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Municipal cooperation with cities of regions of Russia, near and far abroad

One of the main directions of international and interregional relations department work is to organize municipal cooperation with cities of regions of Russia, the near and far abroad

Stavropol develops partnership with the following cities:

The Agreement between Stavropol city administration and Makhachkala city administration on commercial-economic and socio-cultural cooperation  https://www.mkala.ru

The Agreement between the cities of Stavropol and Omsk on trade-economic, scientific-technical, humanitarian and cultural cooperation 

The Agreement between Stavropol city of Stavropol Territory and Elista city of the Republic of Kalmykia on trade-economic cooperation 

The Agreement between Stavropol city administration and Vladikavkaz city administration of local government on trade-economic and socio-cultural cooperation http://vladikavkaz-osetia.ru/

The Agreement between Stavropol city Duma and Simferopol city Council of the Republic of Crimea  http://simadm.ru/

The Agreement between Stavropol city administration and Feodosia city administration 

Intermunicipal ties with cities in the regions of Russia were developed.
The exchange of official delegations with the partner city of Omsk was carried out several times.
In 2013 the Agreement between the cities of Stavropol and Omsk on trade-economic, scientific-technical, humanitarian and cultural cooperation was signed. 
Within the framework of mutual inter-municipal visits in 2014-2019 an exchange of experience was organized in the field of cities improvement and sustainable development, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, tourism was organized. The official delegations were received by the head of Stavropol city and the mayor of the city of Omsk. Industrial and social facilities of partner cities were visited. The prospects for the development of inter-municipal cooperation in the economic, social and humanitarian spheres were discussed.
In the city of Omsk, members of Stavropol delegation got acquainted with the work of the "One Window Service", the Center for the Support of Entrepreneurship, took part in a live broadcast on the channel GTRK "Irtysh".
Significant interest of Omsk representatives was to the landscaping design and gardening of Stavropol city. During a visit to Stavropol, representatives of the partner city studied the experience of planting and decorating flower beds, creating topiary figures and vertical gardening.
Cooperation with the partner city in the economic field was developed. Representatives of Omsk business community visited Stavropol as part of the trade and economic mission. The delegation consisted of entrepreneurs implementing projects in the production of building materials as well as regional retail. The meetings with representatives of Stavropol business community were organized for the delegation of entrepreneurs. The prospects of cooperation were discussed. A “round table” was organized in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Stavropol Territory.  Annually, delegations of Stavropol and Omsk municipalities take part in festive events dedicated to memorable dates and events of the partner cities. In accordance with the Agreement between the cities of Stavropol and Omsk on trade-economic, scientific-technical, humanitarian and cultural cooperation as well as the invitation of the mayor of Omsk the Chairman of Stavropol city Duma and a deputy of Stavropol city Duma visited the partner city in August, 2019. During the stay Stavropol representatives took part in a reception of the mayor of Omsk. The Chairman of Stavropol city Duma presented the welcome address of the head of Stavropol city. They also took part in the festive events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Omsk city. The issues of further expansion of friendly ties between partner cities were discussed during the visit.

In 2023, as part of the further development of inter-municipal cooperation with the partner city of Omsk, soloists and amateur groups of Stavropol traditionally took part in the open city festival-competition of the patriotic song "My Russia". In total, more than 30 applications were submitted from Stavropol, 4 of them became  the I Prize winners, 3 -  the II Prize winners, 4 - the III Prize winners. The VIVA Song Theater was awarded the Grand Prix of the XV Open City festival-competition of patriotic song "My Russia".

Work on development inter-municipal relations with the partner city of Feodosia was carried out. Visits of official delegations of the partner city to Stavropol were organized. The issues of further strengthening cooperation in the field of socio-economic, humanitarian and cultural development were discussed during the visits, the experience of work of local government was studied.
In accordance with the invitation of the head of Feodosia a visit was organized to the partner city in July, 2019. Participation in the celebrations dedicated to the Day of the city of Feodosia took place. The greeting address of the head of Stavropol city was presented. The meetings of Stavropol representative with the leadership of Feodosia were organized during the visit. The issues of further development of partnerships were discussed, an exchange of experience in the field of social and economic development took place.
In the period from July 30 to July 31, 2022, the official delegation of the city of Stavropol, consisting of the Deputy head of Stavropol city administration Zritnev V.V. and the Deputy chairman of Stavropol city Duma Tishchenko G.I., took part in solemn events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Feodosia. During the visit, the experience of local self-government bodies was exchanged, issues in the field of socio-economic development were discussed. Special attention was paid to further inter-municipal cooperation, prospects for comprehensive cooperation between the cities of Stavropol and Feodosia

The international and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration pays a special attention to the development of partnerships with the capitals of the Russian Federation entities of the North Caucasus Federal District.
An Agreement between the Stavropol city administration and Makhachkala city administration on commercial-economic and socio-cultural cooperation was signed during the visit of Stavropol official delegation to the city of Makhachkala in 2011. It is aimed at implementation of joint scientific and technical programs, sharing experience in designing and adoption of innovative technologies, arrangement of youth forums dedicated to interethnic relations harmonization.
Cooperation with the partner city of Makhachkala was carried out in accordance with the Action Plan for the implementation of the Agreement between the Stavropol city administration and Makhachkala city administration on commercial-economic and socio-cultural cooperation, managed by international and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration.
Within the framework of visits to the partner city representatives of Stavropol city
administration got acquainted with the work of Makhachkala medical institutions, discussed the implementation of youth policy.
During the visits to Stavropol, representatives of Makhachkala city administration studied the experience in the promotion of municipal services to the population in electronic form, the main directions of the implementation of the municipal program “Safe Stavropol”. During the meetings a special attention was paid to the issues of strengthening cultural ties, maintaining peace and interethnic harmony in the North Caucasus. Stavropol city administration in cooperation with the North Caucasian Federal University annually organizes the city scientific and practical conference "Stavropol - the city of interethnic harmony and interfaith dialogue", which is attended by representatives of Diaspora of the Republic of Dagestan in the city of Stavropol. Days of historical and cultural heritage of Dagestan were held in the city of Stavropol. The participation of Makhachkala athletes in the championship of the North Caucasian Federal District and the regional hand-to-hand fighting tournament was organized. Sports teams from the city of Makhachkala also took part in a number of all-Russian and city football competitions held in the city of Stavropol.
As part of the implementation of the Agreement between the Stavropol city administration and Makhachkala city administration on commercial-economic and socio-cultural cooperation a delegation of the Department of architecture and urban planning of Makhachkala city administration visited Stavropol in March, 2018 in order to study the experience of work in the field of urban planning policy.
In accordance with the prepared business program of the visit the members of the partner city delegation got acquainted with the information systems for ensuring urban planning activities, the rules of land using and development of Stavropol city. Particular attention was paid to the development of a general plan and coordination of the architectural appearance of construction projects. The regulatory legal acts of Stavropol city in the field of urban planning were studied.
During the visit the members of the delegation also visited facilities under construction in the city of Stavropol.
As a result of the meetings interest in further exchange of experience in the field of sustainable urban development was expressed.

Cooperation with the partner city of Vladikavkaz was carried out.
The reception of Vladikavkaz official delegation was organized in Stavropol in April, 2015.
The head of Stavropol city administration received the delegation led by the head of Vladikavkaz administration. The signing of the Agreement between the Stavropol city administration and Vladikavkaz city administration on trade, economic and socio-cultural cooperation involving an exchange of municipalities delegations, establishment of business partnership of business community representatives, experience exchange of work in education, cultures, sport and youth policy took place. The sides discussed priority directions of cooperation between cities, expressed willingness to contribute to the development and strengthening of cooperation. In the framework of the business program, the guests got acquainted with the work of the Situation centre, Public Safety Answering Point and Central Dispatch Service of passenger transport of the city of Stavropol. The main directions of work to maintain security in the city, the activities of " Rescue service", the use of navigation equipment Global Navigation Satellite System/GPS for satellite monitoring of public transport were presented for delegation members.

A visit to social facilities of Stavropol city was organized. The guests took part in a meeting on attracting investments in municipal infrastructure using public-private partnership mechanisms, as well as in a round table meeting on the improvement and greening of the city. In the framework of the visit an inspection of road construction objects in the city of Stavropol took place, in the course of which the new technologies in this industry were presented.
Participation of the head of Stavropol city in meeting of mayors and heads of administrations of the North Caucasus federal district cities was organized, which took place in Vladikavkaz. Within the meeting "the round table" on the theme "A role of social actions in development of the cities" was organized. Experience exchange of the best municipal practices that designed to familiarize the advanced technology on the development of urban economy and social sphere took place. The participants visited the facilities of the urban economy and social sphere of Vladikavkaz.

In accordance with the invitation of the head of Vladikavkaz local government administration the Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol сity Duma visited the partner city on September 24, 2022. During the visit he participated in the celebrations dedicated to the 1100th anniversary of the Christianization of Alanya and the 238th anniversary of the city of Vladikavkaz. Meetings were held with the city's leadership, issues of further development of inter-municipal cooperation were discussed.

Intermunicipal ties with the city of Grozny was developed. During the mutual visits of the delegations of municipalities an exchange of experience took place in the field of improvement of urban areas and applying the latest technologies in the life support of the city. Members of the delegations of Stavropol and Grozny several times took part in significant events for both cities: the grand opening of new construction projects, citywide events dedicated to memorable dates, the celebration of the Days of the cities.

From 04th to 05th October 2021 delegation of the city of Stavropol participated in the activities, dedicated to the celebration of the 203rd anniversary of the capital founding of the Chechen Republic. It was attended in the solemn session of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic dedicated to the inauguration of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, the official reception of the Mayor of Grozny and the main events of the city Day of Grozny. Within the framework of meetings with the leadership of the Grozny city, issues of further development of inter-municipal cooperation were discussed, experience was shared in the field of local self-government, as well as solutions to citywide problems.

On October 04-05, 2022, an official delegation of the Stavropol city administration, including the Deputy Head of Stavropol city administration V.V. Zritnev, and the Head of the Oktyabrsky district administration of Stavropol city A.A. Lomanov, visited the city of Grozny to participate in festive events dedicated to the 204th anniversary of the founding of the capital of the Chechen Republic. During the meeting with the city administration, issues of further development of intermunicipal cooperation were discussed. The special significance of the exchange of experience in citywide issues solving was noted. Representatives of local authorities, heads of international and all-Russian organizations, invited guests also took part in the solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the Memorial Complex of Glory named after A.H.Kadyrov, got acquainted with the main achievements, historical and cultural heritage of the city of Grozny.

Intermunicipal cooperation with the city of Magas is developed. An exchange of official delegations was organized. In the course of mutual visits, meetings between the heads of local self-government bodies of the cities of Stavropol and Magas were organized, an exchange of experience in the field of urban management, urban planning, and further development of humanitarian and cultural ties took place. The participation in the celebrations of the city of Magas, devoted to the 246 anniversary of unification of Ingushetia with Russia was organized. During the official meeting the issues of city management were discussed, as well as information on realized investment projects was presented. The welcome address of head of Stavropol city administration was presented to the mayor of Magas during a solemn ceremony. During stay of the guests the opening ceremony of the modern and comfortable passenger shelters unique by unusual design and designed according to the latest standards took place. Stavropol representatives studied an experience of high technologies application, solutions of improvement objects problems of urban environment. The representative of Stavropol took part in a festive event "Ingushetia and Russia are uniform". During the visit issues of further development of inter-municipal cooperation between Stavropol and Magas were discussed.

According to invitations of the heads of capital cities of the Russian Federation of the Southern Federal District participation of Stavropol representatives in the celebrations dedicated to Days of the cities of Elista, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar was organized.
Cooperation with cities of the near abroad was carried out.

On April 06, 2022, the head of  Stavropol met with a representative of the administration of the partner city of Simferopol. During the meeting, prospects for further development of inter-municipal cooperation within the framework of the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Stavropol City Duma and the Simferopol City Council of the Republic of Crimea were discussed.

Work on development the international inter-municipal relations with the city of Sukhum (Republic of Abkhazia) was carried out.
The reception of Sukhum (Republic of Abkhazia) official delegations in the city of Stavropol was organized several times. The issues of developing international cooperation, inter-municipal interaction were discussed during the visit of the delegations. The members of Sukhum delegations got acquainted with the work of educational organizations of the city of Stavropol. 

The multifaceted work to organize the participation of delegations of the sister cities, partner cities of the far and near abroad countries and regions of Russia, international and all-Russian associations of municipalities, capital cities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the North Caucasus Federal District in solemn events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Stavropol and the Day of Stavropol Territory was carried out annually. The celebration was several times attended by the leaders of the Eurasian regional office of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments”, International Assembly of Capitals and Cities, Twin Cities International Association, Russian Cities Union, representatives of Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Tula, delegations of partner-cities of Omsk, Feodosia, Elista, Simferopol, Makhachkala, Vladikavkaz, as well as Nalchik, Cherkessk, Grozny and Magas, Sukhum.

As part of preparation for the celebration of the 240th anniversary of Stavropol, work on the organization of the exhibition "Development of sister-cities relations in Stavropol", which took place in G.N. Prozritelev and G.K. Prave Stavropol state historical-culture and natural-landscape museum-reserve was carried out. The exhibition included exhibits and documents illustrating the long-term sister-cities relations of Stavropol with the cities of foreign countries: Pazardzhik (Republic of Bulgaria), Bezier (French Republic), Des Moines (USA), Zhenjiang and Changzhou (China), Yerevan (Republic of Armenia), Temuco (Republic of Chile). The exhibition "Development of sister-cities relations in Stavropol" was visited by more than 2500 people, among them over 1000 people are students. 12 excursions were organized for citizens and visitors of the city of Stavropol.

Stavropol city administration organized an International exhibition of children's drawings "We are children of one planet", dedicated to the 240th anniversary of the city of Stavropol. Creative works of students, performed in various techniques, aroused great interest among the visitors of the exhibition. The works of Chinese participants, in which not only the trends of modern art can be traced, but also the fidelity to the traditions of the national art school were particularly noted. The winners were awarded diplomas and thanks letters.
The exhibition promoted to the development and popularization of children's art, the formation of interest in the culture and traditions of the sister cities of foreign countries, the strengthening of friendly ties among students.

An innovative form of further development of international cooperation was the organization the sister cities festival "Our friendship is unlimited" in 2018 in Stavropol city. There was the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of different peoples of the world, creative performances of sister cities students at six thematic venues.

An international creative contest "For Peace on the Planet" among student youth of the city of Stavropol and cities of foreign countries was organized by the Stavropol city administration together with the North Caucasus Federal University as part of the events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Representatives of student youth from the city of Stavropol, sister cities of foreign countries, as well as foreign students took part in the contest. A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and laureates of the international contest was held at the North Caucasus Federal University on October 28, 2020. The event was attended by the leadership of the NCFU, members of the organizing committee and the jury of the international contest, students and representatives of the Union of Foreign Students of the NCFU. Vice-rector for strategic development of the NCFU , vice-rector for educational work of the NCFU, head of the NCFU Humanitarian Institute addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, emphasized the importance of international humanitarian cooperation among young people, the need to preserve the historical heritage, as well as the responsible role of the younger generation in strengthening peace and interethnic harmony. The long-term fruitful cooperation between Stavropol city administration and the NCFU in the development of public diplomacy among the youth was noted. The most interesting fragments of the creative video works of the contest laureates were demonstrated during the event, the famous songs of the Great Patriotic War were performed by the students of the NCFU. The winners and participants of the contest were awarded with diplomas and certificates, as well as memorable prizes from Stavropol city administration. Representatives of the jury and the organizing committee were awarded with letters of thanks from the head of Stavropol city. The diplomas of the international contest were also sent to the sister cities of foreign countries.

An online meeting with the participation of the head of Stavropol city Ivan Ulyanchenko and mayor of the city of Giugliano in Campagna (Italian Republic) was held in July, 2020. The meeting was attended by the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo office in Rome, head of international and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration, the secretary of the national association “Italy-Russia”, the representative of the Friendship association “Italy-Russia” in Campania region.
During the meeting the head of Stavropol city informed the participants on the city development in the field of economics, urban planning, culture, education, physical culture and sports. Ivan Ulyanchenko thanked the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo office in the city of Rome for the assistance in the development of sister city relations of Stavropol, and the participants of the meeting for their initiative to organize it.
Mayor of the city of Giugliano in Campagna presented information about his city. The city of Giugliano in Campagna is the largest in terms of population among the cities that are not the capitals of the Italian regions. The main industries in the Campania region are tourism and agriculture. There are numerous historical and cultural heritage sites in the region.
The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo office in Rome presented brief information on the work of the Russian Center for Science and Culture and expressed the readiness to support the further development of twinning relations between cities of Russia and Italy.
The Italian side expressed interest in establishing cooperation between the cities of Stavropol and Giuliano in Campania in the humanitarian and cultural field, tourism, as well as the development of business contacts between entrepreneurs. The mayor of the city of Giugliano in Campagna invited Stavropol official delegation to visit Italy. Summing up the results, the participants of the meeting expressed their desire to develop mutually beneficial cooperation between the cities of Stavropol and Giuliano in Campania.