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International Tournament in Rhythmic Gymnastics

In the period from 26 to 27 May of this year in the city of Pazardzhik the 5th International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament took place. The organizers of the event are the mayor's office of the sister city and the Bulgarian Federation in rhythmic gymnastics. The tournament was attended by over 300 sportsmen from Bulgaria and foreign countries. Representatives of the sports club "Dilyana Prima" properly represented the sister city of Pazardzhik in international competitions and won medals in various age categories.

Opening of the Art Festival in the sister city of Pazardzhik

On 1-7 of June 2018 in the sister city of Pazardzhik will be held the 7th annual Art Festival "Art Idea – Art Alley", organized by the Municipality of Pazardzhik Community. During the festival there will be concerts, exhibitions, theater performances, film screenings, as well as meetings with famous cultural and art figures.

Rugby World Cup among juniors

Within the period from May 30 to June 17 of this year the sister city of Beziers will hold the Rugby World Cup among juniors. This is a landmark event, as well as recognition of the merits of the city, whose team has been remaining the champion of France in this sport for many years. Teams from Switzerland, Italy, Georgia, Argentina, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Wales and France have already arrived to participate in matches in the city of Beziers. All the Cup games will be held at the city stadium "Mediterranee".

Development of the wind energy project

In the sister city of Des Moines, MidAmerican Energy has started developing an innovative project in the field of power generation in wind power plants. It is expected that at the end of the project, which is planned to be completed in 2020, the city will be able to fully meet the needs of consumers in electricity using only renewable sources. The project is implemented with the active participation of investors.

On the 14th Chinese Children's Television Song Contest

On May 27 of this year in the sister city of Zhenjiang, the final of the 14th China Children's Television Song Contest was held. Music competition, held since 1995, provides an opportunity for the younger generation to show their vocal talent and performance skills. Annually more than 100 thousand children take part in it. The contest is held in 10 different age categories. The winners of each nomination will present their creative performance at the Song Contest of Jiangsu Province.

Activity programme "Yerevan summer - 2018"

In the sister city of Yerevan the activity programme "Yerevan Summer 2018"was developed. This year it is dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of the capital of Armenia. During the summer period, various festivals, exhibitions, concerts, sports competitions, as well as thematic meetings devoted to festive dates will be organized for guests and residents of the sister city. A significant increase in the number of participants is expected this year. It is assumed that a diverse cultural programme will also promote the development of local and international tourism.

Visit of representatives of foreign media

In May of 2018 a delegation of representatives of more than 20 foreign media visited the sister city of Changzhou. Correspondents of news agencies in America, Germany, Japan and other countries of the world met with the leadership of the city, got acquainted with cultural and historical heritage of Changzhou, visited innovative industrial enterprises and a modern media center, took part in press conferences. Foreign journalists noted the favorable impression made by the city, expressing confidence that they will be able to represent Changzhou to the residents of the whole world.


Celebration of the Day of the Pazardzhik city and the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture

In the sister city of Pazardzhik, there were  held festive events dedicated to the Day of the Pazardzhik city and to the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture. On May 21 of this year at the Central Square the solemn opening of the City Day took place, in which students and teachers of the 25th  gymnasium of the city of Stavropol took part. For residents and guests of the sister city various entertainment events and a festive concert were organized. During the solemn procession on May 24 of this year the leadership of the region and Pazardzhik community laid flowers to the monument of Cyril and Methodius.

"Vigilant Neighbours" society in the city of Beziers

The City Hall of the sister city of Béziers urges the citizens to take an active part in the work of the "Vigilant Neighbours" society. This is the way of city blocks joining this society to confirm that those living in their neighbourhood are indifferent and attentive people who care about what is happening nearby. It is known that in those neighbourhoods of the city that have become members of the "Vigilant Neighbors" society, level of crime has decreased by 40%. Participation of residents in the protection of public order will improve the work of police patrols and make life in the city more safe.

Ending of Youth Leadership Initiative Program 2018

Youth training program on leadership development has been summed up in the sister city of Des Moines. The aim of the 2018 program is to create favorable conditions for personal growth in the urban community. In the process of training activists took part in the development of the Children's and Family Health Movement, also in volunteer activities helping the poor, as well as the activities of the charity organizations of Des Moines in creation of shelters for animals. Upon completion of the training about 40 students of senior classes of private and public schools were awarded with certificates.

Fundraiser in Zhenjiang

In recent years special popularity among young people in China is gaining the Day of Love celebrated annually on May 20th , as in Chinese the date of this holiday is consonant with the phrase "I love you". On this day, it is popular to hold weddings, and it is also customary to show your care and love to family and friends. In the sister city of Zhenjiang, a number of charity events were organized within the framework of this holiday. The income from sale of more than 10 thousand items of goods was sent to charity organizations. Also there was conducted free medical care for the needy population.

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia

At the end of this year’s May some concert, cultural and sports programs timed to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia were held in all administrative districts of the sister city of Yerevan. In the framework of celebration memorial visits, also literary, musical and entertainment events in the parks and cultural centers of the city are planned.

The 13th China Exhibition of Achievements in the Field of Advanced Production Technologies

In the sister city of Changzhou, the opening of the 13th China Exhibition of Achievements in the Field of Advanced Production Technologies was held at Changzhou University. The main topic of the forum is innovative achievements and entrepreneurial activity. This year for the visitors' acquaintance there will be presented "Changzhou Model" which involves the interaction of leading industries, educational institutions and research centers in order to achieve better results in the development and application of new technologies. Within the framework of the forum business program more than 100 events for business enterprises and scientific community are planned.


Opening of the production of machine-building equipment components in the sister city of Pazardzhik

On May 17, 2018 in the sister city of Pazardzhik was held the official opening of the production of the leading Bulgarian company "RAIS", which involves the manufacture of components for machine-building equipment. The President of Japanese industrial company FANUC Corporation, the Ambassador of Japan in the Republic of Bulgaria, the Governor of Pazardzhik region, the Mayor of Pazardzhik Community, the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria, representatives of the business community of Europe took part in the event. The area of production, in which two shops are located, an exhibition area, an administrative complex takes 3800 sq.m. The total investment amount is more than 4 million euros.

Festival of Contemporary Art in the city of Beziers

In the period from May 18 to May 21, 2018, the festival of contemporary art "L'Art deboite" will be held for the third time in the city of Beziers. The event will be attended by painters, sculptors, creators of art installations and collages, masters working in various techniques, living in France and beyond. To emphasize the originality of creative works exhibition displays are housed in large marine multicolored containers which will be installed in the center of the city of Beziers - in the Alleys of Paul Riquet. Residents and guests of the sister city will be able to get acquainted with the trends of contemporary art for free.

Training program in the field of accelerated development of agriculture

In the sister city of Des Moines the Iowa Agro-Cultural Center announced the selection of applicants for participation in the educational program in the field of accelerated development of agriculture. In the framework of training, which will be held in the period from May 29 to August 30 this year, lectures by experts and specialists in the field of agriculture, field visits to investors, presentations of modern agricultural technologies and innovative solutions, as well as practical exercises are planned. The winner of the program will be provided with $ 40,000 as a seed funding for starting his own business.

Opening of a new sports center in the city of Zhenjiang
On May 16 of this year a new sports complex, equipped with modern facilities, was opened in the sister city of Zhenjiang in order to popularize a healthy lifestyle, as well as to engage the citizens in various sports. It is expected that more than 20,000 residents of the nearby districts of the city will be able to study at the sports center. The total area of the complex is more than 16 thousand sq.m.

Expansion of cultural cooperation between Yerevan and Moscow

Within the framework of the program on expansion of cultural cooperation between Yerevan and Moscow for 2018-2021 the delegation of the Moscow interregional charitable public fund "New Names" named after I.N. Voronova visited the capital of Armenia. Within the framework of the visit, master classes of Russian artists, as well as auditions of students of municipal music and art schools from 6 to 15 years old took place, following which the winners received personal scholarships, as well as the opportunity to continue cooperation with the fund.

First China Conference on Intellectual Property on the Internet

 On May 15 of this year in the sister city of Changzhou, the First China Conference on Intellectual Property on the Internet took place. Within the framework of the forum issues of integration of mobile Internet, security of cloud computing, as well as interaction of Internet technologies and modern production were discussed. The exchange of work experience in innovative spheres such as e-commerce, application of artificial intelligence, Internet management, protection and sharing of IP-technologies took place. As a result of the conference, the Resolution on the need of promoting IP culture and Internet services was signed.


Popularization of literature in the sister-city of Pazardzhik

A cultural event called "The month of reading" organized by the city hall of Pazardzhik Community, the Council of Youth Policy of the sister city and the Czech Cultural Center will take place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. The main goal is the popularization of classical and contemporary literature of European countries. In the course of creative meetings citizens and guests of the sister city will be presented with excerpts of famous literary works, as well as creative works of young poets. This initiative is being implemented in the cities of not only Bulgaria, but also many other European countries.

Festival “Le Caritats” in the city of Beziers

On May 10, 2018 the city of Beziers hosted the public festival "Les Caritats", symbolizing an ancient holiday of mercy. During the festival citizens and guests of the city had an opportunity to get acquainted with traditions and customs of the Middle Ages. Within the program of the event there was organized the reconstruction of knight tournaments and archery competition. Master classes were also held on the manufacture of pottery, metal, leather items, wax aromatized candles, as well as compiling herbarium fr om medicinal plants known in the Middle Ages. Actors and musicians also presented interesting performances for participants.

Training event of the Leadership Institute

Leadership Institute of the city of Des Moines announced that the training event on the development of leadership qualities called "Activate" is to be held on May 15, 2018. The event involves the participation of leaders and members of local organizations, Institute alumni, as well as all interested city residents. Participants will share accomplishments of successfully organized city projects, personal and team experience in developing of leadership skills. Presentations of new projects of partner organizations will also take place.

International Marathon "Jurong"

International Marathon "Jurong" started on May 6, 2018 in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Within the framework of the sporting event, three races for different distances took place: the main marathon, a half marathon and a 5 km mini marathon. About 10,000 athletes including 75 foreign participants took part in the competition. The first prizes among men and women in the main marathon were won by the sportsmen from Kenya, in a half-marathon – by the sportsmen from Ethiopia.

Official website on the 2800th anniversary of the founding of Yerevan

According to the celebration of the 2800th anniversary of the founding of Yerevan city, called "Yerevan 2800", the cultural fund has launched an official website www.yerevan2800.am, wh ere all announcements of the events and news materials related to the anniversary of the capital establishment will be posted, as well as the interviews with famous Yerevan residents, interesting stories and essays on Yerevan. Yerevan2800.am will be available in 4 languages - Armenian, Russian, English and French.

International Seminar on Environmental Technologies

On May 7, 2018 there was held the International Workshop on Environmental Technologies in the sister city of Changzhou. It was attended by representatives of local authorities and business communities of the city of Changzhou and the state of Illinois (USA). The discussion covered the prospects for cooperation in this area, innovative methods of protecting the environment, as well as successful work and best practices of five environmental enterprises in the state of Illinois and fifteen enterprises in the city of Changzhou.


Opening of the park of culture and rest in the city of Pazardzhik

The Mayor of Pazardzhik Community participated in the official opening ceremony of the park of culture and recreation "Piskovets" on May 3, 2018. On the territory of the park with a total area of 3 hectares there are children's and sports grounds, well-equipped recreation areas, places for walking of domestic animals. The park is illuminated with solar panels. As part of the further improvement of the city, it is planned to connect the "Piskovets" with the "Island" city park by a bicycle path.

Festival "Blossoming avenues" in the city of Beziers

On May 4, 2018 the festival "Blossoming avenues" was held on the alleys of Paul Riquet, Beziers. In this regard, the city administration organized a competition for  flower growers, owners of nurseries and gardeners. Participants presented floral installations in accordance with this year theme - "A ladybird". When summarizing the results, consideration was given to the relevance of the subject, originality, quality of products. Winners received valuable prizes. Besides, within the framework of the festival there were organized master classes on planting and caring for plants, an exhibition of creative works of pupils of general educational establishments of the city, and shopping stands of sellers of related products.

Summer social program of 2018

Social club of the city of Des-Moines has announced the selection start of four interns for participating in the summer social program of 2018 to implement non-commercial cultural programs. Students will get acquainted with the structure of non-profit organizations, take part in planning and carrying out various activities. Each intern will work under the guidance of a mentor in various areas: training, marketing, planning, management. In 2018 interns will receive a money reward for their work within the program for the first time.

Events within the framework of the World Day Against Asthma

Within the framework of the World Asthma Day, a number of free activities were organized in the outpatient department of the Jiangsu University Hospital for familiarization with the methods of disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Doctors told about the symptoms of asthma, presented recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and prevention of repeated seizures, selection of necessary medication and also answered patients’ questions of interest.

Preservation and restoration of the historical area of Erebuni

In order to stimulate tourism attraction and development, the Yerevan Municipality discussed a program for further financial and technical assistance to restore the historical Erebuni area, in particular, the introduction of raw brick technology and its use in the restoration of the citadel. This is one of the numerous programs for preserving historical area, implemented since 1998, since the accession of the Armenian capital to the Association of Mayors of French-speaking cities.

Summit on Network Communication and Innovation "Zijin" in Changzhou

On April 27, 2018 in the sister city of Changzhou was held the Summit on Network Communication and Innovation of Cyberspace called "Zijin Network Communication Innovation Summit". The forum discussed issues of new formats integration of mass media into social space, the need for innovative development and expansion of communication platforms, as well as the importance of further informatization of the country. It was suggested to pay more attention to training of young specialists in the field of Internet technologies. The event was attended by more than 500 experts and media representatives.


Photo exhibition in Pazardzhik

On April 26 this year in the sister city of Pazardzhik in the Art Gallery named after Stanislav Dospevsky was held the opening of the exhibition "Choice". The exposition presents the best works of the Fourth International Photo Contest, where about 400 photographers from 52 countries took part. The creative work of Bulgarian photographers won 9 prizes. The photos are presented in 6 nominations.

Restoration of the organ in the city of Beziers

In the sister city of Bézier was carried out restoration work of the organ which was created in the 17th century by the Flemish master Guillaume Ponchet and installed in the cathedral of Saint Nazaire. This musical instrument is included in the register of historical objects and protected by law. The organ was created in 1623. After restoration of the instrument in the XIX century in the city of Beziers, there was held a memorable concert of the great composer Camille Saint-Saens. Restoration work was financed jointly by the Beziers City Hall and the government of the Hérault region in the amount of over 134,000 euros.

Day of Combating Malaria

In the sister city of Zhenjiang a number of educational events took place on April 26 this year within the framework of the Eleventh National Day Against Malaria. The Public Health Center and the City Health Service organized free consultations on the topic "Elimination of malaria: beware of infection" and distributed information leaflets, also answered the questions of city residents about possible remedies, symptoms and treatment of the infectious disease.

Development of cooperation between Yerevan and Lyon

In order to develop further cooperation between Yerevan and the French city of Lyon, a direct Yerevan-Lyon-Yerevan flight was launched in the capital of Armenia. Passenger transportation will be carried out by the airline "Armenia" twice a week. Considering that 2018 is the 26-th year of cooperation between these cities, direct air communication will deepen bilateral cultural and economic ties and development of tourism.

Changzhou City Sports Games

In the sister city of Changzhou the Fifteenth Sports Games has started on April 22 this year. At the opening ceremony in the Olympic Sports Center the Party Secretary Wang Quan and Mayor of City Din Chun addressed the participants and spectators with a welcoming speech. Large-scale wilderness orienteering, competitions in more than 100 disciplines, also a sports carnival, as well as exhibitions, master classes and other interesting events will take place within the framework of the Sports Games. Fifteenth City Sports Games will last from April to November.


National Meeting of Architects of Bulgarian Communities

In the period from April 18 to 20, 2018, the Seventh National Meeting of Architects of the Bulgarian Communities, organized by the City Mayor's Office and the National Association of Bulgarian Communities, took place in the sister city of Pazardzhik. More than 100 major architects participated in the discussion of topical issues in the field of territorial organization, planning and management of construction and investment processes. Within the framework of business programs, acquaintance with architectural and cultural objects was also held.

Showroom of old and rare books in the city of Bezier

On April 21 this year the Showroom of ancient and rare books will take place for the first time in the hall of Bezier Theatre. The event will be attended by the eight most famous book collectors of the South of France from Nice to Perpignan. Several hundred pieces of collectible novels, essays, scientific works, as well as other rare editions will be presented at the stands.

Brenton Skating Plaza of the city of Des Moines

One of the most popular places of the sister city of Des Moines for organizing concerts, business meetings, corporate parties and weddings is the Brenton Skating Plaza, located in the downtown. Residents and guests of Des Moines note the convenience of the location of the building, magnificent view of the city, as well as the nice atmosphere of this popular venue. For the beginning of the spring-summer season, a unique 50-meter canopy has been put with aim of helding events in any weather from early May to mid-October.

Tea Culture Festival in Zhenjiang

In the sister city of Zhenjiang the Tea Culture Festival was held on April 15 of this year. Within the framework of the event presentations of tea varieties, acquaintance with Chinese tea traditions, performances of creative and vocal groups were organized. During the Festival the best tea was selected. The festival aroused great interest among residents and visitors of the city.

Events dedicated to the International Day of Monuments and Historical Sites in Yerevan

Within the framework of celebration of the International Day of Monuments and Historical Places a new exhibition called "Archaeological Heritage for Generations: Knowing, Valuing, Preserving" was held in the Erebuni Municipal Historical and Archaeological Preserve-Museum of the sister city of Yerevan. The purpose of the event is to introduce the younger generation to the study of cultural and historical values. For visitors there was the performance of the Autumn voices Choir by the Association of mature Yerevan residents and also an educational excursion around the preserve-museum prepared by the students of the Young archaeologist’s school.

Chinese Import and Export Fair in Changzhou

In the sister city of Changzhou there was a great opening of the 123rd Canton Fair of Chinese imports and exports on April 15 of this year. The Canton is the largest exhibition with the biggest business turnover. Many products are presented here, including power and construction equipment, auto parts, consumer electronics, building materials, household goods, men's and women's clothing, healthcare, gardening, sports and tourism products and much more. Annually more than 20,000 sellers and about 100,000 buyers take part in the event.


Initiative of personal development of youth

In the sister city of Pazardzhik the new initiative aimed at the personal development and professional orientation of younger generation is implemented. For career guidance the youth meeting with representatives of various professions will take place on April 17 of this year. Within it lectures will be organized and questions of interest will be discussed.

Reorganization of museums of the city of Bezier

The municipality of Bezier decided to make essential changes of the organization of the sister city’s museums.
Only one from three museums of Bezier, Fayette's museum, will be kept in its previous form. The Fabrega museum will be reconstructed and it will be the main storage and the place of display of various collections. The museum of the region of Bezier will become a spare storage for museum collections.
It is also planned to create a new modern museum by 2026 meeting all requirements of safety for objects of old times.

Farmers’ market in Des Moines

In the sister city of Des Moines the 43rd Farmers’ market will be opened at the beginning of May, it will work until the end of October.
Goods of 300 farmers, local producers and handicraftsmen from more than 50 districts of Iowa will be presented at the market. Annually the action attracts a large number of visitors, allowing not only to get fresh products, but also to participate in various entertaining events for all family.  
This year a sponsor of the Farmers’ market is the UnityPoint Health which plans to organize for visitors of the market a number of training meetings in the sphere of strengthening of health, consultations of nutritionists and also medical examinations every Saturday.

New technologies in pest control

In the sister city of Zhenjiang the Agricultural Distribution Company organized the presentation devoted to introduction of new technologies to the sphere of pest control on rice plantations. 100 representatives of farms have participated in the action. It is supposed to use modern remote-piloted vehicles for pest control. According to developers drones will be able to improve significantly the situation in this area that in turn will lead to increase in productivity of rice.

Festive actions in Yerevan devoted to the International day of dance and the International day of jazz

A number of the actions devoted to the International day of dance on April 28th and to the International day of jazz on April 30th will take place in the sister city of Yerevan. During the festivals colorful performances of song and dance ensembles and famous actors, musical competitions and meetings, and also contests devoted to national traditions are planned. These holidays are celebrated several years in Yerevan and are popular not only among citizens, but also tourists visiting the capital.

Qingming Holiday in China

This year the sister city of Changzhou, despite rainy and cold weather, within the Qingming Holiday was visited by 500 thousand tourists that is 12.69% more, than last year. The Qingming Holiday (or Festival of pure light) has very ancient history. It was considered that it’s the last day in a year to begin agricultural work. Today it is a family three-day holiday when relatives gather and carry out a ceremony of commemoration of ancestors. Picnics with singing and dances, and walks in the fresh air are also very popular.


International youth theater festival in the city of Pazardzhik
In the city of Pazardzhik the International youth theater festival "Ocean of Love" was held during the period from March 30 to April 3, 2018. Within the program of the event there were performances of more than 15 art groups of Bulgaria and Macedonia, "round tables", and meetings with the famous theater actors of Bulgaria.

Honorary reward of the Youth Home of the city of Pazardzhik
Voting on receiving the "The gold sign" honorary reward for the significant contribution to activity of the Youth Home of the city of Pazardzhik took place from March 26 to April 4, 2018. Winners were determined by the following nominations: the best artist or teacher of arts school, the most skilled teacher of the Youth Home and journalists who are most actively covering events of the organization.

Participation in the national competition "We Set to Work"
School students of the city of Bezier won the first place following the results of the national competition "We Set to Work" held since 1996 by group of the French scientists with a Nobel laureate on physics Georges Sharpak. Pupils of Olivye School already became winners of this prestigious competition for the fifth time. The winning project was devoted to clockworks and devices for time measurement from ancient times up to now. The award was presented in the French Academy of Sciences.

Construction and Career Exhibition in Des Moines
In April the Construction and Career Expo – 2018 will take place in the sister city of Des Moines. Within the event students, pupils, consultants for career and parents will be able to get acquainted with the existing opportunities for career development in the construction industry. All range of construction works from conceptual design to finishing will be presented at the exhibition. 10-12 master classes in practical demonstration of the works usually made on building sites will be organized in each section. Visitors of the exhibition can discuss interesting issues with professionals and define what education they need in this or that branch.

Visit of a group of students from Canada to Zhenjiang
Within development of the international educational exchanges the sister city of Zhenjiang was visited by a group of students from Canada. Within the program of stay they got acquainted with the system of teaching and educational process at the Zhenjiang Chongshi Girl's School and also national arts of China. The Canadian school students participated in master classes in calligraphy, art of paper cutting, clay figures and tea ceremony. For cultural events the group of students also visited Zhenjiang's sights.

Season of francophonie at music and art schools of Yerevan
For acquaintance of younger generation with the French culture the Season of francophonie is organized at municipal music art schools of the sister city of Yerevan. Within the event introductory lessons about famous artists of France and the French-speaking countries, their works and influence on the world cultural heritage, concert programs of French classical and modern writers and also an art exhibition devoted to Paris and French architecture are planned.

Visit of delegation of Denmark to the city of Changzhou

At the end of March of this year the headed by the mayor delegation of Randers, sixth in size city of Denmark, visited Changzhou. Since 2014 the cities develop fruitful cooperation in such area as economy and trade, education and culture, and tourism.
During the visit they discussed issues of further interaction in various spheres of social and economic cooperation and also expansion of partner communications between Institute of technology of Changzhou and University College of Denmark. Special attention is paid to the international distance training programs in preschool education. Near 100 students from Denmark have already participated in them.


Reconstruction of the city of Pazardzhik
In the sister city of Pazardzhik implementation of large projects was started on March 28 of this year for improvement of two residential areas. Development of the city is one the priority activities of the mayor's office. The cost of repair work is more than 3.5 million Euros; financing is made from funds of the European Union. Only for the last 8 years more than 40 million Euros were allocated for works in the sphere of city improvement.

Reconstruction of the Arena of the city of Bezier
Since 1897 the Arena of the city of Bezier – the venue of bullfights and other events, is one of the symbols of the city which are permanently attracting tourists. Due to the celebration of fifty-year anniversary of the Feriya festival in 2018 the decision on restoration works on this object has been made. It is supposed that it will be financed by Society of Arenas of Bezier into which consists of representatives of owners’ families and also municipality of the city of Bezier, and will make about 300000 Euros.

Mayor's Annual Ride and Run in Des Moines
In April the charitable Mayor's Annual Ride on 37 km and Run on 5 km will be held in the sister city of Des Moines. The funds from registration fees will go for completion of construction of the trail which will connect Cownie Baseball Complex to Easter Lake Park. This road is of great importance for convenience of movement of inhabitants and city visitors.

International educational game on robotics in Zhenjiang
At the end of March of this year the First international educational game on robotics "Information age" was organized in the Sport exhibition center of the sister city of Zhenjiang. More than 2800 pupils aged from 8 up to 18 years acted as engineers, experts in telecommunications, analysts of data, network and information administrators of safety. It was necessary to create the software, to use innovative communication technologies, to develop applications and to protect network safety. The competition lasted for two days; winners will participate in the international tournaments on robotics.

Charity program "The mayor's office of Yerevan - to children of Yerevan"
In the center of children's development and rehabilitation of "Erazi Tong" (House of a dream) the fifth season of a charity program "the Mayor's office of Yerevan - to children of Yerevan", realized together with public organization Armenian mothers. Beneficiaries of the program are children with a cerebral palsy and being under the care of single mothers. In the center of children's development and rehabilitation this year a complex course of therapy will be organized with the logopedists and the psychologists for children, psychological consultations for parents.

Visit of delegation of Brazil-China Trade center
In March of this year the sister city of Changzhou was visited by the delegation of Brazil-China Trade center. During the meetings with representatives of the municipal national government of Changzhou issues of economic and trade cooperation, scientific and cultural exchange between Brazil and China werediscussed. Special attention was paid to the program of football coaches for exchange of experience and the organization of football tours. It was hoped for further development of interaction in this sphere.


Theater performances in the city of Pazardzhik

Now the March theater performances, organized by the House of youth of the sister city, are hosted in Pazardzhik. Creative projects of young actors of the Republic of Bulgaria are submitted to inhabitants and city visitors within the program. The XIII International youth theater festival "Ocean of Love" which will be held during the period from March 30 to April 3 of this year will also become a significant event of cultural life of the city.  

Archeological finds in Bezier  

The numerous archeological finds made in recent years in the city of Bezier and its suburbs allow scientists to claim that Bezier, but not Marseille as was considered earlier, is the most ancient city of France. Archeologists have come to such conclusion, investigating artifacts found at excavations. On conclusions of experts the settlement near the city of Bezier was founded by the Greek colonists in 625 B.C. It is expected that this discovery will influence increase in tourists and, as a result, social and economic development of the city of Bezier.

Downtown Banner Program in Des Moines

In the sister city of Des Moines the Downtown Banner Program regulating street advertizing is implemented. According to this program the spaces are provided in a priority to noncommercial associations. Banners of the commercial organizations are placed only just in front of the property owned by the company. An exception is organizations celebrating anniversaries. In the downtown 250 points of placement of the advertizing structures are provided, their design is approved by the Des Moines City Council.   

Day of the Vernal Equinox in Zhenjiang

On March 21 in the sister city of Zhenjiang the Vernal Equinox was celebrated. The history of this holiday is more than 3000 years. This holiday enters the so-called cycle of twenty four seasons to which Chinese people follow from antiquity to this day. It is possible to refer to its features such traditions as walks in the fresh air, admiring fresh flowers and also national games. In Zhenjiang for maintaining national traditions and culture at elementary schools and kindergartens children participated in events devoted to this holiday.

Youth volunteer program "I am a Guide of the City" in Erevan

In the sister city of Yerevan the final stage of the youth volunteer program "I am a Guide of the City" started, it was initiated by the department of tourism of municipality of Yerevan. For promotion of spring tourism in the capital young volunteers participated in various actions for providing information support to the tourists arrived in Yerevan. From March 21st to March 23rd they gave maps of the city in two languages, answered questions and told about sights of Yerevan in the popular places, interesting for tourists.

Photo exhibition "Window of Mexico" in Changzhou

Within the celebration of the 46th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mexico in March of this year the art Photo exhibition "Window of Mexico" took place in Changzhou Museum. The Consul general of the United Mexican States in Shanghai and the vice-mayor of Changzhou took part in a ceremonial opening. The exhibition purpose is to give an opportunity to the general public to get acquainted with cultural sights, historical heritage and magnificent landscapes of Mexico. Works are presented at an exhibition in two sections: "Magical Mexico" and "Struggle and Thought".


Sporting event in the city of Pazardzhik

Now the first more than 5 thousand meters race is organized in the city of Pazardzhik. The sporting event will be held on March 24, 2018. With assistance of the Bulgarian federation on track and field athletics and Council of youth policy of the sister-city the mayor's office of Pazardzhik and the movement "Pazardzhik engages in sports" are the organizers. Everyone, irrespective of age and professional standard will be able to participate in the running. Participants will be awarded with souvenirs.

Flamenco festival in the city of Bezier

During the period from March 09 to March 24, 2018 a flamenco festival will be organized in Bezier by city administration. In the program sings and concerts of professional dancing groups. The shows of professional dancers will take place on various squares of the city of Bezier accompanied by vocals, accompaniment of guitars and castanets. Also the scientific conference about ancient history of dance, master classes in training of flamenco, production of guitars and painting of the Spanish fans will take place. At city cinemas it is supposed art and documentary films about flamenco.

Courses on training of talented youth in Des Moines

In the sister city of Des Moines intake of listeners starts for training at municipal courses for pupils of high school and graduates of schools. The program of courses assumes acquaintance with bases of business and successful career guidance in modern society, motivation of development of leadership skills and increase in a self-assessment. Main aim is to involve talented youth to active participation in all spheres of activity of Des Moines.

National suits show at the Jiangsu University

For development of friendly communications among the studying youth and also acquaintance with culture of the people of the countries of the world an unusual fashion show took place at the Jiangsu University of the sister city of Zhenjiang. Female teachers and foreign students participated in the show and showed national suits. Students with interest got acquainted with features of national clothes, traditions and customs of foreign countries.

Visit of the official delegation of Lyon to Yerevan  

The mayor of Lyon (the French Republic) paid an official visit to the capital of Armenia. During meetings with leaders of Yerevan possibilities of cooperation and implementation of joint projects, prospects of development of tourism were discussed. The model of management of the information tourist center which will be open in Yerevan was presented to the French partner. Members of delegation also visited the Center of creative technologies “Tumo” in Yerevan and Lyon Park in Erebuni which was opened in 2011.

“Green” producers of the city of Changzhou

The ministry of the industry and information technologies of China (MIIT) announced the List of the most environmentally friendly producers. The list had included five companies of the sister city of Changzhou: Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co., Ltd., Changzhou Xurong Knitting Printing And Dyeing Co., Ltd., Yadong (Changzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zealink Electrical Technology Co., Ltd., Zenith Steel Group Co., Ltd.
Development of environmentally friendly industries is an important part of the national program of China "Made in China 2025" (MIIT). Since 2017 MIIT renders assistance to implementation of the "green" projects directed to creation of environmentally friendly production and preservation of the environment.


Festive events devoted to liberation of Bulgaria from an Ottoman yoke

In Pazardzhik the festive events devoted to the 140 anniversary of liberation of Bulgaria from an Ottoman yoke will take place on March 03, 2018. Within the celebrations leadrs of the city, inhabitants and guests will participate in an official ceremony of national flag raising on the Central square of Konstantin Velichkov, a flower-laying to monuments of the national heroes participating in release of the country. In the Regional historical museum of the sister city the "Weapon of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878." exhibition will open. In end the gala concert will be held.

Reconstruction of ancient quarters of the city of Bezier  

One of priorities of Bezier city administration is further promotion of ancient quarters of the city. Now large-scale works on updating and reconstruction of Madeleine Square at which there is a medieval cathedral of the same name are carried out.
Considering that this area is one of the most popular places of citizens and city visitors, the decision to place emphasis on simplification of the movement of pedestrians is made: sidewalks will be expanded and the carriageway is raised. Works on paving of the area (1850 sq.m.) with the sandstone delivered from Burgundy are planned. Flowerpots with new young olive trees are supposed. Placement of a cafe and reconstruction of the existing fountains are provided.

Creation of favorable and comfortable environment in Des Moines

For creation of favorable and comfortable environment in Des Moines the Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District has been created for improvements of quality of life of the population, safe environment, sanitary standards, planting of flowers. By results of poll following 2017,  the majority of  inhabitants and guests of the sister city of Des Moines have given a positive assessment to work, having especially noted timely cleaning of garbage, washing of sidewalks and safety in the downtown.

Preparation for a fishing season in Zhenjiang

For maintaining ecological and biological equilibrium of the environment during the period from March 1 to June 30, 2018 a ban on fishing in the Yangtze River is imposed in the sister city of Zhenjiang. Considering that the forthcoming four months are the most important period of reproduction of fish in the river, imposing of the fishing moratorium will promote preservation of whitebaits and replenishment of fishing resources.

Youth championship of Yerevan on chess

In Yerevan the Youth championship in chess was ended. This year about 500 athletes participated in competitions. Leaders of the sister city visited the closing ceremony, prizes and medals were handed by the mayor of Yerevan. Winners of the competition also acquired the right for participation in a semi-final of the youth championship of Armenia.

Rewarding of the demonstration project of the city of Changzhou with the Jiangsu Habitat Award

In February the Jiangsu Habitat Award in the sphere of preservation and development of the living environment took place. Among nine winners there was the Building energy efficiency and green building demonstration project of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction College from the sister city of Changzhou. The purpose of the project is creation of the "green" campus.  
The college of construction for several years carries out work on improvement of and development of their territory. Within the project introduction of new technologies and achievements in the sphere of improvement of energy saving, recycling and also energy efficiency of buildings is supposed.


Festive events devoted to liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke

On February 19, 2018 the festive events devoted to memory of one of the most famous fighters for liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke Vasil Levski were held in the sister city of Pazardzhik. Leaders of the city and the region, representatives of public organizations and political parties, citizens and city visitors paid tribute to the hero’s memory and participated in a solemn flower-laying to Vasil Levski's monument. Also the gala concert prepared by pupils of Pazardzhik was organized.

About work of the Operational center of observation of municipal police of the city of Bezier  

25 employees of the Operational center of observation of municipal police of the city of Bezier carry out work in the round-the-clock mode. Video surveillance is the valuable tool for city security forces on prevention of many crimes.
More than 2500 requests for help in search actions from various services (representatives of municipal and national police, gendarmerie, and educational organizations) were sent to the Operational center of observation of the city of Bezier in 2017.
Now video surveillance in the city is carried out by means of 70 cameras. By 2020 it is planned to bring their quantity to 110 units.

Ivy Women in Business Award in Des Moines

In March of this year a rewarding ceremony of winners of the annual Ivy Women in Business Award will take place in the sister city of Des Moines.
The award is given for progress in business development and business. The award is organized for development of small business and also promotion of business activity of female population.

Collections of post stamps in China

Two sets of post stamps with the image of a symbol of the Chinese New year are released in the People's Republic of China. Collections are issued since 1980 and annually present that zodiac sign which patronizes the coming year. The famous 99-year-old artist Zhou Lingzhao became the creator of sets. Inhabitants and guests of the sister city of Zhenjiang will be able to get stamps in post offices and special sales locations.

 Day of books gifting in Yerevan

On February 19 in the sister city of Yerevan there were actions, devoted to the Day of books gifting. The holiday is celebrated since 2008. Inhabitants and guests of the capital with invariable interest participate in various literary meetings, book evenings and other thematic actions organized in libraries and bookstores of the city. On the occasion of Day books gifting, pupils of capital schools visited the mayor's office of Yerevan and presented books to the Mayor. Having thanked school students, the Mayor of Yerevan emphasized the important role of the book in education and development of generations.

"Trina Solar" of the city of Changzhou was included into the list of 50 best brands of the Province of Jiangsu

In the city of Nanjing the conference on questions of economic development took place within which 50 best companies shown excellent indicators on positioning of brands in the national and international market were announced.  
The list included the Trina Solar Limited company of the city of Changzhou. Many  companies showed enlargement of offices, increased in investments and excellent quality of production and execution of social obligations.


Participation in the international tournament on swimming

During the period from February 10 to February 11 of this year the international swimming tournament "Gladiator" was held in the city of Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria). More than 300 athletes of Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia participated in the competition. Representatives of Champion sports club of Pazardzhik had successful results. They won one gold, three silver and six bronze medals. The famous Brazilian swimmer Nelson Silva presented an exhibition performance during the opening ceremony of the tournament.

New rules of auto parking in Bezier

New rules of transport parking were developed in Bezier to increase effective management of parking and to provide more intensive rotation of cars.
Now it is simpler to leave the private vehicles as time for the free parking is entered in the city: it is completely free of charge on weekends, and every day from 12:30 till 14:00 for places on land parking. In the rest of the time parking spaces in Bezier will cost 4-6 Euros depending on the district of the city. New rules involve also increase in the size of penalties for violators of the parking. Now in Bezier there are 6520 parking spaces for transport, from them 4900 – land and 1620 – underground.

Annual events in Des Moines

In 2017 the record number of visitors participated in the international actions which are annually organized in the city of Des Moines. According to Census Bureau more than 1 million people attended two major events of the city: shows and exhibitions of the Arts Festival gained the international recognition and the Downtown Farmers’ market allowed about 300 family farms, handicraftsmen and representatives of arts to present their production and works to inhabitants and city visitors. Near 1450 volunteers took part in organization of events. The growth of consumer activity and increase in the number of tourists is an indicator of dynamic development of the city.

Celebration of the Chinese New year

On February 16 of this year in China the festive events devoted to the Chinese New year or the Spring Festival have begun. Celebrations will last two weeks. According to east calendar a patron of this year is the Yellow Earth Dog - a symbol of fidelity, honesty and virtue. Residents of China honor traditions; they surely visit relatives and friends these days. Special attention is paid to preparation of traditional dishes. So national pastries, the Chinese pies and puffs are produced according to ancient recipes at one of the oldest pastry factories of Zhenjiang. Most of confectioners, whose age about 70 years, follow culinary traditions and hope to transfer them to the younger generation.  

Visit of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

The President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev who is on the state visit in the Republic of Armenia visited the Yerevan school N131 of Peyo Yavorov. At school the President of Bulgaria got acquainted with exhibits of the museum named after the Bulgarian poet, writer, journalist and publicist Peyo Yavorov and also visited the interactive educational office equipped with the modern equipment opened with assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria. In the end of the visit the President Rumen Radev made entry in the book of honorable guests of the school.

Out-of-class events for students in Changzhou

For organization of leisure of the studying youth on winter vacation the Civilization Office and the Education Bureau of municipal people’s government of the sister city of Changzhou has prepared the Colorful Winter activities dated for celebration of the Chinese New year and the Spring Festival. Within the versatile program 144 actions for students, including thematic meetings, sports competitions and fitness classes, literary gatherings, etc. are planned.


European sports orientation on skis championship

During the period from February 03 to February 08, 2018 the European sports orientation on skis championship was held in Kurtovo of Pazardzhik region. More than 300 athletes from nineteen countries of Europe took part in it. This competition is the second stage before the International cup on sports orientation among youth and already passes in the Republic of Bulgaria for the third time (previous were in 1977 and 1986).

Weekly meetings of the leaders of Bezier with citizens

In the city of Bezier weekly meetings of the mayor Robert Menar with citizens are organized during which issues of social and economic development of the city are discussed.
For further improvement of work of city administration of Bezier and quick response to needs of citizens, monthly meetings of deputies of Municipal council of the city with citizens are organized since the beginning of February, 2018. During the meetings Bezier's inhabitants can share problems with representatives of the city authorities, make offers on improvement of life quality.

Sports and recreational events in Des Moines

During February of this year in Des Moines a number of sport and recreational events "Fit & Fabulous Health Series" are organized within which residents are able to undergo medical examination and massage courses, to attend fitness classes and to get advice on health nutrition. All actions are organized on a free basis.

Swimming competitions in Zhenjiang

On February 04 of this year in Zhenjiang the swimming competitions were held dated for the celebration of the Spring Festival. About 300 athletes aged from 4 up to 67 years from the cities of Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and Taizhou of the Province of Jiangsu participated in friendly sports events.

Reform of public transport in Yerevan

In the mayor's office of Yerevan a press conferences was held on issues of public transport reform during which the main features of the developed project were presented. In new transport network there are 939 buses and 111 trolleybuses which will provide full service of passengers along 42 routes on all capital of Armenia. The main feature of the project is introduction of one ticket to a final point of a route that isn't dependent on change of transports.

New plant of the Dutch firm "AkzoNobel" in Changzhou

The large Dutch company on production of paints and coverings "AkzoNobel" owning many known brands: Dulux, Sikkens, International, Interpon and Eka, opens a new plant on production of powder coverings in Changzhou. The company is presented in nearly 80 countries of the world and plans to continue active investments into economy of China.


Sport achievements of the city of Pazardzhik

The National judo championship was held on January 27, 2018 in Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria). Representatives of Kodokan sports club of the sister city of Pazardzhik successfully acted in competitions and won four gold and one bronze medal. The European cup on judo in which participation of athletes is also planned will take place on February 03-04 of this year in the city of Sofia.

Participation of the women's national team on volleyball of the city of Bezier in the France championship

The women's national team on volleyball of the city of Bezier is in the lead in the championship of France. After the convincing victory in Cannes the Beziers Angels team holds the top place with fine results: 18 victories and one defeat. On February 16, 2018 another game of the National championship on volleyball will take place at a stadium of the city of Bezier in which the team of the sister city of Bezier meets volleyball players of Camper.

Winter games in Des Moines

Citizens and visitors of Des Moines are able to participate in Winter games which will take place on February 9-10 in honor of opening of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Within a holiday participants can take part in various competitions, visit the special children's town equipped for doing winter sports, look at a fascinating show of fireworks, presentations of professional carvers of ice and also the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on the big screen.

New demonstration pavilion in Zhenjiang

In the sister city of Zhenjiang the ceremonial opening of the new demonstration pavilion "Smart City Experience Pavilion" with the total area of more than 2400 sq.m. was held on January 31 of this year. The best achievements in the sphere of "smart city" development will be shown in the Pavilion. The space is divided into three halls uniting an exhibition, a data center and also a virtual show.   

Exhibition of the school works devoted to Ayvazovsky's 200th  anniversary

At the initiative of the mayor's office of Yerevan, within the anniversary actions devoted to Ivan Ayvazovsky's 200th anniversary in the national gallery of Armenia the exhibition of school drawings was organized. By results of the competition prize-winners were awarded with certificates of honor of the mayor of Yerevan and the illustrated book "Ayvazovsky". Within the action school students got acquainted with the exhibition devoted to I. Ayvazovsky.

Visit of delegation of the Chinese-African Fund of development to Changzhou

At the end of January a delegation of experts of the Chinese-African Fund of development visited the city of Changzhou. During a meeting in the city administration issues of development of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed. The Chinese-African Fund of development, most often known as CAD Fund, is the Chinese fund of private investments. The purpose of fund is to stimulate investments of Chinese companies into electricity production, development of natural resources, transport infrastructure and industry of Africa.


International musical festival in  Pazardzhik

On January 25 in the city of Pazardzhik the 43rd traditional festival "Winter Musicales of the Prof. Ivan Spasov" was opened. Organizers of the event are the mayor's office of Pazardzhik and representatives of business community of the  sister city. Within the festival the famous band directors and performers of classical music of the Republic of Bulgaria and foreign countries will perform concert programs; a thematic exhibition will take place.

Festival of truffle in Bezier

On January 27 in the city of Bezier Festival of truffle takes place for the second time.  Within the holiday the fair of truffles and local gastronomic goods, scientific and practical conferences devoted to cultural development of truffle cultivation in Spain and Italy and also show "hunting" for truffles by means of specially trained animals are planned. The mayor of Bezier, the president of Agricultural chamber of the region Erau and also the president of the Spanish national federation of producers of truffles will participate in festive events.

Seminars on small business development in Des Moines

For assistance to development of small business and support of the beginning businessmen seminars concerning attraction of investments will take place in Des Moines. Within the Capital For Your Business Seminar information on opportunities of bank credits and grants will be provided. Target audience is the companies which are engaged in trade and medical services, restaurants, private production.
The Raising Capital seminar will allow the beginning businessmen to get acquainted with opportunities of involvement of investors for participation in "start-up" projects in the sphere of the software, new technologies, artificial intelligence, etc.

Minimally invasive hip replacement operation in Zhenjiang

The minimally invasive hip replacement operation was successfully made in the First People’s Hospital of Zhenjiang. The feature of this operation is the age of the patient. He is 103 years old. In the present it is an age record in this type of surgery about the country.

Construction of the rehabilitation center for the military personnel in Yerevan

In Yerevan a new rehabilitation center for the military personnel who has got cerebro-cranial and vertebral injuries on duty has been building. Construction of the center is carried out at the initiative of OO "Assistance to the Wounded Military Personnel and Military Personnel with Disability" with assistance of the leaders of the Republic of Armenia and also the mayor's office of Yerevan and numerous patrons. The rehabilitation center will be equipped with the latest specialized equipment.

Chinese Forum on the mobile Internet in Changzhou

In January the Chinese forum on the development of mobile Internet was organized within which the prospects of development of technologies for "the clever city", intellectual production, the mobile Internet, the international electronic trading were discussed. Such large Internet companies as Tencent, Baidu, Jingdong, eBay, Qunar and CAXA participated in the forum. In end a rewarding of winners of the Changzhou Award on information technologies-2017 took place.


Celebration of the 140 anniversary of liberation of the city of Pazardzhik

On January 14, 2018 citizens and guests of Pazardzhik celebrated the 140th anniversary of liberation of the sister-city from an Ottoman yoke. Within the framework of the celebration flowers were laid at monument of the general N. P. Brock, commander of the avant-garde of the Russian troops, who took part in the liberation of the city of Pazardzhik. Creative teams of the sister-city presented a bright concert program.

The international contest of bandleaders in the city of Pazardzhik

Recently an international contest of bandleaders was held in the city of Pazardzhik. The organizers of the event are the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in the city of Milan (Italy) as well as the management of the Symphony Orchestra of the sister-city. More than 250 representatives of seventy countries took part in the contest. 70 best bandleaders from Europe, Japan, Korea, China, Canada, USA, Australia, etc. were selected during the qualifying stage. The winner will perform concert programs in the cities of Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland with Pazardzhik Symphony Orchestra.

Construction of student campus in the city of Beziers

It is planned to build a new student campus with a total area of 3000 square meters on the bank of the South Canal of Beziers. The educational buildings and dormitories for students will be located there. It is assumed that three new schools will be opened on the basis of the campus. Students will chose among the following modern specialties: space design, graphic design, web design, video games, medicine, and tax optimization. It is planned that student campus will be opened in September 2018.

The innovative projects in the city of Des Moines

A monthly meeting of representatives of the business community of Des Moines "Startup Stories", during which entrepreneurs and potential investors had the opportunity to get acquainted with new projects, discuss issues of interest was held on January 10, 2018. Meetings are held in the "presentation – answers to questions" format. The participants of this meeting considered an innovative approach that allows to increase the yield of corn by more than 20%.

The preparation for the celebration of the Chinese New Year

An active organizational work on preparing for the celebration of the Chinese New Year is caring out in the city of Zhenjiang. In the beginning of January foreign students, studying in the sister city, organized in educational organizations the creative workshops on making paper decorations, reflecting the national characteristics of various countries around the world. The traditional national dishes are being prepared in China on the first day of the lunar twelfth month.

The International chess tournament in Yerevan

The VIII International chess tournament, dedicated to the memory of the Prime Minister of Armenia Andranik Margaryan, was held in Yerevan in the period from 09 to 17 January. 2018. About 750 chess players from Armenia, Russia and Turkmenia took part in the competition. The event was attended by the mayor of Yerevan, the chairman of the Chess Federation of the sister-city Taron Margaryan.

The awarding of the city of Changzhou

Recently the Ceremony for the WIPO-SIPO Award for Chinese Outstanding Patented Invention & Industrial Design was held in Beijing. Five patents from Changzhou city, playing a leading role in the following spheres: photovoltaic, new materials, new medicine, smart technologies and new energy vehicles, were awarded during the event. It should be also noted that in 2017 year the number of invention patents filed per 10,000 people reached 28 in the sister-city.


Arena football tournament in Pazardzhik

The XVIII Christmas arena football tournament, organized by the City Hall of Pazardzhik, was finished on December 25, 2017. More than 30 teams of the Republic of Bulgaria of various age categories participated in the event. More than 50 games were played within the tournament. The winner of the tournament is the team of Patalenica of the Pazardzhik Community. All winners of the competition were awarded with cups and valuable prizes.

The gastronomic evenings in Beziers

Since the beginning of December 2017, the gastronomic evenings «Nocturne des Halles», devoted to tasting local wines and food products, have been weekly organized in the restored old building of the trade and market complex of Beziers. Residents and guests of the sister-city have an opportunity to taste the products from smoked meat, traditional Spanish snacks, cheeses, wines of the Beziers region. The program of events includes also performances of local music groups.

The meetings with business women of the city of Des Moines

The meetings with women living in the region and working in various business areas have been organized in the city of Des Moines within the Iowa Business Women's Program. These meetings allow participants to get acquainted with the intricacies of entrepreneurship "at first hand", the basics of conducting a successful business and get efficient advice from specialists of the sphere.

The charity action in Zhenjiang

A charity program is implementing in Zhenjiang currently. The government organizations and volunteers of the sister-city take part in it. So, for example, last week clothes and other necessary manufactured goods were donated to the families in need.

The New Year marathon in Yerevan

A charitable marathon "New Year good marathon" was held in Yerevan within the preparations to the New Year and Christmas. The organizers of the event are the City Hall in cooperation with public organizations. The participants in Santa Claus costumes overcame 5 kilometers on the central streets of Yerevan. Representatives of the municipality also took an active part in the marathon. Contributions of the participants of the marathon were aimed at financing the program of assistance to the Armenians of Syria.

The industrial achievements of Changzhou

The results of the national rating of the best industrial districts and areas of China, initiated by the China Academy of Information and Communications, were summed up on December 14, 2017. According to the results 2017 year, the Wujin district of the sister-city of Changzhou took the IV place in the list «Top 100 districts in industrial development». There are 134,000 companies registered in the district, including nearly 1,600 industrial enterprises above designated scale. From January to November of this year, the industrial output of enterprises reached 434.5 billion yuan, up 14% over the same period of last year.

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