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Cooperation with international municipal units associations

One of the key priorities of the International and Interregional Relations Department is participation in the activity of international municipal units associations and international projects implementation. Stavropol city municipality carries out cooperation with the following international municipal units associations

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)


Euro-Asian Regional Section of United Cities and Local Governments


International Assembly of Capitals and Cities (IAС)


Twin Cities International Association


Stavropol is a member of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” (UCLG) and the International Association “Eurasian Regional Office of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” (ERO UCLG) since 2004.
The Eurasian Regional Office of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” unites more than 100 cities and associations of local authorities of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Mongolia. The main ERO UCLG objectives are assistance in the effective development of member cities local self-government, representation the interests of local self-government at the international level, providing a cooperation between the members of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments”, development partnership and sister city relations.
In order to create a positive image of the city of Stavropol participation in international contests, ratings, projects of the ERO WO UCLG is systematically organized. In 2014, 2016, 2018 Stavropol won prizes according to the results of international activity rating of Eurasia cities. The city of Stavropol won the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award “For outstanding achievements in creation of the harmonious city: reduction of intensity on the national soil along with improvement of indicators of employment of the population, development of health care and economy”.
In December, 2017 participation in the meeting of the World Council of United Cities and Local Governments in the city of Hangzhou (People's Republic of China) was organized. The meeting of the Executive Office of UCLG was held within the World Council. Winners of Rating of international activity of cities were awarded. Stavropol was awarded the diploma of the winner of the international activity rating for the first place among the large cities of Eurasia following the results of 2016. The best practice of Stavropol on development of public diplomacy among young people was recommended for other cities. The issues of the international intermunicipal cooperation, sustainable development of the cities and role of municipalities in improvement of life quality of citizens were discussed during the meeting of the World Council.
As part of the cooperation information on ensuring an integrated approach to creating a safe environment in the city of Stavropol was compiled and sent to the ERO UCLG for inclusion to the report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the General Assembly of United Nations Organizations.
In October, 2018 the Chairman of Stavropol city Duma G. Kolyagin took part in the Congress of Eurasia Local Governments “Towards the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals” in Cheboksary. The General Assembly of the Eurasian Regional Office of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” was held within the framework of the Congress.
Elections of the leadership of the Eurasian Regional Office of the World Organization " United Cities and Local Governments" took place. The head of the city of Stavropol was elected to the Council of the Eurasian Regional Office of the World Organization " United Cities and Local Governments".
The implementation and localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN Agenda, as well as and the role of local governments in achieving these Goals were reviewed within the Plenary Session. Training workshops on the mechanisms for implementing the SDGs and exchange experience in achieving the expected results were organized for the participants of the Congress.
In the framework of cooperation with international associations of municipalities, the chairman of Stavropol City Duma took part in the VI World Congress of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments”, which was held in November 2019 in the city of Durban (South Africa).
The international forum was attended by over 3,000 representatives of small and large cities of the world. In accordance with the program of the Congress the chairman of Stavropol City Duma took part in the meetings of the UCLG World Council, the UCLG General Assembly, Council of UCLG Eurasian Regional Division, the World Assembly of Local and Regional Authorities, as well as thematic sessions on further sustainable urban development.
The prospects of the development of cooperation between local authorities, strengthening the role of local authorities in solving global problems were discussed during the Congress, the experience of municipalities in improving the quality of life of citizens, addressing issues of urbanization, climate change and preserving heritage was examined.
Reports on the results of the activities of UCLG, the Eurasian Regional Division of the organization for 2018-2019 were presented. The UCLG strategic priorities for 2019-2022 were approved. The plan of statutory and working events of the UCLG Eurasian Regional Division for 2020 was discussed. The re-election of the UCLG governing bodies took place.
The leadership of local governments of the city of Stavropol was elected to the World Council and the Executive Bureau of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments”
Following the results of the Congress in Durban, a Political Declaration was adopted.
The participation of the deputy head of the culture and youth policy committee of Stavropol city administration in the online conference of the Committee on Culture of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” The cultural mobilization in the COVID-19 pandemic” was organized on April 22, 2020. The event was attended by more than 180 representatives of local authorities of cities in the countries of North and South America, Europe, Africa, Russia, the leadership and experts of the United Nations, the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments”. The need to rethink sustainable urban development in the future through the prism of culture using an intersectoral approach was emphasized within the conference. Two “round tables” on the impact of the pandemic on various aspects of the cultural life of society, the new challenges of our time in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection were organized as part of the online session. The experience of work of local governments of cities around the world in the implementation of virtual projects, Internet initiatives and actions, as well as providing support to cultural figures and cultural institutions was presented.
In summing up the results of the international conference, an interactive dialogue on discussion the key consequences for the future after the pandemic was organized, the need to consolidate the culture on the principles of cooperation and solidarity in accordance with the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals was emphasized.
“Future we want in 2045” online meeting of the ERO UCLG was held on April 28, 2020, which was attended by the leaders of local and regional authorities of Russia, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Moldova. The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of the Stavropol city Duma.
The Secretary General of the ERO UCLG greeted the audience on behalf of the President of the Eurasian regional office of United Cities and Local Governments, noting that efficiency of local authorities is the key to sustainable development in the future.
During the online meeting challenges to the work of local authorities in the context of the pandemic were discussed: reduced tax revenues to municipal budgets, increased unemployment, changes in the labor market, reduced number of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the importance of exchanging best international practices at the intercity level.
The issues that will become more relevant in the future are identified: the role of local self-governments strengthening for decentralization, mechanisms developing for expanding the powers of municipalities to increase financial independence, services digitalizing, the potential of agglomerations developing, as well as responsibility to voters.
Special attention is paid to the need to develop public diplomacy in cities in order to strengthen international unity, peace and civil society. The increasing role of local authorities in addressing issues of globalization is emphasized.
The work on participation in the contest for the International Award "UCLG - Culture - Mexico City - XXI Century" of the World Organization "United Cities and Local Governments" was carried out in February-March 2020. Interaction with representatives of departmental (functional) bodies of Stavropol city administration on the preparation of information for participation in the contest was organized. The information was summarized, documents on the implementation of Stavropol city administration project “Preservation and development of the Cossacks and Cossack culture as a historically developed unifying basis of a multinational urban community” was translated into English and sent to the UCLG.
Preparatory work on participation in the meeting of the Executive Bureau of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” was carried out. Interaction with representatives of EPO WO UCLG took place. Information materials were prepared and translated into Russian and English.
The online meetings of the Executive Bureau of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” were held on May 28-29, 2020. The heads of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the heads of municipal associations and municipalities of cities in Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Africa took part in the work of the UCLG Executive Bureau. Stavropol was represented by the chairman of the Stavropol city Duma.
On the platform “dialogue of ministers and mayors” the issues of climate change prevention were discussed. The participants exchanged views on solving the problem of environmental remediation during the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, discussed mechanisms of coordinating efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the most catastrophic consequences of global warming. The importance and necessity of interaction between central authorities and local authorities in solving this problem was noted.
During the virtual “round tables” the main directions of the UCLG strategy development after the COVID-19 pandemic, the constitutional issues were discussed, the results of contests and prizes were summarized. The particular attention was paid to the preparation of the UCLG Report on the vision for the future in 2045, which is planned to be presented during the UN General Assembly in September of this year. The issue of organization an online meeting of the UCLG World Council in October 2020 was considered. 

Organizational work on participation in the online session of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” “Reimagining Public Safety in the face of historical inequalities and emerging crisis in Cities” was carried out. Information materials were prepared for a speech during this event. The information for the online session, provided by the Eurasian regional office of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Government” were translated into Russian.
The online session of the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” “Reimagining Public Safety in the face of historical inequalities and emerging crisis in Cities” took place on June 25, 2020.
The session was attended by the Secretary General of the UCLG, representatives of the UN and UN-Habitat, mayors of cities around the world, experts, about 150 participants in all.
During the online session of the UCLG, the necessity to develop mechanisms for overcoming the crisis associated with the pandemic of the new coronavirus COVID-19 was discussed. The problems of inequality in the family and society that arose as a result of regulation and restriction of mobility, as well as forced measures to influence economic and social life, were discussed. Representatives of cities shared their experience of ensuring public safety in the conditions of overcoming the crisis, noted the need for decisive action using a multi-level approach to security management, as well as the decisive role of local authorities in rethinking, modernizing management systems and preparing for the phase of social recovery of urban life. 

Stavropol pupils participated in the contest of children's drawings "Heritage of Eurasia through the children’s eyes – 2020. National costumes" of the ERO UCLG, which was attended by more than 800 students fr om Russia, cities of far and near abroad. Stavropol presented 19 creative works of students of Children's art school, centers of additional education in the city for the contest. As the result Stavropol students took 5 prizes.

International Assembly of Capitals and Cities (IAС) unites more than 85 cities of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The main IAС objectives are coordination of municipalities activities in city sustainable development, development of comprehensive cooperation between cities in the trade and economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian, cultural and social fields.
Stavropol is a member of the International Assembly of Capitals and Cities since 2003. Representatives of the municipal formation of the city of Stavropol are included in the Board of Directors and the IAС Expert Council. Stavropol city administration takes an active part in projects, implemented by the IAC: “The urban practices electronic library”, the information project “Electronic portal”.
The annual International contest of the practices “City wh ere I want to live” and the International contest “City in the Mirror of the Media” are among the IAC key events. According to the results of the contest in 2013-2018, Stavropol city administration was awarded diplomas in the field of housing and communal services, socio-economic development, as well as in the field of international inter-municipal cooperation, tourism and the formation of a positive image of the city.
Representatives of Stavropol city administration systematically participate in the work of forums, sessions, meetings of the IAC Expert Council, conferences and seminars. A special attention is paid to interaction between government, business and the urban community in solving city-wide problems, issues of public-private partnerships, providing state and government municipal services in electronic form, the prospects for stable digital economy development and “smart cities” construction, study of experience in the field of urban water supply, waste disposal, energy-saving, environmentally friendly technologies used in the urban economy. An innovative approaches in the social sphere is being also reviewed. Stavropol leadership repeatedly presented experience in the field of socio-economic development, gardening and landscaping, building a safe urban environment within the IAC events. Within the scientific-practical conference on environmental issues of Moscow region, organized by the IAС, the strategic directions of large cities development were discussed, the issues of environmental protection and ecological safety improving, using of "green building" technology, the implementation of environmental requirements during the formation of public purchase, innovative environmentally friendly technologies were reviewed.
Participation in the International conference on the interaction between the local governments and the media in the interests of sustainable urban development is being organized annually. The purpose of the conference is to identify mechanisms for the effective management the processes of socio-economic development of cities at the modern stage, in terms of using advanced municipal practices and covering them in the media of cities in Russia and the CIS countries.
The main problems of modern journalism, the principles of interaction with the authorities as well as the formation of an open dialogue with the residents were considered during the International Conference in February 2019, in Moscow. The chief editor of the newspaper "Vecherniy Stavropol" presented a report on a positive experience of cooperation between the city’s newspaper and the local self-government of the regional capital. A decision to establish the Association of Regional and Local Media was made.
The results of the VIII International Contest “City in the Mirror of the Media” were summed up in February 2020. Representatives of Stavropol mass media were awarded diplomas in the following nominations:
- “Hometown - as a national brand of the country” - two first places and two special diplomas;
- “Financial literacy of the population” - a special diploma.
The 27th session of the International Assembly of Capitals and Cities (IAС) “Towards the Anniversary of the Great Victory” was held in Moscow on March 12, 2020. The session was attended by representatives of UN-Habitat, the Executive Committee of the CIS, the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, heads of committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member cities of the IAC, scientific and expert organizations.
An exchange of experience in cities development, the application of best international practices on improving the functioning of infrastructure and the living conditions of citizens took place during the session. A report on the activities of the IAС was heard, the Assembly’s work plan for 2020 was approved and elections for the governing bodies of the IAC were held. Chairman of Stavropol City Duma joined to the IAC Board.
The issues on preparation for the celebration the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of the IAC member cities were discussed during the session.
The results of the XII International contest of urban practices of the CIS and EAEU cities "The city wh ere you want to live" were summed up during the session. According to the results of the contest the city of Stavropol was awarded diplomas in the following nominations:
- for a systematic approach to the formation of interethnic peace and interfaith harmony in the city;
- for the creation of city modern public spaces;
- for the organization of work of the shopping and entertainment center "Megacenter" Cosmos ".

Twin Cities International Association (TCIA) unites more than 100 cities of the Russian Federation and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The main TCIA objectives are coordination the interaction of municipalities, assisting to local governments, representatives of the business community in the establishment and development the international relations with foreign partners, the exchange of experience in the field of socio-economic development, formation the cities positive image.
Stavropol is a member of the Twin Cities International Association since 1996. The city of Stavropol is represented on the Board of the TCIA.
Representatives of the city of Stavropol participate in programs and events, organized by the Twin Cities International Association
TCIA is the initiator of the Meetings of sister cities of Russia and foreign countries, organizes participation in international humanitarian actions. The leadership of the city of Stavropol took part in the I-VII Bulgaria and Russia Twin-cities Meetings which were organized by the Twin Cities International Association and the Bulgarian National Communities Union. During international forums the partnership development issues between local governments of two countries were discussed, the participants shared experience on international cooperation development between Russia and Bulgaria.
Within the framework of the international humanitarian action "Year of Bulgaria in Russia" the International Scientific and Practical Conference was held in the city of Stavropol. Following the conference, а collection of scientific articles “Russian-Bulgarian Friendship and Cooperation: Traditions, Modernity, Perspectives” which highlighted the main aspects of cooperation between sister cities Stavropol and Pazardjik was published. The International and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration also repeatedly provided information on the development of international intermunicipal cooperation with sister cities of foreign countries for publication in the journal "Sister cities".
The TCIA leadership assisted in establishing friendly sister city relations between Stavropol and the cities of the People’s Republic of China. Representatives of the city took part in the International Conference of sister cities of Russia and China in the city of Shanghai. The conference participants discussed local governments’ activities, use of renewable energy sources, problems of public transport organization.
The agreements on establishing friendly sister city relations with the cities of Zhenjiang and Changzhou (PRC) were signed in 2012, 2014 respectively.
Currently, in cooperation with TCIA the preparatory work on establishment twinning relations between the city of Stavropol and the city of Giuliano in Campagna (Italian Republic) is carrying out.
One of the TCIA main activities are consultations on the development of international inter-municipal cooperation with the cities of near and far abroad countries. The seminars on actual issues of international cooperation development are held for the TCIA members annually. The recommendations and experience of municipalities in the development of friendly sister relations are further used in the work.
TCIA staff members provide the systematic support and assistance on registration the entry-exit visas to members of Stavropol official delegations and groups of students and teachers in the Embassies of foreign countries in the Russian Federation is provided.
The Twin Cities International Association pays a particular importance to the distribution of the positive experience of the municipalities in the development of friendly sister city relations. The International and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration sends information on the results of the receptions of foreign delegations in the city of Stavropol, the organized visits as well as the implemented international programs and projects for publication on the TCIA official website
Оn July 28, 2020 a strategic online session "Digitalization of tourism: industrial tourism and digital services as a driver of territorial development” was organized by the Twin Cities International Association in cooperation with the Russian Agency for the Development of the Information Society, the Russian Municipal Academy, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The online session was attended by representatives of the economic development committee of Stavropol city administration.
The issues of application of innovative technological solutions in the tourism industry were discussed during the session, a special attention was paid to the development of a new promising direction - industrial tourism. The experience of the cities of St. Petersburg and Perm in the development of new projects in the tourism business was presented.