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Cooperation with all-Russian and regional municipal units associations

Stavropol city municipality is a member of the following all-Russian and regional municipal units associations:


Russian Cities Union


Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities"


Russian Cities Union (RCU) unites more than 80 municipalities of the Russian Federation. Stavropol is a member of the Russian Cities Union since 1991.
The main RCU tasks are organization the interaction between the municipalities on issues affecting the local self-government interests, the exchange of experience and the joint search for solutions to city-wide problems in order to improve the quality of life of citizens.
Within the Board meetings and the General Meetings of the Russian Cities Union the issues of local authorities’ activities optimization, the priority national projects implementation, the problems of urban development, the digital economy and smart sustainable cities are discussed. The experience of Russian municipalities in introducing the best municipal practices in the field of creating comfortable living conditions for citizens, housing, solving urgent problems of the urban economy, creating effective communication resources for interacting with the population is presented.
Participants learn about the experience of Russian municipalities in introducing the best municipal practices in creating comfortable conditions for entrepreneurship, housing construction, solving urgent problems of the housing and utilities sector, creating effective communication resources for interacting with the public. Representatives of Stavropol city administration also take part in forums, conferences and seminars conducted by the Russian Cities Union.
So, the concept of the Federal Law «On amendments being made to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation for the development of inter-municipal cooperation and urban agglomerations", as well as conceptual approaches to preparation of strategic planning documents of urban agglomerations were presented during a conference "Role of inter-municipal cooperation in the development of cities. Experience, Problems and Prospects" in 2015. The organizational and legal schemes of urban districts were also discussed.
Participation in All-Russian Meeting “Housing and public utilities and urban environment – a national priority of development of Russia” was organized. The issues of creation of capital housing repairs system, development of urban environment and modernization of municipal infrastructure were discussed during the meeting. The report on successful practice of the city of Stavropol in this field was presented. Following the results of the All-Russian Meeting work resolutions on the key issues of housing and communal services and city infrastructure development, as well as forming of a regulatory system were adopted.
Participation in the II International forum "City technologies" in the city of Novosibirsk was organized in 2017. The forum participants got acquainted with the experience of implementing innovative technologies in the sphere of housing and communal services, the use of intellectual developments in urban development. The main directions of urban environment development in the field of landscaping and gardening, issues of further improving the process of waste management: the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste, the implementation of new technologies in this area were discussed.
Representatives of Stavropol city administration reached an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the 2GIS Internet program and rendering assistance in the formation of information space in Stavropol’ municipal economy sphere.
Stavropol city administration pays a special attention to the development of international inter-municipal cooperation. A seminar "International cooperation of local authorities: legislative and practical aspects", organized by RCU in the city of Rostov-on-Don, was attended in February, 2018. The main ideas of the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation, the national security strategy of the Russian Federation, the features of cross-border cooperation, as well as issues of using of "soft power" resources in relation to the activities of municipalities to establish sustainable partnerships with foreign cities were discussed within the framework of the seminar. The best municipal practices were reviewed, information on the main areas of work between Stavropol and municipalities of sister-cities and partner-cities of foreign countries was presented. At the end of the seminar proposals for further improvement of activities in the field of organizing international cooperation of municipalities of the Russian Federation were developed.
The participation in the General meeting of the Russian Cities Union was organized in Lipetsk. The issue of realization the program for resettlement of dilapidated and emergency houses was considered during the meeting. Representatives of Lipetsk city administration presented an experience in this area, based on co-financing as well as the practice of attracting building companies-investors. Visits to under construction as well as constructed residential districts of the city of Lipetsk, industrial enterprises were organized. Representatives of municipalities of Russian cities also considered the implementation of the project "Clean sky", aimed at moving air links in Russian cities in special underground collectors.
At the end the winners of the Forum of the best municipal practices in 2018 were awarded. Stavropol city was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Education and youth projects".
The chairman of Stavropol city Duma G.Kolyagin took part in the General Meeting of the Russian Cities Union, which was held in Moscow in 2019.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs, the All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government, the heads of cities of Russian regions.
The issues of organization and implementation of municipal control and the development of legislation in this area were discussed during the meeting. The experts from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation participated in the discussion. A proposal to organize a comprehensive discussion of the concept of internal and external municipal control was made.
The report on the Russian Cities Union activities in 2018 was presented. The election to the governing bodies of the RCU took place. The chairman of Stavropol city Duma was elected to the Board of the Russian Cities Union. The issue of the establishment the National Association for the Development of Local Self-Government was considered during the meeting. The founder of the association will be the Russian Cities Union.
In the framework of cooperation with the Russian Cities Union the participation in the VI International Forum of best municipal practices, which was held in Chelyabinsk in 2019, was organized.
The forum brought together representatives of federal, regional and municipal authorities of Russia and countries of near and far abroad.
The main objective of the forum was to summarize and promote the best management experience of cities in solving problems of local importance. During strategic sessions, interactive training seminars an exchange of positive experience of the municipalities took place, issues of the implementation of national projects approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024” dated from 07.05.2018 were discussed. As a result of the forum, the importance of the best municipal practices advancing among the cities-members of the Russian Cities Union was noted. Representatives of the winning cities were awarded for the best municipal practice, the most effective for use in the activities of municipalities.
A regular meeting of the Board of the Russian Cities Union was also held.
Representatives of the Russian Cities Union annually take part in celebrations, dedicated to the Day of Stavropol Territory and the Day of Stavropol.
One of the most significant events was the preparation of the meeting of the Coordination Council of the Union of representative bodies of municipal units of the Russian Federation, which was held in the city of Stavropol. As part of the Coordination Council Stavropol leadership met with the General Director of the Russian cities Union A.V. Ignatieva. The issues of international cooperation, in particular in the field of further development of friendly relations with the sister cities of foreign countries, the formation of public diplomacy were discussed.

Stavropol is a member of the Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities" (ACSTM) since 2001.
The main objectives of the Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities" are further development of local government in the Stavropol Territory, assistance to local governments of municipalities of the Stavropol Territory in solving social and economic problems, rise in living standards, representation the interests of municipalities in the executive authorities of the Stavropol Territory and Stavropol Territory Duma, organization the interactions between local governments and federal state authorities.
ACSTM unites more than 200 municipalities of the Stavropol Territory. The chairman of Stavropol city Duma is a member of the Board of the Association.
The issues of strategic development and increasing the investment attractiveness of municipalities of the Stavropol Territory, support for small and medium-sized businesses, effective financial management were considered within the Board and General Meetings of ACSTM in 2014-2018. The main directions of the implementation of the state civil service and municipal service development program in the Stavropol Territory, as well as issues of state support for the development of municipalities in the region were discussed.
The “round table” meetings on employment, development of the agro-industrial complex, social sphere, municipal and road infrastructure were organized.
ACSTM members raise a point of interaction with parliamentarians representing the Stavropol Territory in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, proposals on adjustment and development of legislation in the field of local self-government.
The Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities" is an inter-municipal platform for study and expansion the best urban practices. Stavropol city administration presented the experience of organizing work on issues of civil defense and emergency situations, as well as the activities of territorial public self-government bodies.
The meeting of the Board of the Association «Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities» was attended in the city of Georgievsk in March, 2019. The issues of entrepreneurship support and the practice of the work of representative bodies of local self-government on legal and organizational support for rule-making activities were discussed during the meeting. The board members approved the report on the activities of the Association «Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities» executive office in 2018. The heads of municipal districts, urban districts and village councils were awarded with diplomas for achievements in the development of local government in the Stavropol Territory, active interaction and cooperation with the «Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities».
The chairman of Stavropol city Duma took part in the General Meeting of the Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities", which was held on May, 2019.
The information about activities of the Association in 2018 as well as tasks for 2019 were presented. The participants got acquainted with the report on the work of the audit commission and the payment of membership fees, on changes the Board of the Association and the authorized representatives of Stavropol Territory municipalities. It was decided to amend the ACSTM Charter.
The local authorities of the Stavropol Territory are recommended to organize work on the implementation of the goals and objectives established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 07, 2018, No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation until 2024” as well as set in the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly.
On June 23, the Head of the International and interregional relations department of the Stavropol city administration took part in the online conference "Experience of sister cities in preserving the common memory of the Victory over fascism in World War II", dedicated to 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The event was organized by the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation together with the Association "All-Russian Congress of Municipalities".
The conference was attended by representatives of local governments of the Russian Federation, Great Britain, USA, Germany, France, Israel, Slovakia and Belarus, as well as public organizations.
The conference presented the experience of the sister cities of Russia and foreign countries in the field of humanitarian and cultural cooperation. Special attention in speeches was paid to the need to preserve the historical truth, as well as to implement joint projects to perpetuate the memory of the victims of the World War II. The significance of public awareness campaign of the search movement participants' work was noted. Summing up the conference the importance and necessity of moral and patriotic upbringing of the younger generation were stressed in order to preserve human values, peace, harmony and understanding in the modern world.
The meeting of the Board of the Association «Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities» was held on July 15, 2020. At the meeting the city of Stavropol was represented by the chairman of the Stavropol City Duma G.S. Kolyagin. The issues of cadastral registration, as well as registration of property rights to land plots and real estate in the Stavropol Territory were discussed during the meeting.
In accordance with the invitation of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities representatives of the sectoral (functional) bodies of Stavropol city administration took part in the webinars.
During the webinars "Staff members of local government" and "Initiative budgeting and self-taxation", which took place on July 29 and 31, 2020, municipalities of Russian cities presented the best practices on application the modern technologies in staff policy, development of mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of local self-government bodies, as well as got acquainted with the experience of using mechanisms for public participation in initiatives on budget spending by local self-government bodies. On August 4, 2020 within the framework of the online seminar "Budget loans to municipalities", ways of supporting municipalities in financing budget expenditures were discussed.
Head of the international and interregional relations department of Stavropol city administration took part in a meeting of the expert platform "The role of municipal diplomacy for the development of export of goods and services" on 06 August, 2020. The potential of sister cities relations development was considered as a qualitatively new basis for organizing business cooperation of local communities. The possibilities of implementing various international inter-municipal programs and projects in the field of foreign economic activity were discussed, the experience of sister cities in promoting entrepreneurial initiatives was presented. The webinar was attended by the Executive Vice President of the Twin Cities International Association, who emphasized the importance of municipal diplomacy in ensuring cooperation between cities in various areas, as well as defined the tasks and work plans of the association for 2020-2021.
On August 13 representatives of the Economic development committee of Stavropol city administration took part in the expert platform meeting "Role of local government in the system of control and supervisory activities". The development of the system of municipal control, interaction between local authorities and state control and supervisory authorities was discussed during the seminar.
A webinar "Social policy at the municipal level" was held on August 21, 2020 as part of the expert online platform of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities. The webinar was attended by the Deputy Head of the labor and social protection committee of Stavropol city administration. During the webinar, representatives of municipalities of Russian cities exchanged experience in supporting socially vulnerable citizens, developing cooperation with socially oriented non-profit organizations on the implementation of socially significant initiatives. The positive practices of joint work with territorial public self-government in the cities of the Russian Federation were also presented.

Representatives of the economic development committee of Stavropol city administration took part in the webinar "Tourism and Hospitality" on August 18, 2020. The issues of development of ecological, ethnographic and event tourism in cities, cross-border cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the role of museums in the travel industry were discussed.
The General meeting of the Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities" was held online on 07 August, 2020. Head of Stavropol city Ivan Ulyanchenko took part in the meeting.
A report on the activities of the Association in 2019 and tasks for 2020, a report on the work of the audit commission and payment of membership fees, on amendments to the composition of authorized representatives of municipalities were presented during the meeting. The election of the chairman of the Association took place, the new edition of the Association charter was approved.
Within the framework of the meeting, local governments of Stavropol Territory were recommended to organize work to implement the goals and objectives established by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, to take an active part in the implementation of national and regional projects. Particular attention was paid to the development of the system of territorial public self-government. It was decided to create a chamber of the Association "Council of the Stavropol Territory Municipalities" of territorial management bodies of the administrations of urban and municipal districts of Stavropol Territory for work with the population.