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Cooperation with international organizations, participation in international projects

The city of Stavropol has been an active participant in the project of the World Health Organization's "Healthy City" since 1996. The International and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration translated information materials into Russian. The generalized European experience on public health protection and development is presented to the Social policy committee of Stavropol city administration. On the basis of the studied experience, monitoring of the assessment of the city residents' health was conducted, and "City health profile" was issued. Informational materials on the project implementation in Stavropol were translated into English for submission to the WHO European Office. Translations were organized during international scientific and practical conferences held in Stavropol.
In connection with the decision of the Stavropol city Duma, the city of Stavropol was accredited in the V and VI phases of the World Health Organization project "Healthy cities".
As part of the implementation of the V phase of the WHO international project "Healthy cities", preparatory work was carried out to ensure the reception of the official delegation of the Kadikoy district of Istanbul (Turkey) in Stavropol. Invitations to members of the delegation to the Russian Federation were issued, and information materials fr om the meeting were summarized and translated into English.
During the implementation of the VI phase of the WHO international project “Healthy cities” representatives of international, all-Russian and regional associations of municipalities participated in the "StavPri" festival of social advertising in the South of Russia, held in Stavropol in 2014. During the award ceremony, representatives of the International Assembly of capitals and cities, the Union of Russian cities, and the Association "Council of municipalities of Stavropol territory" presented diplomas and valuable gifts to the winners.
The International and interregional relations department of the Stavropol city administration also organized work to ensure the participation of foreign experts of the World Health Organization in the international scientific and practical conference "Healthy cities in crisis: new challenges – new opportunities", which was held in 2015 in Stavropol. The necessary documents were prepared for obtaining visas for foreign experts - citizens of the Great Britain and Greece. Presented multimedia and informational materials were translated into Russian. Translation was provided for foreign participants during the international conference, meetings, program and seeing off. Representatives of the International Assembly of capitals and cities and the Union of Russian cities participated in the conference. During the plenary and breakout sessions, the conference participants discussed the problems of integrating health issues into urban planning, creating a healthy urban environment, and reducing health inequalities. There was an exchange of experience in this area between representatives of cities and regions of Russia. Issues of urban development in the context of the crisis and its impact on health, as well as the development of health care at the local level were discussed.
Every year, there was organized the participation of representatives of the Stavropol city administration in international conferences of the European network of the WHO project "Healthy cities", as well as in meetings of the project's governing bodies.
In accordance with the invitation of the WHO European regional office in June 2017, the Deputy Head of the Stavropol city administration took part in the VIth Ministerial conference on environment and health, which was held in the city of Ostrava (Czech Republic). During the conference there were discussions on the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Participation in plenary sessions was organized, during which participants discussed the state and prospects of environmental and health protection, issues of environmental policy measures as the most effective tool for protecting public health, the impact of the economy on the environment, health and well-being. During the parallel sessions, the issues of scientific innovations for study the impact of ecology on health and health inequality were discussed. Participants shared their experience on maintaining clean air in cities, as well as creating a favorable urban environment. The Deputy Head of the Stavropol city administration presented the socio-cultural potential of the city of Stavropol. At the end of the conference, a Declaration on environment and health was signed.
As part of the program for visiting Russian cities-members of the Association for improving the health and quality of life of the population "Healthy cities, districts and towns", accredited by the WHO European regional office in July 2017, Stavropol hosted a delegation of representatives of the WHO international project "Healthy cities".
In accordance with the program, the reception of members of the delegation was organized by the Head of the city of Stavropol. During the meeting, the issues of implementing the VI phase of the WHO project "Healthy cities" in Stavropol were discussed. They expressed interest in exchanging experience and discussed prospects for further cooperation.
Within the framework of the program in Stavropol, the delegation members visited Stavropol state medical university, met with the leaders of the educational institution. Representatives of the WHO international project "Healthy cities", the Stavropol city administration, and the Stavropol city Duma took part in a meeting of the Public environmental council under the Stavropol city administration, wh ere they discussed prospects for further cooperation with the WHO European regional office "Healthy cities" in order to improve and further develop the urban environment. Also during the visit, the delegation visited the municipal unitary enterprise “Vodokanal” in Stavropol, got acquainted with the system of treatment facilities and the work of testing laboratories for monitoring the quality of drinking water. Representatives of the WHO international project "Healthy cities" presented the view in local media (TV channel" Svoje TV") on the implementation of the project of the WHO European regional office project "Healthy cities".

The delegation of the Turkish economic mission was received by the Head of Stavropol city. The meeting was attended by representatives of the administration of the city of Stavropol, the chamber of Commerce and industry of the Stavropol territory. In the speech, the Head of Stavropol city expressed hope for further development of cooperation in the trade and economic field, noting that the city of Stavropol is interested in expanding business contacts with representatives of the business elite of Turkish cities.

In November 2015, a delegation of the city of Heihe (People's Republic of China), who arrived on a business visit to the Stavropol territory, was received by the First Deputy Head of Stavropol city administration. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Stavropol city administration and the Ministry of economic development of the Stavropol territory. During the meeting, members of the Chinese delegation were informed about the socio-economic development of Stavropol. The successful development of cooperation with the municipalities of the sister cities of China in the humanitarian and cultural sphere, interaction of educational institutions of the sister cities was noted. There was a discussion of the prospects for possible expansion of business contacts. The delegation was familiarized with information about investment projects in Stavropol. The Chinese side noted the good organization of the meeting, and expressed hope for further development of economic and socio-cultural ties. The reception of the Chinese delegation was widely covered by local media.

In 2016 and 2018, the Head of Stavropol city participated in the official delegation of the Stavropol territory to the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). The key topics of discussion at the forum were the new economic reality and the search for new sources of growth. The Head of Stavropol city took part in plenary and panel sessions dedicated to the implementation of the Smart city project, the formation of the city's investment attractiveness, and effective management of municipal assets.

In November 2018, the Stavropol city administration hosted the reception of the Consul General of the Greek Republic in Novorossiysk by the Head of Stavropol city. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Stavropol city Duma, representatives of the Stavropol city administration, Stavropol city Greek national and cultural autonomy. During the meeting with the Consul General of the Greek Republic in Novorossiysk, the Head of Stavropol city presented information about the socio-economic development of Stavropol. International inter-municipal cooperation was discussed. Interest was expressed in establishing friendly relations between Stavropol and cities of Greece, in particular with the city of Patras. A number of proposals were made to expand cultural exchange and develop tourism with Greek cities. The Head of Stavropol expressed a wish to study the possibility of creating a visa center for the Greek Republic in Stavropol. The meeting of the Head of Stavropol city with the Consul General of the Greek Republic in Novorossiysk was covered by local media. 

In the frame of further development of international inter-municipal cooperation, the Stavropol city administration attaches special importance to the formation of people's diplomacy among the youth. Currently, friendly relations between educational organizations of Stavropol and sister cities of foreign countries are developing dynamically. There is a constant work to expand the network of partner schools.
With the assistance of the Stavropol city administration, direct contacts were established between the municipal budget general education institution of the secondary general education school with in-depth English language study No. 1 in Stavropol and one of the leading educational institutions in Slovenia, the Polyane gymnasium, which teaches six foreign languages, including Russian. In 2018, the Agreement to establish cooperation between the secondary school No. 1 in Stavropol and the Polyane gymnasium in Ljubljana was signed.
Each year, mutual educational visits were organized among groups of students and teachers of partner schools. The main goal was to study the system of teaching foreign languages, improve the knowledge of foreign languages by staying in a multilingual environment, and establish friendships among students. During visits, teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest training technologies and exchange experience. Students took part in the educational process, attending integrated lessons of foreign language, Russian and literature, mathematics, history, geography, computer science, and others, as well as lessons-debates based on the method of integrated application of knowledge.
The key event of Slovenian schoolchildren's stay in Stavropol was their participation in the First Russian-Slovenian seminar, which was held at the North Caucasus Federal University. During the seminar, the Head of the International and interregional relations department of the Stavropol city administration informed the participants about the main directions of development of public diplomacy and intercultural dialogue among students of the city of Stavropol and cities of foreign countries. Students of Ljubljana got acquainted with the methodology of teaching Russian, and also took part in the master class "History and culture of the North Caucasus".
The role-playing simulation game "Stavropol international Junior Model of the UN" was traditionally held in Stavropol, during which students of partner schools, acting as official representatives of UN member states, discussed a wide range of issues in Russian and English.
One of the most significant events of the trip of Stavropol schoolchildren to the city of Ljubljana was a meeting with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Slovenia. During the conversation, the interest in further development of public diplomacy as expressed. Stavropol students also visited the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia. Meetings were held at the Russian centre of science and culture in Ljubljana (Representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in Slovenia). Stavropol schoolchildren got acquainted with the center's activities, international projects implemented between Russia and Slovenia in the field of Russian language, culture and education, as well as presented concerts and presentations about Stavropol.
In order to develop friendly relations among students, much attention was paid to familiarizing with the social life and interests of foreign peers. Participation in extracurricular cultural and sports events, master classes in folk and applied art, joint performance of national songs and cooking of Russian cuisine, familiarity with folk traditions helped to establish direct contacts among young people, foster mutual understanding and respect for the culture of both countries.
Great importance was attached to the patriotic education of young people during the mutual visits. Schoolchildren traditionally laid flowers at war memorials dedicated to the feat of Russian soldiers, visited museums and exhibition complexes. Within the framework of extensive excursion programs, students and teachers of partner schools got acquainted with the historical heritage and cultural traditions of Stavropol and Ljubljana.
Participation in international educational visits contributes to the integration of students into the modern multi-ethnic space and to the formation of communication skills among young people.