation of his project. 

Training business meetings 

On December 7 this year De Moine hosted First Fridays training business meetings, organized by the Greater Des Moines Partnership and the Iowa Women's Business Center. The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for first-time entrepreneurs and citizens to get acquainted with the experience of business owners who have made a certain contribution to the development of the sister city. During the talks, representatives of the business community, the creators of regional and national brands, heads of local firms and shop owners shared the secrets of success, answered the questions of the participants. 

Annual competition of couples

The final and official closing ceremony of the annual contest of married couples who have lived in marriage for more than a decade took place in the sister city of Zhenjiang on December 02. This year the competition was attended by more than 200 couples who celebrated the "gold" and "silver" wedding. As a result of the performances, the best couple of the year was chosen; the finalists were awarded with memorable prizes. 

Implementation of the energy efficiency program

The sister city of Yerevan is implementing the program "Yerevan-solar community". Within the framework of the program, it is planned to install photovoltaic systems on the roofs of 90 multi-apartment residential buildings, which will provide the generation of electricity necessary for the power supply of common premises (lighting of stairwells and yard areas, as well as elevators). The aim of the project is to reduce energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energy sources and the implementation of energy efficiency measures in multi-apartment buildings in Yerevan.

Establishment of the research and development center 

On November 28 this year, the leading automotive company of the sister city of Changzhou "Dorcen Auto" and Shanghai Jiaotong University signed an agreement on the establishment of the research and development center. The new center of automotive technologies will be engaged in research in the field of mechanical engineering, testing of innovative developments, modernization of products, providing technical support. It will also become a practical basis for the training of young professionals.


The contest "The best sportsmen of the city of Pazardzhik"

A traditional contest of the best ten sportsmen of the city of Pazardzhik is held annually. Profiles of participants – representatives of sixteen city sports clubs will be reviewed by a competition commission consisting of experts and journalists working in the sports field. The individual achievements of the athlete, participation and awards in international, European and national competitions will be taken into account during summing up the results of the contest. The official award ceremony will be held on December 11, 2018.

The performance of the gymnasts

The tenth annual report performance of the athletes of the rhythmic gymnastics club of the city of Beziers «ASB Gym» will take place on December 1, 2018. This performance is very bright and has a great success with the audience: the last show was presented during a round trip to 25,000 people. 70 gymnasts will take part in the reporting performance of the club "ASB Gym" 

The first Book Festival

The first annual Book Festival «DSM Book Festival» will take place in the sister city of Des Moines in March 2019. A diverse program was prepared for visitors, meetings with famous authors, literary discussions in the Book Club, educational workshops for children and adults, performances of musicians will be organized. The festival is currently accepting applications for the participation of local authors, illustrators, publishers and non-profit organizations.

The measures on improving the security in educational institutions

The measures on improving the security in educational institutions are being implemented in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Representatives of the police conducted preventive discussions on combating terrorism and disturbing public order, met with teachers and students to observe safety precautions as well as organized training for security officers. Interactive safety education is being introduced in the city’s educational institutions. 

The postcard dedicated the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan

The ceremony of presentation the postcard "History of Armenia: 2800th anniversary of the founding of Yerevan" was held in Yerevan City Hall. Cards with 4 stamps were printed in a French printing house with a circulation of 15,000 copies. The postcard presents stamps with the plan of the city of Erebuni, Amiryan Street of the 1920s, as well as Yerevan Railway Station and the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Spendiaryan. In addition, modern night Yerevan at the background of Mount Ararat.

The construction of a new plant

The official groundbreaking ceremony for the new BOMAG (Changzhou) Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. plant took place in the sister city of Changzhou.  BOMAG is the world's leading and largest manufacturer of road rollers.
The new 30,000-square-meter plant will be specialized in the production of compactors for asphalt, soil and waste, as well as machines for creating coatings from stabilized soil and restoring asphalt coatings. The opening of the new plant will contribute to the further development of the Changzhou economy.


Exhibition in Pazardzhik
22 November 2018 at the Boev Art gallery of Pazardzhik, the exhibition of the famous artist and sculptor, a native of sister-city Stephen Lyutakova was opened. The exhibition presents creative works which were not exhibited before -18 sculptures made of bronze, marble and wood, as well as 19 paintings. Today it is already organized thirty solo exhibitions of Stefan Lyutakov. 

Charitable aid to victims of floods 
In order to provide assistance and solidarity, representatives of the city of Beziers voted to collect money in favor of the flood victims on the Od River. The amount of 16,000 euros was transferred to the Association of mayors of French cities. Also the town hall of Béziers sent to the Trab Commune, victim of flooding, a group of workers to participate in elimination of results of natural disasters and humanitarian aid.

Implementation of the creative project
A new joint project "The Creative Economy Initiative" developed by the public organizations "Festival of arts De Moines" and "Bravo" is being implemented in the sister city of Des Moines. The project involves activities aimed at promoting professional development and career growth of representatives of various creative professions. The implementation of the project will also contribute to the expansion of opportunities for representatives of culture and art of the sister city to participate in the development of the city's economy and improve the quality of life of the population. 

Opening of a new grocery market 
On November 18, 2017, the opening of a new market of farm products was held in the sister city of Zhenjiang. The total area of the pavilions is 3,600 sq. m. the volume of investments is more than 15 RMB. Here buyers will be able to buy fresh meat and fish products of local producers, vegetables and fruits, semi-finished products and ready meals. The opening of the new market contributes to the formation of a more comfortable trading environment for the residents of the city. 

Program for the prevention of diseases 
The screening program "assessment of the efficiency of management of patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism and high cardiovascular risks" was implemented for the first time on the initiative of Yerevan municipality. The aim of the project is early detection and prevention of diseases. More than 2000 citizens took part in the program during the year. Beneficiaries were also provided with special devices for measuring blood pressure and blood sugar, data from which were automatically transmitted online to doctors. In fact, citizens were under the round-the-clock supervision of specialists. The initiative is implemented jointly with the Yerevan urban endocrine dispensary and the Association of cardiologists of Armenia 

Competition to determine the best tourist destination 
In East China, a competition was held to determine the High-quality Popular Tourist Destinations, to participate in which the most picturesque places of the country were presented. The results of the competition were announced on November 9 this year at the Global Tourism Brand Innovation Development Summit. According to the results of on-line voting and expert evaluation of the jury the finalists included three tourist places of the sister city of Changzhou: Oriental Salt Lake City, Jiangnan Global Harbor and Yancheng Amusement Park.


The music contest in the city of Pazardzhik

In the period from November 09 to 11, 2018 the music contest “Note for Note” was held with the financial support of the Community of Pazardzhik. The jury consisted of famous Bulgarian musicians-teachers. The professional workshops, lessons on acting skills were also held for participants of the event. The main musical event and the creative outcome of the contest was the final gala concert.

The project on reconstruction building spaces to garages

In recent years an outflow of employable population from the city to the countryside has been observed in France. Most commonly representatives of the middle class have left the city - dynamic, family and financially reliable. In order to further development of trade and catering, the Beziers municipality is working out the project to return citizens to permanent residency in the city center. Whereas it is necessary to have cars garages in walking distance, one of the ways to solve the problem was a specially developed project on reconstruction residential and commercial spaces into garages. There is a subsidy for owners of vacant premises – 3,000 euros. The assistance in the free preparation of documentation will be provided. 

The opening of a medical clinic

The official opening of the new clinic of the medical center “Mercy Medical Center” in the sister city of Des Moines, specializing in labor protection was held on November 14th of this year. The health care institution provides comprehensive services for businesses on medical care for employees. There are opportunities to receive treatment for industrial injuries, to undergo a diagnostic examination or physical examination, testing the workplace hygiene standards, audiometry, x-rays and many others. The opening of the clinic, located in the central part of the city, will help preserve the health of the working social groups.

The sales day

November 11 in China and around the world is known as the day of the biggest sales, especially in online stores. So, in 2018 year the logistics company of the China Post in the sister city of Zhenjiang had to attract additional staff to sort the shipments during this period. More than 35,000 online purchases were made on 11th November of this year in the sister city. The peak of consumer activity was observed in the next three days too.

The meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan

An official meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Armenia took place in the City Hall of the sister city of Yerevan. The issues of the development of Armenian-Japanese cooperation were discussed during the reception. It was noted that, despite the fact that direct partnerships between Yerevan and the major cities of Japan have not yet been established, there are great opportunities for cooperation in various spheres of the urban economy. It was also noted that the Japanese tourist traffic to Armenia has recently increased.

Development of cooperation in the vehicle manufacturing industry

The general manager of China FAW Group Co., Ltd. which has leading positions in the Chinese vehicle manufacturing industry visited Changzhou on November 8th of this year. The prospects for cooperation in the vehicle manufacturing industry were discussed during the meetings with the leadership of the sister city. The achievements of Changzhou in the development of the machine-building industry, as well as the manufacture of components and repair parts were noted. Representatives of the company also noted favorable conditions for business in the city of Changzhou.


Development of Pazardzhik

In the sister city of Pazardzhik the Program of city development is successfully implemented, during which arrangement of territories with a total area more than 10 thousand sq.m. has been already completed. Within realization of this program on November 09 of this year the start is given to the new project "Development of city space in the Maritsa-Hospital area of Pazardzhik". The general financing of the program makes more than 3,5 million Euros  fr om means of the state budget and the European Regional Development Fund.

Reconstruction of Mediterranee stadium

The sister city of Bezier is going to welcome professional sport teams in 2019 for the first time in its history. That is why the full reconstruction of the stadium is planned, approximate cost of these works is 1,2 million Euros. The replacement of a lawn of Mediterranee stadium which had been in a bad condition because of numerous sports events the last season was carried out in the period from October 15 to October 25 of this year. 

New season of Brenton Skating Plaza

On November 16 of this year in the sister city of Des Moines the thirteenth season of the ice rink of "Brenton Skating Plaza" will be opened. This is the first facility in the Iowa State giving an opportunity for rest and sports to citizens on the fresh air everyday from November to March. During holidays visitors are  also able to participate in various interactive entertainment programs. 

Tourism development

Opening in October of this year in the sister city of Zhenjiang of the new Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge promotes the further development of tourist branch and growth of consumer activity of the population. A wide choice of products and low prices attract tourists and visitors from China and other countries. Besides among Zhenjiang's youth trips to Japan and on Russian ski resorts enjoy the increasing popularity. 

New recreation areas 

In the sister city of Yerevan two new recreational parks are opened wh ere all necessary for the organization of good rest of inhabitants and guests of the capital have been created. Special attention at arrangement of parks is paid to use of the latest technologies and smart solutions: solar panels for day and night-time lighting are installed, artificial pools, modern playgrounds are built, and free Wi-Fi is provided. It is supposed to make use of positive experience of reconstruction further for equipment of city recreation areas. 
Autumn Canton Fair 2018

In the city of Guangzhou there was the largest Chinese fair of export and import of "Autumn Canton Fair 2018" in which about 250 exhibitors from Changzhou have participated. Stands in more than 40 areas have been presented: power and technical equipment, the latest technologies, auto parts, consumer electronics, construction materials, textiles, medicine, tourist services, sports, household goods, gardening, and many other things. Annually about 20000 sellers and 200000 buyers take part in it. Participation in this exhibition will promote positive image of the enterprises of Changzhou in China and abroad.


Day of national heroes 
Annually on November 1 in Bulgaria the national holiday of National Buditel – participants of liberation movement fr om an Ottoman yoke is celebrated. In the sister city of Pazardzhik there were festive events, torch processions, flower-laying to monuments of national heroes. Within this holiday the ceremony of opening of the monument to the famous Bulgarian revolutionary, writer Zachariy Stoyanov was held. Festive actions were ended with a concert of performance groups of the sister city. 

Actions devoted to the end of World War I 
On November 11, 2018 the actions devoted to century of the end of World War I will take place in the city of Bezier. The solemn procession of the veterans living in Bezier and citizens will pass across the central streets to the monument of memory of the dead wh ere the official ceremony and flower-laying to the monument will be organized. It is planned to open the bust of Frederik Pra, the poet, the native Bezier who has died in the war at the age of 20 years. Pupils of the city will honor memory of the poet with reading his verses. 

Educational program for the working population 
Since January, 2019 in the sister city of Des Moines the new training courses in the field of programming and graphic editors «Code DSM» for working adults begin to work. Need of the program is caused by demand of experts in the sphere of information technologies in labor market of the sister city. The curriculum is developed in the way to allow studying the course on the main job. Classes will be given within 15 weeks. 

Cultural events 
At the end of October of this year in the sister city of Zhenjiang a number of cultural events of national value was organized. The performance of an opera star of Mr. Li Zhengcheng with the known show transferring features of national opera art took place. Also the new picture of the famous artist Mr. Kang Shunwei "The collection of Zhenjiang scenic spots " created in the national manner which is non-material cultural heritage of China was presented to inhabitants and guests of the sister city. 

End of the VII season of the tourist program "Yerevan City Tour" 
The department of tourism of municipality of Yerevan summed up the results of the VII season of the official city tourist program "Yerevan City Tour". For March-October, 2018 about 6500 people took part in the program. Socially important programs for school students, students, elderly people and persons with limited opportunities were developed. The organization of excursions will be renewed in the spring of 2019.

China International small and medium enterprises fair 
Eleven companies of the sister city of Changzhou participated In the 15th China International small and medium enterprises fair "CISMEF", organized in the city of Guangzhou in October of this year. A main objective of the action is assistance to establishment business contacts, to trade and cooperate with small and medium enterprises of China and foreign countries. This year much attention was paid to issues of smart manufacturing and energy conservation. During the fair a number of forums, business meetings, seminars, presentations of foreign companies were organized. Enterprises signed significant business contracts. 


Russian culture promotion in the city of Pazardzhik
On October 24, 2018 within the European Capital of Culture program the meeting of Russian associates in the city of Pazardzhik has taken place. The organizer of the event is the "Union of Independent Creative Communication. During the meeting the issues of promoting of Russian language and literature, the importance of history and the culture of Russia studying were discussed. For participants culinary master classes in Russian cuisine were held. 

Ecological action
The mayor's office of the sister city of Bezier implements an action for drawing attention of citizens to inadmissibility of ejection of garbage out of specially allotted places and organization of unauthorized dumps. In addition to the appeals placed on banners on one of the central streets an evident installation. Now the penalty imposed by Bezier city administration on the persons leaving garbage in public places has increased up to 180 Euros. For organizers of unauthorized dumps by means of vehicles is up to 1500 Euros.

End of Farmers’ market 
On October 27 of this year the Farmers’ market will be closed in the sister city of Des Moines. Local producers will present 2018 harvest, fresh meat, dairy and bakery products. Gardeners will also be able to buy saplings of trees and bushes, seeds of plants and flowers. As the action is organized on the eve of Halloween pavilions will be decorated with thematic attributes of this holiday, competitions and games for children will take place.

International sister cities conference 
On October 23 of this year the Zhenjiang  International Sister Cities conference on low-carbon economy was organized in the sister city, in which the Chinese and international experts, representatives of the sister cities of Zhenjiang, including delegation of Stavropol took part. Within the program of the conference issues of development of the eco-industry and energy saving methods, implementation of environmentally safe innovations were considered. Exchange of experience of work in the sphere low-carbon productions took place. 

Festive events on the 2800 anniversary of Yerevan
On October 21 of this year in the sister city of Yerevan the festive events devoted to anniversary of the capital of Armenia were held. For inhabitants and guests of the city the rich program. "Yerevan: from a bronze age – to the capital from a pink tufa" exhibition was opened. Exhibits from archaeological collections of the museums and also the exhibits found during recent excavation were presented. The main part of rarities is presented to the public for the first time. Festive actions were ended with a gala concert and colorful fireworks. 

Annual international half marathon 
In the twin-city of Changzhou the international half marathon which annually unites more than 20 000 athletes from around the world has taken place. Within the competitions three different distances have been organized. The time result of the sportsmen- winners from Ethiopia and Kenya became the best for all history of existence of the Changzhou half marathon.


Sports achievements of the city of Pazardzhik
During the period from October 12 to October 14, 2018 in the city of Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) the XXVI International championship on karate "SKDUN" was held. More than 1800 athletes from thirty countries of the world, including Europe, Russia, India, the USA, Syria, Venezuela, Gabon, Dominican Republic, Nepal participated in  the event. During the competitions representatives of sports club "Tonus-Sport" of the city of Pazardzhik acted successfully. Participants of the sister city won two gold and one silver medals. 

 "Chocolate feriya" event
During the period from October 20 to October 21, 2018 in Congress Palace of the city of Bezier a city event "Chocolate feriya" will be organized. The art will be shown by chokolatiers and confectioners of the city and Ayrault region. About 80 exhibitions, displays, master classes will take place to make something of chocolate and right there to enjoy taste. Within the action the competition for citizens and city visitors on production of the best chocolate cake will be organized. Winners will win prizes.

New art project "Mental banquet: painting with lights"
In the sister city of Des Moines the new art project “Mental banquet: painting with lights” is implemented, it is based on use of 3D-mapping technology, creating effect of visual borders spreading. Within the project on a facade of buildings taking into account architectural features the animated images changing to the sound of music are projected. The innovative show will allow not only emphasizing architecture, transferring the atmosphere of the building, but also seeing its history. 

Autumn job fai
On October 17 of this year in the sister city of Zhenjiang the autumn job fair for graduates of colleges and universities took place. About 300 enterprises participated in the action. About 3 000 jobs more than in dozen spheres were presented: finance, management, equipment, marketing, etc. The annual fair gives a unique opportunity for talented representatives of youth to find work with decent salaries. 

Run competition "The Yerevan marathon"
On October 21 of this year in the capital of Armenia the annual sport event "The Yerevan marathon" will be held. The run competition is a successor of the "Yerevan semi-marathon" organized in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The start will be given to a marathon in the center of Yerevan. The route will pass on beautiful central streets of the sister city, the gorge of the Hrazdan River and will return to the place of start. A large number of athletes and other fans of sport become participants of a sports running annually. 

Organization of the committee on standardization of robots and robotics 
In the sister city of Changzhou the committee on standardization of robots and robotics of the Province of Jiangsu will be created. In Changzhou in recent years a special attention is paid to researches in the field of robotics and to introduction of scientific developments with use of the latest technologies in manufacturing industry and by production of the equipment. Intellectual manufacturing industry became the landmark of the city.


Day of the Bulgarian communities in the city of Pazardzhik
On October 12, 2018 in the city of Pazardzhik celebration of the Day of the Bulgarian communities was held devoted to activity of local governments. During the ceremonial meeting of City Council the Mayor of Pazardzhik addressed inhabitants and guests of the sister city with a welcoming speech in which the important role of local authorities in ensuring activity of the city was noted. Deputies of the State Counsil and the Governor also participated in the meeting. 

Tours of St. Petersburg Theatre for Young Audience
During the period from October 24 to October 27, 2018 tours of known in Russia A.A. Bryantsev Theatre for Young Audience from St. Petersburg will take place in the city of Bezier. This theater exists since 1922, has more than 30 performances in the repertoire and is actively on tour in the cities of the different countries of the world and also participates in the international festivals, having invariable success.

Accelerator Global Insurance project
On October 02 of this year in the city of Atlanta the project of Des Moines Partnership «Accelerator Global Insurance» received a prestigious international award – the Silver prize of the International Economic Development Council. "Accelerator Global Insurance" is the program aimed at the development of business activity, introduction of innovations and support of startups in insurance industry. For its lifetime 26 companies of the city of Des Moines took part in the hundred-day program of the accelerator. 

Socially important actions 
Within the celebration of National Day of the People's Republic of China in the city of Zhenjiang a number of socially important actions are organized. Visit of the rehabilitation centers for elderly took place, culinary master classes in joint preparation of national dishes are held. Actions are prepared with active participation of volunteers and students of the sister city.

Summit of International Organization of Francophonie
In the sister city of Yerevan the 17th summit of the International Organization of Francophonie (IOF) took place. In honor of this significant event at Azatutyan Square the Town of Francophonie "Live and create together" has been opened with pavilions representing 38 member countries of MOF. Special pavilions are devoted to Armenia and Yerevan. Guests and residents have an opportunity to get acquainted with cultural and historical heritage, tourist sights of various countries of the world. The capital of Armenia is a member of the international association for thirty years within cooperation with it a number of large cultural and educational projects are implemented.

Project on delivery of fresh Yangcheng crabs 
On the Yangcheng Lake near the city of Changzhou one of the best productions of freshwater crabs which are delivered to more than 170 cities of China is located. For improvement of quality of production at the enterprise a number of actions are realized: production modernization is carried out, a new system of logistics is introduced, interaction at all stages - from cultivation and processing till realization in retail trade is provided. New approach will allow fresh crabs delivering to the buyer within 1-2 days.


Best municipal practice in the sphere of youth policy 
The joint project of Council of youth policy of the city of Pazardzhik and the mayor's office of Pazardzhik was among the best ten practice of Europe in the nomination “Public”. The organizer of a competition is "The European institute of innovations and policy". The official awards ceremony will be held in November in Vienna city administration (Austria). Cooperation between Council of youth policy and the mayor's office of Community Pazardzhik has been developing since 2016. For this period more than eighty youth actions, seminars and actions are organized. 

Preservation of historical heritage 
For preservation of historical and architectural heritage the city administration of Bezier has made the decision to redeem the house of family of Shapp, known in the city. The house built in 1890 which facade is decorated with the figures of caryatids and Atlases created by the famous sculptor Inzhalber has staid thrown within several decades. It is planned to restore the ancient building in the nearest future. 

Downtown Farmers’ Market 
In the sister city of Des Moines opening of the next Farmer market has taken place. Every Saturday of October there will be presented seasonal production of local producers: fresh vegetables and fruit, bakery and confectionery, landing material for garden and kitchen gardens. Annually about 300 farmers and businessmen from 50 cities of Iowa participate the market. On October 27 within closing of the Farmer market, the festive program for children devoted to Hallooing will be organized. 

Day of the People's Republic of China 
China has celebrated on October 1 the main public holiday - Day of the People's Republic of China. It was proclaimed on October 1, 1949. In honor of a celebration in the sister city of Zhenjiang festive actions have taken place, streets are decorated by national flags and fresh with flowers, there are colorful fireworks. Because of ling holidays many residents have an opportunity to visit the family and friends living in other cities. 

Celebration of the Teachers' Day 
In the capital of Armenia a number of the festive events devoted to the celebration of the Teachers' Day are organized. Leaders of the mayor’s office of the city have congratulated teachers on a professional holiday, having wished them good health, professional achievements and success. The awards ceremony to winners of a competition for the best director, teacher and tutor of year of Yerevan was held. All winners have been handed certificates of honor of the mayor of Yerevan and gifts.

Changzhou International Forum on Sci-Tech & Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 
On September 28 of this year in Changzhou International Forum on Sci-Tech & Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation has been opened. In thirteen years of work within the forum agreements on realization more than 250 large programs are signed and more than 1200 projects in the sphere of construction and production are reached. In 2018 within the business program more than 60 actions, including exhibitions, seminars, and business meetings have taken place. The reached agreements contributes to social and economic development of the city of Changzhou 


Participation in the international competition on ceramics 
The sculptors of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the international competitions on ceramics "Fire Flowers", which took place in Yalta from 4 to 17 September this year. Teams from Russia, Bulgaria, India, Uzbekistan and Ukraine were represented in the competition. The best competitive works from ceramics are in Nikitsky botanical garden of the city-resort of Yalta. The Sculpture of participants from the city of Pazardzhik "Tree of Knowledge" based on biblical legends won a prestigious prize. 

City-developing plans 
The city administration of Bezier published plans for development of the city for the next three years. By 2021 in the downtown the new land parking on 300 places will be built. Builders promise to create the building which will become one of modern symbols of the city. Also there will appear a new hotel complex on 27 numbers, a campus which will unite four educational institutions and a hostel on 200 places and also a house for elderly people. The embankment near city port expects restoration. Besides, two "tourist" places of Bezier – the Southern channel and the Acropolis will be connected by an "easy sheaf". The system of elevators which provides access to historical and cultural monuments for all will be built. 

Manufacturing Day 
October 5, 2018 in the sister city of Des Moines a number of actions devoted to Manufacturing Day will be organized. The main objective is to attract attention of the population to manufacturing profession, to inform on the possible prospects of career development at the industrial enterprises. The organization of presentations of large plants and companies, excursions with demonstration of hi-tech production, professional focused master classes is supposed. Large manufacturing enterprises will open their doors for pupils of schools and students of professional and higher educational institutions. 

Holiday of the middle fall 
On September 24 in the sister city of Zhenjiang the Holiday of the middle fall (Lunar festival) took place, it promotes maintaining traditions of national culture. Public organizations of the sister city prepared the charity events directed to involvement of physically disabled people. Within the holiday culinary master classes in production of the Chinese cookies traditionally prepared during the Lunar festival were held. 

Acquaintance with the Smart City program 
From September 10 to September 16 the official delegation of the Republic of Armenia with the representative of Centre of management technologies of Erevan in it visited the city of Hangzhu, People's Republic of China. The visit purpose was the acquaintance with the modern decisions of the concept Smart City developed by the Dahua Technologies Company. Representatives of the Armenian delegation visited production of the company, the centers of the municipal government in which the systems created by the company function and got acquainted with the principles of their work. The agreement on implementation of pilot projects in Yerevan in certain directions of the Smart City program was reached. 

Participation in the National trade fair of agricultural production and technologies 
There was the National trade fair of agricultural production and technologies in the city of Nanjing in September, 2018. Twelve enterprises of the sister city of Changzhou participated in it. In exhibition halls more than 30 types of the food of the highest standards to qualities and made according to modern technologies in the city of Changzhou were presented. Production of the companies of the sister city was in great demand. Participation promoted public awareness of local producers, sales market expansion and also establishment of business contacts.


Victory in the Majorette Sport World Cup
On September 11, 2018 the press conference devoted to a victory of representatives of Misteriya club of the sister city in the Majorette Sport World Cup was organized in the mayor's office of Community Pazardzhik. The international competitions took place during the period from August 21 to August 25 in the city of Prague (the Czech Republic). The mayor of Pazardzhik congratulated participants on a deserved victory and noted the work and achievements of youth of the sister city. 

Pictures - optical illusions on Bezier's streets
For attraction of tourists and for decoration of the city 14 anamorphosis drawings are placed in the territory of Bezier. These optical illusions located on pavements, sidewalks and squares are drawn in such a way that creates illusory prospect and also draws special attention of inhabitants and tourists. Anamorphosis is created by on-stage performance group from the city of Montpellier. Creation of the drawings borrows the master artist from one to two days.

Projects on offenses prevention 
On September 17 of this year in the art gallery of the sister city of Des Moines public hearings at which programs and projects on prevention of violence and improvement of interaction with law enforcement agencies were submitted for discussion of the public. Participants of the event had an opportunity to discuss each idea, express the opinion and choose the best. The Bridging the Gap project assuming an integrated approach to the solution of problems at interaction of the management of the city, representatives of business community and the public was submitted. The projects with the maximum number of votes will be submitted for consideration of Des Moines City Council.

Military trainings at the universities 
Since the beginning of the academic year the program for military training of freshmen has started at the universities of the sister city of Zhenjiang. Studies will be continued within two weeks. During this time students will get acquainted with many aspects of military science and issues of national defense, will be engaged in sports trainings. Participation in actions will promote integration of pupils in public life of the university. 

Anniversary festival "Rural Life and Traditions" 
In the capital of Armenia there has taken place the 5th anniversary festival "Rural Life and Traditions". Within the program of actions the wide range of farmer products of more than 200 local and foreign producers has been presented to inhabitants and guests of Yerevan. This year representatives of Georgia, Iran, Lebanon participated in the festival. The "Organic Armenia" pavilions presenting organic agriculture of Armenia were of particular interest. The festival promoted not only new business contacts and exchange of work experience, but also further development of tourism.

Visit of students from South Korea
Since 1999 twinning relations of the cities of Namyangdzhu, South Korea, and Changzhou in the sphere of economy, trade, culture and education have been successfully developing. Interaction in the sphere of youth educational exchanges is effectively carried out. In September of this year Changzhou was visited by group of 16 pupils of the city of Namyangdzhu. Within the visit school students have examined educational process in educational institutions, have participated in a flag raising ceremony, master classes in calligraphy and national dishes cooking, and have visited local sights and the museums. The leaders of the sister city of Changzhou paid special attention to the importance of establishment of friendly contacts among younger generation as future messengers of friendship.


Large ecological action

On September 15 of this year the ecological action in collecting of garbage "Clean Bulgaria together" started in the sister city of Pazardzhik. It is one of the largest volunteer projects in Bulgaria directed to improvement of an ecological situation in the country. Just in the region of Pazardzhik 80 objects for cleaning are defined: historical and cultural monuments, forest territories, stadiums, resort areas, squares, playgrounds, etc. 

European days of historical heritage

In the sister city of Bezier the European days of historical heritage will take place from September 15 to September 16, 2018. In this regard free visit of public historical buildings, parks, theaters, museums, libraries is provided. The eventful program of city actions is planned including meetings with the famous writers, artists and sculptors, and thematic conferences. In cathedrals and churches excursions, concerts of classical music and church singing, a photo exhibit will be organized. 

Junior Olympic Games of the Union of amateur athletes

In the sister city of Des Moines the Junior Olympic Games-2018 organized by the Union of amateur athletes came to the end. This year about 14000 young athletes from all the USA took part in fifteen sports competitions: track and field athletics, rope jumping, fight, swimming, field hockey, tae kwon do, karate, etc. Competitions were followed by a multidimensional entertainment program. The action is organized in the capital of the State of Iowa for the fifth time and enjoys interest of inhabitants, and city visitors.

Celebration of the Teachers' Day

September 10 of this year in China is traditionally celebrated in honor of all educators. As the public holiday the Teachers' Day was recognized in 1985. In Zhenjiang festive events were held, awards ceremonies of the best representatives of this profession were organized. Pupils thanked teachers and prepared creative congratulations. the most interesting was  "The most beautiful teacher" competition with its winner Zhenjiang pupils took pictures with pleasure.

Photo exhibition "Yerevan from the eyes of residents" 

At the beginning of September of this year in the foyer of the mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan the photo exhibition "Yerevan from the eyes of residents" devoted to 2800-year anniversary of foundation of the capital of Armenia was opened. At a ceremony of opening there were city leaders and famous artists, photographers and the invited guests. The pictures of Yerevan taken at different times are presented at an exhibition. 

Best demonstration platforms of production services

The commission on development and reforms of the Province of Jiangsu announced the best demonstration platforms of production services which had included four industrial parks of the city of Changzhou. On the basis of innovative industrial zones the continuous process  with various production phases and further product sales including design, testing, certification, research and development, production, management, financing, logistics, sale and also training of professionals is created. More than one thousand companies of various fields of activity are involved in clusters.


Exhibition in the city of Pazardzhik

In Nicol Furnadzhiyev regional library of the sister city of Pazardzhik there was an opening of the exhibition devoted to the 85 anniversary of the famous Bulgarian historian, the Honorable Pazardzhik Citizen Alexander Arnaudov at which scientific works and articles of the author were presented. Throughout a long time the local historian worked in the Regional historical museum, researched cultural heritage of the region. A. Arnaudov is a coauthor of the encyclopedia "Pazardzhik", awarded with the order of Kirill and Mefodiy of Republic of Bulgaria.

Events of "Avenues of Associations of the City of Bezier"

The annual city-wide campaign of "Avenues of associations of the city of Bezier" will take place on September 8 of this year on Paul's Avenues Rick. This year representatives of 270 associations of the city of Bezier will show the achievements in the welfare sphere and also in the field of environment protection. In the program of actions there will be the speech of the mayor Bezier, acquaintance with information placed at stands of associations and also various performances and the presentations. Also in the city hall "Zinga Zanga" a concert of orchestra of John Seyntbor will be held. 

Graduation Walk program

In the sister city of Des Moines the socially oriented program "Graduation Walk" directed to motivation of graduates of schools and pupils who dropped schools to receiving further education is implemented. During the project meetings with members of Des Moines City council, representatives of municipality and business communities with pupils of middle and high school are organized within which they will discuss need of further education and possible ways of support, for example, granting soft loans on training. Also about 300 volunteers and 150 pupils of Des Moines public schools will visit families of students for holding preventive talks.

"Great Process" photo exhibition

At the end of August of this year in the main library of the sister city of Zhenjiang the photo exhibition "Great Process" devoted to the 40 anniversary of reforms and openness in People's Republic of China was opened. On the exposition there are achievements of China, in economy and culture, public affairs for the last forty years. Special attention is paid to the prospects of further development and also influence of reforms on the Chinese society.  

Events devoted to the beginning of school year 

On Knowledge Day at all municipal schools of the sister city of Yerevan festive actions were organized. On the occasion of the 1st of September the mayor's office of Yerevan prepared an excursion on sights of the capital of Armenia. there was also an entertainment music and sport program.
Participation in the competition "WorldSkills"

At the end of August of this year in the sister city of Changzhou two colleges were selected as national educational bases for preparation for 45 World Championship on professional skill "WorldSkills". Only 7 students from Changzhou are in National training team of China. In Changzhou Technician College the industrial machinery assembly project will be made. On the basis of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction College concrete construction projects will be developed. The international competition in which young professionals from around the world participate will take place in Kazan in 2019.


The sports achievements of the sister city of Pazardzhik

The World Championship on majorettes sport took place in the period from 21 to 25 August, 2018 in the city of Prague (Czech Republic). Representatives from Bulgaria, Russia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland and other countries took part in the competition. More than a thousand numbers of the contest program were presented to the jury. The performance of the sportsmen of the club "Mystery" of the city of Pazardzhik was at the very high level. Despite the great competition the representatives of the sister city became world champions on majorettes sport. The winners of the competitions were awarded with diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

Cultural and sport events in Beziers

The sport and cultural life of the sister city of Beziers is dynamic and diverse.
The famous group of bikers "Brescoudos" will visit the city and perform with a motor show on the Alleys of Paul Riquet on September 1, 2018.
The exhibition of the artist Henri Tevio will open in Beziers in the period from 03 to 15 September during which the artist will present his own concept of creativity.

The implementation of the project on creation safe, comfortable living environment

The project «Connect Downtown East Grand Avenue Pilot Project» aimed at creating a safer, more comfortable and affordable living environment is being implemented on the initiative of the City Hall of the sister city of Des Moines. The main objectives of the project are optimization the routes for all kind of transport, improving roads and sidewalks, creating new parking spaces. A special attention is paid to the safety of cyclists and pedestrians as well as to the reduction of transit time through the city center.

The measures on evacuation abandoned vehicles

A number of measures on solving important for China problem of abandoned vehicles which hamper traffic, clutter streets and parking spaces, impair the ecology and image of the city were realized in the sister city of Zhenjiang. To solve this problem in Zhenjiang the evacuation of unclaimed cars from traffic areas was organized and parking spaces were inspected. Some cars will be sold at auction.

The gift of the Japanese artist on the occasion of 2800th anniversary of Yerevan 

According to the request of the representatives of Yerevan a well-known Japanese professor, artist Kunito Nagaoka, who arrived on the occasion of the 2800th anniversary of the capital of Armenia, made a copy of the Urartian cuneiform. This cuneiform is a "passport" of Yerevan and is kept in the historical and archaeological museum "Erebuni". A copy of one of the ancient khachkars (a stone stela with a carved cross image) which are kept in the museum of the history of Yerevan was also made with the use of traditional Chinese techniques, in addition to cuneiform. The Japanese art critic noted that the ancient values of Yerevan are unique works of art. The professor presented copies of cuneiform and khachkar to the Yerevan history museum and the historical and archaeological museum "Erebuni".

The Harvest Festival

The Chinese government announced the Harvest Festival, which will be held on the Day of Autumn Equinox (September 23). A lot of events and exhibitions will be organized in the sister city of Changzhou within the framework of which it is planned to demonstrate the harvest of agricultural products, the last achievements in the field of agriculture as well as the creativity of modern farmers. It is expected that the agricultural event will attract great attention to the conduct of agricultural work, accelerate the implementation of the strategy of agricultural development in China and will contribute to strengthening the viability of rural areas.


Music festival in Pazardzhik

With the financial support of the municipality of the Pazardzhik Community in the period from September 7 to September 9, 2018  the V music festival "Plus Festival" will be held in the sister city, in which famous musicians of Bulgaria will take part. During the existence of the festival more than 100 foreign and Bulgarian performers participated in it. 250 volunteers took part in the preparation and organization. Concerts were attended by more than 20 thousand residents and guests of the sister city.

Festive events devoted to Bezier's freedom from fascist troops

In the city of Bezier the festive events devoted to freedom of the city from fascist troops in the years of the II World War were organized on August 22, 2018. In the city park "Plateau of Poets" there was a wreath-laying ceremony to the stele to the civil victims of war. For inhabitants and city visitors festivities were organized. There were salutes in the evening sky.

International Food and Music Festival 

During the period from September 14 to September 16, 2018 in the sister city of Des Moines there will be the XIV annual international festival which unites producers of food and musicians from 25 countries of the world and regions of the country. More than 50 suppliers of food products will participate in an action. Shows of the famous musicians and also concerts of the popular local groups and ensembles presenting authentic music will take place. Within the charity event participants of the festival will prepare more than 60 000 sets of products to be transferred to the families in difficult life situations.

Reconstruction of educational institutions 

In the sister city of Zhenjiang large-scale reconstruction of educational institutions is carried out. The territory of elementary and high schools is improved. Much attention is paid to gardening, arrangement of sports grounds and stadiums, re-equipment of creative workshops. Also office buildings and educational classes are repaired. All repair work is planned to finish by September, 2018. 

The Best Sports Family competition 2018

In the sister city of Yerevan at the main stadium of Tsakhkadzorsky Olympic sport center the Best Sports Family competition 2018 was held, in which victory was won the seventh year in a row by team of the capital of Armenia. When summing up competitions the importance of participation of athletes with limited capacities was emphasized. Participants of competitions from the different cities of the country were awarded by certificates of honor and souvenirs. The cup of the winner was transferred to storage to the museum of history of Yerevan.

"Root Seeking" Summer Camp 

In the sister city of Changzhou the 11-day-long "Root Seeking" Summer Camp came to the end. A main objective of the project is attraction to national culture as the basis of education of younger generation in China. For the last eight years the international summer camp has accepted more than 600 foreign teenagers of the Chinese origin. Participants of the program get acquainted with history of the people and cultural traditions, visit local sights, the museums, exhibitions and theaters.


International Badminton Tournament

In the period from 09 to 12 August of this year in the sister city of Pazardzhik the 11th International Badminton Tournament was held. The organizers of the event were the municipality of the Pazardzhik Community, the National Badminton Federation and the sister city badminton sports club. More than 160 athletes from twenty-five countries took part in the competition. The greatest number of medals was won by athletes from Russia.

Sunday organ concerts

‘Friends of Organ Music’ Association of the sister city of Beziers organized weekly Sunday organ concerts in the cathedral of Saint Nazaire. Famous French organists from Paris, Toulouse, Montpellier and Bézier are taking part in the concerts of this event. They have proved themselves at the national and international levels. Organ compositions will be accompanied by a clarinet and a trumpet.

Farm Market Week
In order to develop small business in the city of Des Moines, the traditional opening of the "week of farming markets" took place. This event allows the novice entrepreneurs to establish connection with farms, and the farm owners to find new suppliers for the sale of products. The increase in demand for products of this type of production allows supporting more than 165 thousand small and medium-sized farms throughout the country.

Road route Guangtan reconstruction is over

In the sister city of Zhenjiang, the reconstruction of the road route of Guangtan, connecting the cities of Shanghai and Zhenjiang, is completed. The length of the route about 5 km and it has eight lanes in both directions. The design of the road does not provide for the establishment of traffic lights what and the traffic is high-speed. In order to safely move in the dark, the roadside is brightly lit.

International Youth Day celebration

Within the framework of the program "Yerevan Summer 2018" in the sister city of Yerevan, the International Youth Day was celebrated. The City Hall administration organized a disco "Young Yerevan", as well as a contest-festival in which famous pop singers and dance ensembles from Georgia, Russia and Iran took part. For spectators who took part in the event games there were offered some tours to famous resorts of Armenia.

Innovative technology introduction

In order to ensure safety in the sister city of Changzhou, an innovative face recognition system was installed at railway stations. This advanced system allows police units to receive alerts about wanted persons within 10 minutes after they hit the camera lens. Innovative technology significantly contributes to the work of local authorities, as well as the police.


Annual table tennis tournament

In the period from August 14 to 19 of this year in the city of Panagyurishche (Pazardzhik region) the IV tournament "Seamaster 2018 ITTF World Tour" on table tennis, organized by the Ministry of Physical Education and Sport of the Republic of Bulgaria will be held. Among the participants will be sportsmen from China, Japan and Germany, as well as the representatives of Bulgaria. The prize fund of the tournament is 160 thousand US dollars.

"Feria" traditional holiday

In the period from 10 to 15 August of 2018 in the city of Beziers will be a traditional holiday "Feria", this year celebrating its 50th anniversary. For the program of the event theatrical and musical-equestrian processions, in which the riders from Andalusia (Spain), as well as parades of brass bands and folklore groups are planned. Within the framework of the holiday there will be organized attractions, exhibitions of books and autographs of famous people, traditional bullfight. On numerous venues there will be concerts with the participation of French and foreign stars, "fiery" shows. For the Beziers and guests of the city, a flamenco festival and traditional folk dances will be organized. In the end of "Feria" there will be a spectacular festive firework.

Annual jazz festival

In the framework of the Labour Day, the third annual jazz festival will take place in the sister city of Des Moines. The main goal of the event is to get acquainted with the creativity of the legendary artists, as well as the development of the jazz musical sphere among the young generation. During the festival, well-known national jazz performers, as well as local city groups will perform. This event will be attended by both residents of the city, and numerous tourists.

District reconsruction works

In order to improve the environment, Zhenjiang sister city is working to beautify the scenic area at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. A number of cement plants and quarries have been moved and closed, and trees are being planted on nearby land plots. Mount Nianshan, which is called the "green lungs" of Zhenjiang city, is already available for organizing outdoor activities.

"Yerevan TARAZfest" city festival

In order to develop tourism, as well as to spread the national items, the 4th Yerevan TARAZfest city festival took place in the sister city of Yerevan. During the first stage of the event, an exhibition-fair was organized, in the second stage there were presented collections of Taraz, Armenian women's costumes created by famous designers. The city festival was ended by a stage ballet production and performances of ethnic musician groups.

Forum on the robot industry development

In the sister city of Changzhou there was held a forum on the robot industry development, in which more than 300 experts, scientists and entrepreneurs of this area took part. The main goal of the event is to contribute to the development of the national high-tech industrial zone in Changzhou. The forum consisted of three stages: discussing aspects of the national policy for the welding robot industry development, as well as an overview of industry development trends and user needs, and the final stage was covering the latest research results.


European Championship in ship modeling

In the period from 23 to 29, June of this year in the sister city of Pazardzhik the 20th European Championship in ship modeling was held. Representatives of the countries of the near abroad and Europe, including the countries of Russia, Germany, Hungary, England, Armenia, Ukraine, Switzerland took part in the competition. The official grand opening ceremony was held in the city park "Svoboda" on July 24 of 2018. Ship models of Russian and Bulgarian participants showed high results, developing speed up to 270 km / h. The winners of the championship were the representatives of Russia. They set world record and won gold and silver medals in several nominations.

 Light and music fountain

 As a result of large-scale restoration works on the square of Jean Jaures, the light and music fountain was placed in the sister city of Beziers. This construction is equipped with the latest equipment and is capable of demonstrating various water figures which are painted in different colors with help of the spotlights. Water mirror with an area of ​​350 square meters is animated by fifty water jets, rising to a height of 6 meters. In combination with the speakers this design demonstrates a spectacular show for residents and visitors of the city in the evening.


Construction of a specialized clinic


The Council of State Medical Institutions approved a project for the construction of the first clinic for patients with mental disorders in the sister city of Des Moines. The new institution will help people of all age categories. The treatment will be aimed at stabilizing the mental state of patients for their further transfer to specialized medical institutions or home environment. Work on 100-bed freestanding behavioral health hospital is scheduled for April 2019.

 Ecotourism development

In order to develop rural ecotourism, Zhenjiang sister city organized a "weekend" program. For outdoor recreation, people from nearby cities come to the foot of the Maoshan Mountain on the outskirts of the city of Zhenjiang. The program of entertainment of various games in the open air, gathering of grapes, a meal on farmer sites. Recently, when this weekend program is gaining popularity among tourists.

 Holding a city sport festival

Yerevan City Hall summarized the results of the city sports festival "Healthy generation is a protected motherland". To participate in the event, thanks to the cooperation of the Yerevan Municipality with the Paralympic Committee of Armenia and the Union of Disabled People of Armenia "Pyunik", a team of hockey players with physical disabilities was formed, the demonstration competitions of which took place at the sports school of figure skating. The winners were awarded with the Yerevan Mayor's Cup. Within the framework of the programme "Yerevan Summer 2018" the city administration attaches particular importance to the participation in sports competitions of persons with disabilities.

 Ecologically dangerous zones

The Government of Jiangsu Province announced protection of the ecologically dangerous "red" zones, nine of which are in the sister city of Changzhou. These areas are the most environmentally vulnerable and require special conditions for environment preservation. The most critical problems in such areas are water and soil pollution, which indicates an urgent task of protecting their ecological status. According to the decision of the State Council of China, the plan to clean up the zones of the increased level of the country's territory should be developed by the end of 2020.


Participation in the International Children's Festival "Poseidonia"

With the financial support of the municipality of the Pazardzhik Community in the period from 18 to 21, July of this year "Chudesia" ensemble of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the International Children's Festival "Poseidonia" in Greece. The event was attended by creative teams from Bulgaria, China, India, Brazil, Israel, Serbia, Armenia, Georgia and Greece. The ensemble members of the sister city took the first place of the event and represented their country at high level. 

City light show

In the period from July 6 to August 26 of this year in the sister city of  Beziers, traditional "Sound and Light" show beloved by citizens and tourists is continuing its work. This year the innovative part of the show devoted to various historical periods of the city is live actors. Shooting with the participation of people was conducted on a monophonic green background and subsequently were "applied" on the displayed "pictures". With help of spectacular lighting effects in 4D format, using the latest video display technologies, the facade of Madeleine Church will become a "screen" three times a week.

Opening of Chamness Biodegradables Company

In the sister city of Des Moines there is an opening of Chamness Biodegradables company, involved in the production of utensils, which are completely biodegradable. The company, which is one of the best in the world market, announced the dislocation to Iowa state. In this connection, jobs will be created in the city of Des Moines, allowing research and the latest developments in the field of biodegradable material to help in environmental conservation. The change of location will also entail an increase in the volume of production and product marketing. That will have a positive impact on the sister city economy.

Aviation science classes

In order to strengthen the interaction with local residents, as well as to familiarize students of educational institutions with unmanned aerial vehicles in the sister city of Zhenjiang, a free course in aviation will be held. Students from the Jiangsu Provincial Aviation Technology Institute organized the first meeting with students and teachers interested in this topic. In the future, it is planned to organize classes every weekend for several months for everyone willing to attend.

Traditional watermelon festival

Within the framework of the Yerevan Mayor's three-month programme "Yerevan Summer 2018" on the territory of the Swan Lake, the traditional watermelon festival was held. This year it was dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of the founding of Armenia capital. In pavilions of the administrative districts, carving specialists presented interesting options for watermelon design. Also quiz games were organized, the winners of which received gifts from Yerevan municipality and partner organizations. The festival was accompanied by a concert program with the participation of well-known performers.

South Railway Road

The new railway route of Jiangsu Province will connect the sister city of Changzhou with the cities of Nanjing, Jianmin, and Zhenjiang. The feasibility study of the Southern Railway project, which allows the train to speed up to 350 km / h, was approved by the relevant authorities. Construction work is planned for early September and will last for four years. This process will significantly shorten the time spent on movement.


Participation in the International Folklore Festival

In the period fr om 09 to 15, July of this year a team of the dance ensemble "Childhood" of the sister city of Pazardzhik participated in the International Folklore Festival, which took place in Podgorica (Montenegro). In total, fourteen creative teams from Europe participated in the event. The ensemble of the sister city was awarded with a special prize in terms of  presenting the jury traditional dances of all regions of Bulgaria. Representatives of Pazardzhik city also took part in official meetings with the city leadership and the head of the European Uni on delegation.

Electric minibus

In the period from 01 to 15, July of this year in the sister city of Beziers a minibus for passenger transportation created using the latest technology will run along a short route. The basis of the work of this vehicle with a capacity of 12 passengers is an electrical supply with automatic control. The minibus is provided to the sister city by "CarPostal"  company for testing, during which the presence of an operator is needed. Such environmentally friendly transport is the future of the city.

Release of the regional music album

In order to promote the development of young talents, as well as the presentation of a wide variety of musical trends in the sister city of Des Moines, the selection of musical compositions by local groups and artists for the fourth Iowa regional album was completed. The choice was made in the following order: originality of lyrical compositions, quality of performance, public activity of musicians in the local community. For the albums, 13 compositions were selected, which will be presented at the city events, including the forthcoming annual Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) Annual Convention of Des Moines.

Competition of "intelligent cars"

In the sports exhibition complex of the sister city of Zhenjiang, a demonstration of "intelligent cars" took place. More than a thousand of students from colleges of the eastern part of the country took part in the competition. It consisted of three stages: test, preliminary and final, wh ere the participants presented their works in several nominations. This event allowed to get acquainted with the device of the "intelligent car", and also to sel ect the best participants to promote the development of young talents.

Exhibition "Visit Yerevan-2800"

Within the framework of the program of events dedicated to the celebration of the 2800th anniversary of the sister city of Yerevan, the opening ceremony of "Visit Yerevan-2800" exhibition was held in the central library and the art center of American city of Glendale, California. The main aim of this event is to provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the development of the ancient city, as well as to invite those wishing to celebrate the anniversary of the Yerevan founding. The exposition presented 50 photographs of the city of Armenia from 19th to 20th century, as well as modern images of the city. Specially for the exhibition, copies of past centuries photographs which were kept in the Yerevan History Museum were made.

Innovative pharmaceutical project

In the sister city of Changzhou, the development of an innovative pharmaceutical project is completed. It is planned to be created in the city industrial park "Life and Health". According to the production program total investment of the project is 3 billion of yuan. These funds will be used in the development, production and sale of biological and chemical products. Also the leadership of the city is developing about 20 municipal projects for urban development.


Archaeological excavations

In the period from July 11 to August 20 of this year with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Regional Historical Museum of Pazardzhik and the Association "Balkan Heritage" there will be conducted archaeological excavations of the ancient burial on the territory of one of the unique historical sites located in the sister city of Pazardzhik. In the course of previous studies on the territory of this European heritage monument, samples of processed gold dating from 4,600 BC were found. That indicates the early extraction of gold and copper on the territory of Bulgaria. In addition, for the first time volunteers from cities of foreign countries will also take part in excavations.

Performance of children's choirs

From 8 to 10, July of this year in the sister city of Beziers there arrived 19 children's choruses of France with a total of 450 people. Children were on the way to Barcelona to participate in the international festival of children's choirs "Little Singers". Young singers took part in three free concerts for residents and visitors of the city of Beziers, held in the cathedral of Saint Nazaire, as well as in the open air. The performance of the children's choirs was a great success.

Competition for the creation of a short film

For further participation in the International Film Competition, the regional stage of the competition of cinema lovers will take place in the sister city of Des Moines. Within 48 hours participants need to make a film with 4-7 minutes duration on a certain topic in accordance with the genre and characters indicated. The best short film will be presented at the international stage of the contest, 12 winners of which will take part in the Cannes Film Festival.

Charity events

In order to conduct research and practical training on the territory of professional college for the practice of aviation specialists, in the sister city of Zhenjiang there was completed the installation of a Boeing 737-300 airplane simulator. Special attention has been paid to the use of large-sized aircraft for the preparation of students and qualified specialists since the foundation of the college.

Celebration of the Vardavar holiday 

On July the 8th of this year within the framework of the national holiday Vardavar, known for its custom of mutual water spilling, the mayor's office of the sister city of Yerevan organized a number of events on the Swan Lake. By tradition, the necessary equipment for water games and competitions were created, also a parade of watering machines was held. The residents and guests of the capital became the immediate participants of the Vardavar celebration. The events were accompanied by rhythmic music, which provided a festive atmosphere.

Participation in the Fourth China-Israel Investment Summit

Representatives of the sister city of Changzhou took part in the Fourth China-Israel Investment Summit, which took place in early July in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, South China. More than 2000 Chinese and Israeli companies were represented at the forum. Taking into account that the first experimental zone for cooperation was created by the governments of the two countries in Changzhou - the Israel Innovation Park in Changzhou, participation in joint seminars and meetings provided an opportunity to establish business contacts and discuss topical issues in the field of intellectual production, digital economy, biomedicine, Smart City creation and intellectual property rights.


The opening of photos exhibition in Pazardzhik

The city of Pazardzhik takes an active part in the International photography festival. As part of the event the official opening ceremony of the exhibition "XIII inspiration" of the famous Bulgarian photographer Vili Todorova was held in the art gallery "Boev" of the sister city on July 4 this year. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the municipality of the Community Pazardzhik, chairman of the National Academy of Photography of Republic of Bulgaria, residents and guests of the sister city.

Decoration of Beziers streets

The project on decoration e the streets of Beziers with colorful umbrellas, which was first realized in 2016, was changed by city designers. Now the central streets of Bezier, become favorite places among tourists, will be decorated with bright colored lampshades. In the evening the lampshades will bright, creating more cozy atmosphere. A significant change is shops on the streets with lampshades will be open once a week until 23 hours, which will increase the flow of customers.

The project on city economic development «Bridge District»

A project on city economic development city was launched in the sister city of Des Moines. The aim of the "Bridge District" project is to increase living space and create job places. After the project realization more than 10 thousand people will be able to purchase housing and have employment opportunities in the new part of the city. The implementation of this project includes buildings for large-scale celebrations, meetings, an improvement in the infrastructure of the near districts 
of the city

The construction the bridge across Yangtze River

The construction of bridge «Ufengshan» across Yangtze River takes place currently in the sister city of Zhenjiang. It is the first in China and in the world suspension bridge of dual purpose for operation in high-speed mode and under high load. The length of the bridge is 6.4 km. A two-way eight-lane highway will be built at the upper level, a calculated speed is 100 km/h, 4-track high-speed railway will be at the lower level, a calculated speed is 250 km/h. The bridge will be put into operation in 2020.

The implementation of Yerevan development programs

Currently the city of Yerevan is preparing to celebrate the 2800th anniversary, which will be held in September this year. Works on complete repairs of yards and playgrounds, improvement of streets as well as repairing of multi-apartment residential buildings are carrying out. According to the approved schedule the renovation of the Center for children and youth creativity, the construction of a new park as well as of the territory near the historical-archeological museum-reserve "Erebuni" is carrying out in the Erebuni district. It also should be noted that in the framework of three-month program "Yerevan summer-2018", started in June, July and August will be full of sports and cultural events.

The opening of Center for industrial innovations and cooperation

The Sino-German center for industrial innovation and cooperation with area 200 thousand square meters was opened in the sister city of Changzhou. About 150 German enterprises have invested in various industries in Changzhou, such as engineering, electronics, textiles. The main aim of the center is to represent the city of Changzhou as a platform for international scientific and technical developments, increase the volume of foreign investment.


Regional Council for the Development of the South Central District of the Republic of Bulgaria

On June 28 of this year in the sister city of Pazardzhik a meeting of the Regional Council for the Development of the South Central Economic Region of the Republic of Bulgaria was held. The event was attended by representatives of the ministries and departments of the Republic, municipalities, mayors of the Communities that are part of the districts, as well as representatives of the governing bodies of non-governmental organizations. Within the framework of the meeting, issues of social and economic development of the territories were discussed, and a report on the implementation of the Regional Development Plan for the South Central Economic Region for 2014-2020 was presented. Over 80 projects are implemented on the territory of the region with a total investment of 25 million euros. Also the region takes the second place in the country in terms of economic growth.

Restoration of the historic center of the city of Beziers

On June 30 of this year in the sister city of Beziers there will be a gala concert dedicated to the completion of large-scale works on the restoration of the historic center of the city. During the works on the Madeleine Square, sidewalks were expanded, olive trees were planted, tiling was performed, and the facade of the city theater was renovated. In the lower part of the alleys of Paul Riquet there is a 32-meter-high ferris wheel, where one can see the bright colors of the national flag in the evening. In addition, the reconstruction of Jean Jaures Square was completed, on which there is a water mirror measuring 350 sq. m., as well as a spectacular musical fountain equipped with the latest ecological equipment.

"Student to employer" program

In the sister city of Des Moines, a new "student to employer" program has come into effect, allowing students to gain experience through internships, as well as other kinds of professional activities: working practice, job fairs. Representatives of various companies participating in this program can invite an appropriate employee to work, guided by the requirements of the company and the presence of certain professional qualities of the student. The long-term goal of the program is to establish and develop cooperation between students and employers.

Painting of the "city cultural wall"

Within the framework of the international day against drug addiction in the sister city of Zhenjiang, a 10-meter "city cultural wall" was decorated with schoolchildren and students. The purpose of this event is to disseminate information about the consequences of drug dependence, the possibilities of preventing it, organizing preventive works, and drawing attention of the citizens to this problem.

Expansion of tourist potential

Within the framework of the Days of St. Petersburg held in the sister city of Yerevan, a round table on the topic "Yerevan-Saint Petersburg: Prospects for the Development of Urban Tourism" was organized. During the event, where the members of the official service of St. Petersburg took part, the possibilities of expanding the tourist potential of sister cities, the exchange of social advertising, the development of medical tourism and the development of other programs were discussed. In order to support the Armenian-Russian projects, there were also presented the investment opportunities of the city of Yerevan and the materials of the Center for the Development and Support of Entrepreneurship of the city of St. Petersburg .

Development of industrial robotics

In the sister city of Changzhou, the second phase of the project for the development of robotics was put into operation. In this regard, the production of industrial robots was expanded. The annual capacity of the plant in Changzhou is estimated to increase by 18 thousand units by preliminary calculations. "Yaskawa (China) Robotics Co., Ltd" is a leading Chinese company in the field of industrial robotics and mechatronics development. This project will allow the company to produce a 30,000th model of the robot for the Chinese market in July of this year, as well as to increase the total amount of investments to 45 thousand US dollars.


Concert in the city of Pazardzhik

At the invitation of the Pazardzhik Municipality on May 19, 2018, a concert of the famous American musician Craig Bailey took place in the sister city. Craig Bailey is one of the most famous musicians of New York, also a music director, an arranger, a saxophonist and a flutist leader of the famous Ray Charles orchestra. The musician was accompanied by a Bulgarian jazz trio: piano, bass and percussion instruments.
Music Festival

On June 21, 2018 the city of Beziers hosted the citywide event "Music Festival". In the framework of this event, concerts of classical music were organized at various venues of the city, as well as performances of modern musical groups in the style of rock, folk, hip-hop. A lot of attention of residents and visitors of the city was attracted by the theatrical procession with the performance of Latin American dances. The results of the contest called "Opening" were also summed up, the winners received cash prizes.

"Zero Waste" programme

For several years, within the framework of the Festival of Arts in the sister city of Des Moines, the "Zero Waste" initiative is being held. In 2018, the aim of the programme is to create the most effective utilization of waste during the festival. There are organized 17 garbage collection stations where groups of volunteers participate and disposable utensils made of compostable and recyclable materials are used. All necessary printing is carried out on the recycled paper, also the registration of participants and the work of the jury passes exclusively online. In 2017 the Festival of Arts was awarded as the most ambitious event, successfully realizing this initiative.

Charity events

On June 17 of this year residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang together with the  volunteers of the University of Science and Technology of Jiangsu organized an action aimed at attracting the younger generation to participate in charity. There were held joint master classes on preparation of traditional national dumplings, which were then handed over to people with disabilities and pensioners.

Opening of  the "Fresco"international festival 

Within the framework of the three-month program of the Yerevan Mayor city council "Yerevan Summer 2018" in the capital of Armenia there will be the opening of the fifth international festival of contemporary art and spiritual films "Fresco". To participate in the festival, which is going this year under the motto "Fresco Humanitarian Messages to the World", out of a thousand applications, 28 films were selected from 13 countries. During the event, the audience will also have the opportunity to meet film directors and cinematographers, to take part in watching and discussing films and to attend concert programs and master classes.

All-China State Entrance Examination to Higher Educational Institutions

In early June of this year more than 16,500 students of the sister city of Changzhou passed the all-China state entrance examination to higher educational institutions (gaokao). The exam is conducted for two to three days, students take three compulsory subjects: Chinese, mathematics, a foreign language, and additional. In addition to traditional occupations this year students will be able to choose training in more than 2,300 new specialties, many of which are focused on high technology production, the use of artificial intelligence, and the security of cyberspace. The examination is an integral part of the selection policy for talented young people, which has been carried out in China for more than 40 years.


Holding a mini-football tournament in the city of Pazardzhik

In the period from 9 to 10 of June, 2018 a mini-football tournament "Support the World Cup in Russia" was held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The organizer of the sporting event is the Bulgarian Mini-Football Association. Winners of competitions were awarded with trophies and monetary prizes.

Improvement of the city of Pazardzhik

The municipality of Pazardzhik community invites sculptors of the sister city to take part in the VII architectural project "Contemporary City Art". The purpose of the event is the improvement of urban areas. Within the framework of the project, the works of the three winners will be financed. In recent years 13 projects of local masters have been implemented.

Rose wine holiday

On the 15th of June, 2018 in the sister city of Beziers an annual celebration of rose wine was held, which is a success among residents and visitors of the city. In the wine cellars of Paul Riquet there were conducted excursions during which participants got acquainted with the history and technology of producing a popular beverage. Tasting of local wines and a buffet table were also organized.

Paralympic competition in rugby

On the 13th of June, 2018 in the framework of the World Rugby Championship among juniors, Beziers hosted the team of Paralympic athletes of the city of Montpellier. The performance of wheelchair athletes took place in the Alley of Paul Rick. The team demonstrated the game in various formats: "Quad Rugby" and "Rugby for seven seats."

Two-day show "Laser synaesthesia"

Within the framework of the eleventh annual Festival of Arts, which will be held on June 22-24, there will be organized a two-day laser show in the sister city of Des Moines. It is based on the effect of "synaesthesia" and combines light and sound. The show presents a compilation of music and abstract laser images with the use of innovative sensor technologies. Thousands of spectators, including numerous guests of the festival, will take part in the unusual festival.

International Conference on the Production of Food Vinegar

On the 10th of June, 2018 in the sister city of Zhenjiang the Second International Conference on production and technology of food vinegar manufacture was held. This is one of the most significant events in the vinegar industry, bringing together experts from the Chinese Engineering Academy, more than 20 international scientists from the United States and Italy, representatives of 30 research institutes, the three largest producers of vinegar, and more than 50 Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs. Within the framework of the forum issues of transformation and modernization of the vinegar production industry, introduction of new technologies, as well as the use of vinegar in healthy nutrition and its impact on health were discussed.

Gastronomic festival of national dishes

Within the framework of the "Yerevan Summer 2018" program Yerevan hosted the National Traditional Food Festival "Yerevan with taste". This year all events are held under the motto "Let's celebrate together" and are devoted to the 2800th anniversary of the capital of Armenia, so the festival was presented by 28 pavilions with the participation of restaurants, culinary schools, colleges, public organizations, as well as the Yerevan History Museum, the Historical and Archaeological Museum Erebuni's scholar and the Megeryan Karpet Museum. Residents and guests of the capital got an opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of Armenian cuisine, as well as with national holidays and culture. Within the framework of the festival a competition for "The most beautifully designed", "The most delicious" and "The most hospitable" pavilions was held, and a new dish dedicated to the anniversary of Yerevan was prepared.

Presentation of a new van for a family holiday

In early June of this year in the sister city of Changzhou, a presentation of a new comfortable luxury class house on wheels designed by the German designer Luigi Kolani took place. The van has a total area of 40 square meters, a 16-meter length and is designed to accommodate 10 people. The car is equipped with air conditioning, digital cinema, sofa and massage chairs, and a modern kitchen. The roof can be converted into a terrace. Over 300 engineers from the Kolani Institute of Design, located in Changzhou, had been working on the trailer development for more than five years. All car parts were also produced in China.


Contest-festival of majorettes in the city of Pazardzhik

In the period from 8 to 9 of June, 2018 in the sister city of Pazardzhik the 8th contest-festival of majorettes called "Solar Besapara" was held. The organizers of the event are the municipality of Pazardzhik Community and the Children's Complex of the sister city. The festival was attended by girls from seventeen cities of the Republic of Bulgaria. The competition was held in several age categories. The European Majorette Championship will also be held in the city of Pazardzhik.

The victory in French championship in volleyball

For the first time in the history of Beziers Les Angels" women's volleyball city team " won the strong team of the city of Cannes during the game in Paris and became the champion of France. Residents of Beziers arranged a triumphant meeting for the athletes. This victory is the result of the hard work of the whole team, as well as the coherent and competent work of the coaches. Next year the team of Beziers will take part in the fight for the European Cup in volleyball.

Opening of the rehabilitation center

In the sister city of Des Moines was an opening of the Mercy rehabilitation center for patients undergoing recovery therapy after traumas of the brain and spinal cord, neurological diseases and stroke. This center is the first Iowa autonomous institution to provide rehabilitation services using the latest technology and specialized equipment that allows patients to receive necessary help without leaving the state.

Action on granting of a free taxi

In the sister city of Zhenjiang a charitable action "Free taxi for students to the entrance exams of the National College" was launched. This service can be used by students of the low-income families, as well as those living in remote areas of the city. More than 100 taxis take part in this programme. The action has been working for 16 years, and during this time more than 10 thousand students took advantage of the free transportation.

Implementation of the programme on use of renewed energy sources

A working meeting on the plan development of implementation of the programme “The EU for Yerevan: The Solar Community” was held in Yerevan's sister city administration. Within the framework of the programme it is planned to expand the use of renewable energy in the apartment buildings. That will reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The funding will be provided by the European Union grant.

Competition in public-speaking skills for foreigners

In the Jiangnan University of the sister city of Changzhou the results of the public-speaking skills competition for foreigners "We share joy in Jiangsu" took place. 20 foreign students from 18 countries of the world took part in the competition, including the United States of America, Italy, Yemen, Japan, India, etc. Participants presented audio-visual performances, told about their life in China, demonstrated knowledge of Chinese language and culture. Winners will take part in the regional competition which will be held in June of this year in the capital of Jiangsu Province, the city of Nanjing.


International Tournament in Rhythmic Gymnastics

In the period from 26 to 27 May of this year in the city of Pazardzhik the 5th International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament took place. The organizers of the event are the mayor's office of the sister city and the Bulgarian Federation in rhythmic gymnastics. The tournament was attended by over 300 sportsmen from Bulgaria and foreign countries. Representatives of the sports club "Dilyana Prima" properly represented the sister city of Pazardzhik in international competitions and won medals in various age categories.

Opening of the Art Festival in the sister city of Pazardzhik

On 1-7 of June 2018 in the sister city of Pazardzhik will be held the 7th annual Art Festival "Art Idea – Art Alley", organized by the Municipality of Pazardzhik Community. During the festival there will be concerts, exhibitions, theater performances, film screenings, as well as meetings with famous cultural and art figures.

Rugby World Cup among juniors

Within the period from May 30 to June 17 of this year the sister city of Beziers will hold the Rugby World Cup among juniors. This is a landmark event, as well as recognition of the merits of the city, whose team has been remaining the champion of France in this sport for many years. Teams from Switzerland, Italy, Georgia, Argentina, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Wales and France have already arrived to participate in matches in the city of Beziers. All the Cup games will be held at the city stadium "Mediterranee".

Development of the wind energy project

In the sister city of Des Moines, MidAmerican Energy has started developing an innovative project in the field of power generation in wind power plants. It is expected that at the end of the project, which is planned to be completed in 2020, the city will be able to fully meet the needs of consumers in electricity using only renewable sources. The project is implemented with the active participation of investors.

On the 14th Chinese Children's Television Song Contest

On May 27 of this year in the sister city of Zhenjiang, the final of the 14th China Children's Television Song Contest was held. Music competition, held since 1995, provides an opportunity for the younger generation to show their vocal talent and performance skills. Annually more than 100 thousand children take part in it. The contest is held in 10 different age categories. The winners of each nomination will present their creative performance at the Song Contest of Jiangsu Province.

Activity programme "Yerevan summer - 2018"

In the sister city of Yerevan the activity programme "Yerevan Summer 2018"was developed. This year it is dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of the capital of Armenia. During the summer period, various festivals, exhibitions, concerts, sports competitions, as well as thematic meetings devoted to festive dates will be organized for guests and residents of the sister city. A significant increase in the number of participants is expected this year. It is assumed that a diverse cultural programme will also promote the development of local and international tourism.

Visit of representatives of foreign media

In May of 2018 a delegation of representatives of more than 20 foreign media visited the sister city of Changzhou. Correspondents of news agencies in America, Germany, Japan and other countries of the world met with the leadership of the city, got acquainted with cultural and historical heritage of Changzhou, visited innovative industrial enterprises and a modern media center, took part in press conferences. Foreign journalists noted the favorable impression made by the city, expressing confidence that they will be able to represent Changzhou to the residents of the whole world.


Celebration of the Day of the Pazardzhik city and the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture

In the sister city of Pazardzhik, there were  held festive events dedicated to the Day of the Pazardzhik city and to the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture. On May 21 of this year at the Central Square the solemn opening of the City Day took place, in which students and teachers of the 25th  gymnasium of the city of Stavropol took part. For residents and guests of the sister city various entertainment events and a festive concert were organized. During the solemn procession on May 24 of this year the leadership of the region and Pazardzhik community laid flowers to the monument of Cyril and Methodius.

"Vigilant Neighbours" society in the city of Beziers

The City Hall of the sister city of Béziers urges the citizens to take an active part in the work of the "Vigilant Neighbours" society. This is the way of city blocks joining this society to confirm that those living in their neighbourhood are indifferent and attentive people who care about what is happening nearby. It is known that in those neighbourhoods of the city that have become members of the "Vigilant Neighbors" society, level of crime has decreased by 40%. Participation of residents in the protection of public order will improve the work of police patrols and make life in the city more safe.

Ending of Youth Leadership Initiative Program 2018

Youth training program on leadership development has been summed up in the sister city of Des Moines. The aim of the 2018 program is to create favorable conditions for personal growth in the urban community. In the process of training activists took part in the development of the Children's and Family Health Movement, also in volunteer activities helping the poor, as well as the activities of the charity organizations of Des Moines in creation of shelters for animals. Upon completion of the training about 40 students of senior classes of private and public schools were awarded with certificates.

Fundraiser in Zhenjiang

In recent years special popularity among young people in China is gaining the Day of Love celebrated annually on May 20th , as in Chinese the date of this holiday is consonant with the phrase "I love you". On this day, it is popular to hold weddings, and it is also customary to show your care and love to family and friends. In the sister city of Zhenjiang, a number of charity events were organized within the framework of this holiday. The income from sale of more than 10 thousand items of goods was sent to charity organizations. Also there was conducted free medical care for the needy population.

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia

At the end of this year’s May some concert, cultural and sports programs timed to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia were held in all administrative districts of the sister city of Yerevan. In the framework of celebration memorial visits, also literary, musical and entertainment events in the parks and cultural centers of the city are planned.

The 13th China Exhibition of Achievements in the Field of Advanced Production Technologies

In the sister city of Changzhou, the opening of the 13th China Exhibition of Achievements in the Field of Advanced Production Technologies was held at Changzhou University. The main topic of the forum is innovative achievements and entrepreneurial activity. This year for the visitors' acquaintance there will be presented "Changzhou Model" which involves the interaction of leading industries, educational institutions and research centers in order to achieve better results in the development and application of new technologies. Within the framework of the forum business program more than 100 events for business enterprises and scientific community are planned.


Opening of the production of machine-building equipment components in the sister city of Pazardzhik

On May 17, 2018 in the sister city of Pazardzhik was held the official opening of the production of the leading Bulgarian company "RAIS", which involves the manufacture of components for machine-building equipment. The President of Japanese industrial company FANUC Corporation, the Ambassador of Japan in the Republic of Bulgaria, the Governor of Pazardzhik region, the Mayor of Pazardzhik Community, the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria, representatives of the business community of Europe took part in the event. The area of production, in which two shops are located, an exhibition area, an administrative complex takes 3800 sq.m. The total investment amount is more than 4 million euros.

Festival of Contemporary Art in the city of Beziers

In the period from May 18 to May 21, 2018, the festival of contemporary art "L'Art deboite" will be held for the third time in the city of Beziers. The event will be attended by painters, sculptors, creators of art installations and collages, masters working in various techniques, living in France and beyond. To emphasize the originality of creative works exhibition displays are housed in large marine multicolored containers which will be installed in the center of the city of Beziers - in the Alleys of Paul Riquet. Residents and guests of the sister city will be able to get acquainted with the trends of contemporary art for free.

Training program in the field of accelerated development of agriculture

In the sister city of Des Moines the Iowa Agro-Cultural Center announced the selection of applicants for participation in the educational program in the field of accelerated development of agriculture. In the framework of training, which will be held in the period from May 29 to August 30 this year, lectures by experts and specialists in the field of agriculture, field visits to investors, presentations of modern agricultural technologies and innovative solutions, as well as practical exercises are planned. The winner of the program will be provided with $ 40,000 as a seed funding for starting his own business.

Opening of a new sports center in the city of Zhenjiang
On May 16 of this year a new sports complex, equipped with modern facilities, was opened in the sister city of Zhenjiang in order to popularize a healthy lifestyle, as well as to engage the citizens in various sports. It is expected that more than 20,000 residents of the nearby districts of the city will be able to study at the sports center. The total area of the complex is more than 16 thousand sq.m.

Expansion of cultural cooperation between Yerevan and Moscow

Within the framework of the program on expansion of cultural cooperation between Yerevan and Moscow for 2018-2021 the delegation of the Moscow interregional charitable public fund "New Names" named after I.N. Voronova visited the capital of Armenia. Within the framework of the visit, master classes of Russian artists, as well as auditions of students of municipal music and art schools from 6 to 15 years old took place, following which the winners received personal scholarships, as well as the opportunity to continue cooperation with the fund.

First China Conference on Intellectual Property on the Internet

 On May 15 of this year in the sister city of Changzhou, the First China Conference on Intellectual Property on the Internet took place. Within the framework of the forum issues of integration of mobile Internet, security of cloud computing, as well as interaction of Internet technologies and modern production were discussed. The exchange of work experience in innovative spheres such as e-commerce, application of artificial intelligence, Internet management, protection and sharing of IP-technologies took place. As a result of the conference, the Resolution on the need of promoting IP culture and Internet services was signed.


Popularization of literature in the sister-city of Pazardzhik

A cultural event called "The month of reading" organized by the city hall of Pazardzhik Community, the Council of Youth Policy of the sister city and the Czech Cultural Center will take place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The main goal is the popularization of classical and contemporary literature of European countries. In the course of creative meetings citizens and guests of the sister city will be presented with excerpts of famous literary works, as well as creative works of young poets. This initiative is being implemented in the cities of not only Bulgaria, but also many other European countries.

Festival “Le Caritats” in the city of Beziers

On May 10, 2018 the city of Beziers hosted the public festival "Les Caritats", symbolizing an ancient holiday of mercy. During the festival citizens and guests of the city had an opportunity to get acquainted with traditions and customs of the Middle Ages. Within the program of the event there was organized the reconstruction of knight tournaments and archery competition. Master classes were also held on the manufacture of pottery, metal, leather items, wax aromatized candles, as well as compiling herbarium fr om medicinal plants known in the Middle Ages. Actors and musicians also presented interesting performances for participants.

Training event of the Leadership Institute

Leadership Institute of the city of Des Moines announced that the training event on the development of leadership qualities called "Activate" is to be held on May 15, 2018. The event involves the participation of leaders and members of local organizations, Institute alumni, as well as all interested city residents. Participants will share accomplishments of successfully organized city projects, personal and team experience in developing of leadership skills. Presentations of new projects of partner organizations will also take place.

International Marathon "Jurong"

International Marathon "Jurong" started on May 6, 2018 in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Within the framework of the sporting event, three races for different distances took place: the main marathon, a half marathon and a 5 km mini marathon. About 10,000 athletes including 75 foreign participants took part in the competition. The first prizes among men and women in the main marathon were won by the sportsmen from Kenya, in a half-marathon – by the sportsmen from Ethiopia.

Official website on the 2800th anniversary of the founding of Yerevan

According to the celebration of the 2800th anniversary of the founding of Yerevan city, called "Yerevan 2800", the cultural fund has launched an official website www.yerevan2800.am, wh ere all announcements of the events and news materials related to the anniversary of the capital establishment will be posted, as well as the interviews with famous Yerevan residents, interesting stories and essays on Yerevan. Yerevan2800.am will be available in 4 languages - Armenian, Russian, English and French.

International Seminar on Environmental Technologies

On May 7, 2018 there was held the International Workshop on Environmental Technologies in the sister city of Changzhou. It was attended by representatives of local authorities and business communities of the city of Changzhou and the state of Illinois (USA). The discussion covered the prospects for cooperation in this area, innovative methods of protecting the environment, as well as successful work and best practices of five environmental enterprises in the state of Illinois and fifteen enterprises in the city of Changzhou.


Opening of the park of culture and rest in the city of Pazardzhik

The Mayor of Pazardzhik Community participated in the official opening ceremony of the park of culture and recreation "Piskovets" on May 3, 2018. On the territory of the park with a total area of 3 hectares there are children's and sports grounds, well-equipped recreation areas, places for walking of domestic animals. The park is illuminated with solar panels. As part of the further improvement of the city, it is planned to connect the "Piskovets" with the "Island" city park by a bicycle path.

Festival "Blossoming avenues" in the city of Beziers

On May 4, 2018 the festival "Blossoming avenues" was held on the alleys of Paul Riquet, Beziers. In this regard, the city administration organized a competition for  flower growers, owners of nurseries and gardeners. Participants presented floral installations in accordance with this year theme - "A ladybird". When summarizing the results, consideration was given to the relevance of the subject, originality, quality of products. Winners received valuable prizes. Besides, within the framework of the festival there were organized master classes on planting and caring for plants, an exhibition of creative works of pupils of general educational establishments of the city, and shopping stands of sellers of related products.

Summer social program of 2018

Social club of the city of Des-Moines has announced the selection start of four interns for participating in the summer social program of 2018 to implement non-commercial cultural programs. Students will get acquainted with the structure of non-profit organizations, take part in planning and carrying out various activities. Each intern will work under the guidance of a mentor in various areas: training, marketing, planning, management. In 2018 interns will receive a money reward for their work within the program for the first time.

Events within the framework of the World Day Against Asthma

Within the framework of the World Asthma Day, a number of free activities were organized in the outpatient department of the Jiangsu University Hospital for familiarization with the methods of disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Doctors told about the symptoms of asthma, presented recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and prevention of repeated seizures, selection of necessary medication and also answered patients’ questions of interest.

Preservation and restoration of the historical area of Erebuni

In order to stimulate tourism attraction and development, the Yerevan Municipality discussed a program for further financial and technical assistance to restore the historical Erebuni area, in particular, the introduction of raw brick technology and its use in the restoration of the citadel. This is one of the numerous programs for preserving historical area, implemented since 1998, since the accession of the Armenian capital to the Association of Mayors of French-speaking cities.

Summit on Network Communication and Innovation "Zijin" in Changzhou

On April 27, 2018 in the sister city of Changzhou was held the Summit on Network Communication and Innovation of Cyberspace called "Zijin Network Communication Innovation Summit". The forum discussed issues of new formats integration of mass media into social space, the need for innovative development and expansion of communication platforms, as well as the importance of further informatization of the country. It was suggested to pay more attention to training of young specialists in the field of Internet technologies. The event was attended by more than 500 experts and media representatives.


Photo exhibition in Pazardzhik

On April 26 this year in the sister city of Pazardzhik in the Art Gallery named after Stanislav Dospevsky was held the opening of the exhibition "Choice". The exposition presents the best works of the Fourth International Photo Contest, where about 400 photographers from 52 countries took part. The creative work of Bulgarian photographers won 9 prizes. The photos are presented in 6 nominations.

Restoration of the organ in the city of Beziers

In the sister city of Bézier was carried out restoration work of the organ which was created in the 17th century by the Flemish master Guillaume Ponchet and installed in the cathedral of Saint Nazaire. This musical instrument is included in the register of historical objects and protected by law. The organ was created in 1623. After restoration of the instrument in the XIX century in the city of Beziers, there was held a memorable concert of the great composer Camille Saint-Saens. Restoration work was financed jointly by the Beziers City Hall and the government of the Hérault region in the amount of over 134,000 euros.

Day of Combating Malaria

In the sister city of Zhenjiang a number of educational events took place on April 26 this year within the framework of the Eleventh National Day Against Malaria. The Public Health Center and the City Health Service organized free consultations on the topic "Elimination of malaria: beware of infection" and distributed information leaflets, also answered the questions of city residents about possible remedies, symptoms and treatment of the infectious disease.

Development of cooperation between Yerevan and Lyon

In order to develop further cooperation between Yerevan and the French city of Lyon, a direct Yerevan-Lyon-Yerevan flight was launched in the capital of Armenia. Passenger transportation will be carried out by the airline "Armenia" twice a week. Considering that 2018 is the 26-th year of cooperation between these cities, direct air communication will deepen bilateral cultural and economic ties and development of tourism.

Changzhou City Sports Games

In the sister city of Changzhou the Fifteenth Sports Games has started on April 22 this year. At the opening ceremony in the Olympic Sports Center the Party Secretary Wang Quan and Mayor of City Din Chun addressed the participants and spectators with a welcoming speech. Large-scale wilderness orienteering, competitions in more than 100 disciplines, also a sports carnival, as well as exhibitions, master classes and other interesting events will take place within the framework of the Sports Games. Fifteenth City Sports Games will last from April to November.


National Meeting of Architects of Bulgarian Communities

In the period from April 18 to 20, 2018, the Seventh National Meeting of Architects of the Bulgarian Communities, organized by the City Mayor's Office and the National Association of Bulgarian Communities, took place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. More than 100 major architects participated in the discussion of topical issues in the field of territorial organization, planning and management of construction and investment processes. Within the framework of business programs, acquaintance with architectural and cultural objects was also held.

Showroom of old and rare books in the city of Bezier

On April 21 this year the Showroom of ancient and rare books will take place for the first time in the hall of Bezier Theatre. The event will be attended by the eight most famous book collectors of the South of France from Nice to Perpignan. Several hundred pieces of collectible novels, essays, scientific works, as well as other rare editions will be presented at the stands.

Brenton Skating Plaza of the city of Des Moines

One of the most popular places of the sister city of Des Moines for organizing concerts, business meetings, corporate parties and weddings is the Brenton Skating Plaza, located in the downtown. Residents and guests of Des Moines note the convenience of the location of the building, magnificent view of the city, as well as the nice atmosphere of this popular venue. For the beginning of the spring-summer season, a unique 50-meter canopy has been put with aim of helding events in any weather from early May to mid-October.

Tea Culture Festival in Zhenjiang

In the sister city of Zhenjiang the Tea Culture Festival was held on April 15 of this year. Within the framework of the event presentations of tea varieties, acquaintance with Chinese tea traditions, performances of creative and vocal groups were organized. During the Festival the best tea was selected. The festival aroused great interest among residents and visitors of the city.

Events dedicated to the International Day of Monuments and Historical Sites in Yerevan

Within the framework of celebration of the International Day of Monuments and Historical Places a new exhibition called "Archaeological Heritage for Generations: Knowing, Valuing, Preserving" was held in the Erebuni Municipal Historical and Archaeological Preserve-Museum of the sister city of Yerevan. The purpose of the event is to introduce the younger generation to the study of cultural and historical values. For visitors there was the performance of the Autumn voices Choir by the Association of mature Yerevan residents and also an educational excursion around the preserve-museum prepared by the students of the Young archaeologist’s school.

Chinese Import and Export Fair in Changzhou

In the sister city of Changzhou there was a great opening of the 123rd Canton Fair of Chinese imports and exports on April 15 of this year. The Canton is the largest exhibition with the biggest business turnover. Many products are presented here, including power and construction equipment, auto parts, consumer electronics, building materials, household goods, men's and women's clothing, healthcare, gardening, sports and tourism products and much more. Annually more than 20,000 sellers and about 100,000 buyers take part in the event.


Initiative of personal development of youth

In the sister city of Pazardzhik the new initiative aimed at the personal development and professional orientation of younger generation is implemented. For career guidance the youth meeting with representatives of various professions will take place on April 17 of this year. Within it lectures will be organized and questions of interest will be discussed.

Reorganization of museums of the city of Bezier

The municipality of Bezier decided to make essential changes of the organization of the sister city’s museums.
Only one from three museums of Bezier, Fayette's museum, will be kept in its previous form. The Fabrega museum will be reconstructed and it will be the main storage and the place of display of various collections. The museum of the region of Bezier will become a spare storage for museum collections.
It is also planned to create a new modern museum by 2026 meeting all requirements of safety for objects of old times.

Farmers’ market in Des Moines

In the sister city of Des Moines the 43rd Farmers’ market will be opened at the beginning of May, it will work until the end of October.
Goods of 300 farmers, local producers and handicraftsmen from more than 50 districts of Iowa will be presented at the market. Annually the action attracts a large number of visitors, allowing not only to get fresh products, but also to participate in various entertaining events for all family.  
This year a sponsor of the Farmers’ market is the UnityPoint Health which plans to organize for visitors of the market a number of training meetings in the sphere of strengthening of health, consultations of nutritionists and also medical examinations every Saturday.

New technologies in pest control

In the sister city of Zhenjiang the Agricultural Distribution Company organized the presentation devoted to introduction of new technologies to the sphere of pest control on rice plantations. 100 representatives of farms have participated in the action. It is supposed to use modern remote-piloted vehicles for pest control. According to developers drones will be able to improve significantly the situation in this area that in turn will lead to increase in productivity of rice.

Festive actions in Yerevan devoted to the International day of dance and the International day of jazz

A number of the actions devoted to the International day of dance on April 28th and to the International day of jazz on April 30th will take place in the sister city of Yerevan. During the festivals colorful performances of song and dance ensembles and famous actors, musical competitions and meetings, and also contests devoted to national traditions are planned. These holidays are celebrated several years in Yerevan and are popular not only among citizens, but also tourists visiting the capital.

Qingming Holiday in China

This year the sister city of Changzhou, despite rainy and cold weather, within the Qingming Holiday was visited by 500 thousand tourists that is 12.69% more, than last year. The Qingming Holiday (or Festival of pure light) has very ancient history. It was considered that it’s the last day in a year to begin agricultural work. Today it is a family three-day holiday when relatives gather and carry out a ceremony of commemoration of ancestors. Picnics with singing and dances, and walks in the fresh air are also very popular.


International youth theater festival in the city of Pazardzhik
In the city of Pazardzhik the International youth theater festival "Ocean of Love" was held during the period from March 30 to April 3, 2018. Within the program of the event there were performances of more than 15 art groups of Bulgaria and Macedonia, "round tables", and meetings with the famous theater actors of Bulgaria.

Honorary reward of the Youth Home of the city of Pazardzhik
Voting on receiving the "The gold sign" honorary reward for the significant contribution to activity of the Youth Home of the city of Pazardzhik took place from March 26 to April 4, 2018. Winners were determined by the following nominations: the best artist or teacher of arts school, the most skilled teacher of the Youth Home and journalists who are most actively covering events of the organization.

Participation in the national competition "We Set to Work"
School students of the city of Bezier won the first place following the results of the national competition "We Set to Work" held since 1996 by group of the French scientists with a Nobel laureate on physics Georges Sharpak. Pupils of Olivye School already became winners of this prestigious competition for the fifth time. The winning project was devoted to clockworks and devices for time measurement from ancient times up to now. The award was presented in the French Academy of Sciences.

Construction and Career Exhibition in Des Moines
In April the Construction and Career Expo – 2018 will take place in the sister city of Des Moines. Within the event students, pupils, consultants for career and parents will be able to get acquainted with the existing opportunities for career development in the construction industry. All range of construction works from conceptual design to finishing will be presented at the exhibition. 10-12 master classes in practical demonstration of the works usually made on building sites will be organized in each section. Visitors of the exhibition can discuss interesting issues with professionals and define what education they need in this or that branch.

Visit of a group of students from Canada to Zhenjiang
Within development of the international educational exchanges the sister city of Zhenjiang was visited by a group of students from Canada. Within the program of stay they got acquainted with the system of teaching and educational process at the Zhenjiang Chongshi Girl's School and also national arts of China. The Canadian school students participated in master classes in calligraphy, art of paper cutting, clay figures and tea ceremony. For cultural events the group of students also visited Zhenjiang's sights.

Season of francophonie at music and art schools of Yerevan
For acquaintance of younger generation with the French culture the Season of francophonie is organized at municipal music art schools of the sister city of Yerevan. Within the event introductory lessons about famous artists of France and the French-speaking countries, their works and influence on the world cultural heritage, concert programs of French classical and modern writers and also an art exhibition devoted to Paris and French architecture are planned.

Visit of delegation of Denmark to the city of Changzhou

At the end of March of this year the headed by the mayor delegation of Randers, sixth in size city of Denmark, visited Changzhou. Since 2014 the cities develop fruitful cooperation in such area as economy and trade, education and culture, and tourism.
During the visit they discussed issues of further interaction in various spheres of social and economic cooperation and also expansion of partner communications between Institute of technology of Changzhou and University College of Denmark. Special attention is paid to the international distance training programs in preschool education. Near 100 students from Denmark have already participated in them.


Reconstruction of the city of Pazardzhik
In the sister city of Pazardzhik implementation of large projects was started on March 28 of this year for improvement of two residential areas. Development of the city is one the priority activities of the mayor's office. The cost of repair work is more than 3.5 million Euros; financing is made from funds of the European Union. Only for the last 8 years more than 40 million Euros were allocated for works in the sphere of city improvement.

Reconstruction of the Arena of the city of Bezier
Since 1897 the Arena of the city of Bezier – the venue of bullfights and other events, is one of the symbols of the city which are permanently attracting tourists. Due to the celebration of fifty-year anniversary of the Feriya festival in 2018 the decision on restoration works on this object has been made. It is supposed that it will be financed by Society of Arenas of Bezier into which consists of representatives of owners’ families and also municipality of the city of Bezier, and will make about 300000 Euros.

Mayor's Annual Ride and Run in Des Moines
In April the charitable Mayor's Annual Ride on 37 km and Run on 5 km will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. The funds from registration fees will go for completion of construction of the trail which will connect Cownie Baseball Complex to Easter Lake Park. This road is of great importance for convenience of movement of inhabitants and city visitors.

International educational game on robotics in Zhenjiang
At the end of March of this year the First international educational game on robotics "Information age" was organized in the Sport exhibition center of the sister city of Zhenjiang. More than 2800 pupils aged from 8 up to 18 years acted as engineers, experts in telecommunications, analysts of data, network and information administrators of safety. It was necessary to create the software, to use innovative communication technologies, to develop applications and to protect network safety. The competition lasted for two days; winners will participate in the international tournaments on robotics.

Charity program "The mayor's office of Yerevan - to children of Yerevan"
In the center of children's development and rehabilitation of "Erazi Tong" (House of a dream) the fifth season of a charity program "the Mayor's office of Yerevan - to children of Yerevan", realized together with public organization Armenian mothers. Beneficiaries of the program are children with a cerebral palsy and being under the care of single mothers. In the center of children's development and rehabilitation this year a complex course of therapy will be organized with the logopedists and the psychologists for children, psychological consultations for parents.

Visit of delegation of Brazil-China Trade center
In March of this year the sister city of Changzhou was visited by the delegation of Brazil-China Trade center. During the meetings with representatives of the municipal national government of Changzhou issues of economic and trade cooperation, scientific and cultural exchange between Brazil and China werediscussed. Special attention was paid to the program of football coaches for exchange of experience and the organization of football tours. It was hoped for further development of interaction in this sphere.


Theater performances in the city of Pazardzhik

Now the March theater performances, organized by the House of youth of the sister city, are hosted in Pazardzhik. Creative projects of young actors of the Republic of Bulgaria are submitted to inhabitants and city visitors within the program. The XIII International youth theater festival "Ocean of Love" which will be held during the period from March 30 to April 3 of this year will also become a significant event of cultural life of the city.  

Archeological finds in Bezier  

The numerous archeological finds made in recent years in the city of Bezier and its suburbs allow scientists to claim that Bezier, but not Marseille as was considered earlier, is the most ancient city of France. Archeologists have come to such conclusion, investigating artifacts found at excavations. On conclusions of experts the settlement near the city of Bezier was founded by the Greek colonists in 625 B.C. It is expected that this discovery will influence increase in tourists and, as a result, social and economic development of the city of Bezier.

Downtown Banner Program in Des Moines

In the sister city of Des Moines the Downtown Banner Program regulating street advertizing is implemented. According to this program the spaces are provided in a priority to noncommercial associations. Banners of the commercial organizations are placed only just in front of the property owned by the company. An exception is organizations celebrating anniversaries. In the downtown 250 points of placement of the advertizing structures are provided, their design is approved by the Des Moines City Council.   

Day of the Vernal Equinox in Zhenjiang

On March 21 in the sister city of Zhenjiang the Vernal Equinox was celebrated. The history of this holiday is more than 3000 years. This holiday enters the so-called cycle of twenty four seasons to which Chinese people follow from antiquity to this day. It is possible to refer to its features such traditions as walks in the fresh air, admiring fresh flowers and also national games. In Zhenjiang for maintaining national traditions and culture at elementary schools and kindergartens children participated in events devoted to this holiday.

Youth volunteer program "I am a Guide of the City" in Erevan

In the sister city of Yerevan the final stage of the youth volunteer program "I am a Guide of the City" started, it was initiated by the department of tourism of municipality of Yerevan. For promotion of spring tourism in the capital young volunteers participated in various actions for providing information support to the tourists arrived in Yerevan. From March 21st to March 23rd they gave maps of the city in two languages, answered questions and told about sights of Yerevan in the popular places, interesting for tourists.

Photo exhibition "Window of Mexico" in Changzhou

Within the celebration of the 46th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mexico in March of this year the art Photo exhibition "Window of Mexico" took place in Changzhou Museum. The Consul general of the United Mexican States in Shanghai and the vice-mayor of Changzhou took part in a ceremonial opening. The exhibition purpose is to give an opportunity to the general public to get acquainted with cultural sights, historical heritage and magnificent landscapes of Mexico. Works are presented at an exhibition in two sections: "Magical Mexico" and "Struggle and Thought".


Sporting event in the city of Pazardzhik

Now the first more than 5 thousand meters race is organized in the city of Pazardzhik. The sporting event will be held on March 24, 2018. With assistance of the Bulgarian federation on track and field athletics and Council of youth policy of the sister-city the mayor's office of Pazardzhik and the movement "Pazardzhik engages in sports" are the organizers. Everyone, irrespective of age and professional standard will be able to participate in the running. Participants will be awarded with souvenirs.

Flamenco festival in the city of Bezier

During the period from March 09 to March 24, 2018 a flamenco festival will be organized in Bezier by city administration. In the program sings and concerts of professional dancing groups. The shows of professional dancers will take place on various squares of the city of Bezier accompanied by vocals, accompaniment of guitars and castanets. Also the scientific conference about ancient history of dance, master classes in training of flamenco, production of guitars and painting of the Spanish fans will take place. At city cinemas it is supposed art and documentary films about flamenco.

Courses on training of talented youth in Des Moines

In the sister city of Des Moines intake of listeners starts for training at municipal courses for pupils of high school and graduates of schools. The program of courses assumes acquaintance with bases of business and successful career guidance in modern society, motivation of development of leadership skills and increase in a self-assessment. Main aim is to involve talented youth to active participation in all spheres of activity of Des Moines.

National suits show at the Jiangsu University

For development of friendly communications among the studying youth and also acquaintance with culture of the people of the countries of the world an unusual fashion show took place at the Jiangsu University of the sister city of Zhenjiang. Female teachers and foreign students participated in the show and showed national suits. Students with interest got acquainted with features of national clothes, traditions and customs of foreign countries.

Visit of the official delegation of Lyon to Yerevan  

The mayor of Lyon (the French Republic) paid an official visit to the capital of Armenia. During meetings with leaders of Yerevan possibilities of cooperation and implementation of joint projects, prospects of development of tourism were discussed. The model of management of the information tourist center which will be open in Yerevan was presented to the French partner. Members of delegation also visited the Center of creative technologies “Tumo” in Yerevan and Lyon Park in Erebuni which was opened in 2011.

“Green” producers of the city of Changzhou

The ministry of the industry and information technologies of China (MIIT) announced the List of the most environmentally friendly producers. The list had included five companies of the sister city of Changzhou: Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co., Ltd., Changzhou Xurong Knitting Printing And Dyeing Co., Ltd., Yadong (Changzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zealink Electrical Technology Co., Ltd., Zenith Steel Group Co., Ltd.
Development of environmentally friendly industries is an important part of the national program of China "Made in China 2025" (MIIT). Since 2017 MIIT renders assistance to implementation of the "green" projects directed to creation of environmentally friendly production and preservation of the environment.


Festive events devoted to liberation of Bulgaria from an Ottoman yoke

In Pazardzhik the festive events devoted to the 140 anniversary of liberation of Bulgaria from an Ottoman yoke will take place on March 03, 2018. Within the celebrations leadrs of the city, inhabitants and guests will participate in an official ceremony of national flag raising on the Central square of Konstantin Velichkov, a flower-laying to monuments of the national heroes participating in release of the country. In the Regional historical museum of the sister city the "Weapon of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878." exhibition will open. In end the gala concert will be held.

Reconstruction of ancient quarters of the city of Bezier  

One of priorities of Bezier city administration is further promotion of ancient quarters of the city. Now large-scale works on updating and reconstruction of Madeleine Square at which there is a medieval cathedral of the same name are carried out.
Considering that this area is one of the most popular places of citizens and city visitors, the decision to place emphasis on simplification of the movement of pedestrians is made: sidewalks will be expanded and the carriageway is raised. Works on paving of the area (1850 sq.m.) with the sandstone delivered from Burgundy are planned. Flowerpots with new young olive trees are supposed. Placement of a cafe and reconstruction of the existing fountains are provided.

Creation of favorable and comfortable environment in Des Moines

For creation of favorable and comfortable environment in Des Moines the Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District has been created for improvements of quality of life of the population, safe environment, sanitary standards, planting of flowers. By results of poll following 2017,  the majority of  inhabitants and guests of the sister city of Des Moines have given a positive assessment to work, having especially noted timely cleaning of garbage, washing of sidewalks and safety in the downtown.

Preparation for a fishing season in Zhenjiang

For maintaining ecological and biological equilibrium of the environment during the period from March 1 to June 30, 2018 a ban on fishing in the Yangtze River is imposed in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Considering that the forthcoming four months are the most important period of reproduction of fish in the river, imposing of the fishing moratorium will promote preservation of whitebaits and replenishment of fishing resources.

Youth championship of Yerevan on chess

In Yerevan the Youth championship in chess was ended. This year about 500 athletes participated in competitions. Leaders of the sister city visited the closing ceremony, prizes and medals were handed by the mayor of Yerevan. Winners of the competition also acquired the right for participation in a semi-final of the youth championship of Armenia.

Rewarding of the demonstration project of the city of Changzhou with the Jiangsu Habitat Award

In February the Jiangsu Habitat Award in the sphere of preservation and development of the living environment took place. Among nine winners there was the Building energy efficiency and green building demonstration project of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction College from the sister city of Changzhou. The purpose of the project is creation of the "green" campus.  
The college of construction for several years carries out work on improvement of and development of their territory. Within the project introduction of new technologies and achievements in the sphere of improvement of energy saving, recycling and also energy efficiency of buildings is supposed.


Festive events devoted to liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke

On February 19, 2018 the festive events devoted to memory of one of the most famous fighters for liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke Vasil Levski were held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. Leaders of the city and the region, representatives of public organizations and political parties, citizens and city visitors paid tribute to the hero’s memory and participated in a solemn flower-laying to Vasil Levski's monument. Also the gala concert prepared by pupils of Pazardzhik was organized.

About work of the Operational center of observation of municipal police of the city of Bezier  

25 employees of the Operational center of observation of municipal police of the city of Bezier carry out work in the round-the-clock mode. Video surveillance is the valuable tool for city security forces on prevention of many crimes.
More than 2500 requests for help in search actions from various services (representatives of municipal and national police, gendarmerie, and educational organizations) were sent to the Operational center of observation of the city of Bezier in 2017.
Now video surveillance in the city is carried out by means of 70 cameras. By 2020 it is planned to bring their quantity to 110 units.

Ivy Women in Business Award in Des Moines

In March of this year a rewarding ceremony of winners of the annual Ivy Women in Business Award will take place in the sister city of Des Moines.
The award is given for progress in business development and business. The award is organized for development of small business and also promotion of business activity of female population.

Collections of post stamps in China

Two sets of post stamps with the image of a symbol of the Chinese New year are released in the People's Republic of China. Collections are issued since 1980 and annually present that zodiac sign which patronizes the coming year. The famous 99-year-old artist Zhou Lingzhao became the creator of sets. Inhabitants and guests of the sister city of Zhenjiang will be able to get stamps in post offices and special sales locations.

 Day of books gifting in Yerevan

On February 19 in the sister city of Yerevan there were actions, devoted to the Day of books gifting. The holiday is celebrated since 2008. Inhabitants and guests of the capital with invariable interest participate in various literary meetings, book evenings and other thematic actions organized in libraries and bookstores of the city. On the occasion of Day books gifting, pupils of capital schools visited the mayor's office of Yerevan and presented books to the Mayor. Having thanked school students, the Mayor of Yerevan emphasized the important role of the book in education and development of generations.

"Trina Solar" of the city of Changzhou was included into the list of 50 best brands of the Province of Jiangsu

In the city of Nanjing the conference on questions of economic development took place within which 50 best companies shown excellent indicators on positioning of brands in the national and international market were announced.  
The list included the Trina Solar Limited company of the city of Changzhou. Many  companies showed enlargement of offices, increased in investments and excellent quality of production and execution of social obligations.


Participation in the international tournament on swimming

During the period from February 10 to February 11 of this year the international swimming tournament "Gladiator" was held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria). More than 300 athletes of Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia participated in the competition. Representatives of Champion sports club of Pazardzhik had successful results. They won one gold, three silver and six bronze medals. The famous Brazilian swimmer Nelson Silva presented an exhibition performance during the opening ceremony of the tournament.

New rules of auto parking in Bezier

New rules of transport parking were developed in Bezier to increase effective management of parking and to provide more intensive rotation of cars.
Now it is simpler to leave the private vehicles as time for the free parking is entered in the city: it is completely free of charge on weekends, and every day from 12:30 till 14:00 for places on land parking. In the rest of the time parking spaces in Bezier will cost 4-6 Euros depending on the district of the city. New rules involve also increase in the size of penalties for violators of the parking. Now in Bezier there are 6520 parking spaces for transport, from them 4900 – land and 1620 – underground.

Annual events in Des Moines

In 2017 the record number of visitors participated in the international actions which are annually organized in the city of Des Moines. According to Census Bureau more than 1 million people attended two major events of the city: shows and exhibitions of the Arts Festival gained the international recognition and the Downtown Farmers’ market allowed about 300 family farms, handicraftsmen and representatives of arts to present their production and works to inhabitants and city visitors. Near 1450 volunteers took part in organization of events. The growth of consumer activity and increase in the number of tourists is an indicator of dynamic development of the city.

Celebration of the Chinese New year

On February 16 of this year in China the festive events devoted to the Chinese New year or the Spring Festival have begun. Celebrations will last two weeks. According to east calendar a patron of this year is the Yellow Earth Dog - a symbol of fidelity, honesty and virtue. Residents of China honor traditions; they surely visit relatives and friends these days. Special attention is paid to preparation of traditional dishes. So national pastries, the Chinese pies and puffs are produced according to ancient recipes at one of the oldest pastry factories of Zhenjiang. Most of confectioners, whose age about 70 years, follow culinary traditions and hope to transfer them to the younger generation.  

Visit of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

The President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev who is on the state visit in the Republic of Armenia visited the Yerevan school N131 of Peyo Yavorov. At school the President of Bulgaria got acquainted with exhibits of the museum named after the Bulgarian poet, writer, journalist and publicist Peyo Yavorov and also visited the interactive educational office equipped with the modern equipment opened with assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria. In the end of the visit the President Rumen Radev made entry in the book of honorable guests of the school.

Out-of-class events for students in Changzhou

For organization of leisure of the studying youth on winter vacation the Civilization Office and the Education Bureau of municipal people’s government of the sister city of Changzhou has prepared the Colorful Winter activities dated for celebration of the Chinese New year and the Spring Festival. Within the versatile program 144 actions for students, including thematic meetings, sports competitions and fitness classes, literary gatherings, etc. are planned.


European sports orientation on skis championship

During the period from February 03 to February 08, 2018 the European sports orientation on skis championship was held in Kurtovo of Pazardzhik region. More than 300 athletes from nineteen countries of Europe took part in it. This competition is the second stage before the International cup on sports orientation among youth and already passes in the Republic of Bulgaria for the third time (previous were in 1977 and 1986).

Weekly meetings of the leaders of Bezier with citizens

In the city of Bezier weekly meetings of the mayor Robert Menar with citizens are organized during which issues of social and economic development of the city are discussed.
For further improvement of work of city administration of Bezier and quick response to needs of citizens, monthly meetings of deputies of Municipal council of the city with citizens are organized since the beginning of February, 2018. During the meetings Bezier's inhabitants can share problems with representatives of the city authorities, make offers on improvement of life quality.

Sports and recreational events in Des Moines

During February of this year in Des Moines a number of sport and recreational events "Fit & Fabulous Health Series" are organized within which residents are able to undergo medical examination and massage courses, to attend fitness classes and to get advice on health nutrition. All actions are organized on a free basis.

Swimming competitions in Zhenjiang

On February 04 of this year in Zhenjiang the swimming competitions were held dated for the celebration of the Spring Festival. About 300 athletes aged from 4 up to 67 years from the cities of Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and Taizhou of the Province of Jiangsu participated in friendly sports events.

Reform of public transport in Yerevan

In the mayor's office of Yerevan a press conferences was held on issues of public transport reform during which the main features of the developed project were presented. In new transport network there are 939 buses and 111 trolleybuses which will provide full service of passengers along 42 routes on all capital of Armenia. The main feature of the project is introduction of one ticket to a final point of a route that isn't dependent on change of transports.

New plant of the Dutch firm "AkzoNobel" in Changzhou

The large Dutch company on production of paints and coverings "AkzoNobel" owning many known brands: Dulux, Sikkens, International, Interpon and Eka, opens a new plant on production of powder coverings in Changzhou. The company is presented in nearly 80 countries of the world and plans to continue active investments into economy of China.


Sport achievements of the city of Pazardzhik

The National judo championship was held on January 27, 2018 in Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria). Representatives of Kodokan sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik successfully acted in competitions and won four gold and one bronze medal. The European cup on judo in which participation of athletes is also planned will take place on February 03-04 of this year in the city of Sofia.

Participation of the women's national team on volleyball of the city of Bezier in the France championship

The women's national team on volleyball of the city of Bezier is in the lead in the championship of France. After the convincing victory in Cannes the Beziers Angels team holds the top place with fine results: 18 victories and one defeat. On February 16, 2018 another game of the National championship on volleyball will take place at a stadium of the city of Bezier in which the team of the sister city of Bezier meets volleyball players of Camper.

Winter games in Des Moines

Citizens and visitors of Des Moines are able to participate in Winter games which will take place on February 9-10 in honor of opening of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Within a holiday participants can take part in various competitions, visit the special children's town equipped for doing winter sports, look at a fascinating show of fireworks, presentations of professional carvers of ice and also the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on the big screen.

New demonstration pavilion in Zhenjiang

In the sister city of Zhenjiang the ceremonial opening of the new demonstration pavilion "Smart City Experience Pavilion" with the total area of more than 2400 sq.m. was held on January 31 of this year. The best achievements in the sphere of "smart city" development will be shown in the Pavilion. The space is divided into three halls uniting an exhibition, a data center and also a virtual show.   

Exhibition of the school works devoted to Ayvazovsky's 200th  anniversary

At the initiative of the mayor's office of Yerevan, within the anniversary actions devoted to Ivan Ayvazovsky's 200th anniversary in the national gallery of Armenia the exhibition of school drawings was organized. By results of the competition prize-winners were awarded with certificates of honor of the mayor of Yerevan and the illustrated book "Ayvazovsky". Within the action school students got acquainted with the exhibition devoted to I. Ayvazovsky.

Visit of delegation of the Chinese-African Fund of development to Changzhou

At the end of January a delegation of experts of the Chinese-African Fund of development visited the city of Changzhou. During a meeting in the city administration issues of development of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed. The Chinese-African Fund of development, most often known as CAD Fund, is the Chinese fund of private investments. The purpose of fund is to stimulate investments of Chinese companies into electricity production, development of natural resources, transport infrastructure and industry of Africa.


International musical festival in  Pazardzhik

On January 25 in the city of Pazardzhik the 43rd traditional festival "Winter Musicales of the Prof. Ivan Spasov" was opened. Organizers of the event are the mayor's office of Pazardzhik and representatives of business community of the  sister city. Within the festival the famous band directors and performers of classical music of the Republic of Bulgaria and foreign countries will perform concert programs; a thematic exhibition will take place.

Festival of truffle in Bezier

On January 27 in the city of Bezier Festival of truffle takes place for the second time.  Within the holiday the fair of truffles and local gastronomic goods, scientific and practical conferences devoted to cultural development of truffle cultivation in Spain and Italy and also show "hunting" for truffles by means of specially trained animals are planned. The mayor of Bezier, the president of Agricultural chamber of the region Erau and also the president of the Spanish national federation of producers of truffles will participate in festive events.

Seminars on small business development in Des Moines

For assistance to development of small business and support of the beginning businessmen seminars concerning attraction of investments will take place in Des Moines. Within the Capital For Your Business Seminar information on opportunities of bank credits and grants will be provided. Target audience is the companies which are engaged in trade and medical services, restaurants, private production.
The Raising Capital seminar will allow the beginning businessmen to get acquainted with opportunities of involvement of investors for participation in "start-up" projects in the sphere of the software, new technologies, artificial intelligence, etc.

Minimally invasive hip replacement operation in Zhenjiang

The minimally invasive hip replacement operation was successfully made in the First People’s Hospital of Zhenjiang. The feature of this operation is the age of the patient. He is 103 years old. In the present it is an age record in this type of surgery about the country.

Construction of the rehabilitation center for the military personnel in Yerevan

In Yerevan a new rehabilitation center for the military personnel who has got cerebro-cranial and vertebral injuries on duty has been building. Construction of the center is carried out at the initiative of OO "Assistance to the Wounded Military Personnel and Military Personnel with Disability" with assistance of the leaders of the Republic of Armenia and also the mayor's office of Yerevan and numerous patrons. The rehabilitation center will be equipped with the latest specialized equipment.

Chinese Forum on the mobile Internet in Changzhou

In January the Chinese forum on the development of mobile Internet was organized within which the prospects of development of technologies for "the clever city", intellectual production, the mobile Internet, the international electronic trading were discussed. Such large Internet companies as Tencent, Baidu, Jingdong, eBay, Qunar and CAXA participated in the forum. In end a rewarding of winners of the Changzhou Award on information technologies-2017 took place.


Celebration of the 140 anniversary of liberation of the city of Pazardzhik

On January 14, 2018 citizens and guests of Pazardzhik celebrated the 140th anniversary of liberation of the sister-city from an Ottoman yoke. Within the framework of the celebration flowers were laid at monument of the general N. P. Brock, commander of the avant-garde of the Russian troops, who took part in the liberation of the city of Pazardzhik. Creative teams of the sister-city presented a bright concert program.

The international contest of bandleaders in the city of Pazardzhik

Recently an international contest of bandleaders was held in the city of Pazardzhik. The organizers of the event are the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in the city of Milan (Italy) as well as the management of the Symphony Orchestra of the sister-city. More than 250 representatives of seventy countries took part in the contest. 70 best bandleaders from Europe, Japan, Korea, China, Canada, USA, Australia, etc. were selected during the qualifying stage. The winner will perform concert programs in the cities of Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland with Pazardzhik Symphony Orchestra.

Construction of student campus in the city of Beziers

It is planned to build a new student campus with a total area of 3000 square meters on the bank of the South Canal of Beziers. The educational buildings and dormitories for students will be located there. It is assumed that three new schools will be opened on the basis of the campus. Students will chose among the following modern specialties: space design, graphic design, web design, video games, medicine, and tax optimization. It is planned that student campus will be opened in September 2018.

The innovative projects in the city of Des Moines

A monthly meeting of representatives of the business community of Des Moines "Startup Stories", during which entrepreneurs and potential investors had the opportunity to get acquainted with new projects, discuss issues of interest was held on January 10, 2018. Meetings are held in the "presentation – answers to questions" format. The participants of this meeting considered an innovative approach that allows to increase the yield of corn by more than 20%.

The preparation for the celebration of the Chinese New Year

An active organizational work on preparing for the celebration of the Chinese New Year is caring out in the city of Zhenjiang. In the beginning of January foreign students, studying in the sister city, organized in educational organizations the creative workshops on making paper decorations, reflecting the national characteristics of various countries around the world. The traditional national dishes are being prepared in China on the first day of the lunar twelfth month.

The International chess tournament in Yerevan

The VIII International chess tournament, dedicated to the memory of the Prime Minister of Armenia Andranik Margaryan, was held in Yerevan in the period from 09 to 17 January. 2018. About 750 chess players from Armenia, Russia and Turkmenia took part in the competition. The event was attended by the mayor of Yerevan, the chairman of the Chess Federation of the sister-city Taron Margaryan.

The awarding of the city of Changzhou

Recently the Ceremony for the WIPO-SIPO Award for Chinese Outstanding Patented Invention & Industrial Design was held in Beijing. Five patents from Changzhou city, playing a leading role in the following spheres: photovoltaic, new materials, new medicine, smart technologies and new energy vehicles, were awarded during the event. It should be also noted that in 2017 year the number of invention patents filed per 10,000 people reached 28 in the sister-city.


Arena football tournament in Pazardzhik

The XVIII Christmas arena football tournament, organized by the City Hall of Pazardzhik, was finished on December 25, 2017. More than 30 teams of the Republic of Bulgaria of various age categories participated in the event. More than 50 games were played within the tournament. The winner of the tournament is the team of Patalenica of the Pazardzhik Community. All winners of the competition were awarded with cups and valuable prizes.

The gastronomic evenings in Beziers

Since the beginning of December 2017, the gastronomic evenings «Nocturne des Halles», devoted to tasting local wines and food products, have been weekly organized in the restored old building of the trade and market complex of Beziers. Residents and guests of the sister-city have an opportunity to taste the products from smoked meat, traditional Spanish snacks, cheeses, wines of the Beziers region. The program of events includes also performances of local music groups.

The meetings with business women of the city of Des Moines

The meetings with women living in the region and working in various business areas have been organized in the city of Des Moines within the Iowa Business Women's Program. These meetings allow participants to get acquainted with the intricacies of entrepreneurship "at first hand", the basics of conducting a successful business and get efficient advice from specialists of the sphere.

The charity action in Zhenjiang

A charity program is implementing in Zhenjiang currently. The government organizations and volunteers of the sister-city take part in it. So, for example, last week clothes and other necessary manufactured goods were donated to the families in need.

The New Year marathon in Yerevan

A charitable marathon "New Year good marathon" was held in Yerevan within the preparations to the New Year and Christmas. The organizers of the event are the City Hall in cooperation with public organizations. The participants in Santa Claus costumes overcame 5 kilometers on the central streets of Yerevan. Representatives of the municipality also took an active part in the marathon. Contributions of the participants of the marathon were aimed at financing the program of assistance to the Armenians of Syria.

The industrial achievements of Changzhou

The results of the national rating of the best industrial districts and areas of China, initiated by the China Academy of Information and Communications, were summed up on December 14, 2017. According to the results 2017 year, the Wujin district of the sister-city of Changzhou took the IV place in the list «Top 100 districts in industrial development». There are 134,000 companies registered in the district, including nearly 1,600 industrial enterprises above designated scale. From January to November of this year, the industrial output of enterprises reached 434.5 billion yuan, up 14% over the same period of last year.


The solemn concert in the city of Pazardzhik

The solemn concert dedicated to the 240 anniversary of the city of Stavropol was held in the city of Pazardzhik on December 19, 2017. The event was organized by the educational partner-organization – the secondary school of general education "G. Bregov" of Pazardzhik. Within the concert a film about Stavropol was presented, Russian and Bulgarian songs, poems of Russian poets were performed. Students of "G. Bregov" school of Pazardzhik shared with the participants their impressions about the trip to Stavropol in September of this year. The greeting and congratulations of the mayor of Pazardzhik Community Todor Popov were send to the participants of the concert.

Participation in the tournament on majorettes sport

Recently the International majorettes sport tournament «Roma Christmas Magic» was held in the city of Frascati (Italy). More than 250 majorettes of Europe participated in the event. The representatives of Mystery sports club of the sister-city Pazardzhik successfully acted and won two gold and one bronze medals.

The festive events in the sister-city of Beziers

The citywide events, dedicated to the upcoming Christmas and New Year, are being continued in the city of Beziers. Trade pavilions offering confectionery and souvenirs, Christmas-tree decorations as well as various gifts are opened for residents and guests of the sister-city as part of the preparation to the Christmas holidays. Theatrical performances, fairground pavilions, ice rink are opened at various city venues. A mini-farm, working as a contact zoo, workshops on preparing hand-made gifts, decorations from fresh flowers are opened for children. There is an opportunity to take pictures with the popular characters of cartoons, one of them are the favorite heroes of Russian children – Masha and the Bear.

The sociological survey in the sister-city

About 2,600 residents of the city of Des Moines participated in a sociological survey organized in December 2017 by «Human Capital Survey», created by business partnership «Greater Des Moines» in cooperation with Drake University. This company is engaged in studying the opinions and experiences of the city's residents on the issues of relations with the local community and the possibility of succeeding in Des Moines. According to the survey 90% of the participants believe that the city of Des Moines is a favorable place to create a family, 87% think that their colleagues treat their job duties, 89% are ready to recommend the city of Des Moines to another.

The celebration of the Winter Solstice Day

The Winter Solstice Day, one of the traditional Chinese festivals, was held in the city of Zhenjiang on December 22, 2017 year. It annually falls on December 21st , 22nd or 23rd. On the eve of the celebration residents of Chinese cities prepare various traditional dishes, gather as a family. So, for example, the traditional dish in the sister-city of Zhenjiang is “Tangyuan” – kind of balls made of glutinous rice flour and filled with chopped vegetable and meet or with sugar, walnuts, sesame, rose petals or marmalade.

The opening ceremony of the New Year tree in Yerevan

The solemn opening ceremony of the New Year tree was held on the central square of Yerevan on December 19, 2017. The mayor of the city, representatives of the municipality as well as students of music and art schools, students – winners of international contests and young athletes took part in the ceremony. The opening ceremony of the New Year tree was accompanied with a festive concert and was ended with fireworks. It should be noted that the festive decoration of Yerevan in this year became one of the most successful examples of cooperation between the city administration and business community.

Satakunta delegation visited Changzhou

The delegation of Satakunta (Finland), headed by the mayor of the region, visited the sister-city of Changzhou on December 12, 2017. The official delegation included also heads of the City Hall, representatives of higher education institutions and business community of Satakunta. The members of the delegation were welcomed by the vice mayor of the sister-city Mr. Fang Guoqiang. During the meeting the sides discussed further prospects of development of friendly sister-city relations, issues of socio-economic and humanitarian cooperation.


The charitable exhibition-fair in the city of Pazardzhik

The charitable exhibition-fair "Christmas dreams ", organized by Pazardzhik City Hall will take place in the sister-city in the period from 18 to 22 December, 2017 year. Pre-school and secondary educational organizations of the Pazardzhik Community will participate in the event. The proceeds will be transferred to the treatment of children. A creative program will also be presented within the framework of the exhibition.

The guest performance of the Moscow Circus on ice in Beziers

28 artists of the Moscow Circus on ice arrive to Beziers with guest performance. The performance will take place on December 20, 2017 in the concert hall «Zinga Zanga» of the sister-city. The plastic and air acrobats, jugglers, gymnasts on uneven bars, skaters on stilts, ballet dancers on the ice and clowns will show their skills to residents and guests of the city during the performance. The show "Traditional Russian matryoshka" will hold.

The annual corporate games in the city of Des Moines

The registration of companies for the participation in the third annual corporate games – 2018, organized under the "Iowa Games" program was started in the beginning of December this year in the city of Des Moines. The participation of 75 teams is expected, which will be able to prove themselves in 26 kinds of sports in June-July of the following year. The aims of the competitions are strengthening the corporate spirit, team cohesion as well as attracting employees to lead a healthy lifestyle and go in for sports. Winners will be awarded the Corporate Cup of the Games during the annual Iowa Fair.

The program on separate waste collection

A program on attracting primary school students to separate collection of domestic waste was launched in Zhenjiang. A creative program dedicated to environmental problems was presented to students within the framework of the event, an exhibition of crafts made of used materials was organized. The municipality presented schools more than 100 garbage containers for separate waste collection.

The preparation to the New Year and Christmas

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas the City Hall of Yerevan is carrying out work on the festive decoration of the capital of Armenia, installing parade lighting systems and LED decorations. The XIII season of the ice rink "Swan Lake" was opened for fans of active recreation and winter sports. The annual Christmas Fair which features New Year's and Christmas souvenirs, festive decorations and a wide range of food products was opened for citizens and visitors of the city.

The meeting with a delegation of representatives of French universities

The Mayor of Changzhou met with a delegation of representatives of French universities Lille и IMT Lille Douai. During the meeting the issues of development of cooperation in the field of education and youth exchanges as well as further implementation of the bilateral program on improving the level of education between the University of Chaohai in Changzhou and French universities were discussed. The prospects for the establishment of the Sino-French institute as well as opening of a campus of the Confucius University and the Water University of Hohai in France were considered.


Rewarding of the best businessmen of the year in Pazardzhik

On December 4 of this year in the city of Pazardzhik the ceremony of rewarding of the best businessmen of the year was held. The Association of businessmen of the city of Pazardzhik was the organizer of the event. The mayor of Pazardzhik addressed with a welcoming speech to participants, the Deputy Governor of the region sent words of Governor’s congratulations. Awards were presented in the following nominations: "Businessman of year", "Innovations and technologies", "The fast-growing company", "Successful investments", "The socially responsible enterprise". Within the action the charity event – fund raising for talented children was also organized. There was a bright creative show in end of the ceremony.

Release of the elderly citizen’s card in Bezier

Near 76000 people live in the city of Bezier, 20000 citizens are aged more senior than 60 years. For rendering social support to the population of the senior age group the “elderly citizen’s card” is issued, that allows taking privileges and advantages at purchasing various goods, fee of public service establishments, medical and cultural institutions. Any resident of the city and agglomerations at the age of 60 years and more senior can receive the elderly citizen’s card. The service is provided free of charge.

Public Policy Issue Forum on the topic of immigration reform in Des Moines

In the city of Des Moines the Public Policy Issue Forum on the topic of immigration reform took place on December 07 of this year. Issues of immigration, the state reform and also possible consequences of its implementation in Des Moines were discussed at the meeting. The forum is organized within the new national "iMarch" event which will unite representatives of business, religion, industry, and mass media for the solution of problems of immigration. During the action the real stories of inhabitants of 50 states will be presented for the general public proving need of reforms for this sphere.

Agreement on investment cooperation in the sphere of aircraft industry

In Zhenjiang the agreement on investment cooperation between Slovenia's bat aircraft manufacturing company and the general aviation aircraft manufacturing in Zhenjiang is signed at the beginning of December. The agreement supposes production of new airplanes in the city of Zhenjiang. Special attention is paid to development of electro-and hybrid models.

Exhibition of creative works of physically disabled people in Erevan

During the period from December 05 to December 08, 2017 in Erevan city administration the exhibition of creative works of physically disabled people is organized within the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. During the ceremonial opening organizers and participants of the exhibition and also paralympic athletes were awarded by thanksgiving diplomas of the mayor of Erevan.

New park of financial innovations in Changzhou

Changzhou has started creation of a new park of financial innovations specializing on interactive approach to industry and financial sector development.  Working-out of a new model of interaction of the industry, the financial industry and the city is planned. It is supposed to implement direct investments, financial control, production incubator and also additional education in the field of business for development of strategically important branches: innovative and intellectual production, medicine, energy saving, environmental protection, creation of new materials. The park will be located in the National Hi-tech Zone in the Changzhou center.


Tournament on majorettes sport in the city of Pazardzhik

In the city of Pazardzhik the majorettes sport tournament "Europe the Grand Prix of 2018" will be held in June, 2018. The decision to hold this sport competition was made on the General meeting of the International federation of majorettes sport in August, 2017. The seminar concerning the tournament organization was organized in which more than 25 heads of on-stage performance groups of the cities of Bulgaria took part. All-sided assistance and support are promised by the Mayor of Pazardzhik.

Five-a-side tournament in Pazardzhik

In the city of Pazardzhik preparatory work was organized on a traditional Christmas five-a-side tournament on 23-25 December. Participation of more than 30 teams of various age categories is expected. Winners of a tournament will be awarded with memorable and valuable prizes of the mayor's office of Pazardzhik.

Sports show in Bezier

On December 02, 2017 in the concert hall of the city of Bezier the "Geometrix" sports show will be organized in which 70 sportswomen of the city club on rhythmic and rhythmic gymnastics "ASB Gym" will participate. More than 200 suits are used in the show; colorful performances of gymnasts will be followed by various musical compositions.

Program for improvement of education level of the working population

In Des Moines essential results were achieved within the realized program the Education Drives our Greater Economy. According to the latest data more than 61,7% of the working population of the city have education beyond high school or have completed advanced training courses. It is 10,4% higher, than in 2008. The age group from 25 to 64 years has the necessary diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming existence of knowledge demanded by employers now. This program promotes career development of talented youth and also preservation of skilled workers in the region.

Construction of the high-speed railroad

The first box girder of the high-speed railroad Zhenjiang- Lianyungang (the large seaside city in the east part of the PRC) was collected in Zhenjiang. The carcass was established on the bridge of the 11th meter height. Construction of the high-speed railroad will be finished in 2019 and opening is planned in 2020. The new transport way will promote increase goods and passenger traffics to promote economic growth of the cities.

Participation in a business forum on tourism development

On the occasion of the 25 anniversary of establishment of the friendly relations the delegation of the mayor's office of Yerevan paid an official visit to the city of Marseille (France) and participated in the business forum organized by the Armenian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille. Within the forum issues of tourism development in the context of event tourism, creation of infrastructures and implementation of investment programs were discussed. The Memorandum of cooperation between Erevan and Marseille was signed for development of tourism also further exchange of experience.

Visit of delegation of Sri Lanka

For development of cooperation in economic and social spheres the official delegation headed by the Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in China visited the city of Changzhou. During the meeting with the Mayor of Changzhou issues of expansion of interaction in the sphere of trade, culture and tourism were discussed. Representatives of delegation of Sri Lanka hoped to adopt the model of development of agriculture in Changzhou and also to get acquainted with the best city practices.


Day of Christian family

Annually the Day of Christian family is celebrated on November 21 in Bulgaria. During this holiday it is supposed to take children to church, to tell about belief and bible events, bringing up Christian values. Within the festive actions in the city of Pazardzhik the concert was organized with assistance of the mayor's office at which artistic groups of the twin-city participated, and the exhibition of drawings was opened.

Tournament on swimming

During the period from November 18 to November 19 the ІV swimming tournament "Sprint" took place in the city of Plovdiv (Republic of Bulgaria). More than 450 swimmers from forty sports clubs of the country participated in it. Representatives of "Champion" sports club of Pazardzhik won gold and two silver medals and also a cup of the best swimmer.

A new fountain construction on Jeanne Jores Squareof Bezier

Large-scale works on improvement of Jeanne Jores Square are carried out in the city of Beziers. By June, 2018 it is planned to place on the square the big musical fountain with a water mirror of 350 m3 and the channel. Now engineering works on installation and debugging of the underground equipment are carried out. It is expected that after opening of the fountain Jeanne Jores Square will become one of favorite vacation places of citizens and Bezier's guests.

Winter farmers’ market

With Thanksgiving around the corner, the Winter farmers’ market is opened in Des Moines at which food products of more than 130 local producers will be presented: meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, smoked and bakery products, honey, jams, wine and also products from greenhouses. Besides, buyers are able to get everything for decoration of the house and a holiday table. The farms presented at the Winter market also take active part in charity, having offered food for the needing population more than for 146 250 dollars.

Social programs for elderly in Zhenjiang

The municipal national government of Zhenjiang organizes a number of social programs on involvement of the elderly population to cultural life of the city. Inhabitants of the senior age can visit free of charge various creative dancing and vocal presentations, dressed-up opera statements. Many actors perform on streets or in parks; programs enjoy popularity and attract a keen interest of citizens.

Festival of outdoor advertizing

The Second festival of outdoor advertizing takes place in Erevan in which work representatives of the international largest advertizing agencies take part. The main objective of the festival is development of the sphere of outdoor advertizing by means of introduction of the international experience. Within the action there will be a number of master classes of representatives of the world famous companies, the creative competition of the best advertizing, winners will have an opportunity to realize the ideas. Awards will be presented in 7 nominations: creative approach, the best advertizing campaign, the best social advertizing, the best advertizing carrier, the best design of the advertizing carrier, unrealized advertizing company and the best adaptation.

Exhibition of the Chinese artist Liu Haisu

The Drops in the Ocean exhibition will take place in Beijing. It is devoted to magnificent landscapes of the Huangshan mountain chain, a UNESCO world heritage site, poets and artists have been admiring its beauty during many hundreds of years. 28 pictures of the native of the city of Changzhou the known Chinese artist Liu Haisu (1896-1994) are also presented at the exhibition. These mountains inspired the outstanding artist, tens of times he represented them on his pictures, combining classical Chinese traditions of painting with the European achievements and techniques.


Competitive selection of the best athletes of the city of Pazardzhik

The annual traditional selection of ten best athletes of the city takes place in Pazardzhik. Questionnaires of participants – representatives of twenty five sports clubs of the city will be considered by the contest committee consisting of experts and journalists in the field of sport. When summing up individual achievements of the athlete, his participation and awards in the international, European and national competitions will be considered. Winners will be marked out by diplomas and gift money. Also the best trainer of the twin-city following the results of 2017 will be defined.

International tournament on rhythmic gymnastics

During the period from November 11 to November 12 of this year the VІІІ international tournament on rhythmic gymnastics took place in the city of Pazardzhik. Competitions are held since 2004, the organizer is the mayor's office of Pazardzhik. This year twenty sports clubs of Bulgaria and Italy participated in this tournament. The representatives of Dilyana sports club of the sister city successfully acted and won nine gold, seven silver and five bronze medals.

An exhibition of a sculpture of Rodin "Thinker" in Bezier

In the hall of city administration of Bezier Rodin's sculpture "Thinker" is exposed for a public attention. This authentic work, acquired by Bezier's mayor's office in 1900, has been created in studio of the world famous sculptor and carries a personal brand of Rodin.

Long time the sculpture was in school of the fine arts of the city of Bezier and served as a model to the beginning artists. "Thinker" has 71 cm in height. For comparison: the well-known sculpture in Rodin's museum in Paris has 90 cm in height.

Fifth annual forum on problems of variety and social equality

In Des Moines the Fifth annual forum devoted to issues of variety and social equality took place on November 16 this year. Within the forum problems of integration of inhabitants of the region, granting equal opportunities for adaptation in the society of various representatives of the population, business starting and also career development of talented youth were considered. Discussion of ways of involvement of organizations and institutions to the solution of problems in this sphere became the key moment.

City festival of folk arts and crafts

In Zhenjiang the annual city festival of folk arts and crafts was held. Within the festival the audience could estimate the best programs of amateur collectives. 29 musical and 24 dancing numbers, 27 theatrical performances were submitted on city stages in the largest parks and Zhenjiang's squares.

New shopping center in Erevan

In Yerevan a new shopping center "RIO" was opened entering into the largest Russian network of shopping centers of the same name. At a ceremony there was a President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and the mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan. The cost of the investment program for construction of three-storey shopping center with a total area of 24000 sq.m. made 40 million US dollars. In the RIO center about 500 jobs will be created.

Joint aminoglycoside antibiotics research laboratory

In November FangYuan pharmaceutical company and Shanghai Jiaotong university signed the Agreement on creation in of Changzhou of a joint research laboratory on aminoglycoside antibiotics which are widely used in treatment. The laboratory will specialize on creation of new forms of drugs and carrying out basic researches. FangYuan company spends 8-10% of annual profit for development of the latest medical medicines of new generation.


Participation in the International tournament on swimming "PHILIPPIA"

During the period from November 04 to 05, 2017, the international tournament on swimming “PHILIPPIA’ was held in the city of Kavala (Greece). More than 400 children aged from 8 up to 11 years participated in the competitions. Representatives of sports club “Champion” of the city of Pazardzhik had a great success. Young swimmers won nine prizes: three gold, three silver and three bronze medals. Representatives of sports club “Champion” of the sister city will also take part in the National championship of Bulgaria in swimming which will take place at the end of November this year.

Educational programs at Institute of technology of Bezier

The institute of technology of the city of Bezier as a part of a network of educational institutions of the university of Montpellier realizes among other the training programs for the innovative directions “Multimedia and Internet” and also “Telecommunication networks”. In the nearest future at the institute an opening of “the hall of virtual reality” is supposed which will allow various scientific researches.
Training at Institute of technology of Bezier is carried out by an original technique other than classical education. This technique allows students to establish close interaction with manufacturing enterprises from first years of training and further significantly facilitates their employment after obtaining diplomas

Innovative medical clinic in physical therapy in Des Moines

An innovative medical clinic of a leading company in the sphere of physical therapy “ATI Physical Therapy” was opened in Des Moines. The clinic specializes in providing medical services in the sphere of physical therapy, therapeutic exercises and recovery medicine. The personal plans of treatment assuming manual therapy, therapeutic treatment, sports occupations, adaptation of cardiovascular system, and treatment by ultrasound and electrical stimulation will be developed for patients. The ATI Physical Therapy company is known for the high rates and exclusive results on health recovery of patients.

The 15th city sports game in Zhenjiang

Zhenjiang municipal national city government attaches particular importance to development of mass sport and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The official opening of the 15th city sports game was held on November, 05 this year. The mayor of Zhenjiang Mr. Zhang Yefei addressed to participants with a welcoming speech. The competitions are held on several sports for professional teams. Inhabitants and city visitors participate with pleasure in games and encourage sportsmen.

Meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France in the Republic of Armenia

A welcome meeting of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France in the Republic of Armenia Johnathan Lakot was organized in city administration of Yerevan. The mayor of Erevan congratulated the ambassador on the beginning of diplomatic mission in Armenia and expressed confidence in further expansion of friendly intermunisipal relations. In his speech of response Johnathan Lakot expressed gratitude for congratulations and readiness for cooperation and promotion of all programs and initiatives of strengthening and deepening of bilateral ties.

Taiwan youth forum in Changzhou

The Taiwan youth forum on support of innovations and business activity took place in Changzhou. Within the forum agreements on many-sided cooperation between Changzhou's universities and higher educational institutions of the island of Taiwan were signed. It was noted that more than 100 young Taiwan businessmen worked in the city of Changzhou and there were more than 50 Taiwan enterprises. Confidence in expansion of cooperation in education, cultures and talent pool to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results was expressed during the forum.


Celebration of the Day of national enlighteners

Annually on November 1 in Bulgaria the Day of national enlighteners – participants of liberation movement from an Ottoman yoke is celebrated.
This day with the assistance of Pazardzhik city administration festive events were held. The torch procession was organized, participants carried portraits of the Bulgarian national heroes on the main streets of the sister city, laid flowers at a monument of the writer and historian, social and political, state and diplomatic figure Konstantin Velichkov. In end the gala concert was held.

National award in the sphere of development of the downtown of the cities of France

In October, 2017 the city of Bezier received the national award "for implementation of the construction project and updating of city heritage" in the downtown. This award for the best practices in the field of development of the central parts of the cities of France is presented by the competent juries consisting of experts in the field of town planning, representatives of local governments and recognized press.
Today citizens and Bezier's guests note carefully restored facades of buildings and city spaces, thought carefully over and updated public transport stops, many new shops.

Ranking the Best Place for Business and Careers

According to the information and analytical magazine "Forbes" Des Moines takes the fifth place as the best place for development of business and careers (October, 2017). 200 largest cities of the USA are compared on 14 indicators of business climate, such as employment rate of the population, necessary capitals for business starting, growth in incomes, quality of life, and education level of the working population.

Zhenjiang Youth Robot competition

Zhenjiang Youth Robot competition was organized by Zhenjiang municipal national government. More than 650 pupils of primary classes participated in the competition, projects were presented in several categories. Winners will take part in the World Cup in robotics among youth.

Yerevan development program for 2018-2022.

During the regular meeting of the Council of Elders of Yerevan the five-year program of Erevan development for 2018-2022 was approved. The main objective of the program is ensuring sustainable development of the capital of Armenia.
In the program particular importance is attached to providing the well-planned and convenient city environment both for residents of Yerevan, and for guests of the capital. In particular they discussed issues of creation of recreation grounds, increase in green areas, improvement domestic territories, external design of buildings, ensuring convenient and safe movement.

Visit of delegation of the Netherlands

In October of this year the city of Changzhou welcomed a delegation of the sister city of Tilburg, Netherlands. This year the cities celebrate the 20th anniversary of the twinning relations between Changzhou and Tilburg. Cooperation of the cities successfully develops in the sphere of economy, trade, cultures, tourism, logistics and other areas. The joint Aviation Science and Technology park China-Netherlands, opened in Changzhou in 2014, successfully works.
During stay members of the delegation examined work of local mass media, visited television and radio stations and also the government service center of Changzhou.


Historical exhibition in the city of Pazardzhik

Within the celebration of the Day of Bulgarian enlighteners the Maintaining Cultural Values exhibition will be opened in the Regional historical museum of the city of Pazardzhik on November 01, 2017. Citizens of the sister city will be able to enjoy cultural and historical heritage of the Republic of Bulgaria, including pictures and icons, household items, jewelry, coins and weapon.

Sport achievements of the city of Pazardzhik

National competitions in rhythmic gymnastics were held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) during the period from October 21 to October 22 this year. More than 500 sportswomen participated in the event. Representatives of sports club "Dilyana Pryma" of the sister city of Pazardzhik were on a hot streak. Participants won six prize-winning medals: four gold, silver and bronze.

Days of a bullfight in Bezier

During the period from October 27 to October 29, 2017, Days of a bullfight will take place for the 35th time in the city of Bezier. Scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions of suits and weapon of the famous toreadors, concerts of dancers of flamenco are supposed in the program. In conclusion, within the city Feriya festival, "Bezier Queen" will be elected and the ceremony of an awarding the prizes to the participants of a bullfight among adults and juniors will be held.

Educational summit

The Educational summit devoted to the latest developments and introduction of the best practices in the pedagogical sphere will take place in Des Moines in November this year. Representatives of local authorities, public organizations and business communities, teachers and scientists will participate in the conference. During the forum issues of innovative approach to interaction of representatives of business communities and the educational sphere, involvement of employers to training, assistance to talented youth, and ensuring equality at education will be considered.

Holiday of Two Nine

Citizens of Zhenjiang are preparing for a traditional autumn Holiday of Two Nine which is celebrated in the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese traditional calendar. This day Chinese traditionally eat the five-layer pies decorated with the tag symbolizing a cornel and drink chrysanthemum tea (a cornel and a chrysanthemum are considered as the cleaning plants), esteem the olds. Special attention is paid to assistance to the senior generation. For this purpose the municipal national government of the sister city with volunteer organizations and educational institutions have developed a number of programs for social support of the elderly people assuming rendering medical, hairdresser's and other services.

Implementation of the strategic program "Yerevan — the Clever City"

The mayor's office of Yerevan, the VivaCell-MTS company and the Union of employers of information and communication technologies signed the tripartite memorandum of cooperation in implementation of the strategic program "Yerevan — the Clever City", according to which the mayor's office of Yerevan expressed readiness to promote development of hi-tech decisions in all spheres of urban governance and also to creation of innovative infrastructures with application information and telecommunication technologies.

Ninth China flower exhibition

The floristic companies of the city of Changzhou took prizes at the Ninth China flower exhibition in Yinchuan, Ningxia. The special prize and eight gold awards were awarded in the nominations: a bonsai, plant arrangements and potted flowers.
The first China flower exhibition was in 1987, at the moment it is one of the largest and most prestigious national events in the sphere of floristic and planting of China.


Opening of Pazardzhik’ art exhibition

The annual traditional exhibition of professional artists was opened in Pazardzhik’ Art gallery of G.Maschew on October 18, 2017. During the ceremony the mayor's office of Pazardzhik Community and representative office of Bulgaria artists union presented awards to authors for vigorous creative activity. It should be noted that date of opening of the exhibition is chosen not casually. October 18 is the day of remembrance of the Saint Apostle and Evangelist Luke, the first Christian icon painter.

Holiday of young wine in the city of Beziers

The holiday of young wine will be celebrated on October 22, 2017 in the sister-city of Beziers. It symbolizes the end of the vintage season. As part of the program of events, the city associations will hold a traditional carnival procession. The solemn ceremony of presenting grape bunches as a gift to the city authorities, as well as the festive mass and the blessing of the young wine in the cathedral of San Nazaire will be held. Representatives of the municipality of Beziers organize a tasting of new crop of this drink for residents and visitors of the city.

The forum in Des Moines

The business association "Greater Des Moines Partnership" announced a forum on public policy in the area of housing affordability on November 07. Representatives of the financial authorities of the state of Iowa, housing funds, universities and business circles and the public will participate in the event. Problems of affordable housing, as well as issues of mental health will be discussed at the forum.

Fair of agricultural products

A Fair of agricultural products of Jiangsu province was held from 15 to 17 October in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. More than 1,500 manufacturing companies, processing enterprises, agricultural cooperatives and farmers participated in the fair. The event aroused great interest of the residents and guests of the city who were able to see the wide assortment of products, and acquired the necessary at an affordable price.

International half marathon in Yerevan

A running competition – the international "Europe marathon" was held on 16 October with the assistance of Yerevan municipality and the Foundation "Repat Armenia". The purpose of the event is promotion of healthy lifestyle and promotion of sports tourism in the capital of Armenia. About 2,000 runners from 33 countries participated in the half marathon. Distance 5 km and 10 km were provided for beginners and runners with disabilities, and 1 km - for children. The experienced participants had to overcome the whole distance - 21.1 km

30th anniversary of sister city relations Changzhou and Takatsuki

A reception of the official delegation of the sister-city took place with regard to celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of sister city relations between the cities of Changzhou and Takatsuki (Japan). During the meeting the sides noted fruitful cooperation in the socio-cultural, educational, tourism and health spheres. They expressed mutual desire to strengthen economic and humanitarian cooperation in the framework of twinning between two cities, as well as joint implementation of some projects. Planting of trees was organized in the International garden of friendship of Changzhou in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of friendly relations with the Japanese city.


Karate competitions

The International Shotokan Karate Championship was held from 04 to 08 October 2017 in the city of Eger (Hungary). Athletes from 45 countries of the world participated in competitions. During the championship, the Pazardzhik’ Tonus-Sport club karatekas won several awards.

Concert of mandolin ensembles in the city of Pazardzhik

The concert "Slavic meeting with a mandolin" was held on October, 9 in Pazardzhik. The City Hall organized and financially supported the event. Bulgaria mandolin ensembles and foreign countries, including the folklore group "Subboteya" of the city of Zheleznogorsk (Russian Federation) participated in the creative event.

Achievements of the soccer team of the city of Bezie

Bezie’ combined team "AS" having won the Red Star team of Paris, now is one of leaders of the taking place soccer championship of France within league "National". After an unsuccessful series of games of last season the sports club management of "AS" for 80% updated team's line-up and also invited the noy goalkeeper – the skilled Brazilian football player Masedo Novaes. Trainers to hope for successful play of the team in the future matches.
Completion of work of the farmer market in Des Moines
The annual Des Moines farmer market working since May, 2017 will be closed on October, 28. During all the time various production more than 300 farms, producers and handicraftsmen of 58 of Iowa districts presented here. Besides, exhibitions of local artists, culinary master classes, musical representations and entertainments were organized for visitors. The closing coincides with the national holiday Halloween in this connection the relevant fancy-dress activities are planned.

Implementation of projects to improve water quality

Zhenjiang’ water system-city includes one lakes and nine rivers. The city's leadership for a number of years, paying special attention to the improvement of water quality. More than 20 projects to improve the ecological state of the environment with the use of innovative technologies, as well as upgrading the infrastructure and drainage of the lake being implemented in this year. The total investment amounted to 900 million yuan.

Opening of a children's town of professions in Yerevan

The opening ceremony of the children's town of professions "CityZen" was held in the sister city of Yerevan. It is designed for children from 4 to 14 years. The interactive project has streets and institutions, such as the police, the rescue service ande the chocolate factory. The children's town offers unique opportunities for the diversified development of the child: developing classes for toddlers, group educational programs for schoolchildren, unusual scenarios of outreach activities, holidays and shows. All classes are carried out in a game form, so the process of obtaining new knowledge about working life becomes interesting.

The day of the PRC

Festive events dedicated to the main public holiday in China - the Day of the founding of the people's Republic took place in the sister-city Changzhou in the period from 01 to 07 Oct. "Golden week" (so-called celebrations in the nation) coincided with the Autumn festival, therefore many excursions and leisure activities were conducted. According to the National tourism department data in 2017 the number of trips in these days increased by 15% compared to last year and amounted to 705 million trips. Providing free use of wireless high-speed roads during the "Golden week" contributed to this. It is noted that the bicycle used in these days more and this was due to the reduction of carbon emissions by 78 metric tons.


Part of the creative team of Pazardzhik in the festival of dances

Festival of dances "Spinning dance, spinning" was recently held in Reus (Spain). The Pazardzhik’ ensemble of folk dances "Chudesie" took part in it. The creative team of sister city participated with the financial support of the city hall. The mayor of the Spanish city highly appreciated the ensemble’s creative program. The team also visited the Bulgarian Sunday school "St. Sedmochislenici", located in the city of Reus.

Restoration of the building and creation of the area in the city of Bezier

The Bezier city administration continues a work on improvement of the city, considering careful preservation of historical heritage. Restoration of the building on the ancient Shodronye Street and also creation of the new area is planned. When visiting sights it is possible to get acquainted with the ruins of an ancient theater found during archeological excavations. The theater was included in the list of UNESCO historical monuments in 2015. Works are co-financed by the National agency of renovation of France cities and the regional culture directorate. The object taking in to use is supposed in the first quarter of 2019.

The Day of the PRC

The Day of foundation of People's Republic of China is the most important public holiday of China and it was held on October, 01 in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. According to tradition during the holiday citizens visit their relatives, parks and participate in recreational activities. This important day for the country's residents has a great significance for patriotic upbringing of the younger generation. The weekend is from 01 to 08 October.

Implementation of the program " Yerevan - Love City "

Celebration of the Day of Yerevan "Erebuni 2799" will be held on October, 14. The program of assistance and support of various social groups of the population has being implemented for the fourth year as part of the "Yerevan - Love City" events timed to the founding of the sister-city. Within ten days, 2,799 families will receive gifts in accordance with their wishes, including necessary household appliances.

The opening of the exhibition in Yerevan

An exhibition of old Armenian carpets-mosaics "Wishapagorg" was opened in the sister-city on September, 27. These carpets picture a popular character in the Armenian mythology and folklore - a dragon-wishap. Items are made of colored and semiprecious stones, including marble, granite, azurite, tuff-Sandstone, etc. It is noteworthy that the design of one of the elements was copied from the original dragon carpets of the XVI century, located in the London history Museum.

The interim results of the development of solar energy

For the purposes of the rejection of coal-fired power industry China is rapidly developing the alternative energy in recent years, uses advanced technology and involves the best workforce. So in 2012, the Changzhou company "Trina Solar" invited to cooperate the Belgian-Australian engineer Pierre Verlinden. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of products for the solar industry. Successful collaboration contributed to the world achievements in energy conversion. Thanks to the continuous work of the last decade, the China is a market leader in the production and sale of photovoltaic products. 60% solar cells of the manufactured products in the world is produced in the provinces Jiangsu and Zhejiang.


The development of sport industry in Pazardzhik

A press conference of the mayor of the Community Pazardzhik Todor Popov was held on September 27, 2017. Particular attention was paid to the organization of leisure for young people and the development of a sport industry in the sister-city. The famous Bulgarian athlete in rhythmic gymnastics, the head of the Association "Pazardzhik in sport" Reneta Kamberova will coordinate the implementation of programs in the sports field. Currently the concept of long-term development of physical culture and sport in the sister-city is being prepared.

The opening of the National Exhibition of Graphic Art

On September 28, 2017 the opening of the National Exhibition of Graphic Art, organized with the financial support of the City Hall of the sister city was held in the city of Pazardzhik. The works by more than 50 artists from the Republic of Bulgaria are presented on thе exhibition.

The restoration of an ancient statue in the city of Beziers

In agreement with the principal architect of France a significant work on the restoration of the ancient statue of the Virgin Mary, located in the city of Beziers was carried out. The metal statue was processed with modern anticorrosive means, then it was gilded – 24 carats. Beziers municipal services installed additional lighting, emphasizing the beauty of the statue at any time of the day.

Meeting for beginners in the city of Des Moins

As part of the organization of seminars for beginning entrepreneurs, the meeting with the founder of "HomeDittyTM" will be held in October in the sister-city of Des Moins. The main goal of the meeting is to assist in launching a business based on its own experience of creating software, marketing and implementing ideas. The company holding mini-concerts across the country with the involvement of as many creative groups as possible and applies new Internet technologies.

International forum on low carbon economy
International forum on low carbon economy was held in the sister-city of Zhenjiang on September 26-28. About 500 experts participated in it. Under the program, the participants discussed the issues of development of new energy sources, outer space, using the latest intelligent technology. The strategically important cooperation agreements, including with the development Programme of the United Nations and the Chinese-American project on energy cooperation in the field of low-carbon energy, coahran environmental and low-carbon urban development were signed.

Festival-Fair of Armenian Goods

Within the framework of the program of cooperation between the Yerevan municipality and the Moscow government, the traditional festival-fair of Armenian goods "Golden Pomegranate" was held in the Russian capital from September 14 to 17. The conference "Prospects for the development of trade, economic and cultural ties between Moscow and Yerevan" was held within the framework of the festival. Traditional Armenian food products, handicrafts, souvenirs, clothes, etc. were also presented. The event was accompanied by a concert program.

The visit of the Governor of the state of Illinois (USA)

With the aim of strengthening and development of Chinese-American relations, Governor of Illinois (USA) visited China on an official visit in September. The result of a collaboration of the state's cities and Chinese provinces cities has become a stable, multi-vector cooperation in trade-economic and socio-cultural fields, including the implementation of cultural and educational exchanges. Friendly twinning relations in education and business are dynamically developing between the cities of Changzhou and Rockford (Illinois, USA).


Competition for young poets in Pazardzhik

Pazardzhik city hall announced the holding of the IV National young poets contest named Dimitar Boyadzhiev - a Bulgarian poet of the XIX century, left a significant mark in the national literature. The authors up to 30 years can participate in the event and will have to send to the jury five unpublished poems. Summarizing will take place on the Day of poetry of the Republic of Bulgaria – on October, 01. The publishing rights to the collection of poems will be given to the winners.

Exhibition in Art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky

The National exhibition in the field of graphic art will open in art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky thanks to support of Pazardzhik city administration in the nearest future. Due to the holding an action the catalog was prepared in which about 100 works more than 50 participants were presented.

Improvement of Parking lots

Within three years of the service of Béziers municipality worked on improving the organization of Parking lots. The goal was to make Parking cheaper, easier and cleaner. Since early September, new rules came into force. Currently, Beziers motorists are entitled to half hour free Parking in all districts of the city on weekdays, while weekend Parking is free throughout the day. A new app for smartphones that allows Beziers residents and visitors to know about the availability of Parking spaces in the city in on-line mode will be released in 2018.

Participation in the international competition

The evaluation of the effectiveness of mobile applications "Skywalk DSM" the sister city's municipality of De Moin decided to take part in the international competition "Leadership and Management". The application is aimed at ensuring the interaction of local authorities and residents in order to improve urban life. An authoritative contest is held by the International Association of Cities and annually attracts a large number of participants from all over the world. The effectiveness of the application was confirmed through the use of the program platform not only at the city level, but also at the national level in preparation for various activities.

Conference on aerospace problems

The conference of the Space Research Institute, dedicated to the problems of aerospace space, was held on September 18 in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. The 10 largest urban space enterprises participated in the event and presented their latest developments. Exchange of work experience, establishment of business contacts were held with a view to further development of the space industry.

Activities in the socio-cultural sphere

During the period from September 15 to September 18, various social and cultural events were organized in the city of Yerevan. The II international chess tournament "Yerevan Open", organized according to the Swiss system in 9 rounds, took place. About 150 chess players from 13 countries, including 20 international grandmasters and 25 FIDE masters participated in it.
The 4th annual "Festival of Rural Life and Traditions" started. The farmers of Armenia had an opportunity to demonstrate their products not only to residents and guests of the city, but also to representatives of embassies of different countries and international organizations, which in turn promotes the development of foreign economic relations of the Republic.

Appreciation of quality of tea production of the sister-city of Chandzhou

Following the results of the international fair of tea which took place in Hong Kong, white tea of the Province of Jiangsu under the name "Tyanmu" was recognized as the best in its category. The products are grown in the ecological resort of Changjou City - Tyanmu Lake, where there are 600 hectares of bamboo forests and tea plantations. White tea is made from minimally processed leaves and is characterized by a lighter taste cofmpared to green or black. More than 200 representatives of foreign countries and regions demonstrated tea supplies and products during the fair.


Art exhibition in Pazardzhik

Art exhibition of Nikola Maneva opened in the Pazardzhik’ art gallery "Boev" on 12 Sep 2017. About 80 works of the author were presented at the exhibition and most of which for the first time. It should be noted that in 1962 the artist went to study at the Academy of fine arts and after graduation he left to live in France. More than 130 exhibitions of the artist were organized all the time and about three thousand works are in public and private collections in 30 countries around the world.

European days of historical heritage

European days of historical heritage will be held from 16 to 17 September 2017 in the sister-city of Beziers. Free of charge visits to the public historic buildings, parks, museums, a rich program of city events and meetings with famous writers and photographers will be organized. Tours, concerts of organ music and church music, the photo exhibition will be held in cathedrals and churches. Also the citizens and guests of the city will be able to participate in conferences on literary and historical issues.

XIII International festival of national cuisines and music

The XIII International festival of national cuisines and music will be held to the period from September 15 to September 17 in the sister-city of Des Moines. Representatives of 25 countries participate in it. Traditional national cuisines of various people, pavilions with exotic fruit, spices and chocolate are presented on platforms of the project. Informative performances, presentations and other actions are organized. Visitors will get acquainted with different cultures of the world during the festival.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after Perl Buck

Park of Culture and Leisure named after writer Pearl Bak "Zhenjiang Pearl Buck Cultural Park" was opened last week in Zhenjiang. Pearl Buck is an American writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938 "For the multifaceted, truly epic description of the life of Chinese peasants and for biographical masterpieces." She lived for 18 years in Zhenjiang, which became her home. Pearl Buck's works opened to the West people the culture, traditions and features of the life of ordinary Chinese.

Meeting with the American delegation

In order to develop international cooperation, the Mayor of Yerevan met with the delegation of the city of Pasadena (USA), which was attended by representatives of the Armenian community. The guests got acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage and sights of the capital of Armenia and noted the high level of development of the city. The American side emphasized the significant role and contribution of the Armenian Diaspora in the development of the city of Pasadena, they exchanged experience on the local government work. The mutual desire to carry out cooperation in the sphere of municipal economy was expressed by the results of the visit.

International forum in Changzhou

The annual international scientific, technological, trade and economic forum "Creating benefits for the new Changzhou" will be held in the end of September in Changzhou. Recent achievements of the sister city in the field of international economic cooperation, introduction of new technologies, industrial modernization problems will be considered during the event. Presentations of the investment climate and industrial parks in Changzhou will be held. Conferences, seminars, meetings on the development of international partnership, contributing to the international ranking of the sister city in the world market will be held.


Celebration of Reunification Day of Bulgaria

The celebration of the 132 anniversary from the date of Reunification of Bulgaria was held on September 06 in the city of Pazardzhik. Within the program of events the gala concert with participation of Pazardzhik creative collectives was held on the Central square named after K. Velichkov. Duriing this day, residents and guests of the city could visit the Regional historical museum free of charge.

The organization of a commercial action in Bezier

The commercial action "Le Grand Bazar" will take place on September 15-16 in the city of Bezier. Representatives of 140 outlets will participate in it. The city administration together with regional Chamber of commerce and city trade association will organize the action. For holding the action Bezier's center will be festively decorated, concerts, festive processions, free tasting of local production and wines will be held. The quest for youth will take place there; winners of the quest will receive coupons on purchases.

Implementation of the youth training project in Des Moines

In the sister-city of Des Moines special attention is paid to involvement of youth in public life, increase civil liability and organization of their interaction with local governments. The local organization "Youth Leadership" starts implementation of the annual training project within which the younger generation will be able to take part in process of municipal government and also to develop their personal and professional skills. This organization exists more than 15 years, during this time more than 450 people have attended the training.

New measures of social support in Zhenjiang

The new form of social support was developed for assistance to the residents of the sister-city of Zhengjiang who are in a difficult life situation. It involves establishing direct contacts with the needy. Residents of the city received information cards containing data from representatives of local authorities, whom they could contact if necessary.

The Days of Yerevan in Saint Petersburg

Within the official visit to the northern capital of Russia the Yerevan delegation took part in the program of actions "Days of Yerevan in St. Petersburg" in the period from 06 to 08 September. During the visit, several meetings were held; issues of cooperation in the socio-economic field were discussed. The photo exhibition "Yerevan. The city and the people" representing the capital of Armenia in different historical eras was opened.

Creation of a unified bicycle rental system

The company "Youon" of the sister city of Changzhou is developing successfully on the international level. For many years, the company has been supporting the implementation of projects on rent bicycles in many cities of China that greatly increases the speed of movement of people and reduces the traffic load in cities. In the current year, the company promotes the expansion of passenger traffic between the cities of Heihe and Blagoveshchensk, supplying the Russian market about 20 thousand bicycles and combining them with a common rental system.


International festival of arts "Morning star"

XXI international festival of arts "Morning star" was held in Sveti Vlas (Bulgaria) in the period from 20 to 28 August 2017. During the event, representatives from the city of Pazardzhik competed and won three prizes in different categories. Mandolin orchestra city took first place in the nomination "Instrumental performers and ensembles", the young artist Cristian Pavlov took the first place among the soloists, as well as first place in the duet. The winners were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.

The annual citywide event

The annual citywide event "The Alley of Béziers associations" will be held in the alleys of the Field Rica on September 9. A progress report will be presented at the event. This year the representatives of the 250 associations Béziers will demonstrate their achievements in the socio-cultural sphere, and also in the field of environmental protection. Speech of Béziers mayor, acquaintance with the information on the stands of the associations, a variety of performances and presentations will take place in the programme of action.

Measures to reduce unemployment

According to national studies the 3.7 million immigrants who received education in foreign universities, lives in the USA, however 26% of them are unemployed. For the effective use of labour resources and the reduction of unemployment the event titled "Maximizing international talent" will be held on 27 September in the city of Des Moines. Association of business "Greater Des Moines Partnership" together with the Institute of migration policy will be organize the event, during which participants will explore the process of hiring foreign workers, to get acquainted with successful examples of the use of skilled labor.

International programme on engineering

Joint program in China, Japan and South Korea in engineering was implemented in the University city Jiangsu Zhenjiang in the period from 17 to 27 August. The main theme in this year is robotics and artificial intelligence, as well as high-tech equipment used for the older generation. More than 100 students from 30 universities participated in the project and presented their best products, exchanged experiences and ideas.

The reception of the Chinese delegation

30 August the mayor of the sister city of Yerevan Taron Margaryan met with a delegation from the Chinese city of Qingdao. The basic directions of strategy of development of the capital of Armenia, a cooperation program with 50 cities and 10 international organizations was presented to the guests. A Memorandum of intent was signed during the meeting. The parties agreed to form a working group to develop proposals concerning the interaction between the two cities.

Cixi's holiday

On August 28 in China celebrated the feast Cixi, which is similar to Valentine's Day. Fairs on the streets were organized, inhabitants decorated the yards with garlands, lanterns and flowers. Young girls participated in divination. The Cixi first holiday was celebrated in 206 BC. Over the centuries, it remains one of the most favorite for Chinese. However, it should be noted that now the younger generation practically don't observe traditions and badly knows holiday history


The table tennis tournament

Open international table tennis tournament "conquest of the 2017 ITTF World Tour-Bulgaria Asarel Open" with a prize Fund of $130 thousand was held in the period 15 to 20 August 2017 in the town of Panagyurishte in the Pazardzhik region. More than 170 athletes from 28 countries participated in the competition. A native of Bulgaria Dimitri Ovcharov became the champion among men, and among women – Kenta Matsudaira (Japan). The regional Governor of Pazardzhik presented awards and prizes.

The action of tasting in Beziers

With the assistance of the mayoralty campaign "Les jeudis de Beziers" is held in Beziers weekly in the evening. Manufacturers in the region offer to taste, buy local wines and accompanying food. The event is held on the embankment of the river Orb, and in the alleys of the Field Rica. Songs in French and Languedoc languages, dancers, jazz and ukulele will be organized in the course of events for guests and residents. The campaign will last until the end of August.

Company of the city of des Moines received an international prize

10 August, during the XIV Annual International meeting in the field of business achievements the company "Shade Tree Auto" vehicle repairs the sister city of des Moines recognized as the winner of the Bronze Stevie award in the nomination "company of the year. Small business". Bronze Stevie is a world leader in business awards thanks to the effective involvement of society in the evaluation of companies and enterprises. This year, about 4000 organizations of different ownership forms from over 60 countries submitted their applications to participate in this contest.

The use of the Internet 

In the twin city Zhenjiang special attention is paid to the extension of information networks, introduction of IT-technologies and creation of favorable conditions for users in the field. By the end of 2016, the use of the Internet population has grown by 3.8%, average time spent on the network was 28.6 hours per week. Currently mobile Internet in the city uses 3,14 million people, including 2,15 million users of 4G network.

Beer festival in Yerevan

Traditional annual beer Festival was held on 19 August within the framework of the municipal program "Yerevan summer". The best samples of this drink made in accordance with the traditions of brewing and modern technology have been demonstrated in the pavilions of the leading Armenian companies. Presentations on three thousand years of history of beer making were also presented. The event was accompanied by concert show program, performances of vocal and dance groups. Competitions were organized for visitors. The winners received prizes of the municipality and the organizations-participants.

The successful performance of high-tech zones

According to the rating "National and provincial high-tech zone 2016" drawn up by the Centre for the development of the technology industry together with the Ministry of science and technology of China, national high-tech industrial zone Wujin city Changzhou occupied 54th place out of 157 national zones and the 1st place among the zones in Jiangsu province. For the first half of the results of the work of this zone: GDP growth of 12.6%, and the volume of high-tech production is 11.5% more than the same period last year. It should be noted that in order to achieve success at the national level by 2020, the project of building an independent demonstration Sunan industrial Park planned for the industrial zone of Wujin. It is expected that the establishment of the Park will accelerate innovation and improve the competitiveness of products .


The Art Route DSM project

In Des Moines the country's first art project "Art Route" is started within which the numerous crosswalks and intersections of the city leading to 87 objects of art will be decorated by thermoplastic paint. Bright colored circles painted on the sidewalks connect the route and Downtown intersections are painted with artistic designs by Canadian street artist Peter Gibson, also known as “Roadsworth.” The route is laid from the Capitol building in the east to Meredith Corporation in the west of the city.

The best agricultural farms 

Seven enterprises of the city of Changzhou were selected into the Top 100 Creative Farms of Jiangsu by the Provincial Committee of Agriculture.  The indices of the evaluation include the development of creative products, innovative themes, functional characteristics, cultural connotation, processing technology, traditional techniques, science and education, etc.

The share car project 

To provide enough share cars in the city of Zhenjiang more than 60 rental centers with more than 200 share cars are created. Rent and payment of service is carried out by means of a special software application. Cost is about 0,5 RMB per minute. The project is highly appreciated by residents.

The platform of public interaction on transport reform 

The new website transport.yerevan.am which is the electronic platform of public interaction concerning transport reform is presented to the mayor's offices of Yerevan. Information on the versions of problems solution in the sphere of transport offered by the international consulting company WYG, reports, meetings of the working group and the discussed issues is posted on the official site. The electronic platform will give an opportunity by means of vote to study opinions of residents concerning the issues connected with process of reforms of transport network.

Promotion of historical and cultural heritage of Bezier

Now already nine frescos - the optical illusions created by A. Fresco decorate facades of buildings in the center of Bezier. Frescos popularize historical and cultural heritage of the city, presenting to attention of tourists, famous natives of Bezier, cultural events connected with creation of great literary and music: the play "Love Disappointment" by Moliere, and operas of Deyanir and Arleziank by the composer Kamil Saint-Saens; fragments of history of Bezier: the revolt of wine-growers of 1907, construction of nine locks Fonseran headed by the engineer Pierre-Paul Rick during an era of the king Louis XIV and many other things. The developed new tourist route uniting acquaintance with frescos and historical heritage of the city is one of the most popular in Bezier.

Reward to the Pazardzhik Art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky 

It is known that the Art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky of the city of Pazardzhik is noted by an award “ProKultura” for a contribution to cultural development of the country. The award ceremony was held on August 12, 2017 in the city of Bansko (Republic of Bulgaria) within the conference on the results of the "Access for Young People to Culture" national company. The Art gallery of the sister city got this award for successful implementation of the Gold Spiral project devoted to support of the youth working in the field of fine and applied arts, advertizing, music, and photo. During the conference issues of development of innovative culture, involvement of youth and also cooperation between cultural organizations and IT industry were discussed.


Zhenjiang Business Service Platform

The new project "Zhenjiang Business Service Platform" is started within which businessmen will be able to receive by means of the Internet or telephone all necessary information on business start-up, promotion and management, interaction communication. Besides, within the project there are three centers: international investment improvement center, companies “invest out” service center, and database center

Project on construction of the sub-lake tunnel

 Changzhou has started implementation of the largest project in the sphere of infrastructure for construction of a huge tunnel under the lake Taihu. The road will unite the largest highways of China. The project assumes optimization of transport network, traffic reduction of the highway Shanghai-Nanjing. The tunnel which length will be 43,9 km  also contributes to the development of tourism, having facilitated access to the most beautiful natural sights of China.

Project on optimization of the movement in the center of Des Moines

In Des Moines the East Grand Pilot Project on optimization of the movement in the downtown which main object is improvement of availability of the urban environment and safety of the movement is implemented. Within the project two travel lanes, on-street parking and protected bike lanes will be organized. It is designed to slow down traffic without significantly reducing commute times, create parking and make the area more walkable and easier to navigate for inhabitants and visitors who are going on foot, by bicycles, cars or public transport.

Modernization of the advertisement sphere

In Yerevan work on modernization of the advertisement sphere is conducted within which advertizing passports are provided to 60 buildings which are of cultural and historical heritage. Advertizing passports mean preliminary definition of the place for advertizing on the building, its sizes and a look according to that the architectural appearance of the building won't be disturbed.


Musical festival in Pazardzhik

The municipality of Pazardzhik has started preparation of musical event "Plus Festival" which will take place during the period from September 1 to September 3, 2017. This remarkable event in city life unites representatives of creative youth from all Bulgaria. The festival is held for the fourth time. The Romanian performer Karina Ghita will perform as the invited guest.

Annual Feria holiday

During the period from August 11 to August 15, 2017 in the city of Bezier the traditional holiday Feria will take place. In the program there are dramatized, musical and horse performances, parades of brass bands and folklore collectives. During this holiday thematic days are supposed: Day of children, Day of a bull, Day of the southern spirit within which attractions, exhibitions of books and autographs of the famous people, driving on carriages, taming of young bull-calves by young toreadors, traditional bullfights will be organized. On numerous platforms of the holiday concerts of the French and foreign stars, horse representations will be organized with jugglers and fiery shows. For inhabitants of Bezier and city visitors the festival of flamenco and traditional national dances will be held.


Fact-finding programs for history studying in  Zhenjiang

For acquaintance of students and pupils with history and culture the Zhenjiang Historical museum has prepared a number of the fact-finding programs assuming visits to the museums, historical sites, meetings with outstanding residents. The studying youth takes active part in events, getting acquainted with historical and cultural heritage of Zhenjiang.

Laboratory on industrial testing of robots

In the city of Changzhou the first industrial robot test laboratory has received certificates of state standards. Testing is made on 14 key technical indicators. Considering that one of the main directions of the city industry Changzhou is the knowledge-intensive production, work of laboratory will contribute to the further development of this branch and production of more high-quality equipment. 


Market of agricultural products in Des Moines

During the period from August 6 to August 12 the Market of agricultural products organized by the Farmers Market Coalition will take place in Des Moines. Food products of more than 300 producers will be presented at the fair: vegetables and fruits, meat, dairy and bakery products. It is supposed that on the weekend the market will be attended by more than 25 thousand people who will be able not only to buy food, but also to participate in various entertaining actions.

 The  third festival "Yerevan TARAZFEST"

On August 5, 2017 the third year within the program of three-months actions "The Yerevan summer of 2017" a festival of the Armenian national clothes "Yerevan TARAZFEST" will take place in Yerevan. Every year the action attracts a lot of tourists to the capital. This year in the festival participation of national and cultural communities and also accredited in Armenia diplomatic missions is supposed. The festival consists of presentation of collections of designers and sales exhibition of clothes.

Opening of the plant on production of automobile spare parts

On August 1 in the city of Pazardzhik the new plant of the “Kostal” holding on production of automobile spare parts was opened, which provided 1300 new jobs. It was already the third “Kostal” plant in Bulgaria, investments into which construction had made 32 million Euros. Representatives of the company expressed gratitude to  Pazardzhik city municipality.

Victory in the Swimming World Cup

The hope of the French sport, the native of Bezier Osean Kassinyol became the world champion in swimming as a member of the national team of France. The World Cup was held in Hungary on the Balaton Lake. The women's team of France won mixed freestyle relay on 5 km. This results were was extremely significant for sports life of Bezier.


Sudomodelny sport World Cup

The sudomodelny sport World Cup for high-speed models takes place in the city of Pazardzhik C 22 till July 30. Athletes from Bulgaria, Russia, France, England, Germany, Ukraine, Armenia and др participate in the championship. On the artificial water area of the city park the best sudomodelist of Europe fight for awards in classes high-speed the kordovykh of the models gathering speed to 280 kilometers per hour. Now representatives of the Russian Federation dostiglt of great success. Farid Ishmetov has set up a world record, his model with the electric motor has reached phenomenal speed - 273.556 km/h and. Among juniors up to 18 years the sportswoman Alice Dolgikh has won first place.

Resumption of work of Nine locks Fonseran in Bezier

In the twin-city of Bezie Nine locks Fonseran open after reconstruction. They the vkhodyakh in the system of the Southern canal which is built in the 17th century on the project of the native Bezier of Pierre Paul Rick and is included in the list of objects of world historical heritage of UNESCO. Nine locks Fonseran have also been announced in 1996 by historical property and are one of symbolical places for residents of Bezier. They reflect greatness of a technical thought of an era of the king Louis XIV. As a result of reconstruction more than 400 parking spaces for citizens and city visitors are created, points of public catering, booths for sale of promotional products are constructed, a pedestrian planked footway is equipped and allows to estimate beautiful views of water flows during the work of locks and also the movement of pleasure crafts is organized.

Actions for businessmen in the twin-city of Des Moines

The network action devoted to development of business will take place at the beginning of September of this year in the twin-city of Des Moines. Heads of the local and national companies, investors and also representatives of the public are invited to participate in a meeting. The presentation about subjects of the real sector of economy, representation of successful examples of attraction of the capital and also an opportunity for establishment of business contacts are planned during the action for the beginning businessmen.

Implementation of the project on repair of houses

The implementation of the municipal project for the renovation of residential houses is nearing completion in the twin city of Zhenjiang. More than 1,500 low-income families participate in the project and need to restore their homes. Soon repair work 15 more buildings will be made. During the work, the facades and the roof of the buildings will be reconstructed. Total area of works covers 160,000 m2.

The celebration of Vardavar holiday in Yerevan 

The citywide event devoted to one of the most favorite holidays in honor of the Transfiguration (Vardavar) took place on 23 of July, a Holiday known for its tradition of mutual dousing with water. The parade of trucks, concerts, water games, and various treats were organized for residents and guests at various venues in the capital of Armenia. Events were held in all administrative districts the tourists acquainted with the history of the holiday.

Receiving the delegation of Maine (USA) in Changzhou 

Receiving the delegation of the Center for Chinese language and culture of Maine (USA) was organized in the city of Changzhou in development cooperation. During the meeting with representatives of the Department of foreign Affairs sister city members of the delegation got acquainted with the socio-economic situation of the city, the experience of the implementation of international exchanges. The us side submitted a letter of intent about establishing friendly relations between the city Bangaram and Changzhou, as well as handed over the symbolic key to the city. In the framework of the visit of representatives of Maine visited the main objects of the social sphere of the city.


The record of the natives of the sister city Pazardzhik

It became known that a young hairdresser - a native of the sister city of Pazardzhik Vanya Ivanova set a new Guinness record. On December 4, 2016 in the hall. Vasila Levski of Pazardzhik a young girl made 330 hairstyles in 8 hours, thus outstripping the past record holder with a result of 315 hairstyles in 12 hours.

Award in the field of food industry-city of Béziers

The Alaryk brewery opened in May, 2016 by the native Bezier received one of the most honorary awards in the world in the field of brewing – "Fourquet d’or". The creator and the head of brewery Sebastian Alyari demonstrates that beer of his production is already on sale in France. Export of production to China and the United States of America will be organized in the near future. Commodity turnover of brewery is planned to be tripled by November. It is supposed that drink will be produced completely from local raw materials by 2018.

The new project "Search Engine of Containers" in Des Moines

The new project under the name "Search Engine of Containers" started in the sister-city of Des Moines for development of business and implementation of effective commodity turnover. It allows to the companies of the State of Iowa to simplify process of transportation of goods. A main objective of the program is tracking of the empty containers left in the capital of the state after delivery for the subsequent use by customers with application of more economic tariffs of transportation. As a result of the company senders cut transportation costs, primary consignors increase the income and receive containers back, and the final user receives the low cost of delivery of goods.

The rating of the best enterprises of 2016 year

The committee on economy and information technologies of the Province of Jiangsu presented the rating of the best enterprises of 2016 year with a turn more than 10 billion yuans. Seven companies of the city of Zhenjiang were included into the list. Also four private firms of the sister-city were included in the List of 100 best private enterprises of the province on indicators of efficiency of activity.

International Film Festival "Gold Apricot"

The XIV International Film Festival "Gold Apricot" takes place in the sister-city during the period from July 09 to July, 2017. The representatives of 96 countries who have submitted more than 1000 requests participate in competitive and out-of-competition programs of a film festival. 47 movies will lay claim to the best in the following nominations: international game, international documentary and "The Armenian panorama". Film screenings under the open sky and also concert programs with participation of various jazz bands are organized within the highly topical program of actions for inhabitants and city visitors on city platforms.

Implementation of projects of the Bosch company on the territory of China

According to Federal statistical office of Germany in 2016 trade volumes with China reached 170 billion Euros, thereby having ahead of the main partners – the USA and France. The great demand of the Chinese representatives on products in the field of shipbuilding, the industrial roboequipment and other hi-tech goods promoted growth of trade interaction. For the purpose of further development of cooperation the German company "Bosch" plans implementation of several projects in China: the enterprise in Chongqing on creation of control systems of gasoline engines, the plant of automobile electronics to Changzhou and the plant of electric tools in Chengdu. In the last year the Bosch company invested 4,9 billion yuans in China.


Seminar in the sister-city of Pazardzhik 

The seminar has taken place "Recreation centers and their role in preservation of cultural heritage of the Bulgarian nation" in the Regional historical museum of the city of Pazardzhik on June 30, 2017. The Bulgarian information center "Recreation centres", department of cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Regional historical museum of the sister-city were organizers of the event. Mayors of communities and settlements, secretaries of Recreation centers of the area Pazardzhik, specialists of the museums, representatives of public organizations participated in the meeting. During the seminar they considered issues of preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Bulgaria, have noted their special importance and relevance.

Victory of the team of the sister-city of Bezier in the Championship of France

The team of the sister-city of Bezier "ASB Gym" has won in the rhythmic gymnastics Championship of France. Persistent daily trenirovok of team became result of a great achievement for sports community of the city. Girls from 12 to 22 years join the team. The speech of gymnasts lasting 150 seconds has at once subdued judges. Earlier Bezier's team also won regional and zone competitions.

Annual city award 

Association of business "Greater Des Moines Partnership" collects applications for participation in the annual "Business and economy Impact  ". The event is aimed at promoting business with the aim for public recognition of their role in the urban community. The results on the best practices of companies in various fields, such as: participation in social activities, creating a favourable working environment, including the creation of new jobs, as well as the use of various innovations in the conduct of business, will be announced in November.

Competition of business projects among student's youth

The results of the competition "Businessman of Year" on the best project among student's youth for opening of business will be summed up in the middle of July in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. Winners of a competition will receive a grant on development of own business. Now 248 projects are presented to the fields of introduction of new information technologies, artificial intelligence, energy saving, environmental protection, biomedicine, agriculture, tourism and culture.

Reception of the Polish delegation in the twin-city of Yerevan 

The mayor of the sister-city of Yerevan Taron Margaryan met members of the delegation headed by the mayor Bialystok (Poland) Tadeusz Truskolaski. During the visit members of delegation got acquainted with the main directions of the strategy of development for the capital of Armenia and programs of cooperation with the international organizations promoting updating and development of infrastructures in various spheres of municipal economy, to considerable improvement of quality of services and exchange of experience. Representatives of business community of the Polish city studied programs and the offer in the field of investments, and also the main directions of tourism in the sister-city of Yerevan.

The world conference in Chandzhou

The world conference on innovative application of a decanter took place for effective international exchange, and also development of technological process on July 06-07 in the sister-city of Chandzhou. More than 500 representatives of business, the power and educational institutions of various countries of the world participated in an action. Grafen - revolutionary material of 21 centuries, the strongest, easy and electroconductive option of carbon connection. During the action the exhibition of products and a technological seminar were organized. It should be noted that the first research institute of a decanter was created in September, 2011 in Changzhou. The scientific and Technological industrial park of Chandzhou on production of a decanter reached a gross product of 2 billion yuans in 2016.


II festival of folk art 

The II festival of folk art was held during the period from June 29 to June 30, 2017 in the resort area "St. Konstantin" of the Pazardzhik region. More than eighty on-stage performance groups participated in the following directions: choreography, vocal, tool folklore. Competent jury – experts and the famous performers in the field of the Bulgarian folklore defined winners.

City holiday

The city holiday devoted to the 150 anniversary of the Plateau of poets will take place on July 01, 2017 in Bezier's city. The oldest city park is created on the project of brothers Byuler. The Plateau of poets was open for visit of public in the 19th century which is called "Golden Age" of Bezier. In 2017 infrastructure of the park has been completely updated. Recitation, the dramatized processions, performances of music bands, fireworks will plan in the program of a holiday.

Work of the food market "City of Farmers"

The festive actions dated for the Independence Day of the USA start in the sister-city of Des Moines. The seasonal market under the name "City of Farmers" is located in the downtown and occupies the space in several quarters. The market will begin to work for inhabitants and city visitors on July 01 of this year. Besides a wide choice of the food products presented by more than 300 producers of the State of Iowa for visitors entertaining and charitable actions, work of attractions, and also rendering of services of nutritionists will be organized.

Socially focused actions in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

Last decade of June the government of the sister-city of Zhenjiang organized a number of socially oriented actions. Competitions in a vocal, sports meets, and also a show of talents have been held within a youth carnival. The dancing competition has attracted particular interest - more than 200 people participated in a carnival. Most of participants are pensioners, for them dances not only a hobby, but also an opportunity to communicate with each other.

Results of the international competition "I Draw St. Petersburg"

On June 22 of this year the Yerevan school students who were won the international competition "I Draw St. Petersburg" met the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. In a competition more than one thousand school students from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Moldova participated. 38 school students, 14 of which pupils of the Yerevan municipal centers of culture won a competition. During the meeting young artists noted the importance of holding the action which allowed to learn more about the Northern Capital of the Russian Federation, and also to make friends with peers from other countries. Mementoes have been handed to school students within the visit, and also the extensive cultural program was organized. 

Visit of representatives of youth of Slovenia to the twin-city of Chandzhou

Opening of the international student's cultural camp "Slovenia-Jiangsu 2017" took place on June 22 in the special administrative region People's Republic of China Makao. More than 80 teachers from universities of two countries promote development of effective cross-cultural dialogue. Participants of the camp visited the modern media center and the museum of the twin-city of Chandzhou, examined process of creation of cinema, and also centuries-old history of the Chinese city. It should be noted that now between Chandzhou and Slovenia social and economic and humanitarian and cultural cooperation dynamically develops, especially exchanges of groups of youth.


The national fair-exhibition of museum souvenirs

The 1st National Fair-exhibition of museum souvenirs took place in the architectural and ethnographic complex "Etyr" of the Republic of Bulgaria in the period from 16 to 18 June this year. The organizers of the event are the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, as well as the Association "Bulgarian Museums". At the exhibition, which has had a great success among residents and guests of Bulgaria, the exhibition of the Regional Historical Museum of the sister city Pazardzhik was also shown.

Participation in European Cheerleading Championship

Representatives of cheerleading ensemble «Mystery» of the sister city of Pazardzhik took part in the 12th European Cheerleading Championships in Crikvenica (the Republic of Croatia), which was held in the period from June 17 to 18, 2017. A successful performance allows the collective to take part in the International Cheerleading Championships in August this year. More than 700 cheerleaders from seven countries of the world also took part in the championship.

Performance of Bezier brass band

The brass band of the sister city "Bezier Lyre" has presentably  performed at the European festival of brass bands which was held in the city the Condom (France). The 3rd place in the general competition was won,  "A gold pipe" award (the 1 place in the competition "Music Value") and "Bandas et Penas" prizes were received  . The oldest music band of  Herault department "Lira Bezier" has been founded in 1867. In due time the great composer Kamil Saint-Saens was one of its leaders. Since the beginning of the 80th years of the last century the brass band of the city of Bezier is for the first time marked out by awards of so eminent competition.

Implementation of the Youth Leadership Program

The third year in the State of Iowa the Youth Leadership Program has been implemented. Partners of the program are Association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership", district Des Moines and municipal college of the city of Des Moines. The program purpose is to  integrate  refugees and immigrants arriving in the USA, and also help to them at employment. Now more than 40 young people interested in development of leadership and professional skills take part in the program.

Visit of the European delegation to Zhenjiang

The delegation of the political and public leaders representing 26 countries of Europe organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China visited Zhenjiang with a fact-finding visit. Within several days members of delegation visited the large companies and organizations, got acquainted with city sights. During conversations agreements on further cooperation in various areas are reached.

The opening of "Soft Construct" company office in the city of Yerevan

The opening of "Soft Construct" company office, working in the field of information technology, in particular, multi-profile programming was held on  June 17, 2017 in the city of Yerevan. The company "Soft Construct", founded in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, currently has offices in 14 countries and more than 500 partners. The President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan participated in the official opening ceremony. During the event the President of the Republic got acquainted with the implemented investment projects, development programs of the company, the created workplaces and offered services.

The best industrial companies on the results of 2016

The commission on economy and information technologies of the Province of Jiangsu published the list of the best industrial companies with a turn more than 10 billion RMB following the results of 2016. There are 14 Changzhou companies among 125 enterprises. By results of this rating the city took the fourth place on the level of industrial development following Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing.


The Forum of sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria

The Forum of sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria was held in the city of Varna (Republic of Bulgaria) in the period from 8 to 9 June this year. The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Bulgaria, the director of the Association «Union of Bulgarian Communities», representatives of the sister cities of Russia and Bulgaria. Representatives of the sister city of Pazardzhik were also among the participants. The prospects of further development of sister cities relations were discussed during the meeting, exchange of experience of local self-government bodies took place. Agreements on establishment friendly sister relations between the cities of Russia and Bulgaria have been signed. At the end of the Forum a concert of the Russian group "Lube" took place.

The International Folklore Festival

The International Folklore Festival will be held in Pazardzhik in the period from June 23 to 25, 2017. Representatives of Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Nepal, Algeria, Ghana, India, Egypt, Georgia will take part in the event. The festival will begin with a demonstration of creative teams along the central street of the sister city. Concert performances will be held in parks and on various venues. The participants of the festival will be awarded with sculptures making by the sculptor of Pazardzhik prof. Stefan Lutakov.

The paintings’ restoration

The restoration of two paintings dating from the 17th century was organized with the assistance of Beziers City Hall. 28,000 Euros were spent on two-year restoration works of paintings. Experts believe that the authorship of these works belongs to the painter Jacques Stella (1596 - 1657), a close friend of the famous artist Nicolas Poussin. Pictures reproducing the stories of ancient myths are called "Triumph of Bacchus" and "Dream of Silenus". Picturesque paintings will be presented in the museums of Beziers.

Program for development of agricultural enterprises in Des Moines

For effective development of agricultural branch in the sister city of Des Moines special programs for the beginning businessmen will be organized in the regional organization Iowa AgriTech Accelerator  during the period from July 10 to October 20, 2017. During training the participants will have an opportunity to cooperate with mentors, investors and leaders of branch from all the country. Support of $40 000 will be provided to the most perspective companies for initial financing, maintenance at all stages of development, assistance in the organization of interaction with investors, information and propaganda activity, etc.

Bridge of Lianyugang Zhenjiang Railway construction across the Grand Canal

Construction of the first railway bridge in the sister city of Zhenjiang across the Grand Canal has entered the last stage. The end of this large-scale project is planned for October of this year. The bridge will become the important transport artery connecting the South and North Jiangsu Province.

Celebration of the 45 anniversary from the date of foundation of the Museum of Modern Art of Yerevan

The municipal Museum of Modern Art of the sister city of Yerevan noted the 45 anniversary from the date of establishment. Within the event the exhibition and the presentation of the album book published in Russian and English and prepared many years ago by the founder of the museum Heinrich Igityan were organized. It is already the second book in its way giving an opportunity to get acquainted with the modern art of the Armenian artists and sculptors of the 80th years.

Day of culture and natural heritage

On June 10 of this year the Day of culture and natural heritage initiated by the Ministry of Culture was carried out in China. The action devoted to issues of inheritance of non-material cultural legacy is demonstration of achievements on conservation in this area. Over all country more than 1700 events were held, including the opening of the museum "Grand Canal" which is the only object of the World heritage of UNESCO in Changzhou. The museum occupies more than 900 square meters and is divided into five sections devoted to history.


Festival competition a mazhoretok in Pazardzhik 

During the period from June 09 to June 10, 2017 in the sister-city of Pazardzhik the VII festival competition a mazhoretok "Solar Besapara" will be held. More than 500 mazhoretok of all age categories from fourteen cities of the Republic of Bulgaria will participate in a festival. The city of Pazardzhik will be presented by 94 mazhoretka of Mystery ensemble. The participants who have taken prizes and also winners in the nominations "The Most Charming Mazhoretka" and "Original Choreography" will be awarded by diplomas and mementoes. The first prize – a cup "Solar Besapara".

Mobile museum  

Now the mobile museum of universal tauromachy shows the expositions in Bezier city. In the expositions "A legendary travel to sources of culture of the Mediterranean" the 84 panels reflecting communication of the person and a bull since rock paintings (the 23rd millennium B.C.), up to our days are presented. The exposition allows to get acquainted with features of tauromachy - the most ancient and durable culture on the earth. The exhibition purpose is to open history of this culture in the countries of the Mediterranean, to show her modifications: hunting for a bull, pagan rituals and games, bullfights, and also the bullfight which is one of the most popular shows in the south of France and, in particular, in the city the sworn brother Bezier.

Public hearings in the city of Des Moines

The Des Moines city administration together with institute of city lands carried out public hearings concerning possible implementation of town-planning and transport projects. During the meetings representatives of local governments, the public and professionals in the field of construction considered plans of modernization of the downtown and adjacent territories for creation of safer, comfortable and convenient urban environment for full activity of citizens. The submitted analysis was developed together with experts in various areas of city life with the opinion of inhabitants.

Entrance examinations in the colleges of the sister-city

Over 10 thousand senior high schools students of Zhenjiang finished their education in this year, 1thousand less than last year. In the period from 7 to 9 June this year entrance examinations take place in the colleges of Zhenjiang. To provide examinees a quiet environment, the local government asked the construction plants near the exam sites to suspend work for 3 days.

Festival of the Armenian dishes

On June 10 of this year within the Yerevan Summer of 2017 program an annual festival of the Armenian dishes "Yerevan with taste and a smell" will take place. The action purpose is to unite the leading experts representing culinary skills and also to acquaint erevanets and guests of the capital with ethnic Armenian cuisine. The festival will be followed by the concert program, the interactive presentations from history of the ethnic cuisine. For the first time within the action the Yerevan dish of year will be defined from the presented culinary masterpieces. It should be noted that event tourism is one of the strategic directions of the city hall of Yerevan.

Results of the international rating

According to data of the report of the international organization "We Will Save Children" which is engaged in protection of the rights of children worldwide China wins first place among the Asian countries of the  most comfortable for children. When summarizing indicators were taken into account: providing appropriate care for infants, development of systems of education, health and security.  A number of the laws and regulations promoting improvement of quality of life of children is adopted in China for the last decade. According to the National Bureau of statistics the number of child welfare institutions increased from 335 in 2010 to 478 in 2015, the infant mortality rate in China declined over the period from 1.31% to 0.81%.


Opening of a festival of arts in the city of Pazardzhik 

During the period from June 02 to June 08, 2017 in the city of Pazardzhik will take place the VI annual festival of arts "The art idea – the art avenue". The organizer of the event is the Pazardzhik city hall. During the festival concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances will be held, display of movies will be organize.

Holding "Meetings of disabled people"

On May 30 of this year the city administration of Bezier with the assistance of associations of the city has held a city annual event of "A meeting of disabled people". The mayor Bezier, members of City council, champions of France and the world in different types of sport, paralympic athletes, cultural figures health workers and many others participated in actions for the subject "Talents and Disability". The conference, "round tables" concerning assistance of successful self-realization of physically disabled people have taken place.

The training actions for small and medium business 

Association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership" declared start of the program for small and medium business "Five tactics on attraction of talents". The program provides presentations on the issues of promoting entrepreneurship and addressing pressing issues, as well as lectures and workshops in the field of providing legal, informational, marketing, accounting and other services. Interactive actions during which will be considered in practice of business strategy of the large companies in the conditions of small enterprise will be carried out.

Dragon of boats festival

In the sister-city of Zhenjiang the actions devoted to Duanyu's holiday or "the double five" as it falls on the fifth day of the fifth month according to a lunar calendar took place. Duanyu - is one of three major national celebrations and the dragon of boats is usually translated as a holiday. Competitions in rowing by the boats representing dragons is the most widespread ceremonial and entertaining scenario.

International Children's Day

The sports and cultural holiday "Healthy Yerevan" in the children's park of the sister-city was started. Within an action holiday, devoted to the International Children's Day and included in the program of three-months actions "The Yerevan summer of 2017" were carried out. The kids who were born on June 1 received the first gifts. In the central parks of areas, cultural and educational institutions concert programs with participation of heroes of fairy tales and animated films, display of the Armenian short animated films were organized.

Visit of the Austrian delegation to the city of Chandzhou 

On May 18 of this year the vice-mayor Chandzhou has accepted official delegation of the city of Wyndham (the State of Victoria, Australia). This city differs in well developed chemical, metallurgical and food industry, and also the power, most widespread in the country, – solar. The State of Victoria and the Province of Jiangsu are sworn brothers for 38 years. In 2016 in the territory of Chandzhou's sister-city more the 190th Australian the enterprises has been registered with a total amount of foreign investments of of $806 million. Within cooperation and for development of friendly communications of the party we intend to promote interaction in the sphere of economy, science, education, culture and health care.


Celebration of the City Day Pazardzhik and Days of Slavic writing and culture

The celebration of the City Day Pazardzhik and Days of Slavic writing and culture was in the sister-city during the period from May 21 to May 24, 2017. Inhabitants and city visitors participated in a solemn divine service of Saints Konstantin and Elena. Then within a cultural part of the program festive events on the central city square were held, a concert in which participated the school student of Stavropol gymnasium No. 25 took place. Flowers were laid at St. Kirill and Mefodiy's monument – founders of the Slavic alphabet. Celebrations have come to the end with a festive salute.

Carnival in the city of Pazardzhik

On June 01, 2017 in the city of Pazardzhik the children's literary carnival which organizers are the city hall of the sister-city, department of education of the area Pazardzhik and Regional library of N. Furnadzhiyev will take place. The children aged from three up to ten years dressed in suits of favorite literary heroes will take part in the carnival. Owners of the most original suits will be awarded by diplomas and mementoes.

“Les Caritats” festival

On May 25, 2017 in Bezier's the festival "Les Caritats" during which citizens and city visitors got acquainted with traditions and customs of the Middle Ages was held. Within the program of an action the spectacular show with participation of bird trainers of prey was held. Reconstruction of knightly tournaments, competitions in archery were organized. Also actors, musicians, storytellers of national fairy tales of Languedoc addressed participants. Master classes in production of potter's, metal products, calligraphies, to drawing up a herbarium of herbs took place.

Summer training in the city of Des Moines

Association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership" will organize the program of a summer training "Occupy the city" during the period from May 31 to August 02. The program intended for the young working specialists, interns and students of the city of Des Moines. Representatives of business, public figures and many other persons who will present various resources for possible professional development of young employees in a number of areas are involved in holding the planned meetings.

The forum "Ecology Tour" in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

On May 21 the delegation of high-ranking officials – participants of the summit "Development of the Province of Jiangsu" visited the sister-city of Zhenjiang and participated in the forum "Ecology Tour". Within work of an action members of delegation discussed the prospects of development of the city and issues of environmental protection. Readiness to promote progress in the sphere of economy, tourism and culture was expressed.

Cooperation in the sphere of investment programs implementation 

On May 24 of this year the meeting of representatives of Yerevan city hall and “Initiatives of Armenia Development” fund took place. During its issues of activization and development of the investment environment in the capital of Armenia were discussed. Packages of investment offers of Yerevan city hall, and also investment programs developed by fund aimed at the tourism development were considered: construction of the new ropeway in Yerevan, reconstruction of the Akhtanak park, and also restoration of historical and archaeological memorial estate "Erebuni". Participants of a meeting agreed about development of interaction at implementation of investment projects.

Construction of automobile plant 

In the city of Minsk (Republic of Belarus) the Chinese auto maker of "Geely" construction of automobile plant approaches end. This project is of great importance for development of Belarus economy and Europe in general, and also for the Chinese initiative "One belt and one way" uniting the "Economic Belt of the Silk Way" and "Sea Silk Way of the 21st Century" projects. 400 employees of the plant from whom 30% Chinese (an indispensable condition of the contract), including 100 people – professionals in the field from the sister-city of Chandzhou take part in implementation of the project.


The stock "Night of the Museums" in the city of Pazardzhik

In the night of May 21, 2017 the Republic of Bulgaria will participate in the European stock "Night of the Museums". It is one of the main cultural events of year around the world. Evening of a young talents meeting will take place in Pazardzhik’ art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky of during whom pupils of schools will submit the creative program. The necessary stock will be provided for drawing for all comers in gallery halls.

The stock "Night of the Museums" in Bezier's twin-city

The international cultural event "Night of the museums" will take place on May 20 of this year in Bezier's city. Citizens will be able to visit Bezier's museum, and also two museums of Fine Arts located in Fabrega and Fayette's estates. Within the action of a lecture of scientists-historians and an excursion accompanied by skilled guides will be organized. Besides the interactive dramatized representations, concerts of on-stage performance groups and soloists will be carried out. Pieces of music will be performed as on ancient, and modern tools, and also tasting of local wines will be organized.

The results of the national rating

According to research by the prestigious national Internet portal "Growella" city of des Moines took first place in the rating "the Best city in the Midwest for life "millennial" a" and fourth "Best city in the USA for life "millennial"". When assessing cities of more than 70 public resources and indicators were taken into account: the number and quality of jobs, time in commuting, public transportation, quality of organization of free time of citizens and the living wage.

The establishment of twinning 

In the period from 15 to 17 may, an official delegation led by the mayor of Vaasa (Finland), visited the sister city of Zhenjiang. The agreement on establishing friendly relations was signed during the visit, a joint Chinese-Finnish conference on the development of innovative materials using the latest technology was held. It is the first city in Northern Europe with which Zhenjiang hopes to establish friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.

International Museum day in the city of Yerevan

A number of cultural and educational events organized in the twin city Yerevan on 18 may this year in the framework of the International day of museums. At the initiative of the International Council of museums in this year's festival was held under the motto "Museums and controversial history: talking about the complicated". Residents and guests of the Armenian capital free visited the municipal offices, attended exhibitions, graphic works of art, documentaries, and discussed books about historical events. In addition, at the initiative of Yerevan municipality mobile app in three languages was developed for the implementation of the virtual excursions to the city museums.

Chinese-German cooperation 

The industrial innovative platform has opened on May 12, 2017 in the territory of the Chinese-German innovative park started in 2013 in the twin-city of Chandzhou. This platform is base for development cross-border scientific техниченского fund, exchange of experience in area of technological innovations and modernization of the industry. Highly qualified personnel from Germany will be attracted for participation in implementation of joint innovative projects.


Initiative "Night of literature" in the sister-city

On May 10 of this year the city of Pazardzhik participated in a national initiative "Night of literature". This day from 18 to 22 o'clock the famous residents read fragments of various literary works in the city hall, Art gallery of Stanislav Dospevsky, and also in various art cafes and reader's clubs of the sister-city. Organizers of an annual action are city administration of Pazardzhik, Council of youth policy and the Czech center of culture. Such cities as Sofia, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv, It is big Tjrnovo and others participated in an initiative besides Pazzhardzhik.

Creation of establishment for elderly people in Bezier's sister-city 

Work with elderly people is one of priority activities of the city hall of Bezier. In this regard "The office of elderly people" was opened in the city. It is supposed that the organization will become the place of reception and interaction of people of the third age. Among main objectives there are creations of Office – prophylaxis of loneliness, ensuring availability of leaving, respect for the civil rights. Besides, establishment has powers to confer various privileges for elderly people, and also has "a uniform window" of the general information and a workarrangement for these persons, their families and trustees.
A victory of the organization of the sister-city of Des Moines in a national award

Victory of association of a business community of "Greater Des Moines Partnership" in a national award

On May 9 of this year association of a business community "Greater Des Moines Partnership" became the winner of the national award "TOP-10 the Organizations in the field of Economic Development" which is carried out by authoritative American magazine. The organization has gained most of all points in the following categories: the number of projects – 36, the total amount of investments – $569 million, number of the provided jobs within the realized projects – more than 1800 places. Since 1999, association has given help to more than 500 projects, including regional that is the proof of effective collaboration of authorities of various level and business of the sister-city.

About implementation of the Gold Roof project in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

The socially oriented energy efficient project "Gold Roof" is implemented in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. The project is subsidized with the government of the country and local authorities. The last years the photovoltaic roofs transforming energy of the sun to electricity are determined in houses of needy families. Participants of the program can sell the energy of the state electronetwork corporation of China received in surplus for the sum about 3000 yuans.

Updating of complete sets in municipal authorities

 Events for updating of material and technical resources are held in institutions of the social sphere of the twin-city of Yerevan. So, for creation of comfortable conditions for visitors of city libraries the city administration of Yerevan has filled up book fund. 16 000 volumes 400 of names of new literature are presented to libraries, and also special literature for music schools has been acquired. Also municipal sports schools were replenished with new modern stock: new bicycles, exercise machines and the special face equipment with limited opportunities, and also other necessary objects have been acquired.

XII International festival of culture and art of "Croisements"

It became known, the XII International festival of culture and art of "Croisements" will be held in 29 cities of France and China, including Chandzhou in May. Annually for 12 years during the festival symbolizing firm friendship of both countries, joint projects in the sphere of culture and art are implemented. More than 4 million people became audience of a festival in 2016.


Meeting with cultural figures and arts of the sister-city of Pazardzhik

Within the project “Famous People of the City of Pazardzhik” realized for 1.5 years in Pazardzhik’ Regional library of N. Furnadzhiyev meetings with representatives of the public, culture and art are held. Next meeting will be held on 9 may a meeting with the Director, actor, owner of a large number of national and international awards – Alexandra by Bratoeva. It should be noted that the artist pays great attention to the development of theatrical art among the youth, being the artistic Director of the youth theatre "Friends" of the youth House of Pazardzhik. 

The festival competition “Let always will be the sun” 
In the city of Velingrad of the area Pazardzhik the regional stage of a national festival competition of the Russian dance, a song and poetry "Let always will be the sun". Organizers of the event are the Velingrad city administration and "Russophiles of Bulgaria". More than 200 educational organizations pupils of the Pazardzhik region participated the festival. The final of a competition and its results will be summed up in September of this year.

Implementation projects on lighting of ancient buildings of the sister-city of Bezier

In order to increase the interest of citizens and tourists to the architectural heritage of the city on the initiative of mayor in Beziers, a project for the artistic lighting of historic buildings is implemented. So, recently the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the city of Bezier has found the new "night" esthetic shape. Also special attention is paid to promoting of a municipal coat of Bezier arms which has appeared in antique times. Images of the coat of arms decorate a pavement in three places of the central part of the city and are brightly highlighted days in the evening.

The Labor Day in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

On May 1 of this year inhabitants and guests of the sister-city of Zhenjiang celebrated the Labor Day. On the eve of a holiday the municipal national government organized free providing medical services. Within the stock everyone had an opportunity to receive references on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and also prophylaxis of many diseases.

Days of St. Petersburg in Yerevan

During the period from May 4 to May 5 in the sister-city of Yerevan there were held Days of St. Petersburg. Within realization of a cultural event the meetings with participation of representatives of both parties concerning development of multidimensional cooperation, master classes and consultations of the St. Petersburg experts of health care took place. During the held meetings exchange of experience in the field of tourism, education, museum business were carried out, exhibitions and other cultural events were organized. Signing of the cooperation agreement between schools of Yerevan and St. Petersburg took place. On completion of the action on the area of Severny Avenue a concert of the St. Petersburg jazz group "Billy's Band" was organized.

Forum in the city of Chandzhou

In the sister-city of Chandzhou the forum "Development and Innovations in the field of Production of the Province of Jiangsu — 2017" took place. In an action of regional level, organized University Nianjing and the partner organizations, more than 300 authorities and business participated. Within work of sections participants of a forum discussed issues of integration of intellectual technologies into production, corporate methods of management of finance, and also mechanisms of introduction of innovations. The ceremonial opening of office of Association of directors of the enterprises of the Province of Jiangsu in the city of Chandzhou was held.


"Geographical festival" in Pazardzhik 

During the period from April 21 to April 23 of this year in the sister-city of Pazardzhik the "Geographical festival" is held. Its organized by the city hall of the municipality together with the Bulgarian geographical society and the national magazine. During the action the seminars, lectures, photo exhibitions and specialized literature on geography, etc. is planned. The national competition in five nominations including an assessment presented by pupils, students, teachers and fans of geography video topics and photos will take place.

Week of the Russian culture in Bezier 

During the period from April 24 to April 29, 2017 in Bezier's city the Week of the Russian culture organized by "Russian-language Alliance in Bezier" association will take place. Within the program of this action the conferences devoted to Russian Nobel Prize laureates, art exhibitions of the Russian artists, books of the Russian authors will be organized. The performance of the popular Russian A-Dessa group will take place. Also during a Week holding a festival of the Russian ethnic cuisine is provided. In the closing ceremony of Week of the Russian culture participation of the Consul general of the Russian Federation in the city of Marseille is supposed.

Program implementation of bicycle rental in the sister-city of Zhenjiang

The cycling gains the increasing popularity in the sister-city of Zhenjiang. Now in the municipality the program for granting bicycles for rent on the special automated parking is implemented. All points are united by the general electronic system tracing usage time and the amount of payment. This program is popular among inhabitants as many use bicycles to reach for work, and also for walks around the city.

Submission of the new program in the Yerevan history museum

On April 18 of this year in the Yerevan history museum the presentation of the new program under the name "Cultural Heritage and Steady Tourism" devoted to the International day of monuments and historical places has taken place. Within the project, by means of an interactive excursion, a number of the ceremonies accepted in life of erevanets at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century is represented to visitors. Feature of the program is production dialogue with illumination of the exhibits entering a rich collection of the museum. The program is directed to increase in attendance of the museum and submitted in three languages: Armenian, Russian and English.

Organization of a job fair for university and colleges graduates of the city of Chandzhou 

Recently in the city of Chandzhou the job fair Jiangsu – 2016" has taken place/ More than 300 enterprises and the organizations have taken part in it. More than 6000 jobs at the enterprises of the country in the following fields of activity were offered to graduates of 65 higher education institutions and colleges: intellectual production of the equipment, information technologies, marketing, new energy and new materials, management, petrochemical and biological medicine, textile and clothing industry, mass media, etc.


Meeting of youth councils and parliaments of the Republic of Bulgaria in the town of Pazardzhik

XVII national meeting of youth councils and parliaments of the Republic of Bulgaria "Skills. Development. Success" will be held in Sofia from 7 to 9 April . The mayor and Council of youth policy of the city are the organizers of the event. Representatives of youth structures of more than 20 Bulgarian cities will participate and will deliver a report on the work done in 2016. It is worth noting that a similar event is held for the second time in sister city.
Contest "The Queen Of Beziers"

The mayor of beziers, announced the acceptance of applications for participation in the citywide contest "Queen of Beziers". French women aged 18 to 24 years are invited to participate in this contest. A prerequisite for contestants it's great to know the history of beziers and reside in its territory. Girl by results of competition will be awarded the title of "Queen of Beziers" for two years, will officially represent the city at both the regional and national levels.

Organization of Program youth initiatives

Program youth initiatives will work for student sister city des Moines in the period from may to August. The goal of the Program is to uncover the leadership potential, motivation for achieving success in public life, encouraging activists, youth engagement in urban governance. Lectures on the socio-economic development of urban agglomerations will also be organized for the participants.

Holiday net light

In China, the national holiday of pure light or Day has long been celebrated on April 4. Residents of the sister city of Zhenjiang on this day put in order the graves of their ancestors and national heroes and lay flowers as a sign of respect to the memory of the dead. Currently, the country is usually a spring outing, outdoor games and picnics with family and friends organized. In this connection the festival has another name — the Day of the first walk on the grass.

Interim results of the implementation of social support programs for Armenian families from Syria

City hall-city of Yerevan podvedena intermediate results in the implementation of social support programs for Armenian families from Syria living in the capital of Armenia, for the period from January to March of 2017. Support was provided to 235 families in need, and another 26 families included in various social programs, about 500 children from Syria enrolled in schools of the capital, more than 100 children of preschool age attends for free municipal kindergartens. The children of Armenian families from Syria are also active in various cultural events.

A record number of planned projects

According to the Commission on development and reform of city County Sintang the sister city of Changzhou in 2017 on the territory of the County 250 projects with a total investment of 122,83 billion yuan will be implemented, 27 of which with an investment of 1 billion yuan. This year is a record number of projects, investment and growth of the industrial sector in the County Sintang. The implementation is planned in the sphere of production (91%), provision of services and agriculture.


Sporting achievements of the town of Pazardzhik

The mayor of the municipality of Pazardzhik Todor Paper thanked and awarded gold medals volleyball sports club "Gebyr" sister city, won first place in the high volleyball League Bulgaria. The following year, the city team will participate in the super League Bulgaria volleyball. It should be noted that in connection with the revival the interest in the city for this sport, victory sports club is very important for the Pazardzhik. 

Development of a new concept of nutrition of schoolchildren

In order to improve the quality of food in educational institutions of the municipality of Beziers, in cooperation with the Association of restaurateurs "Occitane de restauration" developing a new concept of menu students. This concept will be based on the principles of forming in children the habit of balanced nutrition, taking into account their tastes and wishes. The test will be conducted in school canteens, which will be attended by the main chef Beziers, Pierre Age. The audit professionals will provide recommendations for improving the quality of the dishes offered in the educational institutions.

Farmer market

The annual farmer market will work during the period from May 6 to October 28, 2017 in the twin-city of Des Moines. The market covers nine city quarters and in it various trade production more than 300 farmers, producers and handicraftsmen from 58 districts of the State of Iowa will be presented. Besides, for visitors work of nutritionists, point of medical examination, attractions and entertainment programs will be organized. For the first time the seasonal market has opened in 1976 with participation of only 15 suppliers. Today the market is recognized at the national level and has support of investors, the city hall and noncommercial associations.

Conference of the managerial personnel

The conference of the managerial personnel has taken place in the municipal government of the twin-city of Zhenjiang. Topical organizational issues have been considered, and also the announcement of personnel shifts and appointment of the new secretary general of committee of the Communist Party Zhenjiang has taken place.

The opening of the exhibition of paintings 

The opening ceremony of the photo exhibition and presentation of the eponymous book "Restart: Achievements of Armenian immigrants from Syria in entrepreneurship" took place in Yerevan history Museum. The event was organized with the assistance of the German society for international cooperation in the Republic of Armenia and Yerevan municipality. Representatives of the municipality-city, the extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Germany in Armenia, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic in Armenia and other dignitaries participated in the event.

The fair "5.18"

In preparation for the fair, "5.18. Chinese exhibition of achievements in the field of high technologies Changzhou" "round table" on development of cooperation between universities and colleges was organized on 16th March by the city hall of the city. Representatives of some 70 educational institutions across the country participated in the event at the national level. It is known that the main sectors of the economy, investment presentations, seminars and more will be presented in the program of the fair, "5.18".


Organization of exhibitions in Pazardzhik

On March 20, exhibitions of drawings and poetry by Konstantin Atanasov and Eli Damyanov in the city's Art Gallery named after Georgy Mashev opened in Pazardzhik. In addition, the first independent exhibition of the photographer, musician and host Alexander Angelov "Nostalgia" was opened. It featured forty works in the genre of portrait, landscape and astrophotography.

Cultural event in Pazardzhik 

Lessons of folk dances called "Bulgarian dances" will be organized in the stores "BILLA Bulgaria" in the period from 25 March to 30 April 2017. This national campaign is held in 25 cities of the country in the framework of the campaign "We love Bulgaria". The purpose of the event, organized in conjunction with the dance schools of the cities, is preservation and popularization of Bulgarian folklore to future generations.

The creation of an alternative private school in Beziers

 Opening an alternative private school "Cours Gustave Fayet", is scheduled for the beginning of the school year 2017-2018 in Beziers. This institution was created in order to provide a more comfortable learning in a public school for students. The ability to completely change the atmosphere and environment will be provided at the new school students experiencing difficulties in "regular" school, or having for objective reasons, a number of outstanding subjects. Individual approach and support for learning will be provided to students and is especially valuable for children who are not successful in the educational process.

The event for entrepreneurs in the sister city of Des Moines

A networking event will be held on 9 April in the sister city des Moines. It is dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship in the field of logistics. Leaders of local and national companies, investors, and members of the public are invited to particip